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February 08, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-08

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See editorial page


AlL. A,
:43 a t I#

High -- 17
Possibility of
light snow tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


New Fight ---__ 'Delay Study
Looms Over Oath Of Activism
'U' Autonomy NEWS WIRE On Campus
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Action on Law
Giving Free Tuition
Daily News Analysis
A new source of. conflict be-
tween the University and state
officials over the school's auto-
nomy is developing over a little-
known Michigan statute providing
tuition for children of disabled
servicemen or killed in action.
Under Public Act 245 of 1935,
as amended, any Michigan resi-
dent under 22 who is the son or
daughter of a member of the
armed forces who was killed in
actioh or died of other causes dur-
ing "any war or war condition" or
of a totally disabled war veteran
"shall be admitted to any state
tax-supported . . . institute . . .
of college grade," and may attend
tuition free.
Last Oct. 20, Gov. George Rom-
ney sent letters to the presidents
of all state-supported universities
and colleges, calling their atten-
tion to Public Act 245. He also
said he had been informed that
there was no uniform application
of the act in Michigan and that
"we need complete and uniform
observance of this vital state legis-
University Compliance
Currently, the University does
not fully comply with the act.
According to Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss, students
who qualify under the act are
given scholarships if they are aca-
demically qualified for admission,
and if they are in financial need.
Although the act makes no spe-
cific proviison for academic quali-
cations, Romney, in his letter, re-
ferred to "qualified students." The
governor, however, also specifical-
ly referred to "means tests" as an
unacceptable form of compliance.
Romney's letter to President
Hatcher has been called to the;
attention of the Regents, but as
yet, they have not discussed it
publicly. ,
No Past Problem
,Niehuss said that in the past,
the act has posed no problem to
the University since the matter
has never been pressed. He added,
however, that if an attempt was
made to completely enforce ,the
act, he would consider it an in-
fringement on the University's
According to Charles Orlebeke,
the governor's assistant for edu-1
cation, reports from state colleges
and universities on compliance are
reaching Lansing and have been
transferred to the governor's
budget bureau for processing.
He said that Romney will con-
sider further action on P.A. 245
after this processing has been'
Orlebeke added that he did not
expect the budget bureau to fin-
ish work on the P.A. 245 reports
until after the state budget is out
of the way, which could be sev-
eral weeks.
Other Conflicts
If Romney attempts to force full,
compliance with the act, he could
add fuel to a fight already raging;
between the University and the
state. University administrators!
and state officials are currently
embroiled in conflicts over Public
Act 124, which requires that plans
f.o r state - financed University
buildings be submitted to state
architects for approval as a con-
dition for state capital outlay
funds, and Public Act 379, which
gives public employes in Michigan
the right to form labor unions for
collective bargaining.
The University maintains that
P.A. 124 is a direct infringement

Late World News
WASHINGTON OP)-Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus R. Vance
said yesterday the United States and the Soviet Union have
initiated talks aimed at preventing a costly race for ballistic
missile defenses.
President Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert S. McNa-
mara have said such an anti-ballistic missile system race would
result in -no advantage for either side.
The President said last month the United States would take
up the question with the Soviets.
DETROIT (A)-President Johnson has been invited to speak
at a University of Michigan alumni dinner March 4 as part of the
institution's 150th anniversary year program.
A University spokesman said word was still awaited from the
White House on possible acceptance of the invitation.
the University was passed in a concurrent resolution in the state
Legislature recently.
The resolution established a 15 member joint legislative
committee to be known as the Commission on the Sesquicenten-
nial which will cooperate in the coordination of the special
activities planned for the sesquicentennial observation.
tions has been re-opened and will continue until Feb. 17, accord-
ing to Richard Handel, co-ordinating vice-president of Student
Government Council. The boards will work with four University
vice presidents. Handel said that petitioning was re-opened be-
cause of poor publicity among graduate students during the
first period.
applications for loans to students under the National Defense
Education Act are now available. Students presently have such
loans must re-apply for next year.
Students need a 2.0 average or higher to apply. Presently,
though the top amount available to an undergraduate is $1,000
and to a graduate is $2,500, the actual average loan is substan-
tially below these figures. Awards of loans are based on financial
** * *
THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT announced yesterday that it
will draft 11,400 men for the Army in April. This will be 500 below
the March quota.
Draft calls for the first four months of 1967 have averaged
12,000 a month, though Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
recently told Congress an average of 17,000 youths would be in-
ducted through June.
McNamara also said the Defense Department will seek about
24,000 each month for a year beginning in July.
PRINCESS IRENE of Greece, toured the University of Mich-
igan's new School of Music yesterday, gathering ideas to estab-
lish a similar music school in Greece.
During her visit, the princess listened to student pianists and
organists. Gyorgy Sandor, concert. pianist and U-M professor,
presented her some of his recordings of Bartok piano composi-
The princess came to U-M at her own request.
Sunday by the student members of the President's Commission
on Decision-Making, the group announced yesterday. Bruce
Kahn, '68, said that the meeting was slated to allow members of
the University community, a chance to discuss areas of decision-
making and other problems affecting themselves and the coin-
mission. A time and location will be announced.
* * *
may be obtained from Room 1017, Angell Hall, the office of the
dean of the literary college announced yesterday
This document, "Grades, Ranking, and Student Deferment,"
was prepared by Prof. E. Lowell Kelly as background material
for the literary college faculty discussion on this topic. At its
Feb. 6 meeting, the faculty expressed concern that this docu-
ment, which played an important role in its own consideration,
be shared with interested students.
PROF. RUSSELL FFIELD of the political science depart-
ment has been awarded a grant by the Twentieth Century Fund
to direct a study of United States involvement in Southeast
Asia, August Hecksher, the fund's director, announced yesterday.
The study is expected to be published in 1969.
GUYS AND DOLLS TRYOUTS begin tomorrow and continue
Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Theater Building,
803 W. Washington. The show will be presented by the Ann Arbor
Civic Theater April 19-23. Twenty-one women and 26 men will
fill 17 speaking, 14 dancing, and 16 chorus parts.

