PACE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JAN LAHY ?, , 1967 PAGE ETGUT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1967 i U.S. Holds Indirect Talks To Free Captives in Vietnam .h " Y~ " SJ J " " N ... h .n.. .... ..l .. ..J.,. 5 . . .., v . :t' . f." .. . A , . .t. .. .h .... ... ...h : "Sli .. If 11..t..Jt,..,n.,h ....n~,.. . t. J t....l..........:...::. a.: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN _I ).~ ~' .. _ . . .. .. i: ... pp .. '7 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States has made indirect j contact with representatives of the Viet Cong in an effort to provide for the welfare of Am- ericans believed to be held pri- soner by Communist forces in South Vietnam. These roundabout talks _ through diplomats or officials of other countries - have employed channels which could be used for peace probes, but Johnson admin- istration officials denied any peace dealings had been going on with the Viet Cong. They also denied any direct, face-to-face talks between U.S. and Viet Cong diplomats of offi- cials. Possibly 30 to 40 Americans are believed to held captive in South Vietnam by Communist forces. "We are naturally concerned," the State Department said yes- terday, "for the welfare of in- dividual Americans held captive in South Vietnam and have been willing to discuss this subject through any appropriate channel with representatives of the Na- tional Liberation Front. "Ay authorized contact has been con- fined to this subject," the de- partment added. I A gT54 Lb Cb Officials said the contacts on the prisoner problem had begun many months ago but that it was dif- ficult to trace any direct results to them. Two American civilians, Thomas R. Scales and Robert W. Monahan, who were captured last May, were re-leased'early this month. They said the Viet Cong had tpld them they were being freed because they had shown "repen- tance." Last August, when reports of U.S. contacts with Communist elements in Vietnam cropped up persistently, a Viet Cong spokes- man was quoted in an NBC tele- vision interview Aug. 31 as having said leaders of the National Lib- eration Front - the VC political army - had never met officially or unofficially with U.S. repre- sentatives. He also ruled out any direct discussion on the problem of; prisoners as long as the U.S. government persists in refusing to recognize the Viet Cong. Actually, , the United States is reported to prefer that direct talks involving the Viet Cong be held primarily by the South Viet- namese government. i~~1 LW ~'~I ' 'h'3N LI FRIDAY, JAN. 27 . Guild will present Robert Fla- 8:00 a.m.-The Bureau of In- herty's "Louisiana Story" in the dustrial Relations will hold a Architecture Aud. seminar on "The Management of Managers i Room 146, Buiness SATURDAY JAN. 28 Administration. '47:00 and 9:05 p.m. - Cinema 8:30 a.m.-The Bureau of In- Guild will present Jean Vigo's dustrial Relations will hold a "Zero de Conduite" in the Archi- seminar on "How to Develop and tecture Aud. Manage an Effective Wage and 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music Salary Program" in the Michigan will present a concert, "Contem- Union. porary Directions" in Rackham 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. - Cinema Lecture Hall. ORGANIZATION NOTICES . . ... . . . . . . ,... , .. . . . :: . . \**.. *S.. , .t . ° : n u......... . m v . a ...... .. . r nx.. . ,.v . ...... . . . . . . ..,t.q:: -i r:."':::.;: : : ;.? r:::n . :v ~ k . k.. " ^? ii n ":v1 . .... .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . R..... .. . ..n .. . . .. . .. : : .. .. . .. .. . .. . .n .. ... .. . .. .. . x . .n . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. , .. .. . .. .. . . . The Daily Offilcal Bulletin is an Doctoral Examination for James Jo- Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of official publication of the Univer- seph Soluri, Music; thesis: "The 'Con- Los Angeles, Calif.