WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1967. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGV TIMIN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1967 FIlE MICHIGAN flAtLY PAGE THREE . Hanoi Hints At Possible Policy Shifts State Dept. Shows Interest in Several Weekend Utterances WASHINGTON (IP)-The U.S. government showed interest pub- licly yesterday in a couple of weekend utterances by North Viet- nam about getting into peace talks. State Department press officer Robert J. McCloskey said "careful study' is being devoted to any Hanoi statements-and he speci- fically noted an interview with North Vietnam's foreign minister and a Hanoi policy editorial. "I don't want to take this as far as saying there is any change of position" by North Vietnam, the spokesman added. "We are cer- tainly short of that at this point." Propaganda U.S. analysis have been cautious about reading too much into changes in Hanoi propaganda wording. On some past occasions North Vietnam's output has seem- ed to hint a possible change, only to revert subsequently to a tough stand against U.S. pro'posals for unconditional talks to end the war. However, McCloskey, in replying to newsmen's questions Tuesday, declined to say flatly as he has before that there is no evidence of Hanoi interest in peace discus- sions. And Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, former ambassador to South Viet- nam and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the White House in reporting Monday on his Southeast Asian trip that "something is starting to move." McCloskey McCloskey referred to an inter- view by Australian journalist Wilfed Burchett with North Viet- namese Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trinh and to a commentary front-paged in the Hanoi party newspaper Nhan Dan. Both items were broadcost by Hanoi Radio in English. Amid long denunications of U.S. Vietnam policy, the two articles included the following statement by the foreign minister which was underlined in the Nhan Dan policy statement: "If the United States really wants talks, it must first halt un- conditionally the bombing raids and all other acts of war against the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam North Vietnam. Bombing Cessation "It is only after the uncondi- tional cessation of U.S. bombing and all other acts of war against the DRV that there could be talks betweerg the DRV and the United States." Some specialists here thought this might indicate an easing of Hanoi's previous hard rebuff of peace talks, but they said more would have to be learned about North Vietnam's position before this could be confirmed. Others saw the statement as part of Hanoi's diplomatic-prop- aganda campaign to end U.S. air attacks on the north. Whether a promise by North Vietnam to come to the conference table would in itself cause Presi- dent Johnson to call off the bomb- ing is another question. Flames Kill Two Airmen OVER TWO-YEAR PERIOD: Communist Document Reveals In Simulation Staggering Viet Cong Losses -Associated Press ASTRONAUT BURIED AT ARLINGTON Burial services are conducted at Arlington National Cemetery for Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom. Gris- som and Lt. Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee were buried side-by-side across the Potomac from the capital. Col. Edward H. White, H, was laid to rest at the U.S. Military Academy. All three received full honors from their country, with President Johnson attending the Arlington ceremonies, and Vice President Humphrey appearing at West Point. SPECIAL MESSAGE: Johnson Proposes Increased Benefits for Vietnam Veterans Training School Fire Called Very Similar ' To Apollo Blaze; SAN ANTONIO, Texas UP) - Flames fed on pure oxygen swept1 through a space cabin simulator at the School of Aero-space Med- icine Tuesday, killing two airmen in an accident similar to the one which killed three Apollo astro- nauts only four days ago. Like the Apollo I capsule at Cape Kennedy, Fla., the inside of! the simulator was engulfed by the fierce flames.' "Everything inside was burned," said Lt. Col. T. A. Glascow, public information officer for the school at Brooks Air Force Base. "It was gutted." Reignited Flames Flames reignited in the simu- lator four hours after the accident but were quickly extinguished. It contined to smoulder. The names of the two airmen were not at first disclosed. 1 The Air Force set off an in- vestigative board to determine the cause. A spokesman said the airmen were inside the space cabin simu- lator to monitor the activities of 16 rabbits, which were the subject of an experiment to study the ef- fects of pure oxygen on the ani- mal's blood.' The sealed cabin, which bears no resemblance to the size or shape of an actual spacecraft, was under a pure oxygen environ- ment and had a simulated pres- sure of 18,000 feet altitude. That would make the inside pressure about seven pounds- per square inch. Removed Quickly Glascow said the airmen were taken from the cabin within five minutes of the blaze, and that doctors worked over one almost an hour before he died. The other was taken to nearby Brooke Army Medical Center with burns over 95 per cent of his body. Although not connected with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as the Apollo pro- ject is, the School of Aerospace Medicine has been called the hub of the Air Force's research into the medical side of space flights. ' Research here is done primarily' in connection with the Air Force military space program, spec tally the proposed Manned Orbiting SLaboratory. There are several altitude cham- bers at the school and they have, varied capabilities depending on the nature of the experiment. Some studies are carried out by, using volunteer airmen selected from among basic training at nearby Lackland Air Force Base.