Legislative Committee'
To Ask Universities
For Self-Evaluation
A resolution creating a special
legislative committee to investi-
gate "Student Activity on State-
supported Educational Institu-
tions" will not be considered in
the near future by the Michigan
House Policy committee, the com-
mittee's chairman, Rep. Roy Spen-
cer (R-Attica), said last night.I
Spencer, who was one of the six
original signers of the resolution,
said that he does not see the need
now for bringing it before the
Other supporters of the pro-
posal had indicated that the bill
would be reported out of commit-
tee yesterday, but Spencer said he
still wishes to gather information
on the subject. and as the main
supporter of the bill on the im-
portant committee he felt the
other committee members would
follow his judgment in delaying
consideration of the measure.
Areas of Concern on Campus
The resolution cites arias of
serious concern on the state cain-
puses, including "reported
groups of students engaging in
minoirty agitation and dis:'b-
ances:" the proliferation of "the
so-called mind drugs, as LSD and
similar distortional agents:" 'the
dissemination of various materials
promoting a puerile interest in
pornography-such as the recent

Da ily-Thomas R. Copi


Inter House Assembly last night elected Donald Racheter and Steve Brown as their new Executive
Vice President and President. The remainder of the Executive Board will be chosen on February 19.
The new officers will be installed on February 20.
Charges .Job Place-men iBias
Involving1 a 1Harv1rd Students


investigation will probably be ex-,a statement against discrimination
t ended to other law schools in the in the booklet they send to em-

