NEED MORE TAX DOLLARS See editorial page io r S ir igaut 3ati3 CLOUDY Hgh--"? Low--14 Windy and colder, snow likely Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Charges New KennedSchool Political I EIGHT PAGES )evice By LISSA MATROSS In an article in the Sunday stockpile of first-class men to School of Administration and at- their practical expertise with the The Kennedy-Harper's-William Telegraph of London, on Jan. 15, serve government-all parties, all tach to it a quite new body, the theoretical learning of professors' Manchester furor has now died British journalist Henry Fairlie points of view, Republicans and Institute of Politics." in government administration. down and a new conflict involv- says: Democrats alike." He points out that the Kennedy The list of fellows includes Gar' ing the Kennedy family has arisen. "The Kennedy Institute of Pol- Fairlie claims "by means that school endowment will be $3.5 Alperovitz, special assistant to the The new controversy centers itics provides the most convenient are entirely legal and respectable million while the total endowment assistant secretary of state for in- around the three-month-old Har- opportunity for attracting under and discreet, the Kennedys have of the institute will be $10 million. ternational organization affairs; vard Institute of Politics. Opened the Kennedy name men who are established, with funds collected "It is obviously, then, in the in- Andress Lowenfeld, deputy legal last October, it is part of the at present serving in the Johnson in memory of John F. Kennedy, a stitute that the Kennedy family is advisor in the State Department; equally new John Fitzgerald Ken- Administration, who are hoping to recruiting college. most interested," he says. and John G. Stewar, special assist- nedy School of Government (for- be employed by, and would be "That valuable work may be Harvard professors are skep- ant to the Vice President, merly the Harvard Graduate useful to, another Kennedy Ad- done there is beside the point. It tical of Fairlie's charges. One pro- Commenting on the list of fel- School of Administration). ministration, and who, as influ- could have been done without the fessor commented, "It might be lows, Fairlie charges "that within Both the institute and the Ken- ential political journalists, have formal and informal connections easier to get control of the govern- Harvard's boundaries and con- nedy school are endowed by the valuable services to offer in the which the Kennedys have insisted ment than of Harvard." Another stitution there now exists an ap- Kennedy Library Corporation, the future." on retaining with the institute." professor said, "Harvard was here parently respectable body which is governing body of the fund which According to Don K Price den Further, Fairlie claims the before the government." precisely organized to attract men is being collected to establish a Kennedy Library Corporation "de- Ten fellows with knowledge of out of the public service until memorial in Cambridge to John of the Kennedy school, the in- cided to move in on Harvard. It government operations have been they may, at.a convenient time., be F. Kennedy. stitute is intended "to create a decided to rename the Graduate , appointed to the institute to mix returned to it." The director of the institute is Fairlie says that Yarmolinsky Eastern Establishment." Other Prof. Richard Neustadt who has "would certainly like to return to members of the committee include been an advisor to Presidents Washington some day, under a Mrs. Philip Graham, publisher of Harry Truman, Kennedy, and suitable President, and the most the Washington Post; Douglas Lyndon Johnson. Fairlie calls suitable in sight is Senator Robert Dillon, former secretary of the Neustadt "an operator" and asks Kennedy." treasury; and Jackie Kennedy. "Would he be an advisor to an- Another member is Prof. Daniel Commenting on the committee, other President Kennedy? Prob- P. Moynihan who gained fame for Fairlie writes, "The advisory com- ably not in Washington, I suspect. his report on the Negro family and mittee, with the firm condition But it is idle to pretend that his is now with the faculty of educa- that one Kennedy should be a role in the Kennedy circle is in- tion. "Again," writes Fairlie, member of it, is the formal sanc- significant." "there is not the slightest doubt tion which underlies the informal Beneath Neustadt are the mem- that he would like to return to but continuing interest that the bers of the institute. One is Prof. Washington - under a President Kennedy family takes in the run- Adam Yarmolinsky who left Wash- Robert Kennedy." ping of the institute. That interest ington last year to become a pro- Fairlie claims that the institute's is displayed actively and strongly fessor of law at Harvard, a mem- by Senator Robert Kennedy." ber of the institute, and the advisory committee with Ambas- chairman of its fellowship com- sador Averell Harriman as chair- See CHARGE, Wage 8 mittee. man is made up of "America's VIETNAM POLICY Panel Debates U.S. Peace Attempts By NEIL SHISTER