FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Cultural Revolution CreatesDireEconomi PAGE THRES c Crisis EDITOR'S NOTE: The "cultural revolution"s in mainland China pre- sents a picture of Communism wres- tling itself. One side has backing in, the army and in "Mao Tse-tung's thinking";, the other claims strength drawn front an apparatus developed over the years at grass roots and factory gate levels. Important ele- uents of the struggle are analyzed in this article by an AP special- ist, the fourth in a series of five backgrounding the upheaval in that nation of 700-plus millions. By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Special Correspondent , Mao Tse-Tung's "great prole- tarian cultural revolution," spear- headed by hysterical teenagers, has stormed through China's cities, creating wild and violent confu- sion. It has reached into the trade unions and the factories. And now it is reaching out to China's 500 million peasants. Although most China-watchers' agree that the danger of a shoot- ing civil war has diminished, China remains in dire peril. The economy of the cities has suffered severe wrenches from the riotous confusion, and now there is a prospect that the farms are threatened. China's spring sowing must be- gin around April. If there is an interruption in that, the country is in trouble. It already has a problem feeding 750 million people and food is rationed. Despite of- ficial reports to the contrary from Peking, experts have reason to be- lieve the last harvests were poor. A new crop failure would be a major calamity. But the "great proletarian cul- tural revolution" goes on anyway. This is more than a power struggle of conflicting personal- ities, although that is part of it. It is evidently a clash of funda- mental conceptions of China's economic, social and political fu- ture. Recent announcements of what has been going on in China's cities reveal the depth of this clash. Defense Minister Lin Piao, the man who seems to have the ad- vantage, at least temporarily, has turned all the terrifying power of his "cultural revolution" appara- tus at the power bases of his op- ponents, who seem to be led by President Liu Shao-chi and the party secretary-general, T e n g Hsiao-ping. Much of the opposition's power has rested with the urban labor- ing class in the party-dominated All China Federation of Trade Unions. Lin now has succeeded in abolishing that organization-as he had eliminated another oppo- sition power base before by abol- ishing the eight-million-strong Young Communist League. The Young Communist League was replaced by the teen-age Red Guards-the Hung Wei Ping. The Lin Piao's power bases are the trade unions federation now is to people's liberation army-where be replaced by the "rebel revolu- he evidently now enjoys the ma- tionaries"-Tsao Fan. jority support of the officer corps Lin's forces, claiming the bless- -and the government apparatus ing of "Mao Tse-tung's thinking," under the durable Premier Chou moved in on the factories with En-Lai. disastrous results. Production was stopped in many. Enemies were ac- cused of fomenting strikes. The wheels of industry are being slowed, even stopped in some cases, by endless rallies and forced mass discussions of Mao's thought. Each side is accusing the other of sabotaging production. Lin's forces joinned the battle for the laboring class with a de- claration of war on "economism,"' a Communist sin which suggests; trying to buy the loyalty of work- ers with promises of better wages, welfare and living standards. Lin's forces say this is "bribery of 'the workers," and that it "corrupts the masses." Lin's paper, Liberation Army Daily, has been the instigator all along of the upheaval, and now talls the army "the pillar of prole- tarian dictatorship and defender of the great proletarian cultural revolution." Powerful f i g u r e s sometimes change sides, occasionally with disastrous results to themselves. One who seemed to change sides was Taro Chu, the able and ruth- less boss of south-central China. During this upheaval, he rose to fourth place in the Politburo. Now it seems clear he has fallen. His job as chief of the Central Committee's propaganda depart- ment has, according to a Peking announcement, been given to Wang Li. Wang, not long ago, was occupying the chairmanship of the Peking party committee, which had belonged to the once powerful Peng Chen, the first prominent victim of the purge. So the indications are that the cultural revolution has reached a' new stage. At least a dozen high- ranking, once powerful Chinese leadership figures are under ar- rest, and the Red Guards are howling that opponents of Mao's thinking should be "burned to death." The time of decision may be close-although it will likely be a long time before Red China re- covers from the shock of this ti- tanic struggle. To informed watchers, the crit- ical question is not which person- ality wins out, but which line wins: Whether China will continue bel- ligerently isolated from her neigh- borse, and whether she can re- cover from all the shocks of the past year and a half. President Lui, party Secretary- General Teng Hsiao-ping and Vice Premier Po I-po, who is also chair- man of the state economic com- mission, all appear to be in grave danger. Yet there is always the chance of a compromise