Seventy-Sixth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS PERSPECTIVES Toward Other American Causes By HARVEY WASSERMAN Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth WIU Prevati 'NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP i Michigan Loyalty Oaths: A Useless Appendage TO QUALIFY for a position in the Mich- igan government at the University, every prospective employe, whether jani- tor or faculty member, must sign a loy- alty oath stipulating that he will "sup- port the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Michigan, and that (he) will faith- fully discharge the duties of (his) posi- tion according to the best of (his) ability." Recent Supreme Court decisions of the constitutionality of states' loyalty oaths should force the Michigan Legislature to reappraise its thinking on the issue. Monday's Feinberg decision declaring invalid a New York law which makes membership in the Communist party grounds for dismissal of state college and university teachers, in the latest of a series of judgments which have abol- ished archaic and unnecessary pledges. The Supreme Court had virtually nulli- fied loyalty oath requirements in five states on the grounds of infringement of constitutional rights and vagueness of the law. Appeals are still in process from other states, and the Michigan pledge should also be brought before the courts. NOT ONLY is the legality of the Michi- gan pledge questionable, but its use- fulness is, too. It contributes nothing to the prevention of the undermining of the University and government. First, anyone intent on overthrowing the government or school system would have no qualms about signing the oath. Besides, the opportunities for a secretary or janitor to bring about revolution are rather limited, so the pledge complete- ly fails to root out potential subversives. As for secret work in nuclear physics, or other security fields, the investiga- tions of the backgrounds of personnel is not enhanced one whit by a signature below a loyalty oath. SOME PEOPLE, however, will argue, what happens when a professor intent on "molding the minds" of unsuspecting stu- dents into accepting ideas antithetical to American society, is knowingly employ- ed? Should he be stopped at the employ- ment office? Here, once again, you cannot preserve freedom by abridging it. If this occurred, University students would have the abil- ity to choose the philosophies they will abide by. Even John Stuart Mill realized the importance of having divergent view- points presented by their enthusiastic proponents. How else could one decide rationally between alternatives? BESIDES FAILURE to attain its goals, the pledge is an insult to patriotic signers who have not the slightest desire to subvert, yet who desire employment. It makes a mechanical mockery of the profession of loyalty by desecrating it into a symbolic, meaningless officially ap- proved statement. It restricts the free- dom of individuals to be judged on their actions, and not on their beliefs. An effective deterrent to "undermin- ing" is already established through our security laws, and actions of responsible members of the community so that the need for further security measures has been abrogated. Of course this is taking the chance of not squashing the match before it is lit. Yet, the whole idea of due process of law accepts risks in order to insulate in- dividuals from prior judgment of guilt. Justice Holmes said that a "clear and present danger" was necessary before pro- hibitive action could be taken against an individual. In this sense he recognizes the gap between advocating or thinking, and acting, but the oath fails to make this distinction. THE OATH cheapens the meaning of pa- triotism, and is an extension of the rote recitation of the pledge of allegiance in grade school. It implies disloyalty to the government is never justified, even if the government is itself unjust. Lastly, the whole concept of loyalty and disloyalty hinges on rather ambigu- ous and highly individualized notions. So, what is "constitutional" in one instance becomes unconstitutional in another. What is called for then, is a repeal of this humiliating and useless mandatory pledge, which distorts the whole idea of patriotism. -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN THE AMERICAN CAUSE, by Russell Kirk, with a for- ward by John Dos Passos. Henry Regnery Company, 1966; $1.00. TWO YEARS AGO, when thirty- nine students were being arrested for their protest at the Ann Arbor draft board, The Daily got a let- ter: "You liberals wanted it. Now you got it." What we got was big govern- ment; what we wanted was some- thing else, but the letter was right. Over the past years the left has fought for the extension of gov- ernment control in nearly every facet of American existence. Fed- eral laws now determine who the private restauranteur can and can- not serve. Millions are dependent directly to Washington for their day - to - day subsistence. Federal aid is an integral part of nearly every school in the country. 20 million now work for' federal and state governments-10 per cent of the country's total population. But if the left wanted part of it, the right made it at its worst. Over the post-war years there has been no right wing opposition. There has been a nihilistic oppo- sition. There has been a backward opposition. But there has been no creative opposition which could provide a workable synthesis be- tween a monster in Washington and injustice in the countryside. OUR CONSERVATIVES warned us of the encroachment of govern- ment on private enterprise. They were right, there was a danger. But where were they when en- croachments on freedom were be- ing made by McCarthy. They were with McCarthy. Where are they now, when gov- ernmental authorities are investi- gating and labelling those who question h war not yet decided on by the American people? They are doing the investigating. Where are they other issues of government