seriously the U.S. would be de- Special To The Daily lighted." WASHINGTON - Presidential He added that so far Hanoi has aide Walt W. Rostow said yester- not shown it is seriously interested day that "an extremely interest- in discussing a war settlement. ing and delicate phase" of diplo- Rostow and Goodwin disagreed matic probing is under way to see about the effect the bombing of whether North Vietnam really North Vietnam has had. wants peace talks. Rostow feels that the bombing Rostow was participating in a has been a "significant" element panel on foreign policy, at which. in lowering the level of North he found himself defending Unit- Vietnamese infiltration to the ed States policy in Vietnam South. against hostile comments from Goodwin objected vigorously to fellow panelist Richard Goodwin this statement, saying "it is not and 150 editors and writers of col- true. It is not the bombing which lege newspapers. has reduced the number of North The panel, which included John Vietnamese coming into South P. Roche, also a special consultant Vietnam, but the presence of to the President, was one of a American ground troops." series held as part of the annual The two men also disagreed on United States Student Press As- the rationale for America's pres- sociation convention, which ends ence in Vietnam. today. Rostow said that the U.S. is Goodwin, a former assistant to Presidents Johnson and John F. Kennedy, said the U.S. must stop bombing North Vietnam and es- tablish a formal peace plan before negotiations can take place., He claimed that the U.S. "has never communicated to Hanoi a; structured peace proposal. We lack stated objectives." On grounds that publicity could< torpedo behind the scenes efforts Rostow specifically declined com- fighting because the Geneva , so." emphasized Rostow. "We have in 1965. We are in Vietnam be- Treaty of 1954 and Laotian Accord learned since 1914 that the mini- j cause presidents have felt it in of 1962 are being violated by North mum condition for world order is our best interest to be there, and Vietnam's aggressive action against that the use of physical force to not because of legal commitments. South Vietnam. The Laotian alter national frontiers must not t' When we were drafting policy Treaty, signed by both the U.S. succeed." positions under Kennedy and into and North Vietnam, states that all But Goodwin said that treaty 1965 they were coming back from sign es will respect Laos' neutral- obligations have no importance in the State Department with no ity and not transport troops the original rationale for our Viet- I mention of treaties in them. The through the country. nam policy. treaty argument is a rational- "Great Britain and France have "We are not in Vietnam because ization that follows our original chosen not to honor their treaty of treaties. There was not talk of commitment and was not the commitments, but we intend to do treaties under Kennedy or even cause of it." Charge Anti-Communist Fervor Backfires on U.S. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi 'M' DUNKS PURDUE, 86-74 Michigan's Dennis Stewart (40) passes into Craig Dill (4) during yesterday's game with Purdue. Roger Blalock (41) defends for the Boilermakers. The Wolverines were victorious, 86-74, as four starters hit in double figures. (See story page 7) INFILTRA TE COLLEGES: FDA Exposes Drug Abuses By ROGER RAPOPORT Harrington charged that "Com- special To The Daily munists have taken over the coun- WASHINGTON - Three liberal try, largely through a default in commentators charged here yes- democratic leadership. terday that an anti-communist "In Cuba, for example, we estab- fervor gripping America may actu- lished mono-culture, and a place ally be aiding the spread of com- for American businessmen to have munism around the world. fun, while the Cubans were sub- At a panel before college editors, jected to cruel exploitation. Ob- they said a self-centered American viously, the people were susceptible foreign policy, support for totali- to any demagogue who promised tarian governments and a failure them a way out of such a plight. to promote democratic ideals "As we discovered in Vietnam, WASHINGTON OP)-U-ndercover many campuses are being investi- agents posing as students are be- gated in this manner. ing used on college campuses to Officials of the 'FDA division break up the sale of LSD, amphe- which runs the program, the tamines and sleeping pills, "goof Bureau of Drug Abuse Control, balls," Dr. James L. Goddard, said data on the extent of the commissioner of the Food and campus undercover work are scat- Drug Administration, said yester- tered among the bureau's nine day. field offices. "We're not interested in mak- Louis P. Lasher, deputy director ing criminals out of our college of the bureau's investigations di- students," Goddard said, "but visions, said the "point of diver- we're trying to get at the illegal sion" at which legally produced sources of supply, trying to take and marketed substances are turn- the profit out of the sale of these ed to improper ends is almost in- items." variably