STUDENT MOVEMENT THAT NEVER EXISTED Lit i~tAau ~Iait0p COLDER High--34 Low--30 Snow or snow flurries today Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Tripartite ommissions Receive Support, r EIGHT PAGES iticism By SUSAN SCHNEPP In the midst of last semester's teach-ins and sit-ins President Harlan Hatcher's establishment of three special presidential commis- sions was far overshadowed by the excitement of television cameras and massive demonstrations. But as the demonstrations quiet- ed, down, Student Government Council focused its attention on the commissions and at its final meeting last semester moved to fill the three positions on the draft commission and the four positions on the student participation com- mission by a petition-interviewing process and to appoint three stu- dents to the sit-in commission. The commissions were set up by Hatcher last November in response to the students' demands that the administration revoke the sit-in ban and cease the compilation of class ranks for use by the Selec- tive Service. They were designed to provide a calm and orderly solution to these and other problems. As establish- ed, representatives of the adminis- tration, faculty and student body were to be appointed by Hatcher to sit on each commission. Hatcher immediately named Edward Rob- inson, '67, SGC president; Mark Killingsworth, '67, editor of The Daily, and John Delameter, Grad, president of Graduate Student Council, to serve on the draft com- mission. After Robinson and Kill- ingsworth refused to serve, Hatch- er said he would allow SGC to select the members of the com- mission. As interest now turns to the se- lection of students to serve on the commissions and getting them in- to operation, foreshadowings of possible problems and outright op- position to the commissions are missions, particularly because it A second problem with com- sions make bi-weekly or regular should take their problems and ministration is willing to give stu- appearing from various sectors of can be a long, process before the missions, noted Simons, is that reports on their proceedings. recommendations directly to the dents the power they demand. the campus. commission reaches any decisions, they tend to "do moderate things As Regents rather than working Another criticism Zweig levelled Jay Zulauf, '67 Bus. Ad., presi- and that after that there is "no moderately" rather than do "thes at the commissions Is that they do sons that does not seem to have a h omsin sta hyd dent of the University Activities way to enforce anything." right things correctly," The re- been widely discussed yet is that Bluestone said students should not have a base from which to Center, sees the commissions not Because the commissions are suit could be a set of compro- of time-limits or deadlines for form their own committee consist- work. The only solution, he said, as a compromise or "sellout" but as still largely unstructured, no one mises in place of the decision-mak- commission recommendations. Si- ing only of students to take their is "a mass following ready to muck a chance to make the "tripartite seems to know exactly what will ing power students are seeking. mons said that SGC has indicated opinions to the Regents, the ad- up the works, for without a base governing" of the University that happen, to any recommendations Both Simons and Zulauf cited it expects a report from the draft ' ministration, the faculty and even of popular support commissions the students have been asking for that come out of them. If the what could easily become another commission by May, but nothing the Legislature. It is necessary, he are senseless." a working reality. student, faculty and administra- problem of the commissions, that has been said about whether oth- emphasized, for students to form SGC will accept petitoins and Mark Simons, '67, SGC admin- tive representatives each take the of open meetings. Simons said that er commission recommendations their own "working committee to begin interviewing students to fill istrative vice-president, said that recommendations back to their since one of the problems on cam- will also be expected then, or work out their own 'Knauss re- the positions on the draft and in the midst of last semester's tur- constituencies, it might be a dif- pus has been that of closed meet- whether the sit-in and student port,' to elect representatives to student participation commissions moil there was perhaps "no oth- ficult and time-consumngjob tings, he hopes the commissions participation commissions might an assembly to lay down and de- within the next two weeks. The er alternative at the time" and convince each group that the rec- will operate on an open meeting perhaps continue their meetings tail the decisions students should three students to serve on the sit- that in the end such commissions ommendations should be accepted, policy. into the next semester. be able to make." in commission will be appointed by "may be the only way" to solve Simons said.'seC the overall problem of the stu- Another possible procedure, and , Zulauf also expressed the desire From other areas on the cam- Zweig said the commissions will dents' role in University decision- the one Simons prefers, would be ' for open meetings, pointing to the pus, however, there are strong cries not lead to substantive change be- Any student wishing to petition making, for commission members to act as necessity for "good faith" and of dissatisfaction with the whole , cause they do not have final au- for any of the positions should ob- However, Simons pointed out official representatives of their p ,, . 