SUNDAY,'' JANUARY 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR'EE S ..AJAURY., 1967 TH eaMICH aiGAN a1AI.VP(W'tU' rr vc. 1nnc ia a Apollo Program Director Explains Accident, In Explosion's Causes Not Determihed All Data Impounded; To Be Turned Over To Board of Inquiry CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A)- An Apollo 1 astronaut cried "Fire in the spacecraft!" and n an instant the entire moonship was engulfed in a sudden fatal flash of fire, the Apollo program director said yesterday. Grimly, Maj. Gen. Samuel Phil- lips told of the tragedy that killed the Apollo 1 pilots and set back America's man to the moon pro- gram perhaps months. Phillips - who as program di- rector headed up a preliminary investigation team probing the blackened wreckage of Apollo 1-- said astronauts Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White II and Roger B. Chaffee were waiting to pick up the count in a rehearsal of their planned Feb. 21 launch date. "The test started in the early morning, and the crew went in- ,ide at 1 p.m.," he said. "The hatch was closed at 2:50 p.m." Report Blaze The spacecraft was closed and was pressurized with oxygen. At 6:41 p.m., observers in the pad area and on the TV monitor in the blockhouse . heard a report originating from one of the as- tronauts-who has not yet been identified - that there was a blaze., Blockhouse crewmen said they heard the words: "Fire in the spacecraft!" from inside Apollo 1 at the instant of death. They hoped to identify the astronaut who said it by listening to tape recordings m a d e during the countdown. A split second later, fire "that originated from inside the cabin" penetrated to the outside of the spacecraft and surrounded the moonship in an instant - "split seconds," Phillips said. Felled by Smoke Emergency crews had the Apollo 1 doors opened in five minutes, he said, but were confronted with intense heat and very dense smoke. Twenty-seven rescue workers were felled by smoke inhalation, drop- ping like dominoes as each rushed to help. Their efforts were in vain. Gris- som, White and Chaffee appar- ently died instantly. The only es- cape available to them was to open the hatch doors from inside the spacecraft, the program direc- tor said, and scramble to safety. The spacecraft doors "can be opened quickly with a crank-type tool," he said. Apparently they did not live long enough to try. Yesterday, the badly charred bodies of Air Force Lt. Cols. Gris- som and White and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Chaffee were in an infirm- ary 11/2 miles from the launch pad where they were to blast off Feb. 21 to spend up to 14 days orbiting the earth to test spacecraft oper- ations. The bodies were expected to be transported to Houston, Tex., for services, but arrange- ments were not complete. Grissom, 40, flew the second Mercury spaceship and first man- ned two-man craft; White, 36, was the first U.S. astronaut to leave his ship and become a human satellite. Chaffee, 31, was a fledgling spaceman looking for- ward to his first mission. The program director said the exact cause of the blaze had not yet been determined. He also refused to speculate on the accident's impact on America's lunar landing program, saying only that "I'm not prepared to discuss our plans for the flight events to come." Phillips said all data had been impounded and would be turned over to a board of inquiry named yesterday by Dr. George B. Muel- ler, NASA associate administrator for manned space flight. Phillips said the spacecraft was pressurized with pure oxygen at the time of the accident and ox- ygen "acts as an ignition source which has a flash fire potential." Soviet manned spaceships are believed to use a gas mixture sim- ilar to earth's actual environment -a mixture of oxygen, and nitro- gen-which is not as much a burning agent as pure oxygen. President Johnson and officials of the space agency said the moon program would push forward with' renewed dedication and purpose, -Daily-Ron Holcomb ANN ARBOR, LIKE THE REST of the nation, is attempting to return to normal after the record storm of the past few days. Snow, blocking streets and driveways, caused massive traffic tie-ups across the Midwest and left hundreds of motorists stranded on snow-drifted highways.