Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER - e'reOpinionsre Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. t THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER U.S. Space Program: Time for Cooperation T 5SEW ]\E r -rWiS. 15 A5NT CIVIL I61 A JN TP\ Ux\KL ['Vi ThER RtI RM K< ES .f IIL~xzPS SILL A aL~ boyA A MTR~Ac~ CIVIL CIVIL {AT.3 'Dtv3 UA[T , A I THE YtANTIC RACE for the moon claimed' two more victims Tuesday, bringing to five the number of men killed during the past week. These tragedies sharply reemphasize the need to implement the oft-voiced proposal to unite the American and So- viet space programs. It is no secret that both the United States and Russia have used shortcuts in the attempt to win the race to the moon. NASA has always taken the great- est safety precautions, yet some compro- mises have been necessary. FOR EXAMPLE, U.S. scientists decided in 1962 to use an already-developed pure oxygen respiration system in its space vehicles rather than delay the pro- gram until a safer nitrogen-oxygen en- vironment like the Russians' could be developed. They felt the time saved (perhaps two years) more than compensated for the added fire risk. If we were to beat Russia to the moon, we could not spend the time necessary to make a mixed gas system feasible. The results of this haste were manifested clearly this weekend. NO ONE CAN seriously doubt the use- fulness of space exploration. Tremen- dous technological,.economic and even so- cial benefits will accrue to manking from the knowledge gained through the space program. Already our space program has produc- ed vast advances in the fields of com- munication, meteorology, medicine and mineralogy. Eventually, the use of space technology may solve one of the impend- ing great problems of our planet - the feeding of the Earth's rapidly expanding population. BUT THE RACE to the moon itself has l1tle to do with the advancement of needed scientific knowledge. It is a battle for national prestige. NASA officials explicitly admit this much. Robert Frietag, director of the manned space field center development program for NASA said in a speech here last year, "We no more want to get to the moon than Lindbergh wanted to get to Paris." Capt. Frietag added that the real pur- pose of the program was to "prove that we have the capability to operate in space." In other words, we want to show that we can do it better and faster than the Soviet Union and, naturally, they hope to prove the opposite. The race has -led not only to the loss of life, but vast expenditures on the part of both countries. The United States has been spending about $3.5 billion a year to win the battle. THE POOLING of the American and Russian space programs would save both the large expenditures and the need- less risks to life. Instead of concentrat- ing upon worthless monuments to nation- al prestige, scientists would be free to concentrate on meaningful objectives. The overwhelming expenditures of mon- ey could then be spent on more beneficial projects in the short-run, while not lim- iting the long term benefits that space exploration offers. Such cooperation in space is no mere pipedream. Just last week the two coun- tries signed a treaty that forbids mili- tary action in outer space. Admittedly, that is a long way from a combined space effort, but it is a hopeful beginning. TUESDAY, President Johnson sent a re- port prepared prior to Friday's tragedy which cited Russia's increasing progress, and urged that the U.S. not slacken its efforts to triumph. Perhaps now the President will revise his thinking. -WARREN M. ZUCKER 3 NN Review: An Academic View of Academic Freedom "The American Student's Free- dom of Expression: A Research Appraisal," by E. G. William- ;on and John L. Cowan; Uni- versity of Minnesota Press, De- cember, 1966. By DENIS WADLEY Collegiate Press Service PROF. SIDNEY HOOK once ob- served that there is "more slop- py rhetoric per page about aca- demic freedom by those who be- lieve that they are supporting, and those intent on criticizing it, than on any other theme with the possible exception of democracy." Those who have for any period of time listened to the exhorta- tions of student activists, or read the principle and declaration sec- tions of National Student Associa- tion resolutions, know the truth of that statement. University of Minnesota's Dean of Students E. G. Williamson and John L. Cowan have attempted, in a book just published, to sup- ply a much needed factual base and long-absent perspective for such questions. "Discussions of student academic freedom," they point out, "has seldom been aca- demic." THE BOOK, called "The Amer- icpn Student's Freedom of Expres- sion: .A Research Appraisal, is long on facts and statistics and short on rhetoric and opinion= One fact is that there is an im- portant upsurge in student self- expression on American campuses. The survey indicated, however, that while this expression involves controversial issues, and a greater number of students are demon- strating more openly for their points of view, there has not been a commensurable increase in "ex- tremist" activity on the campuses. Nonetheless, in over 50 per cent of the 900 responding institutions of higher education, less than 10 per cent of the students belong to "activist" organizations. The greatest increase in student interest has been in Catholic uni- versities and Catholic liberal arts colleges, but in almost all cases there was much less.activity there to begin with; and the" increase, according to the authors, is very likely traceable to the effects of the Vatican Council and the fer- ment and increased liberalism in Catholicism generally. MOST COLLEGS administrators (presidents and deans of stu- dents) approve of this tendency toward student activism in the abstract. "The greatest commitment to the abstract principle of academic freedom is found tro the private universities and liberal arts col- leges and the least is found in the Catholic schools," say the authors. The study also demonstrates that political organizations are not an important factor in the campus life of most colleges and univer- sities; and that the conservative and right-wing organizations are generally more prominent and more active