exhibit of the film, 'Flaraing Charges of discrimination in job area, he'said.
Creatures'." placement against Jewish students Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the
Spencer said that he doesn't uvolving the Harvard Law School Harvard Law School has appoint-
feel "it is the duty of the Legis- resultedtin an inquiry by the Mas- ed a student-faculty committee to
lature to enter into a field" han- . mstudy various matters relating to
dled by the universities But, he Discrimination. te law school, including the place-
added. "I intend to ask indirectly The discrimination reports were mnent bureau.
for a report from the universities brough to the attention of the lWill Prevent Discrimination
to see if anything merits" crea- Commission by the New York "We would not knowingly co-
tion of such a committee. State Commission on Human operate with any employer we
The special committee whial Rights which was alarmed by the found was discriminating," said
the resolution calls for would be Dec. 1 issue of the Harvard Law Griswold, "and if it was clear that
composed of five members, and Record. The publication contained discrimination was being prac-
would "investigate and assess the pmaterial indicating possible dis- ticed we would take steps to pre-
veracity of these reports and re- crimmnation. vent it."
lated matters of student activity According to Stephen C. Schle- Samuels cited the Massachu-
existing at any of the state's edu- singer, Harvard law student and setts state statute against job dis-
cational institutions" and "report member of an ad hoc student crimination but he asserted that
its findings and recommendations c o m m i t t e e investigating the the law school must also do its
to the Legislature." charges, certain law firms conduct share.
job interviews "in a cursory man- "The minimum thing Harvard
Good Cause for Looking ner by asking subtle, indirect must do," he said, "is to publish
The resolution was submitted questions of job applicants."
by Reps. Thomas Sharpe (R- Question Religion
;Howell),Thomas J. Anderson (D- Schlesinger said that while dis-Stu d en t e
outhgate), Edward Mahalak (D- ' crimination is hard to prove, cer-
Romuus) DoaldHolroo (R tamn law firms ask applicants to
Clare), James Tierney (D-Gawden state their religion and mother's
City), nd Spencer. maiden name. F o
Rep. Anderson said that "there "There were instances last fall," r
seems to be good cause for looking :said Schlesinger, "where students
into these several matters." He !being interviewed by law firms
noted that he was "not a red-her- 1en nevee ylwfrs BY MEREDITH EIKER
were specifically asked if they special To The Daily
ring seeker and not looking for were Jewish and when one would WASHINGTON - Seventeen
thrills."WAHNTN - Sentnj
Rep. Sharpe said the resolution's say he was, he was told 'in that student leaders participating in a'
t "are worried about the case we may have some prob- conference on voluntary national
supporters "ae woived bou tet" lems'" .. service as an alternative to the
image of the university student" jlWilliam C. Samuels, a senior' in;srieaan ltntveoth
and "wish to know if the alleged Wi the law school and head of the draft issued a statement Sunday
accusations have any basis." ad hoc student committee said calling for the elimination of the
Rep. T. Sharpe (R) said Mon- h dy draft and urging youth involve-
day that he felt it would easily ulersafir st nsciouer thieda meizt toward the alleviation of
come to a vote before the full diversified staff over the years, "such social ills as ignorance, poa-
House this week after it gets out discrimination might appear to be erty., racial discrimination, and
of the House Policy Committee. e.
Employment Agency Attended by representatives from
Dread California Events .Walter H. Nolan, executive sec- student organizations on both
"We hate to see a thing happen retary of the Massachusetts Com- sides of the political spectrum, the
in the Michigan universities that mission said "inasmuch as the two-day conference sponsored by
happened in the California uni- college placement office is an em- Moderator magazine at the Shore-
versities," said Sharpe. ployment agency in effect, there ham Hotel here had as its theme
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), is a possibility that someone along "the end of compulsory service
an opponent of the measure, la- the line may exercise judgment and the extension of voluntary
belled it "a bunch of hogwash" that might be interpreted as dis- service."
that is "dangerous and irre- criminatory." The students pointed out that
sponsible." Discrimination against Jews is they signed the statement as in-
"I will vehemently oppose any the isue at present, said Nolan, dividuals and not in behalf of the
attempt to violate the rights of discrimination against females organizations of which they are
the students or the university," and students of certain national members, although many felt that
Faxon said, I origins may also be involved. The the resolution reflected the opin-
ions of their membership.

At present, according to Sam-
uels, only Berkeley and Yale law
schools have a written public
Once the public statement is
issued, Samuels said Harvard
could then apply certain sanctions
against discriminatory firms that
would result in the loss of the
right to use the Harvard place-
ment service.
Samuels added that once Har-
vard has a definitive policy it
could unite with other law schools,
such as those at Virginia, Duke,
Chicago, and the University to
apply uniform sanctions. He said
discrimination by a firm at any
law school would prevent that
firm from interviewing at the
other schools.
a ers al
Sherman Chickering, publisher
of the sponsor magazine and mod-
erator for Sunday's press confer-
ence, also presented the maga-
zine's plan for a Students Serving
Society Registry. Each student
will submit a signed application
form explaining how he would
serve under a national voluntary
service system. A 50-cent regis-
tration fee will cover the cost of
a registry card and the adminis-
tration of the program.
Through the registry, Chicker-
ing explained, the common ground
found by the various student or-
ganizations across the country can
be continued and expanded. The
list of names will be a solid fou-
daiton on which to establish the
proof that national voluntary
service is possible.
"The card the student receives,"
said Chickering, "is tangible proof
-just like his draft card-that he
is committed morally to serve."

