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January 29, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-29

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See editorial page


111w ian


Cloudy, with
chance of snow

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
atholicigher ucation: Secular Trend


"The educational m a c h i n e
throughout Western civilization
is dominated by two ethical
series, that of Christianity and
that of nationalism. These two,
when taken seriously, are in-
compatible. For my part, I hold
that where they differ, Chris-
tianity is preferable but where
they agree, both are mistaken."
"Bertrand Russell On
Education," 1963
Catholic educators long ago
recognized that public education,
financed by the state, and the in-
culcation of Catholic theology and
moral values were incompatible,
so they established private schools
to maintain a "separate but equal"
educational process.
However, since World War II

and Sputnik, and the subsequent
emphasis on scientific training,
many Catholics have charged that
Catholic institutions were indeed
separate but were no longer of-
fering equality in education.
The problem is in part financial.
Education is an expensive process
and Catholic schools were discov-
ering to their dismay that they
could not afford equipment, labs
and the necessary faculty.
Another problem arose as fewer
people were becoming priests and
nuns. Traditionally, Catholic in-
stitutions were not required to
allot a large portion of their bud-
get to faculty salaries because the
sisters and priests taught for al-
most nothing.
With the subsequent lack of
teaching clergy, Catholic schools
were forced to hire laymen at

competitive salaries. Without fed-'
eral and state aid however, they
were not able to attract the teach-
ers they needed to maintain in-
creasingly high educational stan-
As a result of this lack of facil-
ities and qualified teachers many
Catholic parents became skeptical
and began sending their children
to public schools. They found
themselves paying more for priv-
ate education, and in some in-
stances for an education that was
not even accredited.
In order to increase the quality
and standards of Catholic educa-
tion, many institutions of higher
education are "broadening the
base of the policy decisions of the
university" by including laymen
on the boards of trustees and pla-
cing them in key administrative

positions, according to the Very clared. He emphasized however, changes are being made in the ucation appears to be the desire
Rev. Malcolm Carron, president of that St. Louis University will re- structure of - the boards of trus- to remove education from the aus-
the University of Detroit. main a Catholic and Jesuit insti- tees of some Catholic Universities pices of the Church. Many Catho-
However, the University of De- tution. is money." lic educators feared a potential
troit, a Catholic institution con- Webster College, a Roman "In the financial order, many conflict between church and edu-
trolled exclusively by the Jesuit Catholic women's college near St. Catholic institutions have already cation.
order since 1877, has no intention Louis, announced that it will be- passed the point of no return and Sister Jacqueline, now Miss
of turning control of the univer- come a secular institution. Sister these colleges cannot continue to Grennan, of Webster said "the
sity over to secular officials at St. Jacqueline Grennan, head of the exist without state aid," he added. very nature of higher education is
Louis University and Webster Col- college, was relieved of her vows However, Fordham and John opposed to juridical control by the
lege have done. - to the order of the Sisters of Lo- Carroll University in Cleveland are church."
The ownership and control of retta and will become the first considering changes along the The source of conflict is the
St. Louis University, a Jesuit in- secular president of the college. lines of Notre Dame. realization that the church relies
stitution, will be vested in a board But not all the institutions The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, on faith and obedience, while
of trustees composed of laymen making changes have become com- president of the University of higher education ideally depends
of various faiths and clergy. The pletely secularized. Notre Dame, recently disclosed on doubt and dissent.
Very Rev. Paul C. Reinert, presi- The Rev. Leo McLaughlin, pres- plans for a reorganization of Notre Thus the trend appears to be
dent of the university, said the ident of Fordham University. said Dame's board of trustees, now in the direction that Protestant
move, which will become effective that Fordham will not follow the composed of priests, to give lay- institutions of higher ' education
June 1, was "unprecedented." current trend of complete secular- men an important voice in univer- have been going, moving these
"Primarily, we are educating lay ization. sity affairs. universities into the mainstream
people for a lay society and our "Putting it very bluntly," Father The main impetus behind the of higher education and away
board should reflect this," he de- McLaughlin said, "one reason that changing patterns of Catholic ed- from the religious sphere.

AC Tries
To Enhance
The University Activities Cen-
ter is attempting to increase the
amount of student-faculty dia-
logue on campus.
By redecorating the third room
of the Union Grill, UAC hopes to
provide the faculty with a more
informal place to hold their "of-
fice hours." Professors often sit in
their offices and no students come
to confer with them; UAC thinks
that in the informally historical
decor of the newly-named Herit-
age Room, students and their
teachers will "get together over a
cup of coffee."
"Our idea is to promote the
room as a meeting place for stu-
dent-faculty discussions of a
small, informal nature," Roslyn
Brawman, chairman of the UAC.
personnel committee, says.
Documents and pictures depict-
ing University history have been
ogtained for the Heritage room
from the Michigan Historical So-
Miss Braeman hopes that the
program will be sucessful and
notes that already several profes-
sors to do not state definite office
hours, preferring to announce
times when they can be found in f
the MUG.


