Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN s. - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free Trt WielPrevailre TruthWil I * 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Vietnam: Opportunities for Diplomacy 'I LCaltoria15printed in bThe Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3,1967 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP Romney's Budget Plan: Well, It Balances GOV. dEORGE ROMNEY'S 1967-68 $1.1 billion budget, submitted yesterday to the Legislature, will have a rough going, between now and the beginning of the next fiscal year in June. The success of the whole plan is tied to a much-needed state income tax which survive the inspection of a skeptical state Legislature if the new budget is to bal- ance. In this uncertain atmosphere, high- er education could get a very raw deal. ROMNEY IS IN NO WAY in control of the situation. Regardless of his over- whelming victory in November, largely responsible for the Republican legislative majorities, his power over the conserva- tive Republican old-guard is minimal. Romney's proposal for a 2/2 per cent personal and 5 per cent corporate income tax may gain some Democratic support, but could we'll bruise some of his Repub- lican colleagues. Romney has recommended a state in- come tax in the last three legislative ses- sions with no success. Both Democrats and Republicans balked at the idea, be- lieving they could postpone the inevitable tax hike as sales tax revenues continued to climb. IN THE LAST SESSION Romney asked for a three per cent personal and a four per cent corporate income tax with- out any sales tax relief. His new package, with the provisions for a sales tax rebate and a shifting of the rates is more appealing to some lib- eral Democrats but still has a long road to go before enactment. The prospects of a substantial hike in the federal income tax adds to the tax. proposal's problems. In addition, proper- ty taxes in the city of Detroit are sub- ject to considerable increase as a re- sult of a successful school millage elec- tion last November. The state legislators may decide that taxpayers had enough of new taxes .for one year. THIS COMBINATION of factors could kill the income tax plan. If it does, reductions to well below the billion dollar mark will be in order. For. a cardinal rule of Romney economic thinking is a well balanced budget; and the state surpluses which accomplished the task in the past have disappeared as result of the national economic out- look. The cuts could victimize higher edu- cation appropriations to the 11 state-sup- ported institutions. ROMNEY'S "TIGHT" BUDGET is not merely a "hold-the-line" plan, but is unnecessarily austere, granting only a $17.6 million increase for higher educa- tion. The University alone requested an additional $16.4 million. Romney's appropriation to the Univer- sity, $62.8 million against the $74 mil- lion request, will hit especially hard. The governor also failed to raise the state aid formula to secondary and ele- mentary schools.. In the past two years, the University and other state institutions have looked to the Democratically-controlled Legisla- ture for assistance, but this year they have no where to turn. The governor's recommendation is the ceiling on the University appropriation, with the floor still not determined. Both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees are stacked with conserva- 'tive, fiscal-minded Republicans who will be unsympathetic to Romney's increased appropriations. OF COURSE the budget has what Rom- ney feels is the redeeming quality of any state budget-a surplus. Projections call for a '$72.7 million sur- plus-funds desperately needed for real problems not political hay. -MARK LEVIN HERE ARE REASONS for thinking that the Vietnam conflict has come into a new phase where new opportunities present themselves. There are new indications that at least for a time we need not be caught between the old absolutes: to get in or to get out, to flatten Hanoi or to withdraw helter-skelter. There are some signs that lucid and skill- ful diplomacy could now bring about a negotiated settlement. MUCH THE MOST important cause of this change in the sit- uation is the spreading disorder inside mainland China. It is bound to mean a reduction in the ma- terial and the political influence of Peking on Hanoi and a corres- ponding increase in the influence of the Soviet Union. It means a reduction, also, in the imminence and extent of the Chinese threat to her neighbors. Second to what is happening in China, a long way second to it, Is the fact that the United States has now established a military position in South Vietnam and Letters To the Editor: I AGREE with Prof. Aldridge (Michigan Daily, January 31) that the real damage wrought by pornography is in dulling the ca- pacity to feel. However, the es- sense of