THE WEATHER: HAS IT BEEN TOO COLD ? See editorial page Y Sti ujau &)ttI CLUDY Iligh-30 Low--19 20 per cent chance of snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Placement Post Faces Delue of Employer EIGHT PAGES Needs By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA The national shortage in quali- fied, available persons for elemen- tary and secondary teaching posts has led to a flood of requests for University graduates far in ex- cess of persons registered with the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information. Evart W, Ardis, director of the Bureau, described the academic year 1965-66 as "the busiest, most rewarding year the University has experienced in the placement of its graduating seniors and alumni. "Business, industry, government and institutions descended on our campus in unprecedented numbers searching for graduates in all dis- ciplines. Salaries moved upward, MHRI Head To Resign March 15 Miller To Become V-P for Academics At Cleveland State By LUCY KENNEDY Prof. James G. Miller announced yesterday that he w1ll leave his present post March 15 as director of the University's Mental Health Research Institute to become vice- president for academic affairs at Cleveland State University. The executive committee of MHRI will begin immediately to consider a successor to Miller for recommendation to the Board of Regents. Miller said he prefers not to enter the discussion on choice of his successor. Although nationally known as an administrator and scholar, he reflecting the phenomen of the economy." In the Education Divis Bureau there has been,i six years, a definite in requests for placemen areas, the most oustan in secondary school requ grew fourfold over this p For each available car secondary education, t] more than 20 average possible. Candidates in from art through for guages and industrial ar cial education and schoc had above ten requests e In certain circumst many as 50 to 100 req specific areas, such as lib reading, were received. ial growth requests in the secondary educa- tion division were 31 per centj ion of the higher than in 1964-65. n the last The final occuaptional data for acerase of the year ending Aug. 31, 1966, in t in all this area, showed that, of the ding being 1,534 persons registered with the ests which division: 160 continued their for- period. mal study; 41 went into other ndidate in types of employment; nine entered here were the military service; 83 were still requests available for positions; 117 were all areas listed as inactive; no information eign lan- was available on 192 of the regis- ts to spe- trants; and 934 or approximately ol nursing 61 per cent went into teaching. each. For the elementary education ances as level, the increase in requests quests for from 1964-65 to 1965-66 was 27 brarian or per cent, slightly lower than that In total, for the secondary education level. The higher education division range of $5,600 and over. Inex- was directed toward placing can- sales and social work areas. Those the same position; 17 placed ir. also witnessed a significant in- perienced elementary and second- didates in internship projects of in demand had tended to major in teaching positions; three enter the crease iii the percentage of re- ary teachers recorded with the the government. In this respect English, mathematics, the physical military service; 20 recorded as quests made for graduates (20%), Placement Service a median sala- and in many other non-govern- sciences and social sciences. not available for personal reasons; most of such inquiries being for ry range of $5,400 to $5,600. The mental positions, the persons most As of August 1966, the place- 162 provide no information, and persons with Ph.D's. However, salary range of the higher educa- sought tended to be those in busi- ments of the 319 registrants of 441 listed as still available for the various institutions were willing tion personnel increased from $500 ness adminstration, engineering, the General Division for which General Division. to accept registrants who had all to $2,000 over the 1964-65 year and the physical sciences. some form of information was Although not included in the the Ph.D. prerequisites except the with the median being from $8,000 A shortage was still evident in available indicated that 113 were preceding statistical information, dissertation. to $10,000. the following areas: accounting, placed in new positions; 32 re- the other two divisions of the From the request made it is ap- The other major area of the computer programming, data pro- turned to school; two remained in Bureau, which are active in assist- parent that shortages existed yin Bureau which provides significant cessing, insurance, marketing, and the same position; 12 were di- ing with employment problems, are the biological science, business material on where University grad- personnel work. Moreover, busi- rected into teaching positions; the Summer Placement Bureau, subjects, all areas of education, uates are employed is the General ness and industry sought "quali- one entered the military service; which showed an increase in the English, history, mathematics, Division. fied candidates for 'trainee' and 14 were not available for personal opportunities for vacation employ- physics, psychology, sociology, In this division, government, internship programs of- varying reasons; 133 registrants gave no ment at