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January 31, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-31

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Light snow

SeventySix Years of Editorial Freedom
residenc Interests Heyns, Source


By BRUCE WASSERSTEN demic position if he left Berkeley." he might accept a bid to Mich- "Heyns is bitter about both the they increased the tension between3
Executive Editor Harlan Hatcher will be retiring igan's president," the source ex- Kerr firing and the faculty's re- the faculty and regents.
Special To The Daily this summer after having served plained. action to it. As he pointed out in "Heyns feels that the regents
BERKELEY-Chancellor Roger as University President for 15 Heyns views his job at Berkeley a public speech, Kerr was one of and the faculty must unite to
as that of a leader uniting the the reasons he came to Berkeley, meet the common threat posed by
W. Heyns is "very interested" in years. Heyns was the University's various campus factions and guid- and he believes that the firing was Reagan's threatened budget cut.1
becoming the next President of vice-president for academic af- ing them toward educational ex- both ill-timed and unwarranted. He believes that the effects of such
the University of Michigan if the fairs until he accepted the Berke- cellence, he added. "But on the other hand, Heyns cutbacks would be disasterous, and
job is offered to him according to ley chancellorship in the summer But the events of the past week deeply regreted several of the ac- that the sooner the faculty and
an authoritative source of 1965. have seriously disillusioned Heyns I the faculty took at the meet- the regents are reconciled the bet-'
B hAs yet, he said, there has been about his effectiveness in Cali- tions ter their chances of fighting the
But, he sorce tressd, Hens ,ing of the Berkeley division of; governor," the source said.
is very wesource sresed, Heynsno formal contact between Heyns fornia political climate. the Academic Senate." "But if the faculty continues to
isverywaryofleyand the Regents about the presi-
in the midst of a crisis. He said dency. It is known that several "Much of what he has worked The senate's motion stated that alienate the regents, Heyns thinks
"Heyns would undergo consider- informal contacts between Heyns for has gone down the drain," the the regents "betrayed" the trust the majority of them may go
able mental anguish over the and University officials have been source said, pointing out that "the of the university faculty. A motion along with Reagan's budget," he
problem of leaving a sinking ship.'' made, polarization between faculty and passed at the same time launched said.1
However, despite many job of- "H 't fthe regents which Heyns sought an investigation of the possibility He pointed out that the current'
fers, the source said that "Heyns eyns perspective o the job to d i m i n i s h has re-emerged of forming a professor's union. atmosphere in California iequiresl
would consider the University he hopes to accomplish in higher stronger than ever before." Both motions, according to the that Heyns fulfill a basically po-
presidency the most desirable aca- education is the prime reason why For example, the source said, source, irritated Heyns because litical role in maintaining Berke-c

ley's autonomy from external po- They always want a, confronta- that Michigan is ripe for his
litical pressures. tion," he continued, talents, while Berkeley needs
"When Heyns originally took his I "Heyns prefers the political at- someone who is more interested in
job as chancellor at Berkeley," the mosphere at Michigan. Although getting embroiled in politics.
source said, "his main task was there are also problems relating "Heyns is afraid that if Reagan
to heal the wounds created by the to government, they don't compare continues on his present course
dissidence on the Berkeley cam- to California's problems. But he the University of California 'iill
pus since the student demonstra- feels that there are problems as be ruined. The chancellor, under
tions in the fall of 1964. Ile feels challenging at Michigan as at these circumstances is not inter-
that he has done this job well. But Berkeley, although they are of a ested in becoming president of the
fighting the governor of the state different nature. University of California, nor does
is a different question," the source "Many of Michigan's depart- he think it likely that he will be
explained. offered the job, At California, the
"The intense bitterness with ments are saging and the school job he wants is the job he has-
which Californians on the pole is partially living in the glory of the Berkeley chancellorship.
ends of the political spectrum ex- its past." "But if the budget is cut sub-
press their viewpoints is some- He continued, "Of course, Mich- stantially, Heyns will have had
thing which particularly bothers igan is also in Heyns' blood. He enough of California. He is inter-
Heyns. He often finds it hard to feels very deeply about his loyalty ested in education and not in
get along with these- types be- to the institution. But right now, politics."
cause they refuse to compromise. the attraction of the situation is I Copyright,.1967, The Michigan Daily


ssembly Os




To Set Up
Trial Format
For '67='68
Urge Faculty Families
Live in Dormitories
Starting Next Year
The Senate Assembly brought
part of the Knauss Report recom-
mendations closer to implementa-
tion yesterday by voting to estab-
lish a committee to set up "pro-
cedures for student evaluation of
The Assembly, acting on recom-
mendations of the Subcommittee
of Student Relations, decided that
this committee, to be established
by the Senate Advisory Committee
on Student Relations, decided that
"begin experimental use of evalu-
ation procedures during the 1967-
1968 academic year."
The Assembly adopted addi-
tional recommendations from the
Student Relations subcommittee,,
which has been charged with
studying the implementation of
the Knauss Report, urging that:
* The Board of Governors of
the Residence Halls "implement
a pilot program that places up to
six faculty families in dormitory
houses in the 1967-1968 acalenic
year," and
* "The deans and executive:
committees of the various schools
and colleges" appoint committees;
to study student participation in
their units.