sex pornography is not the elaboration of sexual experi- ence but, on the contrary, a sim- plification of it. Although intense sexual experi- ences are depicted with utter frankness in the "Song of Songs" and in "Lady Chatterley's Lover," L doubt whether Prof. Aldridge would classify either work as por- nographic, regardless of police ver- dicts; because, I assume, he will agree that these works bring out the full richness of sexual experi- ence, while pornography effective- ly censors such experience by sup- pressing all of its components ex- cept the most primitive. IT SEEMS TO ME, therefore, that an addition to pornography stems not from an ever growing appetite for vicarious experience, but on the contrary, from a fear of complex experience. By reduc- ing sexuality to stereotyped fet- ishes, rituals and sensations, or to a joke, the peddlers of pornog- raphy cater to this fear. I doubt that laws against por- nography are motivated by a need to protect human feelings, as Prof. Aldridge suggests. Among the staunchest defenders of such laws ire frequently the same solid citi- aens who surreptitiously wallow in pornography. If there is a dif- ference between the addicts of pornography and the crusaders against it, it is only a difference in degree. The former reduce the range of their erotic experience; the latter would shut it out alto- gether (at least for others). DEGRADATION of experience is especially evident in the pornog- raphy of violence (the private eyes and the spy "genres," war newsreels, the toy weapons indus- try, etc.). Compare for example, the depiction of murder by Spil- lane or Fleming and by Shake- speare or Dostoyevsky. Some writ- ings of nuclear strategists and some reporting of the Vietnam war have been called pornographic, I believe rightly so. There is a significant parallel between reducing genocide to a' calculus of kill and overkill ra- tios and measuring erotis exper- ience by the size of the sex or- gans. Characteristically, the cru- saders against sex pornography have little or nothing to say about violence pornography. Yet the ef- Thailand which for the foreseeable future is invulnerable. Third, the counterrevolution in Indonesia has made it quite evi- dent that Chinese military power and revolutionary fervor cannot be carried across the sea. They are landlocked, so to speak, in conti- nental China. THESE THREE developments have created a new situation and have opened up new opportunities. Nothing may come of it all. In- deed, it is quite evident that the favorable opportunities could be erased suddenly. We need only take the advice of Barry Gold- water. What is promising in the situ- ation could be destroyed in a few hours. All that would need to be done is to attack China and blow up the Russian ships at the same time. If we followed the Gold- water policy and attacked them we could probably remove Mao's internal troubles on a nice bright morning. An American bombing attack on Chinese territory would do more Tod ay By WALTER LIPPMANN to rally the Chinese to Mao then anything he could do. If in addi- tion, adopting the Goldwater ad- vice, we closed Haiphong harbor and attacked Soviet ships we would make a mighty contribution to healing the angry quarrel between Peking and Moscow. In fact, no one in the world knows so well how to consolidate world Commu- nism, which has disintegrated dra- matically, as does Barry Gold- water. THE ESSENTIAL elements of the new situation which present the new opportunities are these. We know from reliable reporters. notably from Harrison Salisbury, that within the Hanoi government there is a mood to talk about an end to the war without demand- ing impossible preliminary condi- tions. Along with this is the fact, which is becoming increasingly clear, that the Viet Cong, who are perhaps four-fifths of the fighting force in the field against us, are, though dependent on Ha- noi, increasingly determined to fol- low an independent course. This may make it possible for the mod- erates in the constituent assembly in Saigon to negotiate an agree- ment with the moderates in the Viet Cong and thus bring the fighting to an end. If things can be coaxed and pushed along these lines, an even- tual settlement might take form of two provisionally separate Viet- nams. It is not impossible to imag- ine that for a term of years both Vietnams would find it convenient to have a continuing U.S. mili- tary presence in some fortified en- clave. IT MIGHT HELP to stabilize the South Vietnamese government in the difficult period of recon- struction after this brutal and destructive war, and it might help the North Vietnamese government in following its nationalist desire for independence from China. This continuing U.S. presence for a term of years would be part of the peace treaty and should not be confused with the Gavin-Ridg- way strategy for conducting