in which President Liu and his alllies can be shunted off into some honorary positions which will render them harmless from the Lin-Mao stand- point. A hint of what is going on comes from foreign correspondents based in China who read each latest wall poster put up by the Red Guards. Other information comes from the many Chinese documents which become available outside the coun- try, and from the reports of Soviet and European Communists based in Peking. Soviet reports, for example, de- tect "mounting opposition" to the Lin-Mao combine among the laboring classes. They have told of bloody clashes in such important industrial cities as Shanghai and Nanking. They reported the forcible seizure of papers in many areas of China by Red Guards elements who attacked "responsible offi- cials" of the Communist party. If even part of this is true, the indications are that the latest phase of the great cultural revo- luion-possibly the decisive phase -has been unfolding since the turn of the year. The European and Soviet press report that tension is high in Pe- king as Red Guards blare out their demands for a final settling of accounts with President Liu and party Secretary Teng. LBJ Outlines Program SENATE REPORT: McNamara Requests Cutback In Missile, ABM Production F or Con tinued Pros perity To Prevent Post-War Recession Predicts $47 Billion Increase in GNP, 4 Per Cent Growth WASHINGTON (R) - President Johnson said yesterday the nation must, walk an economic tightrope between recession and inflation during 1967 if "sound and reward- ing" progress is to continue. And he called for an accelera- tion of economic plans to prevent possible recession and to insure continued prosperity should the Vietnam war suddenly end. Tax reductions and increased federal spehding would be part of the pro- gram. "After Vietnam Policy" "I cannot predict when it will end," Johnson said of the war in a 26-page economic message to Congress. "Thus our plans must assume its long duration. But peace will return-and it could re- turn sooner than we dare expect." The message contained few sur- prises except for Johnson's out- line of his "after Vietnam policy" a contigency plan designed to soften the economic impact of an eventual cessation of hostilities in Asia. No Mention of Guidelines He renewed his appeal to labor and management for restraint in wage and price increases but avoided mention of a firm 3.2 per cent wage-price guideline for 1967. That was the undeclared guideline used in the early months of last year, but which faded in later months. Johnson predicted continued prosperity during 1967 but with- out the inflationary price increases of last year-although he said some increases are expected, be- cause stability "cannot be re- stored overnight." Johnson said his economic pro- gram this year is designed to pro- duce a $47 billion increase in the Gross National Product-and a real expansion of 4 per cent. His prediction of GNP is $787 billion. The President said the admin- istration will move toward solu- tion this year of other major prob- lems of poverty, tight money, high interest rates and the continuing international dollar drain. The President indicated that his proposed 6 per cent surtax on in- come taxes which he has proposed go into effect July 1 is designed not only to raise funds for Viet- nam but also to restrain any new inflationary pressures. * * * * * * DISRUPT SINKIANG: Field Army of Ex-Soldiers I Fights Mao Purge Forces, TOKYO - Peking wall posters said yesterday 10,000 ex-soldiers in far-off Sinkiang, Province had formed a "field army" to fight the Mao Tse-tung purge forces and warned that "anyone opposing our rebellion will be shot." As unrest spread across the land, Radio Peking admitted the civil strife had caused serious setbacks in industry and agriculture. It called for the arrest of all those responsible-the foes of Mao. Mao Calls on Army These foes apparently are im- bedded in the government and party apparatus in. most of the provinces and Mao has called on the 2.5-million-man army to root them out, with the gun if neces- sary. The Peking correspondent of the Tokyo paper Mainichi quoted wall posters as saying the center of resistance in Sinkiang Province was at Urumchi, the capital, and Shihotzu, a new city built nearby., The reports indicated that the ex-soldiers had sided with Pres- ident Liu Shao-chi in his struggle for power with party Chairman Mao, referring to the field army3 as pro-Liu. There were no further reports from Inner Mongolia in the north, where Ulanfu, the political boss, turned the autonomous regions army against Mao. But in Tibet in the far west, fighting between pro- and anti-Mao groups was reported. "Zomiuri's Peking correspondent reported "several thousands of Red Guards and Woriers" demon- strated before the Soviet Embassy last night. He quoted one demon- strator as saying, "we are demon- strating to protest against the beating of Chinese students by mobs in the Soviet Union." The incident was reported Wednesday but the Russians denied any stu- dents were beaten. Radio Peking in Chinese and foreign language broadcasts ac- knowledged these economic revers- als: -In Manchuria's Heilungkiang Province, some farm communes were in a "state of paralysis" be- cause of the tactics of counter- revolutionaries in authority. Large Bank Announces