ELIGIBLE STUDENTS: REGISTER TO VOTE See editorial page Ci * r Lil t i au ~E~aitF COLDER High--28 Low--15 Partly cloudy; chance of snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGH# PAGES _ _ __ - Cinema Guild SGC Files Subpoenaed, Served on Feldkamp; 'U' Leaders Meet In Closed Sessions By DAVID KNOKE EWtIREganBa NEWS WIRE Vietnam .TalksI Student With Rusk Leaders C TOKYO-Radio Peking said last night that Mao Tse-tung forces have gained control of a fifth major city, once a U air base. The city of Ann Arbor served a subpoena yesterday on the Uni- versity for officials records on the legal status of the campus Cine- mna Guild Board. The subpoena' was authorized by U.S. District, ,ourt in Detroit in conjunction with a Cinema Guild suit against the Ann Arbor police and the Washtenaw County assistant pros- ecutor. The subpoena ordered the Uni- versity to submit the regularly publirshed records on the rela- tionship of the Cinema Guild Board to Student Government Council. and of SGC to the Re- gents. The city reportedly plans to use the information in an effort to throw the suit out of court on grounds that Cinema Guild does not have the legal right to sue. The city will probably contend that Cinema Guild is not a sep-{ crate corporation from the Uni- versity and that only the Re- gents may act as plaintiffs in suits involving official University orgaigzations. The subpoena was served on University Housing Director John Feldkamp by City Attorney Ja- cob Fehrner and Peter Forsythe. It calls for "all records, docu- ments, regulations, bylaws and other papers" concerning the rela- tions of the University bodies. Feldkamp was ordered to bring the records to the federal court for a hearingr at 3 p.m. Friday for the casein which Cinema Guild Board is suing for $15,000 in damages and an injunction against the seizure of the film by police on "obscenity" charges. SGC members and seven mem- bers of the faculty subcommittee on student relations met last night at the Student Activities Building to discuss the subpoena with Vice- President forStudent Affairs Richard L. Cutler in a closed ses- sion. Cutler reportedly called the meeting to inform the leaders that the University plans to comply with the subpoena-in line with normal University operating pro- cedure. Reliable sources indicated last night that no substantial objec- tions were raised as to why the University shouldn't comply with the subpoena. But several of the persons in attendance reportedly felt that a lawyer should be consulted on the issue. Cutler reportedly felt that there would not be enough time to retain a lawyer and receive Re- gental approval before the sub- poena would fall due. u y The four members of the Cinema Guild Board, who are defendants in a municipal court case for showing the "obscene" movie, were invited to the closed meeting but only one appeared. No lawyers were present at the meeting. The Federal Court case involves a ''show cause'' suit filled by the Cinema Guild Board against Ann9 Arbor police Chief Walter E. Krasny, Detective Lieut Eugene Staudenmeier anid Thomas Shea. assistant Washtenaw C o u n t y prosew~ting attorney for the seiz- ure Jan. 18 of the show "Flaming Creat~res." Although claiming control of the five cities, the broadcasts admitted trouble in two of them. The latest success of Mao's supporters in the Red China power struggle was reported in Kweiyang, capital of Kweichov Province in South China and an American air base in World War II. Peking Radio said the power seizure was Jan. 25, but it ws not reported whether pro-Mao forces controlled rural areas of the province. (See earlier story, page three.) * * *W* MADRID-Spanish officials closed the University of Madrid yesterday in an effort to head off more student demonstrations in support of workers' demands for higher pay. At the same time, labor leaders were mounting a drive for the workers to strike in support of the students. In another development, a social service school student com- mitted suicide as police searched his home for Communist pro- paganda material, police reported. Handbills were circulated calling for a general strike in Madrid today. Industrial, sources said they believed some of the 70,000-man work force in Madrid's industrial areas would try to join the protest. J. EDGAR HOOVER, director of the FBI said yesterday the Communist Party is disrupting "through mass agitation the orderly processes of our edtcation systems." , Hoover accused the party of exploiting the idealism of many American students for Communist purposes "all under the guise of seeking equal justice or some other noble cause."