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January 06, 1967 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-06

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Leads 'M' to
Holiday WIns d1
Michigan's hockey team has a'
100-1 record and two holiday
tournament championships to its
credit so far this season.
Yet Wolverine Coach Al Ren-
frew will be forced to "switch all
the lines around and experiment
with different combinations" in
the upcoming series with Denver.
Why? . In the words of Ren-
frew, "Mel is gone."
He is referring, of course, to
All-American center Mel Waka-
bayashi. now graduated and sign-
ed by the Detroit Red Wings.
Wakabayashi's departure leaves
the icers without their top scorer
of the past two years. He also
eads the club this season, with the
phenomenal totals of 17 goals and ~


Remain Undefeated
'Wolverine Icers Face Battle
From Tough Pioneer Squad
By BILL LEVIS and 18 aslists for 36 point.
p ' Michigan's red-hot icers, riding Denvcr Sophs Stand Out

the waves of an impressive 10-0-1
record, open the New Year by re-3
turning to WCHA action tonight1
and tomorrow night when they
face-off against Denver at 8 p.m.'
in the Coliseum.
The hot-shooting Wolverines,
who took first place in both the
Great Lakes and RPI tournaments
over the holidays, will be without
the services of All-America Mel
Wakabayashi for the first time in
three years when they meet the

!Sophomoi e center Timr Miller
and wing Craig Patrick have also
been sparking coach Murray Arm-
strong's Pioneer team this sea-
son. Both ihers have three goals
to their credit in reason play.
Denver goalie Gerry Powers is
the fourth leading goa ender in
conference play with a &8 goal
against average.
The Der ver and Michigan
squads have faced two like oppo-
nents with remarkably. different

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young Pioneers. Wakabayashi, who results. The Michigan Tech team
had scored 17 goals and 20 assists than csed out the Pioneers twice,
in 11 games this year, was lost to 2-1 arin 3-2 in overtiie fel to the
December graduation. Wolverine ;-eers in the Great Lakes'
De Dmegruat.50 tourney, 4-3, while the RPI team
Denver at .500 that tied Michigan in the last 11
The Denver squad, 5-5 so far seconds of poay, 6-6, was trounced'
this season, boasts a team fea- by Denver ni Troy, 8-3.
turing eight sophomores The o-JDlesCmtefrPt
Pioneers siarted 1967 out right by So oes Compete for Post
defeatig the Eastern Olympic Michigan has been working out
Club 7-2 in Boston and RPI 8-5 all week triying to remedy the giant
in Troy, N Y., befogs heading here. hole left by Wakabayashi's grad-
In WCHA play, Denver has al- uation. C o a c h Renfrew has
ready met three ompcnents on the brought up two sophomores in an
road defeating Minnesclta Duluth attempt to fill the gap, Jerry
twice, xhile split ng with North Hartman, a letterman defensive
+hn fnnt011UA hIUlUliI 14U4U,

20 assists in the first 11 games. || |
The little (5'6", 155 pound) cen-
ter, Most Valuable Player in the
WCHA last season, closed out his MICHIGAN'S DEAN LUCIER (number 6) isn't really
career by leading the Wolverines because it's hard to get up when a Michigan Tech
to two victories over defending
NCAA champion Michigan State The Tech advantage was only temporary though be
in league play; and to first-place neighbors, 4-3.
trophies in the Great Lakes Invi-
tational and RPI Tournaments Renfrew recalls the game, as 'a and Ullyot. Baird a
over the holidays., fast-moving contest that moved a'iivsts for a tOtau! of
Hat Trick up and down the ice. We were' [in ixie game.
Wakabayashi's "hat trick" of fortunate to get a couple of early rill %Yak
three goals in the WCHA opener power play goals to put us ahead Wakabayashi nett
at East Lansing on Dec. 9 led'to stay." and five assists, also

-Daily-Andy Sacs
returning to childhood. He's only crawling
defenseman has a stick holding him down.
cause the Wolverines defeated their Uptown


Iso had four roaring back to gain a two-goal,s
seven points , 6-4 advantage. With two third per-
iod markers, the host team spoil-
a' ed the Wolverines' perfect rec-
ed two goals ord.
for a seven The tie, however, did not pre-

