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February 07, 1967 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-07

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The Daily Offlical Bulletin is an
official punhication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two, times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-8429.

Foreign Student Tuition Scholarships:
Beginning Feb. 1, 1967, application forms
will be available at the dront desk of
the International Center for: Summer
Terms, 1967; Fall Term, 1967; Winter
Term, 1968. The deadline for receipt of
applications will be Feb. 28. Applicants
must have already completed a full
semester at the University of Michi-
gan in the school or college in which
they are currently enrolled. Canadians
and immigrants to the United States
(permanent residents) are not eligible
to apply for this particular scholarship.
Zoology Seminar: Dr. Howard A. Bern,
professor of zoology at University of

Mich.-Chief Librarian, MLS and 5 yrs.
professional exper.
Sinclair Refining Co., Chicago, Ill.-
Marketing positions, alums with 1-21
yrs. work or military behind them,E
often new grads, especially married,
*k * *

for applications for test is this Thurs.,
Feb. 9. Get Form 5000AB at Summer
Placement Service.
Parks and Recreation, Skokie, Ill. -
Male & female for swimming inst., play-
ground leaders, bathhouse attendants,
day camp counselors and pool life-
guards, must lixe in Skokie Park Dist.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7C California at Berkeley, will present a
seminar on "The Comparative Phys-
iology of Prolactin in the Vertebrates,"
DayCalendar at 4 p.m., Wed., Feb. 8, in Room 1400
School of Music Recital-Students of Chemistry Bldg.
the Wind Instrument Department: Re- Botany Seminar: Dr. Prasanta Datta,
cital Hall, School of Music, 12:30 p.m. Dept. of Biological Chemistry, will speak
on "Biochemical Diversity in Cellular
Dept. of Zoology Seminar-Howard Control Mechanisms," Wed., Feb. 8,
A. Bern, Department of Zoology, Univer- 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
sity of California, Berkeley, "The Com- -
parative Physiology of Prolactin in Washington Summer Intern Program:
the Vertebrates": 1400 Chemistry, 4 p.m. A meeting for all students interested
in working for the federal government
Cinema Guild Experimental Series next summer will be held Wed., Feb. 8
Program-Architecture Aud., 7 and 9:05 at 4 p.m. in th Multipurpose Room
p.m. of the Undergraduate Library. Those
who cannot attend the meeting should
Anatomy Seminar - Dr. Howard A. pick up an information sheet and sched-
Bern, professor of zoology and co-direc- ule an interview with the summer in-
tor of the Cancer Research Genetics tern counselor at the Institute of Pub-
Laboratory, Universityo f California, lie Administration, 1516 Rackham Bldg.,
will speak on "The Evolution of Adren- 764-3490.
al Structure and Function," 4 p.m., East
Medical Bldg., Room 2501. Chamber Music Ushers: A very lim-
ited number of ushers are still needed
Science Research Club Meeting: "Min- for the Chamber Music Series of Con-
tcry in Insects," Henry K. Townes, re- certs, which will be held in Rackham
search associate, School of Natural Re- Aud. on Feb. 17, 18 and 19. Any per-
sources. Refreshments. "Recent Devel- sons who may be interested in ush-
opments in Holography," Emmet Neith ering for these three concerts may ap-
Institute of Science and Technology, ply to Mr. Warner at the Box Office
Annual dues accepted after, 7:15 p.ni: of Hill Aud. on Thurs., Feb. 9, from
($2), Tues., Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., Rack- 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
ham Amphitheatre.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Center for Russian and East European Eliot Stone, Mathematics; thesis: "Dif-
Studies Lecture-"Impressions of the fraction by the Concave Surface of the
Russians at Pugwash," given by Prof. Paraboloid of Revolution," Tues., Feb.
Kenneth Boulding of the Economics 7, Room 21, Angell Hall, 1:15' p.m.
Dept., 200 Lane Hall, 4 p.m. Chairman, N. D. Kazarinoff.
Doctoral Examination for Delon Cal-
General Nolice vin Hanson, Electrical Engineering;