- Nation Digs Out of Snow; Transportation Still Disrupted By The Associated Press The snowstorm whichsdumped most of its load on the Midwest- 23 inches at Chicago, 28 at Kala- mazoo-moved into northern New England and eastern Canada yes- terday showing reduced intensity. Chicago and other cities paral- yzed by drifts of five to 15- feet succeeded in reopening their traf- fic arteries by dint of round-the- clock work by thousands of dig- gers, but most neighborhoods still were snowbound. Sixty-eight deaths were attri- buted to the record storm in five states-42 in Illinois, 17 in Mich- igan, 5 in Wisconsin, 3 in Indiana and 1 in Ohio. Food Distribution . Snow-buried streets, many of them blocked by abandoned ve- hicles, disrupted distribution of food to neighborhood stores. Thou- sands of emergency missions were flown by helicopters or carried out by drift-bucking tractor-plows and trucks to supply isolated com- munities or stranded groups of motorists. Also, bands of looters broke into more than 100 unttended taverns,1 groceries, pawn shops and de- serted delivery trucks on Chicago's. West and South sides. Most of the looting stopped after 100 arrests and deployment of more than 600 policemen. Despite a turn to colder weather which dropped temperatures into the teens during the early hours Saturday, the progress in restoring traffic and communications was notable. Bus service still was erratic in Chicago, and many buses were stalled, but the city's rail transit system came back to almost nor- mal. Traffic was light, but truck deliveries of groceries, milk and bakery goods were being made along many streets where plowing was done. Most hospitals were being resupplied with food. Gary, Ind., was still largely im- mobilized, but hundreds of strand- ed persons were moved from steel plants by equipment organized by the New York Central Railroad. In the work of restoring elec- trical service to thousands of homes in a stretch of ice-locked territory through central Illinois and Indiana and northwestern Ohio, where sleet and freezing rain paralleled just south of the snow- .storm's course, there was much still to be done by overworked line crews of utility companies. Hundreds of homes were with- out service Saturday. Most primary lines, a spokesman for one com-- pany said, were expected to be back in service during the night. But many homes and businesses on secondary lines faced a week- end without electricity. Program May Be Delayed For Months Senate Investigation Will Follow Up Probe By NASA Officials By The Associated Press MANNED SPACE C E N T E R, Houston, Tex. - The catastrophe that killed three astronauts inside a flaming Apollo spaceship cast a giant shadow on the U.S. man-to- the-moon project, stalling the $23- billion _program for perhaps sev- era] months. Top project officials would not predict how long the delay might be. They said only that the maid- en manned voyage of the three- man spaceship had been postpon- ed indefinitely. "I am not prepared to discuss our plans for the flight events to come," said Maj. Gen. Samuel Phillips, Apollo program director, at a Cape Kennedy news confer- ence. Several Months No doubt it will be several months before a spaceship can be readied for the Apollo 1 mission. An investigating board must first complete its report, and space- ships must be redesigned, if nec- essary. Officials then must start over with weeks- of vehicle tests and astronaut training. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration named a seven-man investigating board to probe the accident. Also, Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM), chairman of the Senate Space Committee, said a Senate inquiry would follow the NASA probe. Full Review Anderson described the Senate investigation as a full review of the fatal fire. Should NASA decide to discard the fatal vehicle, described offi- cially as "heavily damaged," it has other spaceships. However, any redesign would take weeks, even months, to work out and test. Also, NASA could choose to scrub the Apollo 1 mission com- pletely and move directly onto Apollo 2, a more complex ren- dezvous flight. Planning before the accident called for three man- ned Apollo missions in earth orbit, followed by a fourth with the capability of landing men on the moon. 'Success Scheduled' It was known that NASA had been hoping for a lunar landing sometime in 1968, more than a year ahead of the nation's goal of placing men on the moon by 1970. But, officials said all along, any 1968 try depended on a "success schedule." Anderson said he reached his decision to hold an inquiry after conferring with Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, ranking Republican member of the space committee. He said she agreed that such a review is essential. Indicating that the committee may look beyond the NASA find- ings, Anderson said: "We would, as we see it now, examine the proceedings of the board of inquiry-without imped- ing its work-and gather any ad- ditional information necessary to fulfilling the committee's respon- sibilities." House