-Security Analyst Appointments, 3200 SAB, sity of Michigan for which The certi Ecclesiastici' of Lodovico Grossi Trainee. Male 22-28 yrs. age, good grades. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- da Viadana," Fri., Jan. 27, Room 2269 Masters in Finance or Econ., or BA SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: lal responsibility. Notices should be School of Music, at 2 p.m Chairman, considered if above average record, 212 SAB- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to R. A. Warner. American Federation of Teachers Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Grls. Inter- Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-' Council, Long Island, N.Y.-Organizer, views 'Jan, 31, 1-5 j.m. Seek waterfront, fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding services AFT locals on L.L, 30,000 land sports, crafts counselors, publication and by 2 p.m. Friday E vets teachers in this union. for atudayand undy. enerl Mddlsex Details and applications at Summer Naives may be published a maxi- The following sponsored student Ca dnTn ssipSchols, Placement Service, 212 SAB, Lower Lev- a mum of two times on request; Day events are approved for the coming el mum of two imeswonkeed.stSoDaylCuntarNeJ.AssistantnBsiness Man Calendar items appear once only. eee Scial chairmen are rem dl.-Profession- Stdn raiainntcsaent that requests for approval for socialScolDinIl-Preso- ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- ~ u accepted for publication. For more events are due in the Office of Student evartr forenth fsaitifor menVIEWS: Make interview appointments Information call 764-8429. Organizations not later than 12 o'clock retarded patients, education assistance, at Room 128-H, west Engineering Bldg. noon on Wednesday prior to the event, also for students finishing BA, for FEB. 3-}t FRI., JAN. 27- part time with classes. Areas: Admin- Amoco Chemicals Corp. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7 Acacia, Band Party-Open-Open' Al- istration, Spec. Ed.,. Hearing & Speech, Brunswick Corp. pha Epsilon Pi, Open-Open; Alpha Omi- Indust. Therap., Music,HOccupatio Civil Service Commission of Canada. strn P, Gay 90's Party; Alpha Phi Recreational, Mental Health, Social Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc Day Calendar 'Alpha, Dance; Alpha Sigma Phi, Open- Work, Psychologists, Nurses, Physicians, Eastman Kodak Co. L r yI Open; Alpha Tau Omega, Open-Open; Personnel, Lng-Temco Vought (Michigan div.). Graduate Students: Expecting to re- Beta Theta Pi, TGIF; Beta Theta Pi, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing ceive a master's or professional degree Open-Open; Betsy Barbour, Upper Class St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada - Co, in April 1967 must file a diploma ap-|Mixer; Chi Omega. Pledge Formal; Chi Chief Psychologist at hospital for men- North American Aviation, Inc.-All di- .' pication with the recorder of the Psi, TGIF; Chi Psi, Social Open-Open; tal & nervous diseases. PhD plus 2 yrs. visions. Graduate School by Fri, Jan. 27. No Delta Kappa Epsilon, Cow Throw & clinical experience. U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station. student can be recommended for a Worm Toss; Delta Tau Delta, TGIF; * * * U.S. Navy Department-Administrative degree unless he has filed formal ap- Delta Upsilon, Band Party; Henderson For further information, please call Office. plication in the office of the Graduate House, Mixer Party. -----_-__ _--__ _gt"__ School by today. Michigan House, WQ, Hayride; Phi ----- -- --- -- - - -~~~~- ~~- Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- EpsilonP, Party; Phi Gamma Delta, inar--"The Management of Managers": Open House; Phi Kappa Psi, Open- 146 Business Administration, 8 a.m. Open; Phi Kappa Tau, Party & Open- Open; Psi Upsilon, TGIF; Psi Upsilon, Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- NSU Party Sigma ph Epsil Open- Op en; Sigma