'idea of commissions. Both Barry thority. The commissions, he said, tain a petition from the SGC of- some problems that a commis- constituencies and take their rec-"open communication as workg Bluestone, Grad, and Michael merely "siphon off opposition. giv- fices in the Student Activities sion system often encounters. First, commendations directly to the Re- principles of the commissions. He , Zweig, Grad, chairman of Voice ing an air of participation "that Building and return them by the he said, it is "easy to lose" com- gents for action, suggested also that the commis- political party, feel the students does not necessarily mean the ad- end of next week. Candidates Seek Seats On Council Mayoralty, Proposal Creating 6th Ward - On April 3 Ballot By RON KLEMPNER Ann Arbor voters will elect five councilmen and a mayor in muni- cipal elections to be held on April 3. Also on the ballot will be a referendum to add a sixth ward to! the city. As of last Tuesday, eleven' candidates had filed for the elec- tion. The mayorality contest will see incumbent Wendell H. Hulcher (Rep.) opposed by Dr. Edward Pierce (Dem.), a former council- man. ' Three Republicans and one Democrat seek reelection to the Council. H. C. Curry (Dem.), the first ward incumbent, is opposed by Ed Shafter (Rep.), and is ex- pecting a tight race in the pre- dominately Negro ward. Repub- lican incumbents seeking reelec- tion are: Douglas Crary. second ward; John Hathaway, fourth ward; and Richard E. Balzhiser fifth ward. One Lame Duck Councilman Paul Johnson, third ward, (Rep.) declined to seek re-' election. Johnson, the only lame duck Council member, predicted that the Republicans would win four of the contested seats. He 1 added that there was a good pos- sibility for Shafter to take the Democratic first ward. The Republicans face a primary for the seat vacated by Johnson in the third ward. Patrick J. Pulte, a developer and realtor, opposes John C. Feldcamp, director of Uni- versity Housing, for the Repub- lican nomination in the third ward. Two of the Democratic candi- dates are connected with the Uni- versity. A. Jerome Dupont, '67 L, will seek the second ward seat. Dupont is employed by the Ann SArbor public library. Gene Wilson, the head of University Libra:'y re- search, is running in the third ; ward. Other Democrats Other Democratic candidates are Gail Green '56, a former Univer- sity student and presently general manager of Don Canham Enter- prises, Inc. in the fourth ward. and Robert Greathouse, a PhD in Chemistry, is the fifth ward. The referendum to increase the number of wards was introduced by the Democrats._ uIw I icigaI 1 ta iI NEWS WIRE Late World News By The Associated Press THANH PHU PENINSULA, South Vietnam-A U.S. Marine Corps task force hit the beaches of this Meking delta area last night and helicoptered onto landing zones inland. It was the first direct American troop commitment to the delta in the Vietnam war. Splashing ashore in steel amtraks from U.S. 7th Fleet ships moored in the'South China Sea, the Marines quickly secured the beaches at the southern tip of this marshy peninsula 55 miles south of Saigon. The area has long been a Viet Cong base. A task force of Vietnamese marines also moved in as this largest amphibious operation so far in Vietnam got under way. The Marine beach landings were virtually unopposed except for snipers. The helicopter forces also caught some sniper fire. By this morning, Marines were moving out across the water- logged muddy terrain after a night of sniper harassment. UNIVERSITY DRIVING regulations are being eased some- what this semester for upperclassmen and for students who are University employes. The changes were announced by Richard L. Cutler, vice-president for student affairs, upon recommenda- tion of the Student Traffic Advisory Board. Beginning this semester employes enrolled in courses at the University need no longer register their cars with the Student Vehicle Bureau. In addition, students in good standing with 70 hours of credit may register their cars for full driving privileges. Before this semester, 84 hours were required. The advisory board noted that any student whose parents live in Ann Arbor, as well as any commuter who lives more than a mile and a half from campus, can already register a car for full driving privileges. In