intrusion: issues of censorship, freedom of reliigon in schools, civil rights, and the draft? They are on the side of author- ity, as presently constituted, no questions asked except why the war on poverty? and, leave big business alone. Economic "free- dom," it seems, is more important than political liberties. YET, WITH ALL that in mind, the leftist who reads Russell Kirk to find a difference of basic goals between himself and the right will be somewhat disappointed. Kirk states quite plainly: "Every man has the right to seek the fulfillment of his own peculiar nature, to develop to the full the abilities which God has given him." That is precisely what the left argues for. Kirk's way of going about achieving it is a system of laissez-faire capitalism; the left argues that no man without ac- cess to a decent education and surrounding is free to compete. The value of Kirk's book, how- ever, is not for a re-hash of do- mestic economic policy, but for the hints it gives as to why no real synthesis with the left has been possible, and why one kind of freedom-economic-would be valued while immediate concern for political liberties is thrown to the wind. ALONG THESE lines, Kirk's book reveals two very real and powerful strains of thought in American society - moralism at home and Christian anti-commun- ism overseas. First, Kirk cites the fact that the vast majority of Americans are of Judeo-Christian origin. He cites the religious background of the early United States: "America is founded on Christian principles." But he then concludes that while there is no state church, one of America's reasons for greatness is that it practices "toleration." But with that word, "toleration," comes the inescapable idea that there exists of a body of the whole allowing, by its own grace, an existence for its dissenting mi- norities. When a country is as big and as diverse as the United States is, identifying a "moral order" with any particular label is quite dan- gerous. It is instead far healthier and more natural to assume a morality of the whole of the na- tion's parts, writing diversity rather than uniformity into the stated outlook. Once one posits a legitimate whole, the brakes on "toleration" - censorship, HUAC, the FBI - are natural, not un- natural, to the social order. AND THE MORALISM is ex- tended to our foreign policy. "We do not want to make the world a big United States. We are not a self-righteous nation, or, at worst, we try not to be." But then "Al- though the Communists have promised Utopia, they have deliv- ered whole nations to mortal tor- ment. Although they have talked unendingly of peace, they have thrived on war. Such is the result of supposing that men will be vir- tuous and good after they have decided the common fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man." As Billy Graham said in a Christmas-day sermon last year, "Our soldiers in Vietnam are the soldiers of Christ." And Kirk adds only: "to save the rest of the world from this decadence, this collec- tivistic life-in-death, is a part of the American cause." THROUGH H I S T O R Y there have always existed factions who value order above change, and who would oppose any alternations in the way things are done. Through United States history there has always existed a real streak of majority moralism in political utterances and social theorozing. Both these patterns of thought are deeply embedded in Kirk's book. It is quite ordinary. But the forward by John Dos Passos is disarming because it bears neither of them. He con- cludes: "A left that was really new might be worth having. Intel- ligent radicals will find aid and comfort in the principles on which the American republic was found- ed." But this statement has come on the heels of a nine-page tirade against communism and its "New Left dupes." DOS PASSOS, the artist and the individualist, does not understand that the artistic and individual- istic New Left is aimed at pre- cisely thos'e principles, but that to achieve them a revolution of sorts is needed-a revolution Dos Pas- sos will acknowledge, but will not accept because of its "Marxist" overtones. The principles of Dos Passos' anti-communist right seem sepa- rated from the principles of the anti - establishment left by a stereotype - one which fosters thinking in absolute and irrational rather than flexible terms. There must be more social orders to be had than just the "American" and the "Communist" ones. THE LIIBERTARIAN right in- volves beauty of principle and be- lief far more real than the po- litical pragmatism of a Richard Nixon or a Bobby Kennedy. But the vocal American right is hot libertarian. Basically it has offer- ed this country only a moralistic., status-quo defense of business in- terests and, most ironically, of state authoritarianism. A' *H 4i Letters:The Need for 'U' Dissent To the Editor: AS A STUDENT interested in the affairs of the University, I feel called upon to answer Miss Mc- Mahon's letter to The Daily (Jan. 14, 1967) . She first states, "Students will never be satisfied with their schools..." Should they be? Will any group ever organize their project so well that it does not need improve- ment in time? Would she, rather see the thou- sands of students have no serious concern other than their classes, which is a rather restricted en- deavor, and thing of nothing else than the world of academics? SHE NEXT condemns SGC and "The Movement" for its immatur- ity. She reproves us for not using legal methods and channels. This truth is elementary. The labor movement would have died a bloody death at the hands of the business community were it not for their resort to power. The civil rights movement is following a similar path. Now, surely, affairs are not so bloody on campus, but it is true that the administration will con- Anue to ignore students' demands unless those demands are backed by more than just polite requests and tame suggestions. Miss McMahon wrote "(you are 1927: Year To