Investigation Prior to Anderson's announce- ment, a Republican member of the House Space Committee called1 for an investigation by that body but received no encouragement for early action from the group's chairman. Rep. James G. Fulton, senior Republican member of the House Science and Astronautics Com- mittee, said at his home in Pitts- burgh, Pa.: "I want to investigate to see how this thing happened. If we are careful now it may save some lives in the future." But Rep. George P. Miller (D- Calif), the committee chairman, made it clear he has no intention of stepping into the investigation before the NASA has completed Lower Michigan Recovers From Grip of Violent Storm By The Associated Press Southern Michigan residents slowly began to free themselves yesterday from the icy grip of a withering snow storm which dumped more than 20 inches of snow within 24 hours. Gov. George Romney called upon neighbors to help dig each other out. Appealing for neighborhoods to organize and dig in where people need help, George Romney said: "Otherwise emergency situations will overwhelm us and many will not only suffer, but some will die." At least 15 persons died of heart attacks caused by over exertion or other storm-related causes. Three men were injured when a factory roof collapsed under the weight of the snow in St. Joseph. The U.S. Weather Bureau at De- troit said the worst of the storm was over but more snow was fore- cast for tomorrow. More than a feet of snow fell on much of southern Michigan, with 24 inches at Lansing, 17 at BACKED BY TROOPS: Red Guard Protests Russian Attacks on Chinese Students By The Associated Press bassy called an unprecedented behavior "treachery to the course TOKYO-Army troops loyal to news conference to release a mes- of Lenin." Mao Tse-tung backed thousands sage from Premier Chou En-lai The embassy charged that all of demonstrators outside the and Foreign Minister Chen Yi. It 69 students at Red Square were Soviet Embassy in Peking yester- accused the Soviets of "bloody re- hit and 30 of them injured, of day to protest what Communist pression" of students trying to whom 10 left with bloody faces. It China claims were unprovoked at- place a wreath on the grave of said four were seriously hurt. tacks on Chinese students in Mos- Joseph V. Stalin last Wednesday. 'Undisguised Provocation' cow, Japanese correspondents re- The Soviet Foreign Ministry At its news conference the ported. staged a rival news conference to Soviet Foreign Ministry charged The dispatches from Peking respond to the Chinese charges. that Mao Tsyun directed the in- said the Chinese troops joined the It said the Red Square incident cident. The Soviets dismissed It demonstrators after attending a was a provocation planned by a as "nothing but an indisguised rally in the Workers Stadium to Chinese Embassy official. provocation planned in advance." pledge full support for Mao's purge The governments of the two Boris Pyadyshev, deputy chief of followers of President Liu great Communist powers have ex- of the Foreign Ministry's press de- Shao-chi. changed a series of recriminations partment, said the Chinese had A broadcast dispatch of the of- and protests over the Red Square committed "outrages." ficial New China News Agency incident, pointing up the extent Japanese dispatches from Pe- said Red Guards, workers and stu- of the deteriorating in their :e- king said 100,000 Chinese took part dents marched around the Soviet lations. in the anti-Soviet demonstration Embassy in chilling weather Beat Up Students yesterday. It was the third straight shouting, "Down with Brezhnev! The Chinese contend that Soviet day of anti-Soviet demonstrations Down with Kosygin!" police beat up the students. The in the midst of a power struggle Leonid I. Brezhnev is the chief Russians say the Chinese made a between Chinese Communist lead- of the Soviet Communist party 'nuisance of themselves and that er Mao Tse-tung and president and Alexei N. Kosygin is premier. Soviet citizens linked arms and Liu Shao-chi. Jackson, 13 at Grand Rapids and waist-high drifts in many areas. High winds hampered road clear- ing in much of the stricken area. For the first time in its 135 years of publication, yesterday's Detroit Free Press was not de- livered beyond the Metropolitan Detroit Area. The Detroit News said Friday it had to cutback de- liveries to many suburban and out- state areas because of risky driving conditions. For the first time in its 112 years, Michigan State University in East Lansing was closed Fri- day. Babies were born at home be- cause there was no way to get to hospitals; travelers crowled into motels and hotels, with rooms at