the war from fortified enclaves. I have heard the idea described as "a Guantanamo solution" (Guantan- amo is a fortified place on the Cuban coast which the United States occupies). A Guantanamo solution might be part of the an- swer to the problem as it actually exists today. FOR WHILE I, for one, think we should never have committed ourselves to a land war on the Asian continent, we have done just that and done it on a very large scale. It will not be easy to end our immense entanglement. And if the war is to be ended by negotiating compromises, a Guan- tanamo arrangement might be one of them. (c), 1967, The washington Post Co. 0 6, How Do We Deal with Pornography? fects of censoring out (by stereo- type and repetition) the emotion- al ramifications of violence may be more dangerous to society than the simplifications of eroticism. IN SHORT, Prof. Aldridge's bas- ic idea is essentially correct. Porn- ography dulls the capacity to feel. The insight, however, in no way warrants a defense of laws against pornography. To begin with, there is no rea- son to expect that such laws can be any more effective than Prohibition was in its time. Next. it should be clear that an attack against anti-pornography laws by no means constitutes \ a defense of pornography. There was a time when children were told horror stories about the effects of mas- turbation. A condemnation of this method of sexual education does not constitute a defense of mas- turbation. Finally. it should be kept in mind that our sensitivities are blunted by a whole gamut of com- mercial and propagandistic as- saults, most of them from high- ly respectable sources. To single out sexual pornography is to ob- fuscate a serious problem. -Anatol Rapoport Really! To the Editor: OSS PROF. ALDRIDGE seri- ously believe that "obscenity" laws are made and enforced in order to preserve esthetic and emotional sensibilities? Does he seriously think the Puritans and their descendants had in mind the retention of sharp artistic judgment in people's minds, in protecting them from the deaden- ing impact of obscenity? The laws are made and enforc- ed not for any such reasons, which are at least intellectually plausi- ble. The laws are made to protect us from the rampaging goat- bearded youths. They are made to protect people from themselves, in the assumption that there are certain parts of man which are to be feared and distrusted. The Puritan ethic is obsessed with sex. Man cannot be left alone with woman, another man, Sven himself, or irreparable dam- age will be done to his immortal soul. THESE ABSURDITIES are at the base of the obscenity laws, and these are the assumptions that Cinema Guild and its sup- porters are protesting. Perhaps Prof. Aldridge approves of the use of police force to pre- serve what he terms "esthetic and emotional discrimination." I'm afraid this is not the function of the police, nor of anyone else. This attitude is of the main- stream reality peddler, who equates "the rich fertility of ideas and humane culture, a commitment to think more, not less, to feel more, not less" with the goal of publish- ing in "the big quality magazines," in his terminology. WHAT IS MORE deadening than the social game of becoming a bigger and bigger name, of ap- pearing in bigger and better mag- azines, of acquiring flashier and aiore expensive color TV's and cars, of the whole desideratum of ten- ure, a house in the suburbs, and a comfortable philosophy within the accepted set of assumptions? If he feels threatened by those who turn to "sex, pornography and drugs," what about the deadening effect on the average citizen of the average goals of our society? It is characteristically Ameri- can that people are running after greater and greater stimulus. This I feel is produced to an over- whelming extent simply by those values which the average person feels compelled to spend his life racing after. SURELY Prof. Aldridge is not postulating that eventual deaden- ing of one's feelings for pornogra- phy is going to deaden one's feel- ings for anything else? If I fin- ally come to the point where noth- ing bores me 'more than a "Flam- ing Creatures" showing, does this imply that I will also lose all in- terest in reading Dylan Thomas, trying to play an instrument, or rolling down snowbanks? It seems to be his purpose to show that pornography is bor- ing. Why then does he object to what he says is the inevitable re- sult of it-that one becomes bored with it forever? -Mary S. Roth Abortion To the Editor: ABOUT 50 YEARS ago, a wom- an, young in years but prema- turely aged by constant toil, lov- ing her children but losing the struggle to keep them from starva- tion, loving her husband yet fear- ful of his love which would mean another child crying with hunger, went to a doctor to beg for ad- vice. The doctor's answer to her des- pair was "Tell Jack to sleep