Remember _ r e A i e 040 r j in college) to receive an education, attaining the full and sound use of your mental faculties ..." That is exactly what we are trying to do. It is the student who worries only about his classes and grades who fails to achieve "full use of his mental faculties.' It is we, among others of course, who are trying to put things in their proper place, to use our minds, to think for ourselves. LASTLY, she asks, "What kind of responsible adult will you be when you get through with your little play things that you have now?" I answeri: a very good kind. It is the person at the college lev- el concerned with campus affairs who will be most responsible when he becomes an adult and is con- cerned with his nation's affairs. -Ronald Landsman, '70 Sesquicentennial To the Editor: IN 1953 President Hatcher wrote in the "Foreword" to Wood- ford's "Life of Justice Woodward" that "the concept" of the univer- sity went back to Woodward and the Territory of Michigan in 1817. Around the Catholepistemiad (University of Michigania) of that time and the Act of 1837, creating the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, there exists a controversy. Judge Woodward was indebted to the French Revolution for his pro- jected public system of lay educa- tion under state control, The Michigan Act of 1817 authorized a body of professors-one of them the president-to operate a univer- sity. THE NET RESULT was an ideal including a primary school - sup-' ported by fees - and a classical academy supported by taxes until 1827. In the years 1827-1835 the clas- sical academy was dependent upon student fees. The old university building on Bates Street,'Detroit, in another connection, was used as a school umtil 1858. THE STATUTE OF 1837 estab- lished the University of Michigan, which still claims for its students' goal "a broad intellectual experi- ence." It was not until 1856 that the Michigan Supreme Court awarded the Regents such control within the state educational sys- tem which haddbeen claimed by the Detroit Board of Education. Thus "the legal entity" of the concept and purpose of a great On 'U' Status Symbols educational system was judicially declared the possession of the Uni- versity in the middle of the 19th century. In the degree to which the public school system of the state has left a considerable field of instruction of a higher nature to the University of Michigan, the Regents may claim to be heirs )f the great plan of Justice Wood- ward. As the classical academy of the 82 0's paralleled the modern high school, so the Catholepistemiad was comparable to the University today. -Paul E. Hubbell, '38PhD Eastern Michigan University HE DAILY ran an eight-page supple- ment on the University's celebration of its 90th anniversary on March 18, 1927 - 40 years ago. The supplement's headline was "Alumni Clubs To Observe Ninetieth Anniversary." Creative jour- nalism, I suppose, Running in, the off-lead position was a feature by one Paul J. Kern, editor- to-be, which began: "Practically everything that exists at all has a history, and the University of Michigan is no exception. In order to have this history it was necessary for the Uni- versity to be founded, and this is where the story begins. "RECENTLY a few idle alumni with nothing else to do have discovered that the University of Michigan was ac- tually founded in 1817 instead of 1837. The cause for this momentous change is found in the fact that the Territorial Legislature made plans for such an insti-+ tution at the earlier date. This is a very useful point for alumni to argue about, if they must argue, but if the inimitable logic of this viewpoint be carried to the extreme we could easily prove that the University was founded in 1804, which is worse yet. At this date a preliminary grant of land was made. "Carrying it down to the ultimate es- tablishment, however, we can safely as- sign 1492 as the date of foundation, for The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104, Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Bond or Stockholders-None. Average nress run-8100. in that year Columbus discovered Amer- ica and certainly we should have no uni- versity if the Italian navigator had fail- ed to perform this rather vital function. Accepting 1492 as the date of founding also has added advantage of giving us some 150 year start on Harvard, and makes us easily the oldest educational institution on the continent. .." THE HEADLINE in the next morning'sI paper said, "Thousands Listen to An- niversary Celebration . . . Century Mark Is Reached in 1937." Daily headlines may not be too creative, but they're more than made up for by alumni imaginations. -LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor The State Board Budges THE STATE Board of Education took "action" on the medical education ex- pansion recommendations presented to the board by its Citizens' Committee on Health Care Education. The board recognized the obvious need for more physicians in Michigan and recommended expanding Michigan State University's two-year medical program in- to a third full four-year degree-granting school. They also recommended expand- ing the two existing medical schools, at the University and Wayne State Univer- sity. BUT THEY CUT SHORT the full rec- ommendations of their citizens' com- mittee by not including specific goals for the expansion and the priority given to the University and WSU. They leave these things to be determined by the Legisla- Ai HERE ARE SOME status sym.