Nu, Open-Open; Sigma Phi " nar-"How To Develop and Manage ' anaEffe"HveWa e andalary gro- Epsilon & Sigma Chi, TGIF; Sigma P, an EfeciveWag andSalry ro-Open-Open; Tau Delta Phi, TGIF; Tau gram": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.y r Delt Ph, Openpen TanI slo Cinma uil - obrt lahrty,~Phi, TGIF; Tau Epsilon Phi, Ope- Cinema Guild -Robert Flaherty's rFx;'r "Louisiana Story": Architecture Aud., 7 Open; Theta Chi, TGIF; Theta Delta and 9:05 p.m. Chi, TGIF; Theta Xi, TGIF; Triangle, ____._. Party; Zeta Beta. Tau, TGIF & Open- School of Music Degree Recital - Open; Zeta Ps, Open-Open. Charles Avsharian, violin: Recital Hall, SAT., JAN. 28- School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Acacia, Protest Party & Open-Open; ph Sigma Phi, Open-Open; Alpha Tau i General Notices Omega, Open-Open; Beta Theta P, Band Party; Chi Phi, Theatre Party; National Teacher Examinations: Ap- Chi Psi, Party;. Delta Chi, Band aPrty plication blanks are available in Room Delta Kappa Epsilon, Celebration of the iF auing i22 Rackham Bldg. forhthe National 175th anniversary of the signing of the Teacher Examinations. The next admin- "Six Pact" Delta Sigma Phi, Band(# istration of the test will be on Sat., Party; Delta Tau Delta; Open-Open; T HTPR DTA L March 18, and applications must be Delta Upsilon, Band Party; Kappa Sig- H E Uj received in Princeton, N.J., by Feb. 17. ma, House Party; Lambda Chi Alpha, 2oaring 20's Party-Open-Open; Phi Del- Summer Intern In Washington: Those ta Thet a OpeGa ;ma D t OEpsilon P For Your Listening{ f and students particularly interested 'in Prt; h Gmm elaOpnHose. working for the United StatestInfor- Phi Kappa Psi. Open-Open; Phi Kappa omation Agency .this summer should Tau, Party & Open-Open. make an appointment to see the sum- Phi sigma Kappa, Post Party after ments should be made at the Institute Lambda Phi, Open-Open; Sigma Alpha of Public %dministration, 764-3490. Ap- Epsilon, Transvestite Delight; Sigma 9 Alicants must be at least juniors, and Chi, PJ Party; Sigma Delta Tan. Pledge Monday thru Saturday ppenings exist in many fields, partic- formal; Sigma Nu, Open-Open &!(M na thuS ur y ularly radio-TV, foreign languages, in- Room Party; Sigma Phi, Open-Open ternational relations, or any communi- Party; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Open-Open; cation skill. Application deadline is Feb. Sigma Pi, Open-Open; Tau Delta Phi 1. Post Concert Party; Tau Epsilon Phi, A general meeting for all students Open-Open Record Party; Tau Kappa Interested in working In Washington, Epsilon, House Party; Theta Chi, Open-C D.C:,nextsummerwillbe held ed, Oen Band' Part; hea DlaaCi,; serving Dnners Dal !> Feb. 8, at 4 p.m. in the Multipurpose Band Party; Theta Xi, Open-Open; ZetaS uil Room of the Undergraduate Library. Beta Tau, Party; Zeta Psi, Party. 3:00 P.m. t 1:00 A.M. SUN., JAN. 29- TV Center Programs: On Sun., Jan. Sigma Phi, Open-Open Party. the TV Center will have their initial telecast on Detroit stations: TEacem ent 8:30 a.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7 - The GOLDEN HOUR 3 P.. to 7 P.m. "Understanding Our World Who. Will ANNOUNCEMENT: Watch the Watchers?: Cops and Citi- ADDITIONAL INTERVIEW Except Sunday - zens." A Detroit police official joins MON., JAN. 30- Law School faculty members in an ex- Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass. - amination of the image of the mod- Seeking all LS&A majors for college__ ern American policeman and his rela- representatives in Michigan. ---- - -- tionship to society. 12 Noon, WWJ-TV, Channel 4-"Ger- POSITION OPENINGS: many Today. Hist ry, Horror and Hope." Superior Public Schools, Superior, A documentary of German history from Wis.-Purchasing Supervisor. BBA or the 17th century until today, and some Bus. Ed., exper. in purchasing preferred. hard questions about the future. Wood County Community Action Or- Subsc ibeAT ganization, Pittsville, Wis. - Assistant Winter Term Fees: At least 50 per cent Director. BA In soc. sci. or Bus. Ad. Ex- 31, 1967. Board of Education, Ramsey, N.J.