addition many students with between 70 and 84 hours are entitled to drive because they hold jobs requiring a car. THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES Committee may launch a new round of public hearings on the draft before it receives a report from an eight-member committee appointed to study possible alternatives to the present system. A group headed by the retired General Mark W. Clark is scheduled to give its report on March 1. However, the commit- tee feels that this deadline leaves it too little time for it to make a detailed consideration before the present law expires June 30. The Clark group, in turn, is being hampered by a presi- dential commission headed by former Assistant Attorney General Burke Marshall which has delayed submitting its report to Presi- dent Johnson. Originally expected by Jan. 1, this report has been set back at least a month. The commission is reported encountering many difficulties as it tries to agree on con- clusions. PROF. ALEXANDER ECKSTEIN of the economics depart- ment has been named as the new director of the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies. Eckstein is nationally known as an expert in the economy of mainland China. He succeeds Prof. Albert Feuerwerker of the history department. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi PSYCHEDELIC LIGHTS. IN THE UNION Strange colors and weird shadows were projected onto the walls of the Union Ballroom last night as the students danced on. The occasion was Mid-Winter Madness, sponsored by Chi Omega and Alpha Epsilon Pi, and it raised $650 for the American Cancer Society. THE NEW RADICAL: Critic Lesli~e Fiedler "Introduces Rusk States Willingness To Negotiate Replies to Students' Criticism of U.S. Viet Nam War Policy WASHINGTON (.,P) .- Secretary of State Dean Rusk .voiced U.S. willingness yesterday to meet with Hanoi envoys-"either in public or in secret"-to work out an end to the Vietnam war, Rusk's remarks came in a letter to 100 student leaders, headed by Robert Powell, University of North Carolina student body president, in response to a Dec. 29 letter from them to President Johnson, The students' letter reported that a "new mood . . . of doubt about the Vietnam war and the draft" is growing among college students. At the same time, Washington authorities professed puzzlement VIETNAM-AT-A-GLANCE By The Associated Press SAIGON - Premier Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam said "we are getting closer to nego- tiations every day" because the North Vietnamese- "are finding the war too expensive both in money and men." VATICAN CITY -Pope Paul VI made an offer to "talk peace" with Red China. This was interpreted by some asso- ciates as virtually a bid for papal mediation of the Viet- namese war. SAIGON-The U.S. Air Force said pilots shot down two Com- munist MIG21s over North Vietnam, running the week's score to nine. WASHINGTON -" State De- partment spolesman Robert J. McCloskey told newsmen, "We are prepared to order. a cessa- tion of all bombing of North Vietnam the moment we are assured that this step will be answered promptly by a corre- sponding and appropriate de- escalation on the other side." over a new Hanoi broadcast giving an "authorized" quote from North Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong. The newscast reported the pre- mier said, "The position of the four points of the Democratic Republic of North Vietnam is a basis of ways to settle Vietnam problems." State Department press officer Carl Bartch indicated the U.S. government is seeking a detailed version of what the Hanoi leader said. However, Bartch reported no sign yet of any North Vietnamese willingness to get into peace talks. Rusk made these points in an- swer to the U.S. students: The United States is involved in Vietnam because "the minimum condition for order on our planet is that aggression must not be per- mitted to succeed." When aggres- sion succeeds, the result is not peace-it is more aggression. 0 The U.S. commitment in South Vietnam has instilled vigor, hope and' determination through- out other parts of non-Commu- nist Asia. " The administration has put t... .S, 7_ _ __ m-m- tn he New Mutant' to 'U' Students I i 3 c i By LISSA MATROSS Fiedler notes that their- most Writer-in-residence Leslie Fied- revealing poems are found alnnost exclusively in small underground ler last night laid to rest "the magazines with obscene titles that good old Left" and even "the New scare the average reader away. Left" and proclaimed that "the According to Fiedler the old future will be defined from the "culture religion" is gone. The new cuckoo's nest." poets of today are most likely to ask, "Who the hell is T. S. Eliot, In his first lecture, "Youth Cul- anyway?" They draw their in- ure and the End7 of Western spiration from Ray Ch'arles, comic Man," delivered to an overflow books and mass culture. The new Rackham audience, Fiedler intro- sanmssclueThnw duced the concept of