camps9 resorts, govern- speech, and in both administrative business, and industry also sought length., response, and 12 were still cate- mental agencies, business enter- and classroom personnel. registrants for all levels of em- The most significant chances for gorized as available. prises and hospitals; and the Ca- The accepted salary of both ele- ployment in the ratio of about women registered under the Gen- The alumni registrants had 154 reer Counseling Service which aids mentary and secondary teachers twenty requests for each person. A er l Division seemed to be in placed in new positions; 41 re- students and alumni through pro- with experience was at a medium significant amount of attention clerical, health, library, personnel turn to school; three remain in grams in vocation guidance. r NE.. ATiTWU.IirE Late World News By The Associated Press PASADENA, CALIF.-Lunar Orbiter 3 rendezvoused with the moon on schedule yesterday and then settled into an oblong orbit and a sharp look for astronaut landing spots. The 850- pound vehicle was expected to have its first batch of photographs ready for viewing next Wednesday. REP. TOM CURTIS, (R-Mo.) will give a talk on "The Draft" today in the Law Club Lounge at the Law School at 7:00 p.m. Curtis, who referred to the Selective Service System as "out- moded, defective and discriminatory," is the second-ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee and selected by the American Political Science Association in 1962 as the outstanding Republican Congressman. THE UNIVERSITY SESQUICENTENNIAL celebration was formally proclaimed by Gov. George Romney and the Legislature Tuesday, just slightly before the University's 150th birthday. The University's legal predecessor, the Cathelopistemiad of Michigania, was established in Detroit on Aug. 26, 1937. Romney's proclama- tion was presented to University President Harlan Hatcher during ceremonies in the House chambers. THE CLOSED DOOR POLICY of South Quadrangle was re- instated Monday night, according to South Quad director Thomas Fox. The policy which had been suspended for review by the faculty advisory committee of the Board of Governors of Res- idence Halls was passed by them and by John Feldkamp, director of housing. South Quad students will be permitted to entertain visitors of the opposite sex in their rooms at specified times on the weekends. REGENT ALVIN BENTLEY was reported in good condition following surgery at the University Hospital. Doctors said they expect Bentley, whose ailment was not disclosed, to remain in the hospital about two weeks and then convalesce at his home in Owosso, Mich. * * *. * A TRI-UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE for Social Work Schools will be held at the University Feb. 10 and 11. The conference, to be convened by University President Harlan Hatcher, will in- clude delegates from the states three major universities' social work schools as well as delegates from 16 other schools in the mid-west. Keynote speaker for the event will be Alan Haber, Grad, and the program will include Prof. Richard Cloward from Columbia, Roy Lubove from Cornell, and Deans Fedele Fauri of the University and Sidney Dillick of Wayne State. THE CANADIAN STUDENT UNION For Peace Action's spokesman said yesterday that an interview published in The Daily last year has created an inflow of inquiries from over 100 Univer- sity students on the SUPA's role in helping "conscription re- sisters" immigrate to Canada. To date, however, said the spokes- man, "not a single University student has fled to Toronto" and only one Michigan State University student had done so. AN AKRON UNIVERSITY student is suing the school be- cause he was refused a college degree and is in danger of being drafted before he completes his studies. William R. McClenathen II, who still is studying at Akron, says he faces possible induction into the armed forces because he lost his student deferment in January, when he was supposed to graduate. McClenathen was refused a degree because he missed the required "C" average by .0047 of a point. He said he had a "C" average in three of four categories but failed to hold the average in over-all work. Contemplates Student Role In Decisions Hatcher Coninittee Holds Initial Meeting, Elects Chairman By MARK LEVIN The first meeting of the Presi- dential Committee on the Role of the Student in University Decision Making was held yesterday with little remaining of the thunder of last December's student protests. University President Harlan Hatcher, in charging the commit- tee, emphasized that "University life is not a serious of confronta- tions" and urged the committee to "sit down in a relaxed atmos- phere" and closely scrutinize the issues. Hatcher Speech University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday met The idea of the committee was of the Student in University Decision-Making and first outlined bynHatcher in a committee also elected Prof. Inis Claude of the Poli speech before a tense meeting of ---- --- -__ the faculty assembly last DeceA-W ber. The speech was in response to DISSATISFACTION GROWS: a student ultimatum demanding that the University rescind a sit-in { " ban ruling and that it comply !C tese B 11R with the results of a student ref- erendum on ranking for the draft. Hatcher at that time also cre- ated two commissions to study or e roes1 University relations with the Se-o -Daily-Don Horowitz with members of the Committee on the Role charged them with their responsibilities. The itical Science Dept. as chairman. Reservations ilkins Warns I i examine the University decision By LYNNE KILLIN our time, he- said. The Negro is succeeded Leroy Collins as the on sit-ins. being separated from middle class head of CRS in 1965. The commission has been charg- America is in serious trouble white America as whites move in- This agency, established under ed with the following responsi- over its unsolved urban Negro to the suburbs and poor Negroes the Civil Rights Act of 1964, hopes bilities: problem, accordin" to Roger Wilk- move into urban areas. to encourage peaceful compliance -Reviewing the organization ins, director of the community re- As this occurs, the cities are with such measures as the Public and structure of student govern- lations service of the U.S. Depart- becoming less and less able to pro- Accommodation Act. At first it ment: ment of Justice. He spoke last vide essential services while its concentrated on crisis areas in the --Studying the role of student night in the University Activities wealth, talent and facilities are South but now, under Wilkins di- government as an "action body"; Committee's symposium on "The being drained off by the suburbs. rection, it is working on problems and Urban Ghetto." Wilkins, a University graduate, of the large cities. -Determining the "rightful role "Our cities are in danger of of students in University decision becoming Negro reservations whichmilnou-ri e making, on all levels affecting will be more dangerous and diffi- O ~ t W O I e E E them." cult than those of the Indians, S he said. Negroes are more sophisti- Open Meetings cated and believe in the Ameri- R eovrse G a The committee selected Prof. can dream; yet they are being lete Inis Claude of the Political Science down. They are disturbed by the Commission To Suggest Lottery Plan Top Priority Given 181/2, 19-YearOlds In Draft Revisions WASHINGTON R) - The Na- tional Commission on Selective Service will tell President John- son next week the nation's draft laws must be revolutionized to provide for a lottery and the drafting of youngest men first. Sources said commission mem- bers believe these changes, if im- plemented into law by Congress, will go a long way toward ending built-in inequities and unfairness of the present system. Ends Discrimination In particular, insiders said, it is thought the new proposals will help end complaints that the pres- ent system discriminates against the culturally deprived Negro who is not able to get a student defer- ment. "I think the lottery system is going to be protection against any possible racial discrimination," one source said. "As a matter of fact, it should help reduce it." Another source said "there's nothing in the drafting of young- est first that would discriminate against anybody. The issue of dis- crimination does not come in at all." Under the commission's plans, all youth's 181/2 and 19 would have top priority in the draft classifica- tion instead of men 26, 25 and 24, as is the case now. After reg- istration and examination, these youths would enter the 1-A clas- sification pool and be chosen for the draft by lot. Deferments Continue The commission's plans at pres- ent, sources said, call for the con- tinuance of student deferments, but with this significant change: after graduation the student must go back into the lottery pool and th'us face the same exposure to the draft as youths who elected to delay their education. There also are reports that the commission will propose that grad- ual abolition of student defer- ments be given strong consider- ation. But sources said the defer- ment programs would continue- at least for the present-under the commission's recommendations. The commission rejected any al- ternative to the existing system, including the proposed all-volun- teer professional standing Army and the concept of national serv- ice in lieu of armed service which has been advocated by many lead- ing administration officials. Commission members decided to stay with the present Selective Service set-up, the sources said, but agreed it must be drastically revised, National Standards Specifically, the commission will propose that clear, uniform na- tional standards for the classifica- tion of all draft-age men be pro- mulgated and thus eliminate the present reliance on the more than 4,000 local draft boards in the nation. The boards have 'inter- preted Selective Service guidelines in a myriad of conflicting ways. Commission members also are reported to feel at this time that a national draft call should be established in place of the current method of assigning quotas on a local basis. This, the sources said, JAMES G. MILLER is primarily noted for his research in general systems. His studies have centered on living systems with emphasis on behavior theor- ies. Systems theory aids research- ers in creating mathematical and computerized models of living systems and is applicable to such fields as health sciences and edu- cation. Since 1955 Miller has been at the Univer- sity since 1955 and is one of the founding directors of the Mental Health Research Institute. Miller explained that he has had no direct experience in top-level academic administration 'in the past, but came in contact with the field through his work as prin- cipal scientist