on the roof." Six months later, this young woman killed herself in an attempt at abortion. Thus children were orphaned, and marital love became the hapless cause of a woman's death. IT IS OUTRAGEOUS that, to this day, there are thousands of such needless tragedies repeated in this country-every day, every hour. The so-called "morality" which forces people to resort to "silent slaughter"-and by tliat I mean only abortions performed by quacks or attempted self-induced. abortions, which may either lead to the death of the mother or fu- ture inability to successfully car- ry through a pregnancy - such "morality" is a vicious growth on society's face. This growth should have been cauterized long ago. All praise to those courageous, truly compassionate, truly respon- sible men and women who are fighting to legalize abortions for economic as well as medical and other grounds. Legalization is the only honest, honorable, moral so- lution to this terrifying problem. -Patia M. Rosenberg, Grad Oaths To the Editor: IN KEEPING with The Daily's tradition, the recent editorial of Stephen Firshein on Michigan loyalty oaths is based on a sig- nificant misconception of the rel- evant legal decisions. The Michi- gan loyalty oath falls within that category traditionally described as an "affirmative" rather than a "negative" oath. In other words, the oath taker is not required to deny member- ship in particular organizations but merely to pledge his alleg- lance to the Constitution and to affirm that he will faithfully dis- charge his duties. The previous decisions of the United States Su- preme Court invalidating loyalty oaths have all dealt with nega- tive oaths, and the court, both in its description of its ruling and in its reasoning, has very care- fully limited, its decisions to this form of oath. THERE IS every indication from its opinions that the court would sustain an affirmative loyalty oath such as that presented by Michigan. A similar oath has been required of all federal employes in the Executive Branch since 1884, and, of course, the Presi- dent is required by Article II of the Constitution to solemnly swear that he will "faithfully execute" his office and will to the best of his ability "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." There is presently pending a suit in Massachusetts attacking a somewhat similar loyalty oath im- posed upon teachers at private institutions, but it is generally recognized that even this dis- tinguishable case is clearly break- ing new ground. It should also be noted that the oath requirement that one "sup- port" the Constitution does not impose some vague, philosophical duty of loyalty. On the contrary, it has been carefully limited by the court to bar only positive acts in violation of valid statutes im- posing specific legal duties, A SIMILAR misconception seems to exist as to the purpose of the oath requirement. No one has ever suggested that the purpose of the affirmative oath is to fer- ret out potential subversives any more than it has been suggested that the inclusion of such an oath requirement in the Constitution was designed for that purpose. Similarly, to call upon Justice Holmes "clear and present dan- ger" test in this area is to com- pletely ignore the context and pur- pose for which the Jastice advanc- ed the "danger" standard. It is quite clear from Justice Holmes' statements in various cases that he did not feel it necessary that there be any clear and present danger before "prohibitive action could be taken against an individ- ual." In fact, he quite clearly indi- cated that the clear and present danger test would not be applic- able to the type of restriction upon speech imposed by the affirmative, loyalty oath. Moreover, this also has been the position of the Unit- ed States Supreme Court ALL OF THIS is not to sug- gest that substantial arguments cannot be made for legislative re- peal of the Michigan oath require- ment, but only to insist that the arguments in that score not be based on misconceptions of the na- ture and purpose of the require- ment. -Jerold II. Israel LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. '4 I Advice for Advisory Committees FINALLY, a year after the idea originat- ed, the Advisory Boards to the Vice- Presidents are about to be put into opera- tion. Student Government . Council will choose four five-man committees within the next two weeks for the offices of Vice-Presidents Cutler, Norman, Pierpont and Smith. Under the Advisory Board System, each committee will meet with its vice-presi- dent on a bi-weekly basis and submit regular reports of their proceedings to SGC's and Graduate Student Council's Executive Committee. THE IMPLEMENTATION of the advisory committees was delayed considerably pending the approval of President Hatch- er, the vice-presidents and finally the Regents. With that approval now