Michigan to a 10-4 win against ' The title match pitted Michigan ' point total. Other Michigan stars, vent Michigan from capturing the
MSU. against Michigan State. In the included sophomores Doug Gal- tournament trophy for first place,
The following night, in Ann third meeting of the young season braith with two goals and two since RPI and the other four
Arbor, the little superstar closed with their archrivals from 'Green- assists, defenseman Mark Thomp- teams all suffered at least one
out his home career by contribut- lan(,' the Wolverine icers pulled son with twr goals and one assist, loss during the playoffs.
ing an assist in the Wolverines' out a 5-3 win. The game was close and Bill Lord End Randy Binnie, Baird led the scoring with two
3-2 victory over the Spartans. all the way with the final Mich- three assists apiece. Bruce Kovial goals which gave him a team-
Renfrew, commenting on the igan goal scored into an open net scored the other goal. leading six for the three games.
games, said that "we developed with seconds remaining. The Wolverines outshot New Wakabayashi, Binnie, Galbraith I
great momentum in the State ser- Just Normal IBrunswick 62-25, as Keough oncel and Lee Marttila all scored in
les. We probably caught them Playing his "average" game, again manned hie nets. the RPI game.
somewhat off-guard." He then Wakabayashi racked up two goals The second game of the tourna- Herman was in the nets for
added the warning, "But we won't and two assists and was unani- inent w. anoher easy vctory- the tourney finale, stopping 22 of
do it again." mously voted the MVP for the This rime tbe score was 9 -1 ovei 28 shots.
The Michigan coach feels that tournament by sportswriters coy- Colgate. KoviK and Mi;e Mart-k
"the second game was a good in- ering the game. Other markers tilla eaclh ecored twice and ii'E Wakrashi rived cred for
erin th gae. Ohermarersfour assists to bring his three game
dication of the relative strength were added b Ullyot, Dean Lucier others, including Wakabayashi, totals to four goals,. nine assists
of the two teams." adMk b&netted goals.an
ot and Mike Marttila. ee d Doams.and 13 points. The nine assists
In the opening game of the BotY Wakabayashi and defense- represents a new tournament rec-
Great Lakes Tournament in D man Paul Domm were named to assistedord and the point total tied a
n De- the tourneyFor the second straight I mark previously set by another
troit, the Wolverines sipdpast tore l-trTa.Keough was in the nets, since the tWleie e eesn
Michigan Tech, 4-3. Once again it Iii the RPI tournament, where other Michigan goaltender, Harold
was Wakabayashi leading the acco:ding to Renfrew "the teams Herman, was ill. Keough had a Renfrew summed up the first 11
attack with two goals and an were not nearly as strong." the fairly easy night, however, as he games by saying, "We've played
sist Wolverines outscored three op- only had to make 21 saves. real well so far . . . we've come a
Bob Baird and Ron Ullyot scored ponernts 28-10. Surprise Tie long way since the season began.
A the other two goals and Baird also In the first game they ripped The championship game between We il know more about our chanc-
received credit for a pair of assists. an outclassed team from New the Wolverines and tourney host as in the WCHA after this week-
Goalie Jim Keough kicked away Brunswick 13-3. Six players got Rensselaer Polytech ended in a 6- end's series with Denver."
39 of Tech's shots to preserve the into the scoring column, which 6 tie. After RPI jumped off to an Then came that reluctant qual-
victory, listed hat tricks for both Baird early 4-1 lead, Michigan came ification on the team's future pros-
__ pects: "Of course, Mel is gone
now . ."

Dakota and falling twice to Mich-t
igan Tech for a : 3 conference;
mark going into tonight s actiont
The x dlverine';, ot the other
hand, are leading thf W( HA with
a 2-0 record with both victories
connmmg against defr-nding NCAA,
champs Michigan- state last
month. Clorado Co".rtge is also on
top of the WCHA sporting an
identical record 1ith two wins
over Minnesota.
Michigan coach Al Renfrew
considers Denver one of the toy>
contenders in the ccnference. As
in last scason, the Pioneers have
startek oUt slow b'.it appear to oe
gaining moment'li After split-
ting with Michigan in Denver last
year, winning 6-2 in the opener
and falling to the Wolverines 5-2
* in the finale, the Pioneers, sport-
ing a 3-5 record, surged to a 15-
10-3 overall mark and fourth in
the WCHA with a 10-7-3 record.
Denver Stronger
This year, Renfrew finds the
young Denver squad "a little
stronger than last year. They look
to be one of the best teams we will'
play all year."
The Pioneers are led by a
brother combination of senior
Jim and junior Wayne Wiste from
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Jim is
the leading Denver scorer in
WCHA competition with two goals
and six asists while the younger
Wiste has netted three goals and
one assist in WCHA play.
Wing Lou Geddes is the second
leading Pioneer scorer in confer-
ee ice action. The senior has netted
three goals and a like number of
assists. As a sophomore, the Brit-
ish Columbia native led the Den-
ver icers in scoring with 18 goals
nd in Sports

