SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY w a Aft. wws wuy SATURDY, FERUARY4,196 THE IvaayE}A11 y11&IIV PAG~E SEVEN Athletic Board Hikes Grid icket Prices Coupons Cost $14; Third Recent Raise 4 'M' Freeze Tech By HOWA In its monthly meeting trol of Intercollegiate Athleti for the third time in four years A recurrent need to keep the board's explanation for the After reviewing this year and deciding that it could not decided to seek revenue from Michigan's greatest revenue resource-football games," ex- plained Athletic Director H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler. The list of escalated prices, bas- ed on a six-game schedule, in- cluded: - Student athletic coupons from $12 to $14. 0 Students' spouse athletic cou- pons from $15 to $18. " Staff athletic coupons from $15 to $18 (and added a limitation of one for spouse and two for de- pendents in lieu of the previous non-limitations). * Grandstand tickets for a sin- gle game from $5 to $6. 9 Box seat tickets for a single game from $6.50 to $7.50, * High school student tickets from $1 to $2. In 1964, the board Jumped stu- dent football prices from $1 to $12 to meet expanding expenses; and In 1965, it initiated a $1 per game tab on basketball to help finance the still incompleted All-Events Building. ; Inflation "The increased cost in operat- ing the department and in fund- ing and servicing the new build- ing. necessitated the increase," Crisler said. "But, keeping in mind the fact that the department is under a, financial strain, I still firmly be- lieve that the students were car- rying their full share of the load," declared student representative Bob McFarland - who voted against the student hike. , Even before. the increase, Mich- Igan fans attending every home event during the fall and winter trimesters paid $40 compared to $18 for Michigan State. and noth- ing for Northwestern. Monkey See . .. Crisler, however, argued that the raise was consistent with cor- responding prices throughout the country.., Ivy League schools, Southeastern* Conference schools and"Notre Dame recently moved individual game prices to $6. McFarland admitted that the Jump for the students wasn't as severe as anticipated. "The staff Increase ",'as higher percentage- wise than the students," he said. "The -board tried to limit the raise to 20 per cent or under," added Crisler. Crisler would not elaborate on the exact amount of the deficit or the approximate revenue ex- pected from the price boost. "Attendance is always a factor In money from ticket sales," he ex- plained. "However, I don't think attendance will drop because of the increase. Compared to the theatre, sports has very low costs for entertainment." Today In Sports Basketball-Purdue at Yost Fieldhouse, 4 p.m. Swimming-Wisconsin at Matt Mann Pool, 7:30 p.m. Hockey-Michigan at Michigan Tech Wrestling-Michigan at Pittsburgh Score NBA New York 124, Detroit 111 St. Louis 131, Boston 113 Chicago 118, Cincinnati 113 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Princeton 30, Dartmouth 16 Cornell 80, Yale 73 Rochester Tech 78, Wayne State 76 COLLEGE HOCKEY Michigan 3, Michigan Tech 2 Ohio Univ. 7, Western Michigan 3 Michigan State 6, Minnesota 4 WHO PRINTS THE GARGOYLE? FORGET IT! We're not going to tell you. I mean we'd like to and everything, but we just can't. Yes- terday morning we received this frantic cal from our printer. It seems that they were rathe, well (their exact word for it was dis- turbed) "grossed out" by our up- coming women's magazine parody, KOZMOPOLITAN. &RD KOHN last night, the Board in Con- cs hiked football ticket prices S. in step with rising costs was increase. 's athletic department budget be cut substantially, the board insig CHU_ H. 0. (Fritz) CRISLER By JOHN SUTKUS Special To The Daily HOUGHTON - It's winter car-f nival time up here and, besides a' shortage of girls and hockey fans, the Huskies found themselves short of goals as the Michigan Wolverines bumped them 3-2 last night. The shortage of girls stems: from the fact that males possess but do not enjoy a 19-to-1 ratio in their favor. The shortage of hockey fans, not really a true characteristic of Michigan Tech, is a result of a surprise visit by the fire marshall last week. Ancient Dee Stadium of no more than 1450 has put tickets at a premium and cut deeply into a major portion of Winter Carnival festivities. Fireworks in February The smaller crowd warmed up in a hurry after the Wolverines wiped out a 2-2 tie with a goal at 4:38 of the final period. The win- ning score was originally credited to Ron Ullyot, but restored to its rightful owner, Lee Marttila after the game. No assist was officially credited, but according to Marttila, "Ronnie G t F (nee 1926) has been packing in hockey crowds upward from 