for the Inter Uni- versity Communications Council (EDUCOM). EDUCOM aims at practical ap- plication of systems theory to higher education. The amount of knowledge being made available daily results in what is known as an "information overload," ac- cording to Miller. The aim of - EDUCOM is to apply new develop- ments in communication science to facilitate the spread and stor- age of this information. Harold L. Enarson, president of: Cleveland State university, re- quested that Cleveland State be made a laboratory school for EDUCOM techniques. He has em- ployed Miller as a special consul- tant since Oct. 17. Cleveland State, created late in 1964, now has about; 3,000 students and expects 20,000 m full-time students by 1980. da Grad School Institutes du One of the innovations being Fr considered is a graduate school stf Dept. as its chairman. The com- mision further decided to keep meetings open to all students and faculty unless the commission by a two-thirds vote, choses to holdt a closed session.- The commission consists of twelve members, four each rep-t resenting the student body, the7 administration and the faculty. s Follows Protests President Hatcher suggested a commisison to investigate the de-1 cision-making apparatus of the University last semester, following a series of student protests. t Student Government Council1 and other campus organizations1 argued that students were not be-E ing consulted on many of the im- portant decisions affecting the en- tire University community.c failure of the American promise and may react violently, as in Watts, he said.! "The quality of life for the mass of American Negroes is stagnant or deteriorating in comparison to that of the whites of this coun- try," said Wilkins. "The Negro realizes this and is becoming angry. "He wants to participate fully in American life yet can't because of prejudice, poverty and isola- tion," according to Wilkins. "Unfortunately white Americans and middle class Negroes errone- ously believe that enormous strides have been, taken in solving our problems and that we are near to eliminating the last vestiges of ra- cial problems." The situation in our cities ac- centuates the racial difficulties of By DAVID KNOKE A mass meeting, called by stu- dents in the School of Social Work yesterday in Trueblood Aud., heard faculty representatives and con- cerned students express views on pending curriculum revisions. Dean Robert D. Vinter told an audience of some 150 students and faculty that he could see an "es- calation of expectations" of stu- dents that might result in agita- tion for immediate implementa- tion of curriculum reforms. He expressed hope, however, that a gradual "phase-in of por- tions and sections" of the new curriculum would begin as early as next fall. Election of an executive board to the newly formed Social Work Student Organization is scheduled to be completed today with the final balloting of the three day elections to take place between ,11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the fourth floor lounge of the Frieze Bldg. Students in the case work, group work and community organization areas of the school each submitted prepared statements on the cur- riculum revisions and the roles of students and faculty in academic decisions which they had been preparing for several weeks prior to yesterday's meetings. Vinter emphasized three goals for the curriculum committee- composed of faculty members and individual students without rep- resentative status-to consider in drafting proposals for a curricu- lum that would provide "con-, tinuous change." To extend the breadth and scope of the curriculum to include a full range of professionalroles and tasks" and a broader range of knowledge from the social sci- ences. 9 To encompass variations in instructions needed by students with different backgrounds and aspirations. * To design a curriculum with flexibility that would permit more individualized study and reduce "arbitrary and formal require- ments." The elections of officers to the student organization center around issues raised by the curriculum G 1] o °a 'AN EVERYDAY STRUGGLE' Panel Urges Moral Restraint In Sixties By SUE REDFERN Special To The Daily WASHINGTON - "Seeking the ral life is a long, hard, every- y struggle which should not end ring one's lifetime," Charles ankel, assistant secretary of te for educational and cultural fnlooi7QlA x ditions of dialogue are maintain- with these, the college generation ance of the gap between what is He cited as examples of the "ap- ed." We must work for change, must have an immense social im- and what should be. paling" tendencies of the churches he continued, but we must avoid ,agination." Stringfellow defined the over- to conform to the surrounding so- zealotry, for "the morally zealous 'Lost Control' riding morality of our time as "a ciety the censuring of Episcopal have not yet created a society that Dugger morality of survival and self-in- bishco James Pike, and the state- was livable." Duggr "spoke of . the problems terest. This morality governs, or merits of Francis Cardinal Spell- Frankel stressed the need for re-ofhave livingost in "a world o w e feigns to govern, all men.' man concerning the war in Viet- sratnkegstrese the yned fore-m hav lot cdtrohe yfworld c- trgfellow postuated that mor- nam. specting the privacy and freedomj day can be destroyed by trivia, ac- Stigelwpsutdta o-nm