than their liberal-left counterparts. A SURVEY of where organiza- tions of this nature are- and are not permitted demonstrated that "students, as much as they have clamored for more freedom, have not begun to use the freedom that appears to be already available to them," according to the authors. But their own figures show this is not universally true. Exceptions are usually Catholic schools and teachers' colleges. In discussing controversial issues the survey finds there is a slight overall disparity between the ab- stract commitment to student free- doms and ,the willingness to dis- euss certain kinds of issues. The authors noted a slight disparity, too, between the opposition to such discussion envisioned by students and that suggested by administra- tors. Those who have taken the posi- tion that a school's speaker policy is the acid test of its commitment to student freedoms will find sup- port in the Williamson-Cowan study. Some 17 speakers were inquired about, ranging in controversiality from Earl Warren (acceptable at 95 per cent of all schools polled) to George Lincoln Rockwell (only 18 per ceft); and here more than anywhere else the grand ration- ales come in: incidents at other schools, motives of the sponsor- ing group, community pres- sures, and so on. THESE THREE AREAS-state- ments of principle, student orga- nizations and speaker policies- are still all in the realm of ad- vocacy. When it comes to orga- nized protest action the survey in- dicates that there are virtually no completely free campuses. The most objectionable of a list of nine kinds of organized action was the picketing of a pub- lic meeting. Sit-ins ranked a close second, and student government resolutions without a referendum came third. The most often permitted kind of action was resolutions with a student body referendum; but this is still doubtful on certain topics in over 20 per cent of the cases. THE STUDY breaks down these and other generalizations in virtu- ally every pertinent way: by re- gion, by type of school, by indi- vidual speaker and topic, by in- dividual respondent (dean, presi- dent, student newspaper editor and student body president). There is also an interesting ,hapter on the role of student lead- ers, particularly the editor of the campus publications and the stu- dent body president. It explores in some detail how student newspapers are managed and funded, and what kinds of activities student governments en- gage in. ("The most frequently perceived major function of stu- dent government was supervising campus elections - i.e., self-per- petuation.") THE STUDY revealed virtually every form of diversity in just about every area. An administra- tor "will not find massive support for his value system," whatever it is. Such diversity "is not surprising to most educators, but it may be frightening to those who feel that diversity in the distribution of stu- dent freedoms is like diversity in the dispensation of justice." These people will not find much support in the survey, either. (Wadley is a student at the University of Minnesota.) 'Y 44 The City and Cinema Guild Letters: Proposal for a Student Rental Union TH'E CITY OF ANN ARBOR hopes to prove that Cinema Guild is legally part of the University, and therefore cannot sue the city for the seizure of "Flaming Creatures." The implications of the city's subpoena of the official records defining Cinema Guild's legal status are thought-provok- ing. FIRST, if the Cinema Guild is part of the University, and therefore cannot sue the Ann Arbor police, how can the Ann Arbor police arrest members of the Cinema Guild? Isn't it the Regents who should be arrested? Be interesting to see how they'd explain a misdemeanor for obscenity in the next regental election. Secondly, what effect did SGC's sus- pension of relations with the OSA last semester have on its legal status? Maybe SGC really isn't part of the University any more. SERIOUSLY, however, the subpoena re- emphasizes the need to make student organizations completely independent. Cinema Guild operates independently, and should. They should therefore be le- gally independent. For if the police contention holds, the suit will be dropped, and I doubt if the Cinema Guild leaders will be able to convince the Regents to take it up again. MANY HAVE ARGUED that the Univer- sity should have supported Cinema The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Pu lished at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. owner-Board in Control of Student Publiations, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Dond or Stockholders-None. Average press run-8100.- Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Guild in the beginning. But, if students are to operate autonomously, they must accept the responsibility of that inde- pendence. Besides, students and faculty can han- dle problems with outside agencies just as well by themselves, as this case may prove: Furthermore, we can never be guaran- teed that the University will not take a restrictive, rather than merely a neutral position beforehand. And even in the case when the position is "neutral," as it was last August with HUAC, we're better off fighting our own battles. --BOB CARNEY Associate Editorial Director Viet Vote ANN ARBOR CITY COUNCIL is present- ly considering a motion to include on the April ballot a referendum on the war in Vietnam. Normally, the city has no reason to in- clude national issues in a local elec- tion; it's a waste of ballot paper. The question of a Vietnam referendum, how- ever, is a different matter. THE IMPORTANCE of the referendum lies not with the results of the vote, but with the effect it will have in stim- ulating citizens' debate and providing in- formation on our commitment in South- east Asia. Such preparation for the na- tional election of 1968 is invaluable. The referendum will be no one-sided affair. Critics and supporters of our pol- icy will both have their say. In fact, in Dearborn's Vietnam referendum held last November, the vote supported the admin- istration policy. And the cost .of putting the question on the ballot will be a mere $25, according to the city clerk. , PPONENTS of the motion on the coun- To the Editor: AS A GRADUATING senior I am well aware of the