off the campus. Goddard mentioned the under- The campus normally functions cover campus activity during an only as the point of sale, he said. interview but did not disclose how "We find that if a student is involved as a distributor," Lasher ment on a report published in the said, "he is usually just a small Washington Post that North Viet- operator. They usually don't have nam agreed last December to dis- the funds it takes to operate on cussions with U.S. representatives I a wholesale level." in Warsaw, Poland, but called off When the student is a user the talks after Dec. 13-14 U.S. air rather than a peddler, the em- raids near Hanoi. phasis is placed on educating him "This is a bad time to talk about to the health risks he is running any particular stand which might rather than arresting him, FDA turn out to be a negotiating situ- officials said. ation, he said. "If Hanoi wants to negotiate -j " Lipmanndress By MEREDITH EIKER therefore, a better excuse for Special To The Daily being puzzled and bewildered." WASHINGTON - 'To under- He said further that "The pres- stand the human condition today," e to cmrehen hat adjust Walter Lippmann, political col- sure to comprehend and to adjust umnist, said yesterday, "we must tumultuous changes is the great realize that in our time the rate cause of that anxiety with which Cof change in human affairs is in some degree all modern men are much faster and much more gen- !asfedgd abroad have become grave inter- you can't wait until the upheaval national liabilities for the' United comes to correct the excesses of States. dictatorship. After you supported Speaking on "Anti-Communism a dictator for a year it is too late and the American Culture were for an easy solution. Michael Harrrington, author of "What we must never forget is "The Other America," former that Ngo Diem created more com- Daily editor Tom Hayden, '61, and munists in Vietnam than Ho Chi now organizer for Students for a Minh ever did." Democratic Society, and James A. Harrington added "we should Weschler, editorial page editor of change the United States so that WALT W. ROSTOW the New York Post. we are not promoting the totali- tarian governments that are kind 'tto our businessmen. Instead we should be on the side of freedom, participation and denfocratic revo- lution.' Hayden charged "the United men viewing the world as it was Roosevelt fought a quarter of a States is politically bankrupt in when they were young rather than century ago against the Nazis and providing alternatives to commu- as it is or as it is becoming. the Japanese." nism. "Discrepancy between what we Translators learn when we were young and Young people, he said, are cur- what the reality is coming to be rentlylooking for translators whoS ee Y o when we are older is a prime fac- can close the generation gap. But fri h eeaingp, tor th geeraton ap-Lippmann pointed out that one T.r-n~ntir "Ir ~~ mnt+ni_1 . f.. ,..7,,..- " '- "We simply decided that other people are better dead than Red. That's why Defense Secretary McNamara can sleep at night, while napalm is showering the Vietnam countryside. If you can imagine what it might be like to have someone bomb out your house and then claim he is saving you from evil, then you can under- stand why much of the world is against us." There was one brief skirmish during the two-hour panel, when Weschler and Hayden clashed over. the question of black power. Hay- den had claimed that most Southerners view the Student Non-violent Coordinating Com- mittee the way most Americans view communism. Weschler re- torted that SNCC, under the lead- ership of Stokeley Carmichael 'is a separartist movement setting back civil rights. They are split- ting up the little forces we hate." During the panel discussion Harrington suggested that America should scrap its current foreign aid program because it has be- come too much of a military and diplomatic instrument. s Need To Ideology' goals to follow, but not too much technique." In comparing today's youth to that of the thirties, he said, "we have become technically compe- tent. What the youth of today needs is an ideology: goals which we can funnel our technological ability." In defending the role of the American busines commuity Lino- witz said that "business will be in the forefront of social and eco- nomic advance in the years to come." He emphasized his despair at students turning their backs on business. He said that the business community needs bright young men to help it in making a better world. c u1 e d rl g n 45iNE W S W IR E l SANFORD SECURITY GUARDS yesterday apprehended three University students in the Waterman Gymnasium substation and storage area. The desperatos later told the Ann Arbor City Police that they had arrived in the gymnasium via a tunnel. They first entered the tunnel through a manhole in front of the Union. The underground explorers followed the subsurface passage- ways that are used for University electrical and service lines until they finally emerged in the depths of the gymnasium. The students admitted to police that they were