~ Hoover said: "At the core of these campus disorders, and often below the surface, we find agitation personnel from organ- izations such as the Communist W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America and their comrades in the Students for aDemocratic Society, a so-called new left group; members of the Progressive Labor Party, a pro-Red Chinese group with organizations under the control of the subversive Socialists Workers Party andssimilar groups."r Hoover made his remarks in the February edition of the FBI's monthly law enforcement bulletin. * * * * AN EXECUTIVE ORDER signed by President Johnson Mon- day provides new regulations to permit men convicted of vio- lating the Selective Service law to be paroled for active duty in the Armed Forces or assignment to civilian work, Any person convicted of Selective Service law violations may apply, under the new procedure, to the attorney general for parole to serve on combat, noncombatant duty or for assigment to appropriate civilian work. The White House noted that similar regulations were in effect during World War p1. PROF. WILLIAM J. PIERCE of the University Law School has been named to the Research Advisory Committee of the Council of State Goverments. The committee will assist the council through a problem- solving approach, not the descriptive approach of conventional research, Prof. Pierce said. Problem projects will include mental health, mass transportation, air pollution and interstate com- pacts concerning nuclear production. The Council of State Government is an organization to promote research in interstate cooperation. * - * A PHOTO EXHIBIT showing the growth and history of the University will be on display in the galleries of the Rackham Building beginning Friday and will continue through March 5. The nearly 200 pictures were selected from among thou- sands preserved by the Michigan Historical Collections. Included will be the faculty minutes beginning in 1846, the first action of which was to set the hour of morning prayers of the faculty for 5 a.m. A RECORD NUMBER of 13,695 candidates were nominated for Woodrow Wilson Fellowships this year. Woodrow Wilson Fodndation Director Hans Rosenhaupt calls the record number "astounding." "It means that there are eight candidates for every fellowship that can be offered." Since 1958, the number of bachelor's degrees awarded in this country has risen 54.6 per cent, but fellowship nominations have increased by an "amazing" 142 per cent, Rosenhaupt said. The foundation director attributed the phenomenal rise in nomina- tions to the growing interest in graduate study, the desire of college seniors to win highly-competitive awards, and the teach- ing profession's interest in "self-renewal." Voice Plans Picketing of CIA Agents Set Demonstrations Against Recruiters At 'U' for Tomorrow By RICHARD HERSTEIN In a general meeting last night, Voice political party passed a motion to picket the office of the Central Intelligence Agency while it is on campus tomorrow recruit- ing students. As part of the protest. Voice members plan not only to picket the CIA's room in the Union, but also to march through the halls and campus area singing and ex- plaining their reasons for pro- testing. Inan earlier motion, Voice de- cided to issue leaflets protesting the presence on campus of the CIA and the Chase Manhattan Bank, which will also be here re- cruiting students. Sam Friedman, Grad, a member of the Voice, executive committee who introduced the motion which contained the idea of leafletting also advocated the phoning of they offie of the CIA and registering for appointments in an attempt to stifle its function while on campus. Friedman explained that Voice was also protesting the appear- ance of representatives from the Chase Manhattan Bank because of "its numerous financial activi- ties in South Africa. These in-s luded bailing out the then present government which might other- wise been replaced by a more liberal one." Toward the end of the meeting, there was a lengthy discussion concerning the usefulness of a Idraft union. A motion was finally made by Voice Chairman Gary fRothberger to "support anyone who for any reason feels that he does not want to go into the arm-; ed forces in any degree we can." The motion was carried but it was not decided whether they would publicly advertise their actions. City Count Of Vietnar By RON KLEMPNER The Ann Arbor City Council, in a meeting Monday, tabled a pro-t posal until next week which would, place a referendum on the AprilI city election ballot regarding the Vietnamese war. jA spokesman for the Citizens for New Politics, who submit tedE the referendum, said that his group called for a vote as part of a nationwide set of municipal ref- erendums on the issue, He em- phasized that the wording of the question, which is identical to a similar referendum held lst No- I 3I 1 i Ask Priority For Peace Nelootiations Plan To Draft Letter Calling for Proof of Sincere Peace Bids By HARVEY WASSERMAN lditori; i recl tor Special To The D~aily WASHINGTON-Forty- five col - loge student-body presidents voi e dimy with the results of a .r:s:mrc n wy it a .T e g o p int ef rg o n spat o 0 e b r c un h n ewt h d iithaino