2100 for years, but the official decree should get one." Marttila took a pass from Ullyot, inside the blue line, shot and collided with Tech goalie Tony Esposito and they carried the rebound in. According to Esposito, "It hit a Tech defenseman's glove and went in.", ahts and insults KVETZNER The radical. He looks like a latter day Jesus with blue jeans and horn rimmed glasses. The rest of the uniform sticks. Flowing hair, warn out san- dals, and preachings of a new morality. But there's another kind of radical. He's a sports radical. If he wears blue jeans, it's because he doesn't want to ruin his trousers in Yost Field House. The radical feels he has been mistreated by the University. The sports radical is mistreated when he finds out the Michigan State game is sold out. Or at least that's the way it used to be. The new two dollar rise in student ticket prices might be the beginning of a new left for the sports radical. And for a middle class reason-he's going broke. Some veteran Michigan sports radicals know that five years ago-back when pot was something you used to cook green beans in-you could go to every single Michigan football and basketball game for a grand total of one dollar. In other words, just about a nickel per game. Nowadays things are a little different. And not only because green beans and pot don't mix. It is getting to be very expensive to see Michigan sports teams compete. The new football ticket increase didn't help matters either. In the past, sports radicals have been very tolerant about such mark ups. They scowl instead of smile when they go to pick up their tickets. But Michigan athletic officials are pretty tolerant themselves. They will sell the students tickets even if the buyers don't look grateful. The officials will probably even remain placid when students begin thumbing their nose at them after the next in- crease. In fact no matter how much Michigan charges for tickets, the athletic department will always be willing to sell them to the students. They are counting on it. Obviously sports radicals will keep going to see the Wolverines even if they have to take out loans to do it. Per-, baps the athletic department will even give out a few tenders to spectors who are especially enthusiastic and extremely poverty stricken. Anyway the rise has arisen and it's all over with. When sports radicals march down to buy their tickets like they always have, they will still see regular radicals doing the things that radicals do. And the sports radicals will be somewhat rueful, fully aware that these people aren't going to the Friday night hockey game, the Saturday afternoon basketball game, the Saturday night hockey game, and hte swimming meet sandwiched. somewhere in the middle. Regular radicals are rueful too. If they liked sports, they would urge a protest of some sort. But sports radicals are too dedicated to sports to waste time with that sort of nonsense. In some ways this is rather unfortunate. Now it would be al- most impossible to cancel out the increase. But what about those increases of the future. Michigan students have .never put up any kind of resistence to inflation and the althetic department is making the most of it. Wol- verine sports are just as business-like as the pros. The big wigs are willing to charge as high a price as the student body will accept. And the student body has never indicated that the limit has been reached. Sports radicals would rather burn their copy of Baseball Digest than volunteer to miss all of next year's football games. .But if they could unite and demonstrate even once, the next ticket increase might be a couple miles down the road instead of right around the bend in the University Events Building. One empty Yost Field House or one desolate Coliseum or one barren Matt Mann Pool might get the point across. Ticket prices are getting out of hand, and student power is still around. Important people would never let on that they are afraid of sports radicals, but you'd be surprised. If every two buck hike meant a loss of $60,000 instead of that much profit, there wouldn't be many more increases. If sports radicals don't follow their bearded breathren, they will soon start resembling them in another way. It won't be long before sports radicals also are decked out in torn blue jeans and faded sweat shirts. They won't be able to afford anything else. FOUR FIRSTS FOR 'M': WMU Sprinter Nabs 'Spotlight' in Relays.' Huskies on Patrol From there, the Huskies put the pressure on. keeping the puck in their offensive zone. In the final period, they launched 32 shots, 14 of which were on target enough for Michigan goalie Jim Keough to make saves. Esposito, by comparison, had to make only five stops. The fans went wild at 18:32 when Randy Binnie was whistled