Group Plans
d iic1ian BaiIt To Counter
NEWS WIRE Extremism


W m u -w -ww w -s-- u

at Hill Aud. last night was canceled because the singers were
stranded in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Full ticket refunds will be
made starting at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow and ending Wednesday at
the student ticket office in the Student Activities Building. No
plans have been made yet for rescheduling the concert, which
was sponsored by Inter-House Assembly.
CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY Speaker Jesse Unruh believes
the recent firing of Clark Kerr as president of the University
of California "was finally precipitated by his sharp opposition
to the imposition of tuition and other budgetary cutbacks" pro-
posed by Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan.
The Inglewood, Calif., Democrat gave this opinion in an
interview taped in Sacramento, Calif., and scheduled to be
aired over radio station KFWB this morning. The station re-
leased the text of the interview last night, the Associated Press
Asked about the problem of finding a successor, Unruh said.
"I think that it will be very difficult in the very near future to
find a prestigious person from outside the state or outside the
system. It may be necessary to resort to some sort of a con-
tractual agreement or perhaps a term appointment to reassure
whoever takes this job that if there is another change of admin-
istration that his tenure will not be terminated along with that."

Haber Explains Goals
Of New Institute For
American Democracy{
The Institute for American
Democracy is a newly-organized
group attempting to counteract
ex tremnist organizations of the po-
litical right and left.
Dean William Haber of the
literary college, a member of the
IAD, says it "symbolizes the in-
terests of many in Am-i-q~ who
don't believe that extreme posi-
tions, whether on the fascist side
or the communist side. represent
any tolerable solutions for the
problems which face our society.
"It is an effort to provide in-
formation and communicationi
through the established media" so
that Americans will be able to see
through the "great deal of mis-
information. ignorance and deli-7
berate misleading" about society.
Haber maintained that "there
is only one truth," and IAD will
attempt to make available the
facts about this truth.
Far West
When asked about extremism in
the Ann Arbor area, Haber said
that he "supposed every commu-
nity had problems of this type."
However he considered the far
west, and especially California,
are particularly susceptable to ex-s
Extremist groups, said Haber,1
use the communications media
with "a design to scare the coun-n
try by saying that it is going tot
the dogs." He claimed that the in-
stitute opposes only fascists and i
This position, he said, leaves1

-Daily-Tom Sheard.


It is conceivable that the
changes may aid Catholic educa-
tion in two respects:
First, it is possible that univer-
sities that have moved out from
under directichurch control may
be judged eligible for federal aid
if future rulings of the Supreme
Court tighten present procedures.
Also, with relinquishment of
church control, the Catholic uni-
versities may be able to attract
better faculty.
Father Hesburgh, replying to
conservative criticism from those
who wish to defend the status quo,
said recently "Every human fi.
stitution must renew itself as it
faces the new problems of each
new age. Otherwise it will develop
organizational arteriosclerosis."
Urge More
Student Voter
Committee Members
Campaign for Student
Voice in City Elections
"A chance for students to af-
fect the decision-making process
by democratic means." That is
what Student Government Council
member Michael Koeneke, '69, calls
the goal of the voter registration
drive which he is heading,
The campaign, being conducted
in cooperation with the Student
Housing Association, an SGC com-
mittee concerned with city rela-
tions and city planning, is an at-
tempt to register students over 21
who meet the qualifications.
Usually, voters must be six-
month residents of the state and
30-day residents of Ann Arbor.
City Clerk
Presently, students cannot find
out if they qualify by telephon-
ing city hall. They must go to
the city clerk's office and answer
questions about who is supporting
them financially, where they go on
vacation, and what their future
plans are. They then receive a d-
cision as to their voting status
based on their answers to these
Koeneke feels the average un-
dergraduate who plans to leave
Ann Arbor after four years at the
University seldom has a right to
claim himself a resident of the
city. But Koeneke is concerned
about the many graduate and mar-
ried students who plan to retain
Ann Arbor residency.
Several Law School students and
faculty members are now question-
ing the legality of the seemingly
arbitrary decisions made by the
city clerk's office in the area of
voter registration.
Improved Housing
The SHA is working for im-
proved housing, and proposes to
get it by affecting the vote mar-
gins in city elections.
Koeneke maintains that in a
city the size of Ann Arbor, 1000
student voters could well have a
liberalizing influence on local leg-
Almost 700 students are already
registered voters and Koeneke
hopes to add at least another 300
by the time the city elections come
in April.
The city Democratic and Repub-
lican parties are also trying to urge
student registration, but are work-
ing along party lines. Both par-
ties, as well as the SHA would
like to see the voter qualifications
standardized and publicized for
would-be voters.