Canadian Students Operation Retriev-
al: A team of Canadian University Civil
Service Commission and Department of
Manpower personnel will visit the cam-
pus to acquaint Canadian students on
the campus with employment oppor-
tunities in Canadian universities, in-
dustry and the Federal Civil Service.
Canadian students are cordially invit-
ed to attend the meeting.
There will be a general meeting in
Room 3A of the Michigan Union on
Wed., Feb. 8, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., and
each student who so desires will have
an opportunity for a private interview
with a member of the team. Same room,
Thurs., Feb. 9, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Arrangements at, your University are
being made by the coordinator, Foreign
Visitor Programs. If you wish an inter-
view on Feb. 9 please call the Inter-
national Center, 764-2148, indicating
your. preference between a university,
a civil service -commission, or a De-
partment of Manpower member of the
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officiplly
recognized and registered student or-
ganizatioris only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Scottish Country Folk Dance Club,
Dancing, Wed., 8-10 p.m., Women's Ath-
letic Bldg.
* * *
Engineering Council, Student Advis-
ory Board committee meeting, Feb. 7,
7 p.m., 206 West Engineering.
* * *
Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman honor so-
ciety for men, initiation, Feb. 9, 7:30
p.m., Room 3R-S, Michigan Union.
* * *
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde, Wed.,
Feb. 8, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
U. of M. Rifle Club, Nominations for
officers meeting, Feb. 8, 7 p.m., ROTC
Rifle Range.

thesis: "Microwave Circuit Considera-2
tions for Bulk Gas Oscillators," Tues.,
Feb. 7. Room 1504 East EngineeringI
Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, J. E. Rowe.
Port of New York Authority - Open
meeting held Feb. 7, 4-5:30 p.m. in Aud.
D, Angell Hall for general information
on the port, will be interviewing at
Bureau Feb. 17.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Read-
ing, Mass.-Interviewing Feb. 7 for col-
lege textbook representatives in Michi-
gan area. Call Mrs. Davis, 764-7460, if
int rested.
San Diego State College-Work-study
in mental health, summer session 1967.
Designed for career shopping and test-
ing, 2 weeks courses and 8 weeks par-
ticipation and observation in mental
health facilities, min. sophomore stand-
ing, closing for application April 10.
Herman Muehlstein Social Work
Scholarships-2 yrs. for N.Y.C. residents
and vicinity, open to men adn women
who have applied to accredited grad
school for MSW.
Bankers Life and Casualty Co., Lans-
ing, Mich.-Sales, Mgmt. trainee, open-
ings locally and elsewhere, lib. arts
and bus. grads or alums.
Aetna Life Insurance, Detroit, Mich.
-Mgmt. Trainee, recent grad up to 35,
degree and exper; in bus., acctg., or
law. Agent, degree not necessary, pref.
local bus. exper. 4 week trng. in home
National Bureau of Casualty Under-
writers, N.Y.-Grad work in ' actuarial
sci., math, stat. and econometrics, BA,
bkgd. math, work-trng. in property and
liability insurance business.
Special Education Program, Taylor-
7ille, I11.-Social Workers, Educable Men-
tally Handicapped teachers, Speech Cor-
rection, Chief Psychologist and Intern
Multipak, Inc., Doylestown, Pa.
Eventual Sales Mgr., take over acets.
and prospect for new ones, degree in
any field.
Ronningen-Petter Co., Kalamazoo,
Mich-Mechanical engineers, degree,
travel, sales oriented, machinery for
paper industries in Midwest.
Civil Service Commission, Livonia,
PrU i"!1m I