two-hour conference i Secre- tary of State Dean Rush here yes- HIT DAILY STORY- sitey.sedyatron Its acsttennt iWstudent lead- ers said the Johnon admiistra- tion is pushing fora "military so- lution" in Vietnam rather than giving top priority to peace nego- tiations. ' -ysociated Press The student group representing OVER 3000 CLERGY AND L.AYMEN demonstrated in front &f the White House yesterday to 200 college presidents who had protest American policy in Vietnam, The group in the foreground is part of a 500 member coun- been carrying on a letter ex- change with the administration on ter-emostrtio whch frme insuportof US. nvovemntthe Vietnam issue. was invited by Rusk to the conference in his HIT DAILY STORY: suite yesterday afternoon. ____________________________ The only way the United States will accept peace is by demanding complete surrender of the goals and aims of the other side," the Charge Article DamageSgroup said afterward."Those doubts and questions about-U.S. Bsrpolicy we had before the confer- ence were not answered satisfac- torily. This conference has only served to generate more doubts." de ny tr d n nes-Meanwhile over 3000 Vietnam protest marchers demonstrated op- By ROBERT KLIVANS er, some supporters may be doing ces or to Hatcher by h ne and east Asia in front of the Wht. A Daily report yesterday that . him "more harm than good." perhaps within 30 to 60 days. House yesterday s Roger W. Heyns is "very interest- Briggs said that Heyne "is too The report also stated that They represented the Clergy ed" in becoming the next Presi-' smart a man" to say that he is in-j whether Hatcher would stay on and Laymen Concerned about dent of the University if the job terested in the University presi-I the job to break in his successor Vietnam. On the opposite of Penn- is offered him may damage his dency before being offered the; will be decided by the new Presi- sylvania Avenue, 50Q people stag- chances for the position, a Regent post.! dent, ed a col'nter-demonstration. and several faculty members said Several faculty members also; A report by James Reston in The, student leaders statemen. yesterday, voiced dismay at the article, em- Sunday's New York Times stated was far sharper than most had Regent Robert P. Briggs (R- phasizing that the statements had that "the University of, Michigan expected it would be. The "new Jackson), chairman of the Presi- placed Heyns in an embarrassing is already pressing Chancellor middle" students said they were in- dential selection committee said situation at Berkeley. Roger W. Heyns of the Berkeley terested in the exploration of a yesterday that, by trying to pro- No decision has yet been made campus to accept the presidency policy following a line between ne- mote Heyns, now chancellor of on the selection of the next Presi- of that university." gotiation and nilitary action. the University of California's dent. Hatcher is to retire by Dec. Yesterday's report noted that They said they represented the Berkeley campus, as the replace- 31 of this year. Heyns is very wary of leaving doubts of moderate elements about ment for President Harlan Hatch- The Regents will appoint a suc- Berkeley in the midst of a crisis. the current U.S. policy in Viet- This view was re-enforced by a nam. But reaction to the meet- *1 P11*1!jfaculty member and long-time ing with Rusk was onp of disap- ~iI ~ i Ii Ii~P I1QI.u~QT thTJ1 friend of Heyns here, who said pointment. C 1i 1 ( Y 1 E 3C ' UIO that he would be skeptical if David Langsam, president of the Heyns left "because he doesn't Columbia University student body, I walk out on a challenge"I said, "the meeting clearly dem- w re ereu meonstrated that the worst fears chancellorship in the summer of of conscientious and thinking 1965. He had moved up from the Americans are confirmed, namely vember in Dearborn, is of little favor of the referendum. Besides University's dean of the literary that our o for ra t importance. Johnson's vehement protest, Rob- college in 1958ftorvice-preside and the government's only means A communication from council- ert F. Jagitsch, Jr. (R-Fourth academic affairs in 1962. beig considered are military. The men Robert P. Weeks (D-Third Ward) aired displeasure with the Speculation has been growmg in being considerednar itary. T Ward) and Leroy Cappaert (D- idea of a referendum, opposing it the past few weeks over who the bludgeon the Vietnamese into sur- Fifth Ward) supported the idea of on grounds of unnecessary cost to Regents are considering for the render." a referendum as a means of allow- the city. When asked if an inves- presidency. James Graham, president of ing the people to express them- tigation of costs would change his Newsweek magazine recently re- Vichigan State University's stu- selves. They offered a more mod- mind, he said, "I find that first ported that Secretary of . Defense dent government, and by his de- erate substitute- proposal