grave in- equities involved in the apartment rental system in Ann Arbor. To again go over the problems a stu- dent faces would be repetitious, and the time has come for more constructive ideas. Of all the pro- posals that have been bantered around, the most useful seems to be the formation of a student ren- tal union. THE RENTAL UNION idea has performed rather admirably as at- tempted in several slum areas, the main function being in combating the all-powerful landlords with mass actionofthe tenants. In Ann Arbor, through the threat of rent strikes and other tenant ac- tion, the landlords could be brought down to the level of the student and the housing situation could be oriented towards student needs. This is not to say that the landlord should have all of his rights summarily disappropriated, but that all complaints from both sides be handled fairly, insuring the rights of all parties concerned. The only real stumbling block to this proposal would seem to be fi- nancing such a tenant union, and to this point I shall now direct myself. IN CONJUNCTION with the for- mation of this union, each tenant would put up one month's rent with the union as a security de- posit. In addition, the landlord should match this deposit to the union. Such a deposit could total over $1.5 million on this campus and if invested could yield $75,000 a year in interest. On a $75,000 budget a full time staff with legal assistanc3 could be made avail- able to handle problems. As to the student security de- posit, this would replace the dam- age deposit normally paid to the realtor who now pirates all in- terest on these deposits. Sim- ilarly, if the student is required to put up a deposit to protect the realtor, then the realtorshould, likewise, put up money to secure the students rights. These deposits would be return- ed to the respective parties upon termination of the lease with de- duetions taken out for damages abounding here. In theE past I have fought realtors on my own initiative and found limited suc- tess, but I see that this is too big an issue to be handled alone and only with mass effort am I posi- tive that great progress can be made. Richard B. Firestone, '67 Theatre To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to express my firm support for Prof. Hall's prooosal to drop everything and build a theatre: The time has come to express artistic dissatisfaction with the crass and materialistic society which supports the artist. What better use of $4 million could be made than the construc- tion of a theatre? There is no substance to the cavils of Prof. Hall's detractors, who would use the funds for schol- arships for Negro students,rhigher salaries for professors, and con- struction of classroom buildings. Those poor Negro students prob- ably wouldn't even like the Uni- versity of Michigan. Why increase salaries when the English department already enjoys its richly deserved national repu- tation? Why build classroom and research facilities for projected future needs when we need a theatre NOW? IF THE UNIVERSITY denies us the rest of the funds for the thea- tre, the artistic community an raise the money itself. Prof. Hall could read poetry on the Diag at noon and pass the hat. We could charge 25 cents ad- mission to all campus libraries. We could swallow our pride, abandon our ethics, and work for the sake of profit, not art. Should these meansrprove insuf- ficient we have no recourse but to call a nationwide art strike. Prof. Hall could set an example Ly denying the world the pleasure of any more of his poetry. Com- posers could stop composing, nov- elists and playwrights stop writ- ing, painters stop painting. It wouldn't be long before the crass materialists, deprived of cul- ture, would be forced to capitulate to our demands. Artists of the world, unite! We Tastydisgustingly unchecked eating and tasting must be changed. We must To the Editor:rfree ourselves, our taste buds, to I WOULD LIKE to thank Prof. "feel." Aldridge (Letters, Jan. 31) for clearing up a matter which has BUT, ALAS, rules governing be- been puzzling me. My problem is havior are not enough. As the that for a -long, time I've been professor so wisely warns us, voy- unable to taste anything I eat. eurism can lead to the same dis- I now find, by reading Prof. Ald- tasteful result. We must eliminate ridge's penetrating analysis of the the constant titillation provided by effects of pornography, that the numerous food related scenes in loss of my sense of taste was only the mass media. to be expected, . . ."since a surfeit We are unwitting voyeurs all of sensation can lead only to a (think how many people must deadningof te sesatins."have lost. the ability to taste while deadening of the sensations." watching "Tom Jones") and, as It is clear that society must such, are subject to the danger impose stringent rules and regu- outlined by Prof. Aldridge: ". lations on matters of eating, as finally the moment known to all they have on matters of sex, if aged voyeurs is reached, the mno- our children are going to be ment when nothing titillates any, brought up in a world where a more, when everything and every- good, clean, occasional sense of body has been vicariously and taste can be had, imaginatively had (or tasted!), Only experiences which are "dif- and all response dies." ficult to have" can be truly "alive For the sake of all those "goat- to us." The current situation of bearded youths" who are unable to go howling down the streets eating and tasting, I urge every- one to do something to rectify the situation. Then, hopefully, we'll all be able to keep our sense of taste. -Wes Du Charm, Grad Northwood To the Editor: IF ANY of your readership who live in the Northwood area of North Campus are still wondering why the snow that fell last Thurs- day night was plowed off the walks adjacent to theirapartments (un- der their very bedroom windows, one might even say) with such noisy dispatch between midnight and 6 a.m. on Tuesday morning, I am pleased to pass on the fol- lowing information,' considerately. supplied by Mr. Lutz 1) There were six inches of snow on the ground; 2) the plow- ing was authorized by the Plant Department, which is responsible for roads and walkways. -Stephen Bluestone 1 I *It ~i Ii I I