Board Stand
Killingsworth Says
Board Position Lacks'
Freedom Guarantees
Prof. Luke Cooperrider of' the
law school, chairmen of the Board
in Control of Student Publications,
said in a statement yesterday
that the 'Board did not intend to
"call for an investigation of The
Daily's editorial practices and poli-
cies" when it requested that the
faculty establish a committee to
"investigate" the papers relation-
ship with the Board.
Rather. Cooperrider said, the
Board desires "an inquiry into the
Board's policies and practices cn-
cerning the Daily"
Daily Editor Mark R. Killings-
worth, '67, asserted last night that
"while The Daily staff always wel-
comes comments and criticisms---
and has sought them-we cannot
oossibly accept any limitation of
The Daily's tradition of editorial
"The Board's request for an 'in-
vestigation." he continued. "is
ambiguous. It does not indicate if
it could lead to such a limitation.
If this occurred it would have dis-
astrous consequences, not only for
The Daily but also for the entire
Unversity community."
Only Statement
Killinsworth's comments con-
stitute the only policy statement
isued by the Daily seniors since
the Board's action Monday.
Tn a resolution at that time the
Board asked that the Faculty
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs establish a com-
mittee "to consider the proper
Inur'ose. function, and responsI-
' bility of a student newspaper in
this university community" and
"to consider whether the existing
arranement.Q at th University of
Michian adequately serve these
Cooperrider. speaking "to cor-
rect an erroneous impression con-
veyed by The Daily's reporting"
of Monday night's Board action,
said that the Board felt the need
for "the creation of a channel of
communication with the Univer-
sity community and for a review
by that community of the ar-
rangements which have governed
the relation between the Univer-
sity, the Board and the news-
'Exchange of Views'
"Members of the Board," he
continued, "are conscious that
doubts exist concerning these ar-
rangements and, not believing
themselves to be all wise in this
regard, have simply concluded
that the entire community will
benefit from the exchange of views
which the request hopefully will
Several controversial stories
published in the last several weeks
and "deteriorating relations" be-
tween the Board and The Daily's
senior editors were offered as ex-
planations for the Board move by
several facultydobservers, a Daily
rarticle reported Monday.
Directly under the authority of
the Regents, the Board is empow-
ered to oversee The Daily and all
other campus publications. It has
traditionally centered its authority
in financial affairs and has exer-
cised no direct control over edi-
torial comment.
Stephen Berkowitz, Grad, one of
the board's three student mem-
bers, said Monday that he felt
the board's action was a "political
act . . . dangerous because there
is no guarantee that the student

interest will be protected." Ber-
kowitz was the only board mem-
ber to offer this type of interpre-
tation on the move.


on the school's autonomy and that FOLLOWS KNAUSS REPORT: While the brief
P.A. 379 is not applicable to the __statement represe
University because of the autono- among the confe
mous structure guaranteed by the Y 1 71/ j M /N 1 0a1 1)k s V-i n unable to come to
state constitution. iIjraaua te tuaenI tnceIs OSIcison as to concn
After the passage of P.A. 124 implement the re
and the University's refusal to eUThe significanc
submit plans, the University last *,j/''y/' ment according t
year did not receve any state con-ecogniIncr asety in the fact that
struction money for new projects. leaders had arrive
Funds have been received for pro- position to curren
jects approved prior to passage By ROB BEATTIE would have equal power in their the Knauss report recommended Vice President of Student Affairs,' in spite of their d
of the act, Graduate Student Council is in respective areas. that the graduate students be rep- however, feels that the system of viewpoints and d
Last week, however, Romney in transition. In the past GSC has not been resented by a body similar to GSC elections may be one prob- for supporting th
his budget for 1967-68 recom- GSC, which has functioned with, recognized by the Regents as a SGC. lem that will have to be dealt with Among those
mended that the Legislature pro- a minimum of formal power in the representative body of students, Asmall emphasized that grad- if a new council is establishedsolution were:
vide $10 million for the Univer- past, will apparently soon assume and its work has been limited be- uate students tend to be more in- Commissioners Have Power national secretary
sity's capital outlay program. Al- a new position in which it will be cause of this. The Knauss report, tersted in academic and depart- Baad pointed out that the Students for a1
though the $10 million was less comparable to the Student Gov- however, described the council as mental problems than in the type Knauss report is only an advisory ciety; Joseph Hig
than half of what the University ernment Council. having, "emerged as in the last of student conduct regulations plan, and that the next step in southern recruitm
a ..,,, -. .. , , few years as an effective voice of that SGC works with GSC takes ,'+,+nn,'ia gC mnA ar anGrC ill . TntA ,rhF

, two-paragraph
ented agreement
rees, they were
any unified de-
ete proposals to
ce of the state-
to observers lay
these studetnt
ed at a joint op-
nt draft policies
differing political
ivergent reasons
t statement.
who signed the
Gregory Calvert,
of the left wing
Democratic So-
don, director for
ent for the Peace
rnnk prinm. of

Bus. Ad. School Receives
Kresge Foundation Grant

The University has received a
$600,000 grant from the Kresge
Foundation which will go toward
a faculty position in marketing
and research.
It is the second endowed pro-
fessorship the University has re-
ceived through the $55-M drive
and the first to be fully endowed.
The University is one of four
schools sharing an equal endow-
ment totaling $2.4 million; the
other business schools were Har-

Dean Floyd A. Bond of the Uni-
versity business school said that a
leading authority in the field would
be named to the Kresge professor-
ship. "The holder of the chair,"
Lie added, "will further strengthen
;he research and teaching capabili-
ties of our faculty, already among
the most distinguished in the na-
tion, and enhance the school's abil-
ity to attract students of the high-
est caliber." He noted that the
world's first course in marketing
was taught here around the turn
>f the century, and indicated that
recommendations by the market-

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