premium, because impassable snow blocked their route. Homes burned because firemen couldn't get to the scene to battle the blaze. Sports events were can- celeld, schools closed, roads were blocked off, snowladen roofs caved in at two points. The Weather Bureau at Detroit said that while the city got only four inches on the ground, the snow weighed as much at 16 inches of normal snow. "Instead of running off as usual," the bureau said, "the rain that followed soaked into and froze onto the snow, greatly in- creasing its weight. "This snow cover weighs 81/2 pounids per square foot," the bureau said. The wheels of state government almost ground to a halt because of storm troubles. Gov. George Romney made it to the Capitol building-with the help of an armored personnel carrier used by the National Guard to plow through drifts. Rep. Robert Waldron (R-Grosse Pointe), newly-elected speaker of the state House of Representatives, said that he is postponing the opening of the House until Wed- nesday. r 1 I t t l i .! . l! 4 ' , ri 11 i ; ,: i f r ' s' k l f 1 i s i I The Chinese accuse them of fol- herded the Chinese back to their The Japanese accounts said that lowing in the footsteps of former bus. The incident occurred near the army troops appeared on the Premier Nikita Khrushchev in re- Lenin's tomb. Visitors to Stalin's scene for the first time yesterday. vising the original tenets of Marx grave now must pass through Situation Tense and Lenin and taking a capitalist Lenin's tomb, At the same time, the Japanese road. Mao Tsyun, press attache of the correspondents said all posters in In Moscow, the Chinese Em- Chinese Embassy, called the Soviet Peking said the situation in Sin- ~~~ ~kiang remained tense although no " e military activity was reported French Continue Opposition from Shihhotze and nearby Tus- hantze where more than 100 per- ons uwere reported killed and T o ritsh T adeMartEntybteencores injured in armed clashes To British Trade Mart Entr between followers of Mao andL.. Army troops in full battle garb By ARTHUR L. GAVSHON son. He asked a few pointed ques- paraded through the streets of six Associated Press News Analyst tions, then set the issue aside for Chinese cities, Radio Peking said. PARIS - F r e n c h President three months, until leaders of the Peking dispatches from Kyodo Charles de Gaulle is shutting the Common Market states hold a news service and Japan Broad- gates of the European Common summit meeting in Rome. casting Corp. correspondents said Market on Britain again for an Wilson characteristically took the troops rode into Peking's Markethrateisicon tokWorkers Stadium in trucks to indefinite time to come. the issue to the people of France howker tary iht an This seems the only conclusion and of Europe over the head of show their miiltary might and to draw for his - treatment of the French government. Addres- pledge full support to the Maoists. Prime Minister Harold Wilson's sing the Council of Europe in Parades Parades were also held in Shan- mission arguing the case for Brit- Strasbourg, he said if his bid to ghai, Fukien, Pacting, Taiyuan, ish entry. enter the Common Market fails, cai, f khn, Prvin, an Wilson flew home last week "the fault will not lie at Britain's capital of Shansi Province, and with no more than an under- i door." It was a challenge to De Kyodo, quoting fresh wall post- taking from De Gaulle to consult Gaulle to say no as he did four ers put up by pro-Mao Red Guards France's five Common Market .years ago. from Urumchi, said the pitched partners but. not before April, a y At lunch Tuesday De Gaulle ,battle between the pro and anti- month after the French parlia- found himself a captive audience, Maoists occurred in Shhhotze mentary elections. flanked by Wilson and Brown. Jan. 26. Political Battle? For 90 minutes, listeners later re- It said an argument between The encounter between the ported, the Britons cut and thrust two opposing groups of soldiers French and British leaders has at the president over his Euro- the day before brought on the been, behind the formalities, a pean policies, his big freeze with armed clash when a company of battle for the high ground of the Americans, his flirtations with anti-Maoist troops riding 10 European politics. the Communist states. trucks encircled a pro-MaoIst A French-led Europe would High French officials expect textile mill. tend to look inward, toward the De Gaulle to go no further than The anti - Maoists, including Ural Mountains on the east. It to propose in due course that members from the newly organized probably would resist the capture Britain accept associate member- field army, the report said, raided of industry after