- SAIGON (P)-A captured Com- munist document made public here yesterday reports American opera- tions have cost the Viet Cong con- trol of a million rural South Viet- namese since 1965 and recruiting to fill guerrilla vacancies "presents a serious problem." The Communist document ac- knowledging setbacks was one of many seized in the recently con- cluded Operation Cedar Falls, a scorched earth sweep across the Iron Triangle north of Saigon. Intelligence agents are still stu- dying others for futher informa- tion on the views and aims of the enemy driven from that old stamping ground, headquarters of the Viet Cong's 4th Military Re- gion. The tone of the document was glum, but it wound up with the assertion that, "Generally speak- ing, we are riding the high tide while the enemy is going down hill." U.S sources said they be- lieved it was part of a report to the Viet Cong's political agency, the National Liberation Front In the field. U.S. Marines re- ported two engagements in north- ern sector. Spokesmen said they killed 49. A company of the 26th Marine Regiment wiped out a guerrilla squad by killing 14 and capturing one as the squad tried to flee by raft across a river from the ham- let of Duc Ky, 11 milessouthwest of Da Nang. None of the.Leather- necks was hit. Enemy Bunkers Marines of the 7th Reev'"nt, backed by naval guns. field artil- lery and air strikes, overran a col- lectidn of enemy bunkers and en- trenchments on the coast 25 miles south of Quang Ngai. They said before they reach Communist they killed 35 of the enemy. Their forces in South Vietnam. own losses were described as mod-: -While d o z e n s of fighter- erate. bombers struck at Communist Briefing officers told of other targets elsewhere in South Viet- developments afield: nam, U.S. B52 Stratofortresses -Two regiments of South Ko- staged two raids in the central rea's White Horse Infantry Divi- highlands. One wave blasted at A nti-Mao Uprisings Disturb China Cities sion have killed 71 Viet Cong and daptured 129 weapons in a new operation, called White Horse 1. launched Sunday on the central coast 15 miles northwest of Nha: Trang. A spokesman said that, at: the time of this accounting, the Koreans had suffered no casual- ties. Cargo Barges -Five-inch shells from guns of the U.S. destroyer Keppler sank five Communist cargo barges and damaged 10 from a fleet of 20 sighted off Dong Hot, 40 miles north of the border. The shelling was part of a continuing effort by 7th Fleet warslips to intercept North Vietnamese supply vessels suspected North Vietnamese base camp near the Cambodian frontier 17 miles west of the U.S. Army Special Forces camp at Plei Djer- eng. The second struck at a troop concentration in the area of Do Xa, 56 miles north of Kontum. Grenade Attack -Viet Cong staged a rifle gre- nade attack on a Vietnamese civil- ian boat 24 miles southeast of Saigon and forced down a U.S. Navy armed helicopter, one of a fleet of aircraft that sped to the boat's defense. U.S. headquarters said the helicopter crew escaped injury, but the enemy grenades killed four Vietnamese civilians and wounded two. WASHINGTON (P) - President Johnson laid before Congress yes- terday a package of money-boost- ing proposals for veterans of the Vietnam era, including higher payments for education and pen- sions. For those entering service since Aug. 5, 1964, benefits would be brought up to a basis equal with those received by veterans of World Wars I and II and Korea. Administration officials esti- mated that the cost of the package would be about $260 million for the first year with the price tag going up each year thereafter as the number of veterans on the rolls increased about 500,000 an- nually. Even as Johnson's request went to Congress, the Senate Finance Committee beat him to the punch by approving unanimously a bill containing many of the things he asked. The measure is identical to one passed unanimously by the Senate last Oct. 16 only to die in the House when Congress ad- journed. Chairman Olin E. Teague, (D- Tex.), of the House Veterans Af- fairs Committee which approved the Senate-passed bill last year, predicted early and favorable ac- tion by his group on Johnson's re- quest. Teague noted that it was the first time in years that a pres- ident has sent Congress a special message on veterans benefits. Rep. E. Ross Adair of Indiana, ranked Republican on Teague's committee, said the committee has been advocating for some time most of what Johnson proposed. He added: "I'm in favor of it, substantially." While Johnson's message to Congress emphasized particularly the role of those "fighting and giving their .lives in the defense of freedom in Vietnam" the higher benefit he recommended would ap- ply to Aug. 5, 1964, no matter where a man served. Under one Johnson proposal, a recent veteran could for the first time