Interest Cut Washington Approves Chase Manhattan Move To Ease Credit' NEW YORK (AP) - Chase Manhattan, the notion's second- largest bank, said yesterday it is slicing its prime interest rate to 51/2 from 6 per cent. The cut, effective today, could trigger lower interest costs across the country. The prime rate is that charged! borrowers of the highest credit' standing, usually large corpora-' tions. Other interest rates are scaled up from it. Chase Chairman George Cham- pion and President David Rocke- feller noted that last September they had said their'bank would be alert to cutting lending rates.' "We believe that the time for adjustment has now arrived," they said yesterday. Loosbr Money They added that an increase in the availablility of money in re- cent weeks has caused a broad decline in the rate structure. "While loan demand is still strong, it is less so than it was a year ago," they said. "In view of WASHINGTON (1P) -Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said last night the Soviet anti- missile deployment has compelled billion-dollar improvements in U.S. missile forces. He warned a further push in the arms race by the Soviets would be "danger- ous and expensive." McNamara spelled out for Con- gress his case against building an antimissile defense at this time, but indicated one might be desir- able later for protection of U.S. landbased missiles. Await Soviet Decision President Johnson has said he is withholding a decision to build a costly antimissile system, which would be designed to fend off on- coming enemy warheads, pending talks with the Soviet Union on possible limitations. McNamara's annual military posture report, just made public, laid out heretofore secret figures on Soviet-American m is s i le strength, and emphasized that the United States will rely on offen- sive weapons, not defensive, to prevent nuclear war. McNamara's remarks came in a 210-page censored version of his voluminous report, presented be- fore the Senate Armed Services Committee and Defense Appropri- ation subcommittee. The document, possibly one of Top Viet Generals Meet; Junta Shakeup Predicted the most significant. government papers in years, was cleared by the State Department with full knowledge it will be carefully stu- died by the Soviet Union. In-Depth Missile Besides repeating the top-level decision to deploy the new mul- tiple-warhead, submarine-launched Poseidon and the 6,000-mile Min- uteman 3 as countermeasures, Mc- Namara said the United States has started a "very comprehen- sive" study of a possible new mis- sile program. The Pentagon chief said the United States could spend up to $40 billion in 10 years on a mis- sile defense and still suffer mil- lions of deaths if a nuclear at- tacker chose to saturate selected targets with many warheads. As a hedge against a possible Soviet refusal to halt anti-missile work, the administration has in- cluded $375 million in the fiscal 1968 budget for production of Nike X antimissiles and radar components. In addition, $421 mil- lion has been earmarked to con- tinue advanced development of the system. Counting funds left over from last year, the United States could spend nearly a billion dollars on an antimissile system in fiscal 1968-and the matter is certain to get heated congressional study. Soviet Innovations McNamara said two significant changes have occurred in the Soviet Union the past year-con- struction of the antimissile and a stepup in building hardened mis- sile silos which could withstand attack. But he also disclosed officially for the first time that the Soviets are deploying a second type of defensive system-although "the weight of the evidance at this time suggests this system is not in- tended primarily for antiballistic missile defense." West's Non-War Shipments To North Vietnam Increase WASHINGTON ()-Non-Com- munist exports to North Vietnam climbed during 1965, but in 1966 the number of Western ships call- ing at North Vietnamese ports' dropped sharply, the State De- partment reported yesterday eve- ning. "None of this trade is in stra- tegic goods," the department told Congress in its annual report on operations under the Battle Act, the law controlling strategic trade with the Reds. Cuban Sugar Trade Non-Communist trade with Cuba went down considerably in 1966 mainly because of the drop in the price of sugar, the Castro regime's main source of foreign exchange, the report added. It said fewer west world vessels called there. Toward most other Communist countries, the Johnson admin- istration favors increased peace- ful trade as one means of building bridges across the East-West gulf. The report reaffirmed administra- tion desire for congressional pas- sage of legislation to give the President authority to extend more favorable tariff treatment to Sov- iet bloc nations. East-West Totals Up East-West trade generally con- tinued to rise during 1965, the report said. It said Western ex-. ports to the Reds totaled $7.6 billion, up 11 per cent from 1964; while imports came to $7.9 billion, up 11.8 per cent. U.S. exports to Communist coun- tries were ,up from $139.4 million ary-October 1966. Imports rose from $141.5 million in 1965 to $150.6 million in January-October 1966, the latest figures given. West world exports to Cuba, in- cluding Canadian wheat paid for by the Russians, dropped by more than one-fourth to a total of $208 million in 1965 and imports slumped by more than one-third to $185 million, the report said. in 1965 to $152.5 million in Janu- Worl d New By The Associated Pressj WASHINGTON - James R. Hoffa told the Supreme Court yesterday a trained FBI wiretap- per "bugged" the rooms of jurors who convicted him of jury tam-1 pering.