:a '04,r mtrhigau Daily Seventy-Sixth Year EnrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD, N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS When a Crowd is not for Theatre Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MEDOW The Cops Should Be Kept Away More than Once THERE WAS A REASON why Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier didn't attend Wednes- day's experimental film showing-he was asked not to by a high University offi- cial. First, we would like to compliment that official, who shall remain unnamed, for his foresight. It seems he was the only administra- tor who realized that a riot would likely accompany a new confiscation or even the presence of Ann Arbor police, and that it might be a better thing to point this out before, and not after, the fact. BUT SECONDLY we would like to ask: Why does it take a crisis to bring proper action? It is significant that the Ann Arbor po- lice were willing to waive their concern for our "obscenity" laws in the face of a possible riot. It is also quite signifi- cant that an administrator was willing to break with tradition to keep the po- lice off campus in the face of that same threat. If it is right that the police stay off campus, and if it is right that the "ob- scenity" laws are either out of place in an experimental film setting or just plain silly to begin with, then wouldn't the sit- uation have been much healthier if someone had thought of these things be- fore we were faced with riots? IF THE UNIVERSITY is willing and in- deed has the power to keep the police -off the campus in order to avert an "in- cident," then we should expect it to do the same in the future-not for the sake of keeping things quiet, but for the sake of protecting the interest and rights of the University community. Hopefully, last Wednesday's unofficial action will become official University pol- icy from now on. It would be a good be- ginning. -HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor -ROGER RAPOPORT By WALLACE IMMEN OBSERVERS viewing the mob scene that raged about the ticket booth at Wednesday's pres- entation at Cinema Guild are apt to come to the conclusion that this is representative of student behavior. This is not the case, especially in view of the orderliness of such affairs as the sit-ins and teach- ins of last month. These were the same students who are patient in lines at registration and the MUG. That is what made the incident at Cinema Guild so frightening. This crowd of students became a serious and dangerous mob, in no mood to fool around. Devotees had been waiting in an orderly line since pior to 5, but a sudden Pavlovian response to an influx of students from the sever- al entrances set off a chain reac- tion. The frenzied mob engulfed the ticket seller and sales had to be halted several times. AS I STOOD there, being inun- dated by the mass, I heard curses; more than once I heard threaten- ing cries of "knock that guy's block off" which I hadn't heard since high school. There were times during which my feet were not even touching the floor, support being provided by the sweaty bodies surrounding BUT THE FILMS ended, some- what abruptly and without inci- dent. The crowd left rather dis- appointed. The principal critique heard upon leaving the performance was something Ake, "I was disappoint- ?d, where was all the sex they promised? The crowd was composed main- ly of males. I followed packs of six and eight boys to South and West Quad, and their comments indicated they had but little ap- preciation for the content of the films which were shown-"they weren't even all in color." IT WAS PUBLICITY and pri- mal urges, not cinemotographic ef- fects or aesthetic visual composi- tion which constituted the appeal of these films. Reason was aband- oned in that sea of humanity in favor oflibidinal urges. Acts of violence occur easily when a mob gathers in a situa- tion rirident with unnatural ten- sion. The mood of the mob Wed- nesday was such that there was no more guarantee a riot would not occur with the proper spark than there was in any non-uni- versity community anywhere. An angry, uncontrolled mob is a dan- gerous mob under any circum- stances. me on all sides. Svmeone was is- suing constant warnings about pickpockets. I was attacked by a no-doubt otherwise sensible female who in- flicted several swift kicks and proceeded to demonstrate succes- ive forms of karate and elbow flailing as she smashed through the crowd. As she slapped down her money for tickets, the anxiety in her face disappeared and she turned back to the crowd she had just rammed through and plead- ed, "You're disgusting, don't push." THE CROWD expected a good show, both from the Ann Arbor police and the Cinema Guild. One could almost hear the hisses from the fans waiting for Lieutenant Staudenmeier and his boys. Gate crashers were never quite so physical as they were last Wed- nesday. Students who would not even cut into a quad meal line be- gan charging like wild animals as the auditorium neared capaci- ty. The films started early to ac- commodate a third showing. The audience was tensed, waiting for the