receive educational benefits while completing high school work without this being charged against his later college benefits. As a result of this, a veteran could, in theory at least, spend four years in high school-36 months -with government help and another 36 months in college under the new GI bill which went into effect last June. The maximum for a single vet- eran receiving educational assist- ance would be increased from $100 a month to $130 a month. TOKYO (;P)-Radio Peking said yesterday Mao Tse-tung's forces "are taking by storm one after an- other the citadels" of his enemies, but so far Maoists claim control in only four cities. And broadcasts admitted trouble in two of these. Far from Peking's control, such areas as Sinkiang Province, Inner Mongolia and parts of Manchuria are still in a state of rebellion against Mao and resistance is re- Wilson to Ask Kosygin's Aid In Solving Vietnam Conflict ported widespread elsewhere. The Hong Kong Star in a re- port unconfirmed elsewhere said Gen. Wang En-mao, anti-Mao boss of Sinkiang Province, had threatened to seize Red China's nuclear base at Lop Nor in the south if Maoists try to take over the provincial government. Radio Peking, quoting an article in the party theoretical journal Red Flag, asserted that Mao's ene- mies are being "battered into con- fusion." These enemies, supposedly led by President Liu Shao-chi, ap- parently were striking back in the northeast port of Tsingtao on the Yellow Sea, which earlier broad- casts said was firmly seized Jan. 22 after a battle led by the army. With Tsingtao's reported falling, Maos forces now claim to control four cities. The others are Peking, the big port of Shanghai, and Taiyuan, the capital of Shansi Province net door to Peking. Mao's propaganda machinery called for the formation of revo- lutionary committees of peasants, students, workers, soldiers and in- tellectuals to take over city gov- ernments in the power struggle. New Auto Standards, Issued by Commerce WASHINGTON (P)-The Com-t merce Department issued 20 auto safety standards yesterday, toned down from its previous proposals. And the department gave the in- dustry an extra four months to comply with them on 1968 model, cars. Three proposed standards were withdrawn for further study. Two deal with tries and rims. And the other would have required head- rests as a protection against whip- lash injury. Officials said the 20 standards issued were softened in varying degree from proposals the depart- ment made Dec. 3. Dr. William Haddon Jr., admin- istrator of the National Traffic Safety Agency, said many points made by the domestic and foreign industries were reasonable, well- documented, and accepted by the department. But he said his experts did not go along with all industry sug- gestions. Twelve of the standards issued' yesterday were in final form while eight others contain amendments for possible adoption later. One standard-that applying to the strength and hardware for seatbelts-will go into effect March 1 as scheduled previously. The others won't become effective until Jan. 1, 1968. The original proposals recommended a compli- ance date of next Sept. 1. Lowell K. Bridwell, acting un- dersecretary of commerce for transportation, called the 20 stan- dards a "substantial step forward" and said every automobile manu- facturer can meet them by next Jan. 1. Bridwell said the standards are the best that could be drafted at this time based on the legal con- straints that they must be reason- able, practical and appropriate and based on existing standards. "I'm not happy with them in the sense they are not as far as we need to go in the future in order to protect the lives of people who drive automobiles," he told a news conference. "But . . . they are as far as we are able to go now within the legal constraints." Announce Development Of Nuclear-ray Missile LONDON (A)-Prime Minister Harold Wilson is planning a de- termined bid next week to per- suade Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin to join in settling the Vietnam war and to avoid a nu- clear arms race with the United States. Informants said last night the prime minister believes from re- cent indications in Moscow and Hanoi that the Soviets may now be ready to take a more active role in the search for peace in Vietnam. At the same time some British officials were puzzled by a dis- closure that Kosygin is leaving Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko home during his week-long visit to Britain, which begins next Monday. They wondered if it was a deliberate attempt by Kosygin to downgrade the importance of the visit. Brussels Wilson and Foreign Secretary George Brown flew to Brussels, Belgium, to continue their poll of Common Market governments on British prospects for membership in the European Economic Com- munity. Informants said Wilson sees Vietnam and, the possibility of a nuclear arms race arising from continued Soviet development of antimissile systems as over-shad- owing al other issues he plans to take up with Kosygin. He has set aside more than 20 hours for pri- vate talks during Kosygin's visit. The British have been heartened by Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor's state- ment in Washington that "some- thing is starting to move' in Hanoi in the direction of peace Viet Cong This - follows other