grant- ed, the success of the committees de- pends on the mutual effort of student members and 'their respective vice-presi- dents. First, students chosen to the committees must undertake a thorough examination of the operations and policy-making role of the office they advise. Secondly, the students must maintain close contact with the istudent organiza- tions and the student body at large. The committees' formal tie with SGC does not preclude their distributing and seeking ideas from the student body. For the system's purpose is to estab- lish closer relations with students and administrators, not to create a student advisory elite. In particular, board members should maintain close contact with members of the President's Commission on Decision- Making. In fact, this commission's dis- cussions and recommendations on the students' role in University decision-mak- ing may eventually decide the fate of the Advisory Board System. BUT DESPITE maximum effort by the students, the committees will not be successful unless they receive the full confidence and cooperation of the vice- presidents. It is essential, first, that the vice-presi- dents discover what issues and problems students wish to discuss. Secondly, they must not be afraid to provide students with privileged information in an atmos- phere of mutual trust. Most importantly, the administrators should agree to delay any decision affect- ing students until consultation with the advisory committees has taken place. IN SUM, it is full and open communi- cation between administrators and the committees, and between the committees and the student body which will give these committees effectiveness, and elicit the confidence of the student community. --SUSAN SCHNEPP , Feb. 2 THE"HAUGHTY AMERICAN nation" awoke yesterday, February 2. As it afnfl- - if a mvnnfh 'm-tc l a ni I I $55 M Fund: Good for 'U' and Daddy, Too The Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run--8100. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manawer By DAVID SALTMAN HEY KIDS! Call your daddies to the TV right now! We'll wait for a minute while he comesc.s. :)K? Now sit down dad, because HERE'S BIG NEWS FOR YOU! For no charge whatsover . .. we are going to send you a handy booklet to tell you how to avoid paying those nasty capital gains taxes. All you have to do is give some of those old stocks lying around to the all new University of Michigan $55-Million Program! Yes, dads, it's that simple. This free booklet, with a for- ward by Regent Paul Goebel, tells how you can claim up to a 30 per cent writeoff on your taxable in- comeby giving securities, property, insurance or cash to your fac- orite university. HERE'S WHAT the booklet looks like: as you can see, it's called "Tax Advantages of Making Gifts to the University of Michigan $55 Million Program." Let's open it to page three. Regent Paul Goebel has writ- ..1-- ,-, n C ,f anthropic urge with tax savings is both prudent and proper. "An individual intending to give to the University of Michigan might well review various tax con- siderations before determining the size of his commitment. He may find it possible to give more gen- erously than he had expected." Now, all you rich old shads, we'll explain our offer. You see, the government lets you deduct up to 30 per cent oft your adjusted gross income in one tax year if 'ou donate to the $55-M program. So, it's possible to give to the University and actually have more money left over after your gift! Don't believe us? Well, here's a testimonial from Felix Watson, one of our satisfied givers: Mr. Watson's example on page 14 of our booklet. He's increased his spendable income by $393,- 000 over the next 10 years . . . and by an additional $39,300 each year after that for life! All by taking advantage of the Univer- sity's "Life Income" plan - part of their fabulous $5--M program. of their fabulous $55-M program. So, under the plan on page 16 of our booklet, you can give real estate . . . but keep it and use it for the rest of your life. Not only that, you get a big de- duction from your taxable income -even though you don't lose a cent or an inch of land until you die! Now maybe you want to give your name to a scholarshipdfund, but don't have $75,000 handy. No matter! Under the $55-M plan... you can endow a $75,000 scholar- ship fund, and you only pay $7,- 300! Pretty nifty trick, eh? By now, dads, you must be won- dering what kind of satanic book- keeper dreamed all this up for the University. You must be won- dering how many years in Sing Sing you'd get for trying to pull off the dodges in this nifty little booklet. Wrong again! Every single' plan in the booklet has the blessing of the Internal Revenue Service. (As the man says about loopholes in the tax laws . ) Each plan is perfectly legal. Kosher. Straight. No kidding. If you can't live like .4 ...........