sudden silence of a confisca- tion, waiting to jump the police as they made a fast retreat to the station house. The police may have been there all right, even though they had been warded off by a University official, several people hinted that they knew at least two who were wearing plain clothes to fit into "the crowd." I Letters: Vietnam and the Burning Bodies Chasing the Many Saucers CH OUT, PEOPLE! The science fic- on programs you see on TV may not be so fantastic after all. Until now, the team of scientists work- ing for the Air Force's Project Blue Book, a project charged with analyzing and classifying unidentified areial phenom- ena, has been able to discount most re- ports of unidentified flying objects as obvious frauds, providing some rational explanation. Something has now come up to stump the experts. But will they give up? Cer- tainly not! Dr. J. Allen Hynek, chairman of the astronomy department at Northwestern University and head of the team analyz- ing pictures of a flying object over Lake St. Clair, Mich., taken by two teenage brothers earlier this month, said last week that "in all honesty, at this mo- ment, I cannot call them a hoax." But he' added that complete analysis of the pho- tographs will be made for the next two or three days. THOUGH MANY consider all this fuss about flying saucers to be ridiculous, the Air Force obviously disagrees. In ad- dition to Project Blue Book, the physics department of the University of Colorado received a $300,000 grant from the Air Force last October for a15-month study of unidentified flying objects. If some of our country's greatest as- tronomers are willing to devote so much time and money to find out if flying saucers do really exist, who are we to doubt that it is possible? LONG LIVE Ray Bradbury! -DAVID DUBOFF To the Editor: DR. ERICH FROMM, in a re- cent Human Rights Day speech, said: What threatens us is not only that a nuclear holocaust mighthdestroy all civilizattion, but that we are already now de- stroying civilization before such a holocaust occurs".. He refers to the increasing in- difference to life and the brutali- zation of man, and sees the war in Viet Nam as thesultimate step in desensitizing ourselves to de- structiveness. "How," asks Dr. Fromm, "do we expect our young generation to respect life, if they witness daily destruction taking place with the consent of their elders?" AN ELOQUENT example of the insensitivity and callousness dis- played by our country's leaders was shown by juxtaposed articles on page one of the Ann Arbor News of Wednesday, January 18. President Johnson is shown beam- ing and presiding over the festivi- ties of "Operation Big Daddy" which got the White House social season "off to a rollicking start": dinner, entertainment by the cast of "Hello Dolly," dancing the frug, kisses from Carol Channing, and a cake with candles., Right next to this picture of the Great Society at play, we read the headlines: "Bombers Sear Jungle Hideouts"; and "U.S. Edi- tor Sees Bombed Schools." Villages are burned, homes de- stroyed by fire bombs, women and children are burned by na- palm and white phosphorus, huge areas of jungle are defoliated and Ignited. "It looked just like the Fourth of July," a military spokes- man is quoted. WHETHER OR NOT Mr. John- son is aware of it, organized gaie- ty and celebration at the White House, with symbolic candle- flames atop the festive cake, is a refined, sophisticated version of ancient orgies carried on by the light of the burning bodies of vic- tims and dissenters. -Mrs. Frances S. Eliot Marijuana To the Editor: HAVING JUST READ your edi- torial concerning marijuana, I would like to say that for once I would like to read a public editor- ial by any college student that would uplift and benefit the hu- man race. It seems to me that as soon as you youngsters hit college, you seem to forget all the good things which have been taught to you at home. If you have parents, how do you think they feel when they see their son advocating one of the most degrading weeds known to man. You say that it is not habit forming. That statement I chal- lenge. You say that it does not promote any more anti-social be- havior than alcohol. Is there any one more anti-social than a drunk- ard? Would you want to be pub- licly associated on the street with a sot? From the cocktail to the gutter is a short step. Perhaps you should take time out from your self imposed task of glorifying drugs to a study of the real facts. What class of man fills our jails and mental hospitals? Is it the sober, hard-working man or the person you seek to further de- stroy? SO LIQUOR is mildly addictive, is it? Well, .I have news for you young man. Doctors say it is al- most impossible to kick the liquor' or drug habit. I am getting fed up with intel- lectuals, so termed, handing out their personal opinions, without any actual research at the tax- payers' expense. I am sure that before long the public will come to the realization that they are spending their money educating a group of men who will be a detri- nent to not only their colleges, but to the entire nation and world. ;We have seen