For further information, please call Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Giris. Water-
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of front, landsports and crafts. Interview-
Appointments, 3200 SAB. ing Feb. 9.
P Gradu- National Y.W.C.A. Recruiter - Here
PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS:G Feb. 10 in the afternoon.
ates and seniors make appointments by Children's Aid Society, New York -
4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits Social work coed camp. Counselors and
by the following companies. All em- unit leaders, program specialist in arts
ployers expect to see your file before and crafts, forestry-conservation, music
the interview Please return forms and and nature, interviewing Feb. 10 a.m.
update your files as soon as possible. & p m
Call 764-7460, General Division Desk * * *
THURS., FEB.9-- Further information and details at
Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. - Summer Placement Service, 212 SAB,
BA/adv. degrees Chem., Econ., Law, Lower Levem.
Libr, Sci., Phys. and Psych. for Com- -_e_,
puting, Insurance, Mgmt. Trng., Per-
sonnel, Production, Purchasing, Sales
Stat, and Trans. ' VIEWS: Make interview appointments
Michigan Department of Social Serv- at Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg.
ices, Lansing, Mich.-BA/adv. degrees FEB. 13-
Psych. and Soc. Work for Soc. Work, Alcoa Co.
Psychologists and Teachers. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.-Inter-
General Foods Corp., White Plains, national & Domestic.
N.Y.-BA/adv. degrees Econ., Engl., Gen. Gulf Research & Dev. Co.
Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., Math, Poli. St., Hughes Aircraft Co.
Psych., Speech, Soc., Biochem., Chem., Los Alamos Sci. Lab.
for Computing, Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. Res., Lubrizol Corp.
Personnel, Product., Purchasing, Sales, Merck & Co., Inc.
Stat., Res. & Dev. Mobil Oil Corp.
Mead Johnson and Co., Evansville, 111. NASA-Lewis Research Center.
-BA/adv. degrees Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, ! National Security Agency - Systems
Math, Poli. St., Pharm., Chem. Engrg. Office.
FRL, FEB. 10-- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp.
Caterpillar Tractor Co., ePoria, Ill. - Phillips Petroleum Co.
BA/adv. degrees in Econ., Engl., Journ. A. O. Smith Corp.-Clark Control Div.
& Math for Adc., For. Trade, Mgmt. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. & Chevron
lrng., Mktg. Res., Personnel, Produc- Research Corp.
tion. Purchasing, Sales, Stat., Public Standard Oil Co. of Ohio.
Relations, Writing and Data Process. FEB. 14-
American Institute for Foreign Trade, Baltimore & Ohio-Chesapeake & Ohio
Phoenix, Ariz.-BA Interested in at- ut.K. Co.
tending institute. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.-Domes-
Aetna Life Insurance Co., Saginaw, tics.
Mich.-BA Econ., Educ., Engl., Law, General Mills, Inc.
Speech, Soc. and Soc. Work for Mgmt. Hughes Aircraft Co.
Trng. and sales in Mich. NASA-Lewis Research Center.
Young Women's Christian Association, National Steel Corp.
N.Y.C.-BA/adv. degrees Educ., Gen. Lib. Radiation, Inc.
Arts, Public Health, Soc., Social Work, Radio Corporation of America.
and Phys. Ed. for Recreation, Social Sangamo Electric Co.
Work and Group Work. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. & Chevron
Research Co.
212 SAB- Union Carbire Corp-Group I.
Summer Post Office Jobs-Deadline Worthington Corp.
3 (
only those who could appreciate an academic
climate that has the personal advantages of private
At Avco Everett, you'll be working in just such an environ.
ment . . . one which places a premium on ideas ..
where you'll be given all the freedom you need to do
significant research and publish papers . . . and you'll
be working with some of the most respected scientists
in aerospace research.
Our investigations range from high temperature gas dy-
namics, plasma dynamics, aerophysics, atomic physics,
reentry physics, magnetohydrodynamics to low tempera-
ture physics including superconductivity.
Avco Everett may not be for you. But if it is for you,
you're shortchanging yourself by not investigating further.
If you have an advanced degree and/or interest in one
of the above areas, please write Mr. Louis Rudzinsky.
Inquiries also accepted for our Summer Graduate Program.
An Equal Opportunity Employer

mE Ai BE1I


6 A-.=.-

will interview graduate students in all
liberal arts fields at the placement office
for the 135 secondary schools, colleges,
universities, and schools of theology of
The Methodist Church.

Bureau of Appointments

International Trade...
Why settle for any one of these? Our officers are involved in serving all
of them. If you are looking for a large measure of responsibility, with lots
of room to grow, we've got the right place in the right bank for you.
Wednesday, February 22








f r

Dear Sir:
I don't mind being taken, as long as I get taken back without having to buy
anything. I am prepared for you to bend my ear the entire time about all the
advantages of the VW Station Wagon. How distinctive looking it is (I will
laugh). HowI can fit my sailboat in it. Or my camping equipment. Or my nine
children. The excellent traction in snow because of the weight of the motor
on the rear wheels. And of course, the delightful novelty of getting over 20
mpg with this compact bus. Please call me to fix c convenient date. If a
woman answers, hang up. My wife isn't quite ready for the idea yet.

City State Zip Te
1I a

e. . . __ .

, '


Our interviewers will be on campus

Monday, March 6




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