industry by the ship in the Common Market be- the mill, killed 15 persons who Americans. cause it is not yet ready for full resisted and injured seven others. A British-led Europe almost membership. Wilson has rejected It said by late afternoon Jan. 26 certainly would gaze across the this as "half-hearted and de- casualties totaled more than 100 western and southern oceans, see- featist." persons killed. ing the world as one, cherishing its links with the New World. Backing The British are fairly sure they can count on the other five na- tions of the Common Market- West Germany, Italy, the Neth- erlands, Belgium and Luxembourg -to back any formal application they make to join their thriving customs union. But the French hold a trump in the reality that the Common Market is a going concern in which all members are prosper- ing and anxious to preserve that prosperity, while Britain is de- cidedly not prospering. As usual, De Gaulle played the perfect host. He received Wilson and foreign Secretary George Brown graciously at the Elysee Palace, invited Wilson to talk first and listened courteously while Wilson made Britain's case for a' European destiny. Then the frost began to de- scend. De Gaulle declined to comment on the broad temes made by Wil- World News Roundup By The Associated Press SAIGON - U.S. air operations picked up on both sides of the border, and B52 jets staged an- other fire raid on jungle holdings of the Viet Cong yesterday. Pilots claimed the lion's share of 217 of th enemy reported killed in South Vietnam. Stormy weather saved the upper reaches of North Vietnam from attack Friday, but American squadrons flew 85 missions-the high of the week-against high- ways, bridges, coastal vessels and staging areas in the southern sec- tion. ** * BIMINI, Bahamas-Adam Clay- ton Powell said yesterday he would make a partial payment of the $164,000 court judgment he owes and warned congressmen de- termining his right to be seated to be prepared for a counterat- tack. Meeting newsmen for the first time since the House refused to seat him until it looks at his qual- ifications, Powell said he would pay $33,000 next Tuesday to Esther James, 70, the Harlem widow who won a slander judg- ment against him. Any effort to pay off the judg- ment would probably help Powell's case before the House committee investigating him, but the Harlem Democrat promptly showed he is not going to make it easy for his colleagues to recommend he be seated. He said he would go before the committee, "when my counsel ad- vises me to," then added: "I'm ready. I'm ready with a lot of in- formation on my colleagues." Viet Nam Party Politics Stir as Elections Near Inf. SAIGON (4P-Party politics are stirring anew in Vietnam in prep- aration for civilian elections promised for later this year. A new constitution is scheduled to be completed by March 27. Vil- lage and hamlet elections are ex- pected in May or June. National elections are supposed to take place within six months after the constitutions goes into effect, probably in November or Decem- ber. There is political ferment at the top in Saigon in Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's war cabinet, in the Constituent Assembly which is writing the constitution, in the Army-People's Council, an ad- visory body, and among old-line politicians who hold no office. Politicking is also reported at the grass roots, especially in the five northernmost provinces which include the cities of Hue and Da Nang. Political observers are already "ticket balancing" - speculating over possible candidates for pres- ident and vice president. Some The draft constitution blends American presidential government with the British parliamentary system. In practice it will most closely resemble the Korean or French forms of government. The president and vice presi- dent are to be elected. An esti- mated six million persons over 18 are eligible to vote. A National Assembly is to be elected several weeks after the president and vice president. The Cabinet is to be selected by the president, but individual ministers can be unseated by a simple majority vote in the lower house of the assembly. The Cab- inet could be turned out by a two-thirds majority. TONIGHT its inquiry. The idea, according to Vietnam- '"m mmm inm """in " - ""mm m" m minmmmmm m mmm mm m ese officials, is to provide the u E continuity of a president elected, for a fixed term with the right te THOMPS0N'S PIZZAr of a parliament to censure the r r government. a The switch from a military re- 761-0001 gime to civilian government will CG be a touchy business. There is a i This COUPON Good Toward" 117ri wan lfX7Pn h idpPlqof MICHAEL COONEY