- 1 F E MI C H I G \ D A IL Y Non-payment of at least 50 by Business Manage" Assistant, 12 mos. Jan. 31 will result in the assessment of position.- a delinquent penalty of $5. - ---- Payments may be made in person or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 015 Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 31, 1967. Mail Early. Mail payments postmarked after due Identify mail payments as tuition and show student number and name into Collins today for grec bargains. Open 9:30 'til 5:30 State and Liberty f winter i ......... II USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student or- ganizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. . * * * U. of M. Chess Club, Meeting, Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., Room 3C, Michigan Un- ion. * * * Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance with instruction open to everyone, Fri:; Jan. 27, 8-11p.m., Barbour Gym. * * * ' India Students' Association, Mindi movie: "Nays Daur" (with English sub- titles), Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m., Natural Sci- ence Aud., * * * Guild House, Friday noon luncheon, Ed Geffner: "Present and Future of SNCC," Jan. 27, 12-1 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. * * * Young Democratic Club, Meeting to canvass voters for city elections, Sat., Jan. 28, 1:15 p.m., 706 Oakland (down- stairs). * * * Graduate Outing Club, Hiking with folk dancing afterwards, Sun., Jan. .29, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. en- tVance. * * * Newman Student Association, Can- cellation of "La Chamonix," Jan. 27, 7 p.m. * * * Newman Student Association, Com- munity mass and supper. Jan. 27, 5 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson. * * * La Sociedad Hispanica, Una Tertulia, [IVon., Jan. 30, conversacion, musica, cafe-vengan todos, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. ' * * * Hillel Foundation, Sabbath service, Jan. 27, 17:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. Rabbi James I. Gordon of Oak Woods Young Israel on "A New Look at an Old System." Pre-i nventory SALE We're making further reductions on our sportswear sale merchandise and adding lots more wool dresses and jumpers to be sold immediately. Come DI A M OQND R N G S 14 FLAIR . -.. .. FROM $10 only the original can have the name Orange Blossom inside the ring. lctptan 'eer Sre'htan cierer ON SO. UNIVERSITY onJ 1113 SOUTH U. 208 S.MAIN ST. ti$i.":v.::iotgr.. °Y}:'*}avp r; 'M s:'.S «... .. .- 5... ::Y:":., .« . r .r . .... . ..... . OPEN: Mon., Wed. and Thurs., 4 P.M. to 2 A.M. OPEN: Fri., Sat., Sun., Noon to 3 A.M. (Closed Tuesday) DeLONG'S PIT BARBECUE 314 DETROIT ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. CARRY-OUT ORDERS ONLY-PHONE 665-2266 FREE DELIVERY BARBECUE CHICKEN AND RIBS FRIED CHICKEN SHRIMP AND FISH - -41 $ 1 Try Daily Classifieds CHARTER FLIGHT WIT LlTER? $265 worth of pure jet' (TWA Boeing 707) gets you from Detroit to London and back (May 18-July 14) DON'T BE A WAIT LISTER Out This Week Old Heidelber 21 1-213 N. Main St. 668-9753 Specializing in GERMAN FOOD, FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUOR PARKING LOT ON ASHLEY ST. Hours: Daily 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays The Ann Arbor Restaurant Between University Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital-1030 E. Ann Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner FINE AMERICAN FOOD For a Change Try Our 0 HOT PASTRAMI on ONION ROLL * HOT CORN BEEF on ONION ROLL * PIZZAS 7", 9", 12" and 14" Hours: Daily 6a.m.-1Q p.m. CALL IClosed Mondays 662-6422 CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH! Curtib testaurdnt 207 S. MAIN Open 6 Days NO 2-3767 Open 6 A.M. (Closed Tues .) Carry-Out- Servce I p ........... p r COMBINE MOTHER'S TRICKS WITH THOSE OF THE GREEK GODS 1