_- -- I











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ew Hearing in DraftCase

ONE OF THE NATION'S chief anti-poverty organizations,
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), yesterday began a
three-day recruiting program in Ann Arbor.
VISTA, "the domestic Peace Corps," hopes to expand its
strength above the 3,500 volunteers now working in Indian
reservations, migrant worker camps, Job Corps centers, urban'
slums, among the rural poor and with the mentally retarded.
Recruitment at the University is being carried on by three
field representatives from 9 to 4:30 p.m. in room 3200 of the
Student Activities Bldg. (today and tomorrow) at 4 and 7:30 p.m.
in the Multipurpose room of the UGLI.
ABOUT 25 CLERGYMEN and laymen from Ann Arbor are
in Washington today to join some 2,000 other church leaders
who will express "inner anguish and penance" regarding Vietnam.
A silent vigil at the White House today will be followed by a
march on the Capitol. Meetings with congressmen and senators
and interfaith workshops to develop programs of citizen concern
are also planned for the two day interfaith vigil.
* * * ^
PENTAGON CALLED yesterday for the drafting of 2.229
doctors, including a first-time induction of osteopaths, beginning
in July.
The request, placed with Selective Service, is "necessary to
provide the health services required by our armed forces," the
Defense Department announcement said.
This summer, the services will begin losing several hundred
doctors drafted in mid-1966 at the start of the Vietnam buildup.
Not enough physicians have volunteered for active duty in
the Army and Navy to offset the loss of physicians who will be


ToFile Cinema Guild Briefs

Legality of
Film SeizureI4
Show Cause Hearin;
POstpOne( to Frid
IIn Federal Court
Attorneys representing three
Cinema Guild officials and their
faculty advisor have been direct-
Id by presiding Municipal Judge
Sanford J. Eldon to file briefs by
Feb. 27 to back their claims of
illegal search and seizure.

