THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 IV ryirv Analyze Causes of Developing Chinese Cot PAUTL Z',.LR2 1f i Is EDITOR'S NOTE: The lines of conflict in mainland China are slow- ly becoming discernible. How the "cultural revolution" has siirted the edge of civil war is reported hi this analysis by an AP specialist in Communist affairs. It is the third of a five-part series telling the background of China's troubles as far as they can be traced from available information. By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Special Correspondent How close has Red China's con- vulsion come to civil war? Students of the scene say it was within a hair of armed con- flict last June and July-perhaps closer even than it is now. Reports from the mainland this week are generating new specu- lation about the extent of civil strife, but China watchers are waiting for developments to pro- vide the perspective they need to sort out fact from confusion. Study of Red Chinese documents has led these analysts to conclude that last summer a division from north China was moving on the' Peking-Tientsin area and was stoped only at the 11th hour. The documents also indicate that in some respects what is going on now in China is a Chi- nese version of what happened in Moscow in 1957, when Nikita S. Khrushchev came close to being thrown out by an opposition group he labeled "antiparty." There is a similar "antiparty" group in China now. The story of the Red Chinese regime's close brush with civil war, as the stu.dents of China piece it together, goes back to November 1965. That is when the current phase of the developing upheaval began, and the outlines of a power struggle became clearly discernible to the outside world. The evidence is that every time party Chairman Mao Tse-tung faces political trouble, he disap- pears from Peking, betakes himself to his Shanghai stronghold to weather the storm and plot coun- termeasures. He did this in 1954, when a grab for power by the onetime boss of Manchuria, Kao Kang, resulted in a political clash and purge. He turned up in Shanghai when the battle lines were being drawn late in 1965, and again only recently, when the confusion of his "great proletarian cultural revolution" was reaching a peak. As Mao disappeared from Pe- king in November 1965, Wu Han, the playwright and deputy mayor of the capital, was being de- nounced for his 1961 drama, "Hai Jui's dismissal." The play, in es- sence, had been a symbolic pro- test-understood by millions of Chinese-against Mao for purging those who disagreed with him. Wu became the first important victim of a new purge. Then his chief, Mayor Peng Chen, a power in the Politburo, was brought down in disgrace. The evidence indicates Peng was purged in April last year, since he was not in his accustomed place for the important May Day parade at which he invariably had been a dominating figure. The first attacks on Wu and Peng appeared in the Shanghai paper, Wen Hui Pao, suggesting Mao's hand. This probably was be- cause Mayor Peng and President Liu Shao-chi still controlled the central press in Peking. Then the Liberation Army Daily, the paper of Lin Piao's Defense Ministry, mounted a vicious attack on intellectuals, concentrating on editorial boards of the main papers, including the most im- portant, People's D a i 1 y, the mouthpiece of the party. This attack brought down sev- eral other high-ranking people, including Lu Ting-yi, head of the party's propaganda department, and his deputy, Chou Yang; the head of Peking University and the editorial staffs of practically all Peking papers. All these were ac- cused of trying to influence Chi- na's youth to turnaway from Mao's "thinking." Nothing is sure about Commu- nist politics, but it appeared that both Premier Chou En Lai and party Secretary-General Teng Hsiao-ping had thrown in their lot with Mao and Defense Minister Lin. Teng was in Shanghai when the purge movement began. The situation in Peking became tense as summer neared. There was evidence of discontent among' army officers and of opposition to Mao's policies from Lo Jui-ching, the chief of staff. Lo is believed to have issued orders to a division. in northwest China to move down toward Pe- king. Defense Minister Lin, aware of this, is believed to have ordered a division to move north to Peking out of Shanghai. He is said to have ordered his division commander to get in con- tact with the commander of Lo's division and order him to stay out of the Peking-Tientsin area. It worked. If it had not, civil war was just around the corner. Chief of Staff Lo Jui-ching was purged. But the struggle con- tinued. At this point there is reason to believe that party Secretary Teng shifted sides again, allied himself with President Liu and planned to call a Central Committee meet- ing to deal with the crisis. But then he changed his mind yet again, the evidence indicates. Thus, when a Central Commit- tee meeting finally was called for the first part of August, Mao was able to be back from Shanghai in time to attend it. The fact that there was no meeting until then may have saved Mao from being overthrown. The Central Committee met for two weeks, then issued a set of instructions calling for a "great# proletarian cultural revolution." Mao seemed in control once again with the help of Defense Minister Lin and forces loyal to him. Th emerging picture was one of