the "New writer, says Fiedler, is a post-mod- Autant," the new radical who finds it dCes.rable not to hP active "in1 ernist who writes in the language of the future in a syntax that sub- verts logic. Digressing from his main theme of the "new nutant," Fiedler spoke of the end of the brutal brain- washing of the WASP world. The Jews, he says, began "by possess- ing the imagination of the West- ern world." The line stretched from Kafka to Soul Bellow's "Her- zog." The Jews helped to complete the bourgeois, Anglo-Saxon tradi- tion and created "super Protes- tantism." Now, says Fiedler, this white- Jewish-Protestantism has ended and we have the rise of the White- Negro. The true activist is "the mad- man, the pure, uncompromising revolutionist." Fiedler left his aud- ience with an image of what he considers the new face of radical youth-Morgan, a film character who ends up in an asylum. " T'1 0 h-3 !the social conspiracy that defines! it as the only possible world." The new radical is an interna- tional phenomenon, says Fiedler, and can be found from Tokyo to Prague to New York. He is The Openmg [Pay 0o Llasses: Scheduling Creates Confusion SURVEY RESEARCH REPORT: Consumer Attitudes Fall in '66 Consumer attitudes continued to deteriorate during the last threej months of 1966-but at a slower rate than in the preceding ,six months, according to the latest quarterly survey conducted by the University's Survey Research Cen- ter. The SRC Index of Consumer, Sentiment (based on answers to five questions by some 1250 family units in a national sample and equated to fall 1956) dropped by SR n gerentaf- nointe In the lst coining accustomed to the unfav- pronounced of the adverse factors orable news. and continues to exert an unfav- The impact of news about infla- orable impact both on attitudes tion and tight money on consumer toward personal - financial and attitudes and inclinations to buy general economic trends. Second- "may be less pronounced today ly, tight money and high inter-« than a few months ago," they sug- est rates, of which close to two-' gest. "A further deteiroration of thirds of all consumers are aware, consumer sentiment appears to be are seen to hamper economic ac- dependent on new bad news." tivity. Unfavorable conclusions are Changes in consumer attitudes? also derived from the expectation in the last three months were un- of an increase in income taxes, even, the SRC report reveals. Per- 'shared by 53 per cent of all con- sonal financial attitudes did not sumers ." deteriorate further, and the 'same When asked what news theyj easily recognized and might appear as "The Imaginary Cowboy" in By CLARENCE FANTO high-heeled boots or as "The ?1anaging Editor Saint" carrying a holy book which It was a hard day all around. at the moment might be "Under- Sleepy-eyed students on the way standing Madia" or "Lord of the to their first classes yesterday Rings." morning were greeted by a smow- Fiedler, often called the most storm and slippery sidewalks. But controversial current American the problems they confronted once critic, left a partially critical, part- inside the safe confines of Angell ly dazed audience. While many ar- Hall or the Frieze Building were gued Fiedler's points, one girl com- far more discouraging. plained, "Not only don't I know his Overcrowded classrooms were point of view, I'm not really sure the most common first-day dif fI- of what he actually said." culty facing students and pro- But if there was controversy fessors. over the philosophy being pre- "If you tell them to limit en- sented, everyone agreed that Fied- rollment in your course to 40 stu- ler used very provocative, deliber- dents, you can always count on ate terms to describe the new Lpetting 5 0. ne harried nrnfessor at noon yesterday were surprised a find a sign informing them that the course had been changed to Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 to 5:30 p.m. The resulting confusion cr-ated a massive human traffic jam in the auditorium complex at the noon hour. Some classes almost got off the ground. Prof. James McConnell of the psychology department was preparing to give, students in his Psychology of Influence course definitions of terms "which will change your immature, simplistic notions of what man is all about." Waiting for Monday His students will have to wait until Mondiay. however, because l_../ front-row seats were hit in the face by a flying snowdrift, cour- tesy of a University snowplow, as they tried to beat their fellow stu- dents at the newly-discovered game of "Find Your Classroom." Unfortunately, the s t u d e n t s arrived at the third spot on their impromptu-tour of the University's classrooms only to find the audi- torium too small to hold, the en- tire group. By this time, McCon- nell decided to wait until Monday before starting his lectures. "Of course, there's no telling what will happen Monday," he re- marked cheerfully. Grumbling Professors Other professors viewed the sit-