Michigan's Larry Midlam finished fourth in the 65-yard high hurdles event pictured above, al-
though other Michigan athletes did better in other events of the Michigan Relays held this weekend
at ancient Yost Fieldhouse. (See story, page 6).
Fiedler Residence Elicts
r M ixture of Criticism, Praise,

academic counselor
MM#20 W2mma4#Wamammtmnmsageme5msem2mses~eam###a.hemssgens

By LISSA MATROSS "I thought he was kind of a
The early notices heralding the phony," said Miller and added that
start of the writer-in-residence "Fiedler played to his audiences
program read "Who Is Leslie Fied- and said most things for effect."
ler?" We know now. At one panel discussion in which
A more appropriate question Fiedler participated, students were
now that Fiedler has gone back seen holding signs reading, "Fied-
to Buffalo is "What was Leslie ler, you stink" and "Fiedler Eats
Fiedler?" or "What was the writer- Worms." A member of the writer-
in-residence program?" in-residence committee, however,
For Fiedler it was a hysterical attributed these signs to fans of
merry-go-round of lectures, class Fiedler just trying to attract at-

"Hold on a minute-my son
is walking across, a 16th cen-
tury manuscript."
The world of Jack Manning-
John J. Manning, J., assistant
to the associate dean of the
literary college and English
teacher-is a welcome relief
from the often nameless, face-
less and personality-less world
of University decision-makers.
The New-England accented
Manning, with tousseled hair
hanging down his forehead, is a
sucessfully combination of an
academician's interest in the
estoteric with a vigorous, knowl-
etdgeable participation on the
Sitting in his apartment in
Fletcher Hall, where he is res-
ident director, and protecting
valuable papers from a roving
18-month-old son, Manning's
vitality and warm interest in
students marks him out as spe-
cial friend of students.
Although an administrator,
he is actually only nominally
one, and far out on the peri-
phery of power. He doesn't even
consider himself an administra-
tor, and since most of his duties
involve consultating students in
academic difficulty, this atti-
tude may help bring him closer
to them.
Yet Manning sits on the ad-
ininistrative board and curri-
culum committee of. the literary
college, and in his position as
Associate Dean James Robert-
son's assistant he is privy to at
least some administrative sec-
rets that end up as policy de-
Manning, through his con-
tact with students, seems up

five years, all the way up until
I was working on my masters
deQ'ree in philosophy at Boston
College. Then I decided the
Good Lord wanted me to be a
father of a differ(-nt nature."
He didn't get married until five
years later._
He has been at the University
for five years, and a full-time
faculty appointee since June,
1964. He expects to get his
Ph.D. this summer, with a 600-
700 page dissertation, which he
describes as "part literature
and part historiography, a cri-
tical study of an edition of an
Elizabethan edition of a biog-
raphy of Richard II." The ma-
jor focus of his academic inter-
est is the English renaissance.
But the essence of Manning
is not his academic pursuits,
which one would most readily
associate with the business-
man's stereotype of the irrela-
vant, absent-minded professor.
It is his keen, articulate insight
into what is right and wrong
with the University and his
genuine desire to do somiething
to improve it.
Over a lunch of cheeseburg-
ers and french fries one after-

noon he spoke about the prob-
lems of education. "The trouble
with the American concept of
a university education is that
it is like collecting green-
stamps. You get so many hours
and when you hit the magic
figure-when you have pasted
enough stamps into your book
-you get a diploma and society
considers you an educated man.
"You can't look at an edu-
cation like so many bits and
pieces and then expect it to
mean anything. We have to re-
orient our concept, start look-
ing at it in broader terms than
120 hours."
The question of academic re-
form is a big one. Manning
considers it perhaps the most
serious confronting the Univer-
sity. He is serious in his intent
and desire to come up with a
better way of educating.
If he is able to infuse enough
other people with his energy
and concern, and he seems dy-
namic enough to do it, maybe
the academic reforms which
could make four years at the
University more of an exper-
ience and less of a rat-race.
might just come about.