that impressions are usually correct." Robert McNamara may leave his scription, a "moderate Republi- would call for a negotiated settle- John R. Hathaway (R-Fourth post in the spring for "the presi-can," said, "I'm hoping for co - ment along the dlines proposed by Ward) in opposing the referendum dency of a large university." ressional intervention. I am deep- U.N. Secretary-General U Thant. sarcastically suggested that "those The Regents have accumulated ly troubled by what was said to- The question also calls for a who want to register a protest their list of 200 nominees from day. I can see no indication from cessation of bombing, a general should write-in Mrs. Boulding as faculty, student, and alumni ad- what' the secretary said, that the cease-fire, and allowing the South mayor." visory committees that were es- administration is seriously inter- Vietnamese to decide for them- The votes of Republicans Rich- tablished last year to begin the ested in negotiations." selves. ard E.- Balzhiser (Fifth Ward), selecting process. These groups "Asked to stop the bombing, The results of a referendum Douglas Crary (Second Ward) and submitted their lists of top can- strong indications from the North would be sent to President John- James C. Riecker (Second Ward) didates last fall, and the Regents were that this would bring a be- son, Secretary of State Dean Rusk will be the deciding factors. None have been continuing the nar- ginning to negotiations, but. we and the members of Congress who of these men spoke against the rowing process toward a final ,.~~ r,,+xT.t;mn,.-a+,, *.,rforni d selection. See STUDENTS, Page 2 THREE PART PROGRAM: Buildings Under Study' f i < S i ' i Report Outlines Plans for Future Campus Construction ; t I By NEAL BRUSS Daily News Analysis In a sesquiyear in which many Jniversity offi.ces are issuing high- ? gloss reports on proposed build- ings, the new "Buildings Under Study" report systemizes and or- ganizes "a great many facts and figures which can be useful in the review and refinement of the University capital program ob- jectivei." It explains, for example, that in 1966, the University had nearly' struction and research-$137 mil- for married students, Northwood that period are the lion-and one fifth was for stu- IV will cost nearly $5.5 million, Library, an addition to dent housing. ! 'and this will be paid through Uni-, of Public Health, the But the most significant and versity sources, in this' case, dor- Continuing MedicaltEdu perhaps the least static section mitory construction funds derived Upjohn Center for Clir of the report is the presentation from a self-liquidating construe- macology, the Highway of the buildings under study tion account for student housing. search Institute and se themselves, presented in a cost "Buildings Under Study" also projects will be compl breakdown chart, all of which may provides the beginning of a time-1 In the second time be subject to change. table for construction. This is projects costing over $ Buildings under study will cost complicated because "no effort has someone $361 million. For that ag- been made to provide a precise have been scheduled. 0 gregate of cost, the report lists the priority for the projects," accord- this is slated to be p state financing nearly half. Uni- ing to the report. state. Fifty three pro Graduate the School Center for ucation, the nical Phar- Safety Re- veral other eted. period, 44 190 million 'ver half of aid by the ojects have represent Michigan and the Sec- ond Congressional District. They cited cutbacks in federal spending for cities in such areas as public housing, welfare, urban beautification and mass transpor- tation as directly affecting Ann Arbor. They also t ointed out the in- volvement of "our men" in Viet- nam, and our own moral committ- ments as reasons for making this a matter of local concern. The motion will be voted upon at next Monday's Council meet- ing. In the meantime a study willE be made as to the cost to the city for adding the referendum. Weeks pointed out, however, that the City Clerk estimated thej cost to be around $25. i Reagan Slashes Cal. Budget; asks Tuition at State Colleges re ierenaum. Clc *- MEETS OPPOSITION: 'ti. , ___ By The Associated Press annual tuition fee of $250 to $280 SACRAMENTO, Calif.-Repub- for the university-on top of pres- lican Gov. Ronald Reagan offered ent incidental service fees of $2411 California his first budget yester- a year. The state- college tuition day, which slashes university and would be from $150 to $160, in college appropriation requests by addition to $135 in present fees. about 30 per cent. Reagan said that even with the Reagan then asked the Univer- strict economy program he has Senate President Pro Tem Hugh M. Burns said enactment of new taxes by April 1 "is totally un- realistic." Assembly Speaker Jesse M. Un- ruh commented, "It will be very difficult" to meet Reagan's re- quest. . i