to the penalty box for an illegal check of a Tech forward near the red line. Thednoise and tension com- pounded at 18:56 when Huskies pulled Esposito for another for- ward. The extra man did no good, however, and the Wolverines man- aged to keep the puck on the boards. They even mounted an offensive on the open net, using up precious seconds. Tick-Tock The last ticks on the clock drained away with Tech unable to get off a close range shot. Lasting only two hours and 15 minutes, the game was a hard- Icers, 3 G skating match. The game was so fast that checking was at a mini- mum and only three penalties were called the whole night. In the locker room afterward, the Wolverines were picking apart the game. "It says here they took more shots than we did," commented; Coach Al Renfrew. His next re- marks, "but the score was 3-2 in goals," brought a roar from every- where in the room. "We could go on forever on things we could or should have done," added Keough. "But we did enough right." Tech coach John MacInnes said, "I wasn't disappointed with my team. I thought our kids played a great game. We just couldn't get the breaks." Time after time the Huskies had opportunities in front of the FIRST PERIOD SCORING-None. Penalties: MT-Rivalin (charging) 3:20. M-Lucier (tripping) 11:55. SECOND PERIOD SCORING: MT -Millroy (Weller, Wilson) 2:23. M- L. Marttila (Koviak, M. Marttila) 11:13. MW-Boysen (unassisted) 11:59. MT-Toothill (Marshall) 18:52. Pen- alties: None. THIRD PERIOD SCORING - M L. Marttila (Ullyot) 4:38. Penalties: M-Binnie (illegal check) 18:32. MICHIGAN TECH 0 2 0-2 MICHIGAN 0 2 1--3 Saves: Esposito (MT) 11 10 5-26 Keough (M) 7 7 14-28 Michigan net fouled up by a bouncing puck or a miffed deflec- tion. The Wolverine defense clog- ged the middle enough to help out Keough with his 14 saves. "They had too many in the middle," commented Michigan de- fenseman Paul Domm. "We play position hockey," in- terjected Renfrew. "Michigan got a break on that second goal," sighed MacInnes. "And that set them off." Bob Boysen connected on the goal unassitsed at 11:59 of the second period to send Michigan into a 2-1 lead, after being down 1-0, 46 seconds earlier. Tech goaile Espisito was prone on the ice and said he never saw what happened after Hoysen's shot. ON SALE NOW NEW FOR 1967 G Soil-proof Heav paper Binding $ 5 Deluxe Cloth- $~ 7 bound Edition. at all book stones ernesstsMdg -2 By MARI HALPERT Michigan was great, MSU was good, but all you heard about last night's Western Michigan Re- lays was Randolph, Randolph and Randolph. Tom Randolph, from DeWitt Clinton High School in New York, is fantastic. Coach Hale of Western Michi- gan could only say, "He's good and he'll even be better." Randolph ran the 60 yards in 3.2 seconds, which in itself is not superb, but then he took the ba- ton on the final leg of the mile relay and really poured it on. His :47.2 quarter mile was even more impressive when he flashed past a Michigan runner in his final stride. The other crowd pleaser was the shuttle hurdles. This is a combi- nation of four 60-yard low hurdle races, where first man runs 60 yards, tags his teammate and he runs back. Western Michigan set a new meet and fieldhouse record by per- forming; all these shenagins in only 28.8 seconds. Four 'M' Firsts Michigan picked up only four first places in the Relays. The distance medley team of Ken Coffin, Bob Gerometta, Ron Kutchinski and Tom Kearney fin- ished in the second fastest time in intercollegiate history. In the high jump, Gary Knick- erbocker left his competition be- hind at 6'6" and then proceeded to clear 6'8" and 6'934"-his personal high. Ron Shortt, the highly-regard- ed frosh pole vaulter, continued to amaze Wolverine enthusiasts with a vault of 15'. This gave Shortt a personal high and a third place finish in the meet. Fr H GeDTF:DKIITV n( "'"' 1DCKI DI ICU IZ 1 CNI LII N41 1 T1t..1r ri N K1U J r1 MASS SMOKER Monday, February 6 Ii Union Ballroom 7:00-9:30 ILL~ ______________________________ - ---Ii Deg ree Candidates in; BS, MS, PhD degrees in ChE, EE, ME, M't'Is Eng. BS, MS degrees in CE, IE, MetE BS degree in Applied Math Meet the Man from Monsanto February 7, 8, 9 Sign up for an interview at your placement office. This year Monsanto will have many openings for graduates at all degree levels. Fine positions are open all over the country with America's 3rd largest chemical company. And we're still growing. Sales have quadrupled in the last 10 years ... in everything from plasticizers to farm chemicals; from nuclear sources and chemical fibers to electronic instruments. Meet We'll have over 140 flights a week to Europe. Take off for London, Paris, Rome, Frankfurt, Milan, Shannon, Zurich, Geneva, Lisbon, Madrid, Athens. Go across Africa and Asia-all the way to I