inNextdMeeting Wlunig up two-year tours this summer, the Pentagon said The four have been charged with
hIe Assembly's action tookj the showing of an obscene film,
piare? at a special meeting caller "Flaming Creatures," which was
to at on four sets of recon~- PROF. PETER A. FRANKEN of the physics department was s lice on an 18. i
menmcations by the Student Rela- appointed Deputy Director of the Advanced Research Projects In Federal Court in Detroit,
tions subcommittee. Agency of the Department of Defense yesterday. Judge Thaddeus Machrowicz has
Consideration of the last set. Franken of the physics department has also been selected adjourned until Friday a show Daly-Thomas R.Copi
dealing with opening of important to receive the 1966 American Physical Society Award for his cause hearing stemming from the'
faculty meetings to the public, was imoconfiscation of the film. The BACK IN COURT YESTERDAY afternoon were Cinema Guild leaders Mary Barkey, '68. Elliot
postponed until the next Assembly important and ona contribudge's decision came yesterday Barden, '68, advisor Hubert Cohen, and Ellen Frank, '68. Their attorneys have been directed to file
meeting on Feb. 20. particularly to optical harmonic generation and rectification, orning following conferences in briefs by Feb. 29 to back their claim of illegal search and seizure.
The Knauss Report had recom- level cross-over spectroscopy and optical pumping." These tech- his chambers with Ann Arbor and ----- --
mended "that it be a University ' nical areas have an important bearing in laser development. Washtenaw County attorneys and TRAINING PROBLE M:
policy to promote teaching evalu- - - -- - - - - - - - counsel for the plaintiff. TAININy PtuBLEt:.
ation by students." - -Attorneys for the plaintiff are
The sse bly' reoluton n ~5. ~~j- ~~ I j seeking an injunction against the
teaching evaluation also calls on Student Leaders Seek
SACUA to "request from the Of- Muipa C
fice of Academic Affaiirs that g' -th'r7t i~ atre o Muiay CBarkey '6; Nt oarp Nt di
funds be made available to the " T In Municipal Court, Dean Robb,
(new) committee in order that it V ietn a m A l tiv es lattorney for May Bareyi'n
may acquire the professional serv-' Ellen Frank, '68, and engineermg
ices of University units, particular- English instructor Hubert Cohen
ly qualified in this area." By HARVEY WASSERMAN drafted this weekend by the stu- and lliotam Goodman, attorney t
Bruce Kahn, '68, a member of: Editorial Director dent leaders. o teaio n iBtode' decedo
Student Government Council who ! This letter stated in part: "The to the admission into evidence of
has been working to start aiother Special To The Daily President's State of the Union the controversial film.
student cuurse evaluation booklet, WASHINGTON - A group of mesage and the exchange between Only one witness was examined By DAVID K OKE leased last weekend in conjunction teacher's certificate is a major i
expressed disappointment trat the student body presidents held a Ambassador Goldberg and See- 'n almost three hours of proceed- The American Insti te of Phys- with the week-long joint meeting physics-being raised to 30 credit
Assembly's recommendation "did-' press conference yesterday in con- rtary General U Thant cannot ings yesterday afternoon. Ann Ar- ics Saturday released a manpower of the Institute and the American hours next year-and two minors
n't call for student help" in es- nection with their second letter to be said to have done much to ease bor Police Lt. Eugene L. Stauden- study predicting that the growing Association of Physics Teachers Last year, the Education Scho
tablishing course evaluation pio- Secretary of State Dean Rusk con- confusion. The President said 'We ,meier, the sole witness, remain- shortage of trained physicists would in New York. awarded nine certificates in phys
cedures. cerning the war in Vietnam. will support all appropriate initi- ed on the stand for more than leave government, education and Top-ranking members of the ics; previous totals were eight
Students' Role The students have agrecd that atives by the UN and will . .. con- two hours. industry with a deficit of more University's physics department 1962; seven, 1963; four, 1964 an(
He admitted that two course questions put to Rusk would not tinue to take every possible initia- Robb and Goodman cross-exam- than 20,000 physicists-about a were in attendance and wer'e un- 1965; and none in 1960.
evaluation booklets put out in the'be aimed at past policy but tive ourselves to constantly probe ined Staudenmeier in shifts con- third of the total number re- available for comment last night. "Nationally, high school enroll
past by students were done "very rather at the directions of present for peace.' " testing the propriety of his ac- quired. Undergraduate enrollment in ment in physics is decreasing,
ladly," but said that with a "paid U.S. policy and possae alterna- The letter referred to a state- tions and attempting to determine The figure was predicted in a physics concentration programs at said Voss. "As a consequence
staff," and consultation with Jni- .ives. Most of the students felt ment by Goldberg saying that the the criteria he used in deciding to similar study two years ago, but the University increased from 40 fewer students are exposed t4
versity agencies, the students U.S. would "cooperate fully in seize the film. Prof. H. William Koch, director in the fall of 1961 to 74 last fall; physics and the number takin
that it was imperative to impress
could put out a good booklet. He h f the whatever steps the Secretary-Gen- The defense attorneys attempted of the institute; said, "The deficit this is a comparable per centage college courses in the departmen
concluded that the best solution gap in credibility between the gov- eral thought would help to get to show that the police had neith- may even be worse than we anti- increase to such popular fields as keeps falling."
now would be for student-faculty eament and the people and in discussions underway." But the er investigated the legality of their cipated." psychology. Two curriculum studies pro
co-operation. whattheynermed t1h e "ueas students felt that "when the Sec- actions nor made any effort to He added that if the present The Institute's report also stated grams sponsored by the Nationa
Prof. William E. Brown of thek bility and lack of positive pros- retary-General suggested steps he view and judge the film prior to downward trend in enrollment in that more than half the full-time Science Foundation have been at
dental school, chairman of the pects for the current direction." 'regarded as essential if our pro- its showing. physics education continued in the employed physicists in the country tempting, so far without muc
Assembly, said he felt "the new claimed goals were to be realized Over the objections of the de- future the effect upon national continue to work in areas of re- success, to attract more interes
committee would no doubt consult' Precedes Meeting we apparently found his sugges- fense counsels, the first 16 min- technological develo rmient would search and development. f -ih e


District Court
Must Review
Board Aetionl
Wolff, Shortt Seek
To Bar Draft Board
The U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-
peals in New York ruled yesterday
that federal courts have jurisdic-
tion over certain Selective Service
System procedures and ordered
that a case involving the reclas-
sification of two University stu-
dents be heard by a lower court.
The ruling reversed the deci-
sion of a U.S. District Court judge
who dismissed the request by Pete?
Wolff, Gradl and Richard Shortt.
'66, for an injunction to prevent.
their local draft boards from re-
voking their student deferments.
The district court had ruled that
federal courts have no jurisdiction
in the case.
Reluctant to Intervene
In overturning the lower court
ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals
said that it was reluctant to inter-
vene in Selective Service matters,
but decided the allegations that
"the draft boards have unlawfully
suppressed criticism must take
precedence." The case will now be
returned to the district judge.
The case arouse out of a sit-in
protesting the Viet Nam war at
the Ann Arbor draft board on Oc-
tober 15, 1965 in' which 39 Uni-
versity students and faculty mem-
bers were arrested. A number of
the men who sat in lost their II-S
student deferment as a result.
Shortt, Wolff, and the Aherican
Civil Liberties Union argued that
the reclassifications were illegal
because they represented punish-
ment without a trial or due pro-
cess of law. The government based
its defense on the procedural
grounds that the federal courts
had no jurisdiction in the case
until all appeals within the Select-
ive Service System' had been ex-
Hold Defense Invalid
The higher court decision in
effect, held the government's de-
fense invalid and ruled' that the
district court does have jurisdis-
tion. The decision to grant an in-
junction must now be made solely
on the substantive question of
whether, in fact, the reclassifica-
tions were an abridgement of
Wolff's and Shortt's civil liberties.
In explaining its decision, the
appeals court stated: "Here it is
the free expression of views of
critical national importance that

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