+ In a new bid to stay out of+ jail, the Teamsters Union presi- dent submitted 57 pages of affi- davits, including one from the al-1 ,leged wiretapper. WASHINGTON-Closing argu- ments in the income tax evasion trial of former Senate aid Bobbyj Baker will start at 12:30 p.m. today in United States District Court, and the case will go to1 the jury tomorrow. This schedule was set yesterday after attorneys for both sides spent eight hours in legal argu- ment in the closed chambers of Judge Oliver Gasch, who has -In the northern province of present money market conditions, Shansi, where Maoists were sup- we believe that a reduction in posed to be in control, with army our basic lending charge is ap- help, since Jan. 12, "despicable propriate." swine" loyal to Liu had thrown The action by Chase is the 10,000 workers into the struggle, first step toward easier money by one of the, banking giants since President Johnson called for low- er interest rates in his Jan. 10 State of the Union message. s R ou d p Thursday, the President told Congress in his annual economic, report: "The burden., of tight presided over the trial since it money is b'eing lifted." began almost three weeks ago. In Washington, the immediate * * reaction to the rate cut was fa- WASHINGTON - Harold Howe vorable. A spokesman for the II, U.S. commissioner of educa- Council of Economic Advisers said tion, said, yesterday he is deter- he was pleased. The Treasury De- mined to press ahead against any partment said it welcomed the discriminatory school practices in action "as a sign of a desirable the North but doubts that the further easing of credit avail- effort this year will involve cut- ability and interest rate levels." ting off federal funds. The department said the Chase Howe said the Office of Edu- cut was in the spirt of the five- cation will concentrate on aiding nation finance ministers meet- Northern cities in identifying the ing last weekend at the country problems and will "provide them estate of British Prime Minister funds to find solutions." Harold Wilson. But if these voluntary efforts Ministers from Great Britain, fail, he emphasized in an inter- Italy, the United States, West view, "we would have the obliga- Germany and France met to seek tion to bring formal processes to ways of easing world interest bear." rates. NOW SHOWING IN DETROIT speed ..... speel/ide! e fe PRESENTS S 4prueuI'm SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) - A shakeup in Premier Nguy- en Cao Ky's 19-month-old mili- tary government is expected to follow a round of top-secret meet- ings of the ruling generals today. The premier said yesterday he would have something definite to say later "on the reshuffle and reorganization of my govern- ment." "You must understand that I am but onedmember of the gov- erment and I must consult with the other members," Ky told newsmen on his return from a trip to thank Australia and New Zealand for their military help in the war. He returned amid heavy secu- rity precautions. The capital was calm, however, and the regime appeared to be in solid control. The central figure in the up- heaval is Lt. Gen. Nguyen Huu Co, dismissed by the junta as defense minister and, deputy pre- mier this week under a decision taken at a meeting which Ky at- tended before leaving for Austral- ia Jan. 17. Vietnamese sources said Co was advised by telegram Sunday, while he was on an official visit to Taipei, that he should stay away Ifrom Vietnam. ciizi fiU1 TONIGHT Louisiana Story dir. Rt. Flaherty, 1948 Classic American documentary of a Cajun family. SATURDAY, SUNDAY JAN. 28, 29 Zero de Conduite (Zero for Conduct) French subtitles An ambassadorship was offer- ed him, these sources said, and he was warned he would face corruption charges before a mili- tary tribunal if he insisted on re- turning to. Saigon. He headed back by air, but was met by Viet- namese security officers in Hong Kong. Co's post as deputy premier likely will be left vacant. A ci- vilian, Nguyen Luu Vien, holds the same title and acted as the chief of government in Ky's ab- sence. The chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Coa Van Vien, offered the de- fense portfolio. He agreed to take it if only he could combine it with his present assignment. A number 'of officials in the De- fense Ministry received quick transfers this week. In what ap- peared to be precautionary moves, about 30 army officers were placed under strict surveillance which in some cases amounted to house arrest. UNIVERSITY PLAYERS CHILDREN'S THEATRE presents "The Magic Horn" a legnd of Charlemagne & Roland Ir dI YES! OH YES! EIGHTEEN TIMES YES ! this Saturday- THE DURANGO KID in "T-wA IIT~fl TRAh.FR" . . . Saturday, February 18, at 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Sunday, February 19, at 2 p.m. ww aaw a fwff wwe ii TRUEBLOOD AUDITORIUM mmm anmmmmmaa mm mmmin mminminm minmm mmaminm nomm To: Children's Theater The Magic Horn U-M Dept. of Speech-