riots at Berkeley by Communist inspired leaders; we have seen riots at Columbus, supporting Communist agitators; we have, it is alleged, seen i our Lord, Jesus Christ, burned in ef- figy on the campus at Oberlin; we have seen Princeton University, once the seat of Christianity, al- lowing the United States traitor Alger Hiss to speak to students. This is just a drop in the bucket. YOU, MY FRIEND, are living in the best country in the entire. world, and instead of trying to further debauch its decent people, with such an article as you wrote, you should get down on your knees and ask God's forgiveness. Perhaps you think God is dead. Well, if you do, perhaps you may have time to reflect on how drug addiction might affect your par- ents, or any family member. Always bear in mind that most reported rapes are caused by ani- mal brutality, while most robber- ies are committed by drug addicts (including the alcoholic) who need money to buy the very thing that will destroy them. This might well include cigarettes. MAY I ADVISE you to check your figures with the FBI for a better estimate of the horrors of drug addiction! For my part I cannot understand why the future leaders of America make such fools of themselves. Poe was a dope ad-, dict. Burns was a drunkard. If you smoke marijuana you too may become an intellectual, for which I am thankful I am not. I was taught that if I played with fire, t would get burned, and I do hope you will be man enough to study the facts, and then be fair enough to retract your unproven facts. -Anna Cartwright Columbiana, Ohio Fiedler To the Editor: WITH ALL DUE respect for Pro- fessor Fiedler, whose social cri- ticism and articulation of it I value, I would like to expand on his theme in Wednesday evening's lecture. As might be expected, Professor Fiedler's audience consisted of pre- disposed believers (myself among them) who were able to have their thoughts and feelings about the university's flight from education (to vocational training) verbalized and expounded for them. To this extent, UAC should know that Pro- fessor Fiedler's entire visit did not realize its potential. The reception that he might have received in various profes- sional schools and colleges (from faculty and students), not to men- tion the city of Ann Arbor, would have been very interesting. Must a visiting professor always be left on stage for people to come to? Why cannot arrangements be made (or forced) so that he can come to an audience which will be more than a coterie of autograph-seek-' ers and devotees? Extolling the humanist tradition and values to liberal arts students is, at best, equal to an address from Henry Ford II to business administration students. THE PROBLEM undoubtedly is much broader than this, and it engulfsbothstudents and facul- ty. Instead of the constant mewl- ing about failures of and threats to the university, why cannot the students and faculty go to the off- campus world with their message? After all, that is where Chief Kras- ny, Governor Romney and the rest of the world lives. It may not be too much to hope for, and certainly not to be my- optically dismissed, that the off- campus world might be made to appreciate our case for education. Most assuredly, law suits, sit-ins, grumbling editorials, and the like will hardly help matters. And, in this regard, Professor Fiedler's in- timation that hedonism, drug-tak- Ing, obscenity, and the great un- washed are positive symptoms of a sub-cultural revolt back to educa- tion falls somewhere between the incredible and the fatuous. If ed- ucation's salvation lies in that di- rection, then I submit that edu- cation is not worth saving. THERE IS NO NEED to con- tinue piling brick upon masochist- ic brick, walling the university off from a world which does not un- derstand education to begin with. Moreover, both the students and' the faculty should know by now that they cannot rely on admin- istrators to breach the gap. For one thing, the latter do not see the chasm and thus can hardly be blamed if their press releases are patently insipid and smug. And in all fairness, to blame the ad- ministration only provides cover for the failure of students and fac- ulty to meet their social responsi- bilities. Perhaps the real crisis in the university is that the faculty and the students do not give a damn about the fact that the public does not give a damn about education. Taxpayer-voters want tangible and immediate returns on their invest- ment, whether a wonder drug or a profession for their son or a suc- cessful son-in-law: and the uni- versity, by its vacillation between self-sated ennui and corporate ego- ism, routinely delivers the goods. WOULD IT BE too absurd to have a Professor Fiedler, or a pres- ident of SGC, or any member of the faculty or student body, ad- dress a Kiwanis Club, PTA ( or Policemen's Benevolent Society? Are not the public relations off i- cers in the university evidencing failure when most of the press releases that reach the public are issued from the Ann Arbor Police Department? If education, as an end in itself, is worth salvaging from the head- long rush into training and