- bols Lee Weitzenkorn's article of January 13 overlooked: President Hatcher has, besides a private toilet, a private study (and very beautifully appointed); is the only University official with the smooth, deeper-pile carpeting used in the Regents' Room in his of- fice; and is the only official with a "modern" and very executive desk built like a table, without drawers. Vice-President Pierpont also has a private toilet (which means that Niehuss probably does, too), as well as the biggest chair. PRESIDENT HATCHER and Vice-President Cutler are the only executives with air-conditioned of- fices. There are, in addition, at least three other ways the vice-presi- dents can rate their pecking or- der: The University/has one Lincoln for the President's and the Re- gents' use, and two Buicks for the vice-presidents. When the Lincoln is out with a Regent, and Hatcher has had a Buick, Cutler has been observed to take priority over Nie- huss. Vice-presidents are listed on the Administration Bldg. lobby direc- tory; the last time I checked, Nie- huss, Smith and Cutler were list- ed in that order, with larger let- ters, over Pierpont and the others. ELSEWHERE: The University parking supervisor has the space in the structure behind West Quad nearest the ground floor; and Pier- poit sits a 'perfect mid-court at basketball games, flanked by for- mer boss and now Regent Briggs, former business administration professor-mentor Paton, and as- sistant Gilbert Lee, even as Eu- gene Power, while a Regent, was 3bserved far down court; the Nie- huss-Hatcher receptionist gets choice, ground-floor seats for the APA premiere, while Smith's per- sonal secretary still sits in the balcony (and his receptionist may not go at all). -Robert Johnston Editor, 1965-66 1' ".. . Let's re-shoot that last scene . '..!" ..... . . . ...... . ................... ..... ..'.. ....... YrY1YfY :.." . ..1...... ... . ...'......,'...........,. I Pushing Over the Old Dominoes By WALTER LIPPMANN BEHIND THE FOG of war lies the great unanswered question of our role in Asia. None of us today can answer this question finally and conclusively, for there is no all-wise and omnicompetent Asian expert who can speak with authority on a situation which has existed for only about 15 or 20 years. Our present position in the Pa- cific and our relations with Asia are the unplanned and accidental consequences of the Japanese vic- tories over the European empires in Asia and of our total victory over Japan. The result of this immense his- torical upheaval has been to bring our military frontier not only all the way across the Pacific, but also on to the peninsulas and off- shore islands of the Asian main- land-to South Korea, Okinawa, Taiwan and South Viet Nam. The great unresolved questions turn on where an enduring frontier can and should be stabilized. BEYOND the military frontier lips China which is n aing thrngh When an alien power attacks a big revolution it generally brings a reign of terror and dictatorship which maintains itself by military aggression abroad. Experience teaches us, too, that the best pol- icy is one of watchful waiting while the internal revolutionary fires burn themselves out. Even- tually they do. A new generation. arrives after a generation of revo- lutionary upheaval. It has forgot- ten the original grievances and is bored with the old ideologies and seeks for itself a quieter life. DURING THIS PERIOD of watchful waiting the smaller na- tions on the frontiers of a gigan- tic revolution are bound to be ner- vous and apprehensive. They do not know what will happen, but they do know in their bones that in the long run they will have to find a way of coming to terms with the masters, in the present case the Chinese masters, of the revolution- ary struggle. As the small peripheral countries are unable to know who the even- tual masters will be, they resort to the classic rule of nower politics. Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN the end they are overthrown, their rulers must look for safe passage to the Riviera or to Palm Beach. THERE ARE other weak bor- derland countries like Burma and Cambodia, Malaysia and Singa- pore whose overriding purpose is to stay out of war. Cambodia has used words to placate Peking, Sing- apore has used words to please Washington, but both have can- nily avoided any military engage- ment. The prime minister of Sing- apore has not offered to let our fleet use the great naval base at Singapore. The administration would have us believe that there is at stake in Viet Nam not only the security power. What was the sense of say- ing that? WE ARE LIKE a man who makes a reckless promise, says that he will climb the face of the Washington Monument, and then in an excess of exhuberance and pride adds "and if I do not climb it you may consider that I am a coward and a horse thief." In truth, the power of the Unit- ed States is not being tested in Viet Nam. It has been tested against far more powerful ene- mies than the Viet Cong and their northern allies. There is no doubt about the power of the United States. What is being tested is whether the generation now in command in Washington has the intelligence to use American power wisely and effectively or whether it thinks it can kill mosquitoes with tanks and build -a Great Society with B-52's. Nor is the good faith of the United States being tested. What is being tested is the competence and' common sense of a handful of men who, acting furtively and by comes bogged down in Viet Nam, the less able or willing it will be to undertake a second and a third Viet Nam somewhere else. It is an empty boast and a false promise to tell the world that the United States will fight aggression every- where. Beyond that, if they feel them- selves threatened by the develop- ment of Chinese missiles and nu- clear weapons it might be useful to see whether an agreement can be negotiated by the nuclear pow- ers promising to unite against the country which makes the first nu- clear strike. ONLY LATELY, we must re- member, the Chinese have said again that they will never strike first. It would be most useful if this could be spelled out in a col- lective agreement. In the lonmg run the countries of the Chinese borderland will have to make peace with -China. They will not be able to do this, we must recognize, until the Chinese Revolution has run its course, but eventually they will have to do it. It is good statesmanship to keep I I