"lots of room for right and left- meetings, dinners and seminars. tention.
of-center groups." However, a New "Strange as it may seem," he said 'Something Big'
York Times article on the institute before leaving, "I'm a little sad Many thought that Fiedler was
said their first concern would be to go. I often thought the whole "on to something big" when he
the activities of the John Birch thing was a little inhumane. I voiced the theory that the only
would have liked more personal choice left for students is "to
ASociety.Tconsultation, that is, the individ- subvert the system" or "drop-
Air Time ual students provided the most ex- out into dreamland." One philoso-
Haber said the institute plans to citement." phy teaching fellow expressed the
act by using air time on radio and No Welcome view that Fiedler was "joyfully
television to reply to extremist Fiedler often said it was odd that depressing or depressingly joyful."
-roups, and by publishing educa- he, as an English teacher, was Prof. William Porter, chairman
tional material, never formally welcomed by the 3f the journalism department, was
The University reaction to the literary college's English depart- highly favorable toward Fiedler
croup was general favorable, al- ment. "I guess I have several dif- and toward the whole program.
though one University faculty ferences of opinion with certain "Fiedler," he said, "is a very elo-
member said lie was "always very faculty members here," he said. quent speaker and helped to de-
concerned when any group sets It appears that Fiedler also had fine the program as a highly stim-
'itself up as a final arbiter of differences of opinion with several ulating and dynamic activity.
taste." students. Russ Miller, '68, summed "Fiedler is great at interacting
Haber said the institute, set up up one viewpoint in seeing Fied- with students. He was not just the
three months ago, is headed by ler as a "middle-age adolescent visiting big shot seen from afar."
Franklin H. Littell, president of who created controversy over him- One professor in the English
Iow.a Wesleyan College. self rather than the issues." department felt that while Fied-
_ ______ _' ler was a capitivating speaker he
actually had very little to say.
2000 NATIONWIDE: [his professor voiced the opin-
s ion that "Leslie Fiedler is a very
SI -. -r-- r. .~fl..--s ,I1 a .n,- -ar:. sr ..Aa silly man."

$3000 and the remainder was used
for publicity and various hall ren-
als. The funds were largely pro-
vided by student organizations.
In addition to funds from stu-
ient organizations, certain faculty
departments contributed small
amounts. Chafetz said faculty en-
ergy and funds were often tied up
in Sesquicentennial activities thus
preventing substantial faculty con-
Chafetz said the offices of Vice-
President Allan F. Smith and Vice-
President Richard L. Cutler offer-
ed to back up the progiam if it
should run into the red. Although
such financial difficulties did not
arise, each of these offices contrib-
uted $100. Chafetz stressed that
this was the only administration
A sum of $900 remains in the
committee's treasury for next
year's program. In the future
Chafetz hopes that a concert or
two might be presented so that
student organizations do not have
to bear the brunt of the costs.
Petitioning is now open for next
year's writer-in-residence commit-
tee. This committee must decide
not only who will be asked to
come but what the direction of the
program will be.

Predict Greater Production
To Prevent More Inflation

clergymen l oI 1uo~nvergte
n __ 1-1--- -I 11 - t n -Y T __

Sam Chafetz, chairman of the
writer - in - residence committee,j
thought that Fiedler filled all of

he prie requisites f the posi- The healthy but not outsized
ion.He aidthatFielerwasincrease in demand projected for
By THOMAS R. COPI of New York, announced that in- pectrum of the university com- 1967 can be met without the in-
About 2,000 church leaders from terfaith worship and meetings to munity and was quite outspoken." flationary spillover of 1965-66,
finance Prof. Thomas Gies of the
across the country, including over discuss opposition to the war would Stimulating bines ton so said
30 from Ann Arbor, are expected be part of the agenda for the Chafetz added that "Fiedler was business admistration school said
to converge on Washington, D.C., clergymen. able to stimulate thinking in areas;yesterday.
tomorrow to express their concern Rev. Edwards said that it would that students are not concerned Speaking before a Michigan
about the Vietnam war. be very possible that plans' for with in regular courses." Press Association meeting in Lans-
Rev. Edgar Edwards of the further organized opposition to However, Chafetz indicated, stu- ing, Gies explaied that produc-
Guild House, who plans to leave the war would come out of the dents tried to make Fiedler a tive capabilities in 1967 will prob-
Ann Arbor for Washington by meetings and workshops in which prophet who had all the answers. ably increase enough for 1967's
train tomorrow, said the mass he will participate. "The spirit in which they came greater demands.
.,,..tt..._...., .. L.,.., ...... t.. tl..rt..,. } r. }n -f+ ., nlnr .nnm_ ""n part this increased capa-

equipment outlays by business
have shown a slackening tendency.
This moderation of prospective
spending increases coupled with
the striking gains in capacity have
led the monetary authorities to
shift to a somewhat less restrictive
policy, Gies noted.
The 90-day Treasury bill rate
has dropped from a high of 5.6 per
cent last fall to 4.7 per cent now.
Gies said that this event may
have potentially powerful impli-
cations for the level of stock

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