not the first to take the underground tour of University sights, but that many students have explored the network of caverns that ring the campus. The kind-hearted Ann Arbor police took pity on the ad- venturous students and released them. But not before they had notified University officials of the tunnel tour incident. * * * * THE NEW EDITOR of London Tory, a magazine for Con- servative students at London University, gleefully disclosed in his first issue yesterday that he's a card-carrying Communist, the Associated Press reported. Jim McIvor, 30, a law student, said he was appointed editor after passing himself off for the past year as a true-blue Con- servative. He packed the magazine with Communist ideas and eral and pervasive than ever be- 'Lipmans only Lagte fore"Cultural Lag' sidering United States' Lippmann briefly addressed the The 1962 Pulitzer prize-winner Vietnma came at this po College Editors' Conference at a explained that the primary char- talk: luncheon. Adhering to the confer- acteristic of this generation gap "Nowadays, if you wi ence's general theme, the "Gen- is, "what sociologists call 'cultural me to say so, the admi eration Gap," Lippmann observed lag.' " Lippmann maintains too is trying to convice us th that "there is alot more motion that there is a "persistent human figthing the same war in and around us, and we have, tendency to be out of date," with Vietnam which Churc Editors Charge Newspapersm Practice Stagnant JournalismR ment can- policy in pint in his ill permit nistration hat we are in South chill and characteristic of the modern sci- entific and technological revolu- tion which is now underway is that no one understands all of it. "The most radical of all modern discoveries and inventions is the discovery and invention of the artj of invention itself. As a result, we are having a hard time keeping up with ourselves." Lippmann, who has been called "the Dean of American Journal- lists," urged American youth "to think charitably about your fath- ers and grandfathers. In the face of what actually has been hap- pening, they have all of them been unprepared and uneducated, t G i By JOYCE WINSLOW rights in o v e in e n t," Newfield school stuff the first two weeks men. They do not understand the 'Special To The Daily agreed. "The press is insensitive on the job." results of the science and tech- because the majority of newspaper "A diploma from a J-school,' nology about them, and they WASHINGTON - In a unique 'onr r o esae e.Nwil ad i iehvn don't even know how the products self-slamming session, three prom- onr r o esae e.Nwil ad i iehvn are made which they utilize. inent men of the press criticized The owners do not have the feel visa from a country that doesn't stagnant big city newspapers and for the reporting game. As a re- exist any more." Educate Yourselves universit journalism schools yes- suit, the press has lost its muck- "Old newspapermen don't die "hDo not expect too much of terday. raking tradition. The old, search- Bradlee laughed, "they just fade them. Do not expect from them Jack Newfield, assistant editor ing, cynical spirit is missing." into J-school." what in the old traditional society of the Village Voice, Ben Bradlee, Newfield listea other points of What do these men suggest to was the common heritage of men managing editor of the Washing- criticism on newspapers: monop- remedy papers' insensitivity to -to have handed down to you the ton Post, and Ben Bagbikian, 1 oly presses that drive out corn-; socal change? knowledge you need in order to award-winning author and report-Ipetition,sterility of newspaper We need the new decentralized live and live well. You will have er, told college editors hererthat unions, lack of press self-criti- press," Newfield said, "which has to educate yourselves to under- newspapers are archaic and con- cismn. and the seniority system in been developing for the last ten stand the infinite complexities of servative. a big city papers. years. We need papers like the the modern age." servative. -~ n- - i- "Things won't get better if we Southern Courier or I. F. Stone's He concluded by saying, "What 'Follow an By RONALD KLEMPNER special To The Daily WASHINGTON - The stock market would probably rise if we were to end the war in Vietnam tomorrow, Prof. Paul Samuelson of the economics department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former advisor to President John F. Kennedy said here yesterday. Samuelson was speaking at a panel on "Youth and the Ameri- can Economy," as part of the three-day United States Student Press Conference. Also on the panel was Prof. Robert Lekach- man of the economics department of the State University of New1 Yorkhat Stoney Brook and Sol Linowitz of the board of directors of the Xerox Corp. and present ambassador to the Organization of American States. When asked whether the United States was committed to a string- ent war effort, all three panelists agreed that we have the economic ability to readjust with a mini- mum of hardship, and that eco- nomic interests weren't a factor in IIIWTIW MMPRMNRM