indications that the North Vietnamese, and perhaps even the Viet Cong, may be willing to talk. This, Wilson thinks, may prompt the Russians to join the British in getting talks started. The Russians have said all along that the decision on peace talks was Hanoi's, not theirs. Anti-Soviet Demonstrations Spread to North Vietnam British officials say privately, however, that the crux is a halt in the American bombing of North Vietnam. Wilson will add his voice to those of President Johnson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk in appealing to the Russians to think again before extending to other cities the antiballistic missiles which Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara said they have de- ployed around Moscow. World News Roundup WASHINGTON-Edwin 0. Rei- schauer, a U.S. consultant on Far Eastern affairs, brushed off Red China as a military threat yester- day and said "prudent de-escala- tion" is the way to peace in Viet- nam. Reischauer, former ambassador to Japan, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he doesn't see much hope for negotiations on Vietnam and termed U.S. bombing of North Vietnam a "psychological blunder on our part," diminishing already thin prospects for talks. NEW YORK-General Motors Corp. reported Tuesday that its 1966 earnings totaled $1,793 bil- lion, or $6.24 a share, compared with $2.126 billion, or $7.41 a share, in 1965. Automobile sales by General Motors, the No. 1 car maker, and by the industry as a whole fell in 1966 below the record level of 1965. General Motors sales in 1966 totaled $20.2 billion against $20.7 billion in 1965. WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States has developed nuclear-tip- ped missiles with improved powers for penetrating a kind of nuclear- ray "curtain" deployable by anti- missile defenses. The new warheads also pack more explosive wallop for a given quantity of nuclear material than heretofore, the government in- dicated. The development-growing out of underground weapons tests at the Nevada Proving Ground last year-was reported to Congress yesterday by the Atomic Energy Commission in its annual report. At the same time the AEC re- ported record-breaking activity in the nuclear power field during the past year. No Reference The report made no reference to the pending U.S. decision on whether to build a complete, $40- billion antimissile defense system or rely on offensive capability as a deterrent to war. But it appears evident this latest advance in American nuclear wea- ponry could play a part in that decision-and perhaps strengthen the Johnson administration's hand in its call for Soviet cooperation to end any antimissile race. Moscow Late last year Secretary of De- fense Robert S. McNamara said the Soviet Union had deployed elements of an antimissile defense system around Moscow. And he has indicated belief that even an advanced antimissile defense by either the United States or Russia could not completely thwart a nu- clear missile attack. The new warheads-presumably of the hydrogen variety-are al- ready slated for production, if not already on the production line, the report indicated. The AEC said steps are being taken to overhaul older nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles to incorporate the new gains. MOSCOW ()-Chinese anti- Soviet demonstrations were re- ported last night to have spread from Peking and other world capi- tals to Hanoi. Izvestia said Chinese students and diplomats chanted anti-Soviet slogans in a 'provocative demon- stration" outside the Russian Em- bassy in the North Vietnamese capital.In a brief dispatch, the government newspaper called it "a hooligan spectacle." For six days thousands of Chi- nese have been staging sometimes riotous demonstrations outside the Soviet Embassy in Peking, and others have been launched in Paris and Baghdad, Iraq's capital. Tuesday came word of another in Sana, capital of Yemen. "Death Sentences" Yesterday's demonstration in Peking, Tass, the Soviet News agency said, teen-age Red Guards and others shouted anti-Soviet speeches and slogans over loud- speakers, then read off "death seri- tences" for members of the em- *bassy staff. The incidents were provoked by what Peking claimed was the beating of 69 Chinese students by, Soviet police in Moscow's Red Square last Wednesday. The H a n o i demonstration brought the Peking-Moscow feud to the capital of a nation trying to balance itself on a tight rope between the two Communists giants. North Vietnam receives military supplies from both the Soviet Unionand Red China.Hanoi has tried to get along with both, and the demonstratidn may prove em- barrassing. Lenin's Tomb The Red Square incident in Mos- cow was followed up Monday night by the enclosing of Lenin's Tomb behind a six-foot high wooden wall. THEODORE BIKEL FEBRUARY 1-28 The World SCOPE: INTERNATIONAL Mixers, Teas, Dinners The World ACTION: INTERNATIONAL' Speakers, Receptions ~UN ION-LEAGUE LABOR DAY WEEKEND ANNOUNCES SELECTION OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE SECRETARY: SANDY MORTER TREASURER: DANA McCURDY TICKETS: SUSAN JOHNSON speaks at HILLEL DELI HOUSE and leads a discussion on JEWISH CONCERNS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Last week well over 100 reservations were received. Capacity for this function is 200. TO ASSURE A PLACE