serv- ice, then both 'faculty and stu- dents should begin by educating the off-campus world. Our failure, to date, is verified in this past week's headlines. -D. J. Guth Fiedler To the Editor: JT MIGHT not be amiss to men- tion a criticism of Leslie Fied- ler which occurred to me and to a numb r of students I talked to. It is this: he suggests --never states-that the most exciting, or significant, path for young people today is that of the drop-out; the sexually polymorphous mutant, the student who by way of protest withdraws from participation in university life into drugs, etc. Yet he himself, father of six, holding down a good academic job, hardly practices-or apparently, at least for any length of time, has prac- ticed-what he preaches. Isn't he, for all '(or with all) his warm humanity, piping the unwary down a path he has not trod? His inconsistency at this point explains, I suspect, the lack of clarity in his thought which has been much commented on, and it vitiates the validity of what he says, his encyclopedic knowledge, brilliant insight and charisma (is it the charisma of an artist manqu?) to the contrary not- withstanding. -John A. Bailey Assistant Professor Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literature We Quit To the Editor: WHEREAS; The Student Gov- ernment Council has failed to represent our views on the two most important campus issues, namely student power and the abolition of ranking for male un- dergraduates and, Whereas; we do not feel that the Student Government Council has any reason to become involv- ed in the legal struggle between the Cinema Guild and the city of Ann Arbor, Therefore: We as members of the student body of the University of Michigan sever all ties and al- legiances to the. Student Govern- ment Council and no longer rec- ognize its right to represent us in dealings with the University ad- ministration. -John E. Chosy, "70 -Mark E. Bowles, '69 LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. Literary College Counselling rHE COUNSELING OFFICE of the lit- erary college has scheduled a series of information sessions for sophomores choosing a field of specialization. In the past, these sessions have been sparsely attended. They shouldn't be. The meetings stand to benefit all soph- omores--from those who decided upon a The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ,($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board. in Control of Student Publications, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run-8100. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT. Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ........ AssociatedBusiness Manager HARRY BLO CH........Advertising Manatger STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIN...............Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK ...............Finance Manager LEONARD PRATT......Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDIITH.......Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN........ ........ Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE ..... . ...........Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER .................. Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL.,.........Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE........... Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG.............Associate Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS-Meredith Eiker, Michael Heffer, Robert Klivans. Laurence Medow, Roger Rappoport, Susan Schnepp, Nell Shister. major as freshmen to those who are still totally undecided. For the knowing, the meetings should clear up any uncertainties about routine questions of requirements so that the time spent with a department counselor during pre-classification may be used for more complex questions. FOR THE BEFUDDLED, the offerings of several departments should give direc- tion to previously unchanneled thinking. Schedules of the meetings are avail- able in the junior-senior counseling of- fice for any sophomore who didn't re- ceive one by mail. It's worth your while to attend. -SUE REDFERN Gate Help CONGRATULATIONS are in order for Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier. In response to his recent seizure of an experimental film, Cinema Guild enjoyed a record tri- ple sellout at Wednesday's showing of "Scorpio Rising" and other experimental films. Rumor has it a large Detroit theatre chain is considering hiring Staudenmeier for similar appearances-to bolster sag- ging gate receipts. -HARVEY WASSERMAN Anybody? WE RECENTLY received the following letter at The Daily from the course evaluation chairman at Andrews Univer- sity in Berrien Springs, Mich.: "We are setting up a course and teacher evaluation system for the first time this vear .nd we are interested FEIFFER y~t K1)O~ IOAT hU ~~U4 !~ c The KEASE' VY HAT 10 5'TA XFA T At t)NT TO LIF TU6y VAV6J NAYTDH GrocROW liP L1KE MY~ 6ENEATIOMJ. TH6E' AVEWU ErEP A S9k)SE OF RESR'?NSIB1L!TY. 4 O LAN16 &PY'COME UP ,%AIi'J'T A PIFFICVLT PP LEH IE PM'T FA C pPV Tr: ' NY~, A W MY FAS~HIOMABLy Op 166 WITH LAW [PTO PRO65. IF YOUWAM IT5 A CR6 $5 OF IPO)TITV / I