The Daily

halfbackl oithe ootbail squaad,
and Gerald Statham, also a de-

Speed King Campbell Kill,


CONISTON, England ()-Don-'
ald Campbell, the man who
couldn't resist going faster, crash-
ed to his death Wednesday in a
jet speedboat.
The 45-year-old speed king al-
most had completed the measured
course on Lake Coniston and was
Illini Scandal
Might Force
Big 10 Probe
(Continued from Page 5)
Brewer had originally helped to
set up the illegal money pot, but
he claimed ambition was not the
reason for revealing it. Yet he re-
mains the villain as far as any-
one at Illinois is concerned.
Combes, one of his close friends,
said, "I used to have a friend
named Mel Brewer. Now I've neverI
heard of the man."
Brewer's resignation was accept-
ed without regret.
The next step is uncertain. Some
have speculated that the Big Ten
will end the suspension of all
players concerned. Others think
stronger penalties will be enacted.
The NCAA infractions commit-
tee had an observer at the re-
cent investigation. Committee
chairman. Prof. George Young,
dean of the Wisconsin Law School,
said the matter would be studied
at the April meeting. In an in-
terview with The Daily, Young
said he was uncertain what steps,
if any, would be taken. He em-
phasized that actions taken by the
Big Ten would probably influence
NCAA action.
What does seem clear though is
that Big Ten schools will be in for
more scrutiny from the public, the
press, and very possibly, from the
Big Ten itself.

within seconds of shattering his about three-quarters of the return
own world water speed record of trip when Bluebird suddenly seem-
276.33 miles an hour when he was ed to do a couple of jumps and
killed. then a complete somersault.
Hydroplane Explodes "She sank immediately. I think
His hydroplane, Bluebird, jump- he must either have hit some-
ed 60 feet out of the water at 310 thing or a stretch of ruffled water,
miles an hour, somersaulted and although the surface appeared like
then exploded before sinking in glass."I
120 feet of water. He was strap- Another witness said the boat
ped inside, jumped 60 feet into the air. Its
Frogmen went down almost im- engine was still screaming.
mediately but hours later his body Find Mask, Clothing
had not been recovered. Rsur on apelsoy
The disaster ended a recurring Rescuer nd C plsx
gamble with death with which the gen mask and bits of his cloth-
Campbells-father and son-had Campbell had set himself a two-
thrilled the world for more than fold target-to travel at 400 miles
40 years. His father, the late Sir hour on land and 300 miles an
Malcolm Campbell, was the fastest hour on wa e. He tod h iles
man in the world on both land hoonatBer.iHe-toldnhisbwie
and water between the two World ia, a Be n aaet
Wars. ede nbdi 98 singer, that when he had achiev-
Wa He died in bed in1948.5 a ed that he would retire.
Friends said Campbell, who was e hth ol eie
a bit of a mystic and given to The first part of the dream came
supersonhadcap ngivtio true in 1964. He clocked a record
superstitionhad a premonitio 403.1 m.p.h, in his car, also nam-
his death. over a game of cards ed Bluebird, on the Salt Flats at
Tuesday aghte Lake Eyre, Australia.
He was playing a Russian form Campbell had been tuning up
of solitaire and turned up the ace his jet speedboat for nine weeks
of oliair an tunedup he ceon Lake Coniston. But bad weath-
of spades followed by the queen er had delayed his attempt on the
of the same suit. Campbell scowl-
water record.
ed and told his friends:
"Mary Queen of Scotts turned Resembled Napoleon
up the same combination of cards, Campbell, short and dark along
and from it she knew she was go- the lines of Napoleon, appeared to
ing to be beheaded. know no fear. But he often said
"I know one of my family is go- that this wasn't true.
ing to get the chop and be killed In 1960 his jet car somersaulted
I pray it will not be me." at 350 m.p.h. on the Salt Flats of
Official observers and small Utah and Campbell, almost non-
knots of spectators on the banks chalantly, walked away from the
of the lake saw him crash. wreckage with nothing worse than
Campbell completed one length a hairline fracture of the skull.
of the course at 297 m.p.h. He -
t u r n e d a n d s k im m e d e v e n f a s t e r o v r t e r t u n j u n y
over the return journey.
Bluebird Tramps
Then his voice came dramatical- ol
ly over the radio: "She's tramp-§
ing. I can't see much. She's go-
ing, she's going." § Studen Is
"Tramping" was Campbell's
word for bouncing.
Andrew Brown, one of the team
of observers, said: "He had done§ indid Print Bedspread

This Weeke]


HOCKEY-Michigan vs. Denver, Michigan Coliseum, 8:00 p.m.
BASKETBALL-Michigan vs. Northwestern, Yost Field House, 1:30
GYMNASTIC-Michigan vs. Indiana, Sports Bldg., 3:15
SWIMMING-Big Ten Relays, Minneapolis, Minn., 1:00
WRESTLING-Michigan at Indiana
HOCKEY-Michigan vs. Denver, Michigan Coliseum, 8:00 p.m.

5 {
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Last yeathousands
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And not just for the,
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C Nuamdah Rucs YM

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