Lin himself striking out for su- preme power through control of the propaganda apparatus and the army. To do this he had to by- pass many people. The Young Communist League had been Peng Chen's creature and a source of possible opposition to Lin. The All-China Federation of Trade Unions had belonged to President Liu, and it was yet an- other source of opposition to Lin. Most China-watchers agree that Lin won Mao's blessing for a new phenomenon: The Red Guards of Defense-Hung Wei Ping. It seems to have been Lin's crea- tion. Lin turned their wrath on the party apparatus at province and local levels. Swarming into the streets by the hundreds of thou- sands in city after city, they beat and humiliated many a lower-level party leader accused of straying from "Mao Tse-tung's thinking," And they terrorized urban popula- tions. Lin, meanwhile, broke up the Peking city party committee and repopulated it with his ,own men, thus depriving the opposition of command over the Peking gar- rison. He fired the Central Committee of the Young Communist League and abolished the organization. He shook up the staffs of all impor- tant provincial papers. He purged universities. He decreed suspen- sion of all higher education in September so that students could devote themselves to the cultural revolution and "Mao's thinking." LACKS UNITY: ArmylT Against TOKYO (P)-Red China's army Other was told yesterday to use its guns of the 2 bolsterin to rout Mao Tse-tung's foes, and loyal M wall postersĀ° reported units al- feat the ready had swung into action in Shao-ch the nation's bitter civil strife. land. Japanese press reports from Pe- king said the army had gone into The p action in Changsha, capital of could no Mao's native . Hunan Province in Shan where anti-Maoists took over mili- Peking, tary barracks, the provincial gov- said to ernment headquarters. Wall pos- Manchu ters said six soldiers were wound- province ed. Soldie 'old To Hint Crisis Use GunsIn Ouster LACKS UNITY: Viet Cong Apparently Free Of Hanoi Control, Says Baggs Anti-Mao Forces, Of General Uneas-iness iniSa]ron EDITOR'S NOTE: The following .i posters reported troops .5 million-man army were ng Red Guards and other' aoists in an effort to de- backers of President Liuj i throughout the main- Accuracy Doubtful osters, accuracy of which ot be judged, told of clashes si Province, next door to where Mao forces were have seized . control; in ria, and in some eastern s. rs were said to have rolled Viet Troop Butld-Up McNamara Tells Sen WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara told senators Monday the Com- munist buildup in South Vietnam showed a leveling-off in late 1966. More American servicemen will go to the war zone in the next year and a half "although at a very much slower rate" than dur- ing the past 18 months, McNa- mara said. And, he added: "I believe it has been conclusively demonstrated that the Viet Cong main force units are simply not capable of winning any major battle against U.S. forces." McNamara's Statement These significant points showed up in a 26-page prepared state- ment given by McNamara behind closed doors Monday before the Senate Armed Services Commit- tee and Defense Appropriations subcommittee. McNamara spoke in terms of having about 475,000 men in Viet- namby the end of this year. McNamara's testimony came as the administration was preparing to unveil a $73-billion defense budget-including $21 billion for Vietnam-for fiscal 1968 and a 12.3 billion supplemental to the current budget. He gave assurances that Viet- nam war costs through June 30, . 1968, would be covered by the spending proposals and no sup- plemental money request is fore- seen for fiscal 1968. Enemy Strength On enemy strength, McNamara said the confirmed Communist force in South Vietnam totaled 275,000 at the end of 1966-up1 from 250,000 in 1965-including 45,000 North Vietnamese regular troops. Other North Vietnamese are listed in "possible" or "probable" manpower categories and would have to be added if and when they were clearly identified, he said. But "interestingly enough even including the 'probable' and 'pos- sible,' the number of North Viet- namese troops in South Vietnam appears to have leveled off in the second half of 1966," McNamara said, The December total was about the same as June's 45,000 1 to 50,000. In the same six-month period, McNamara continued, Viet Cong strength "also appears to have leveled off" at around 230,000, and for the entire year rose "by only three per cent." McNamara cautioned that any final conclusions would be prema- ture but said it appears U.S. sea and air strikes against enemy supply lines and transportation routes "have indeed succeeded in limiting the buildup" of Com- munist forces. "During the last half of 1966, the Viet Cong appear to have lost about as many men as they were able to infiltrate from {North Vietnam and recruit in South Vietnam," he told the senators. He told Congressional leaders yesterday, "We plan to stabilize our armed forces worldwide at about 3%/ million men" for the! immediate future, he said. American "search and destroy" operations have been effective, he said "but the ultimate success of our entire effort in South Viet- nam will turn on the ability of the South Vietnamese government to re-establish its authority over its territory so peaceful reconstruc- tion can be undertaken." Military Units The South Vietnamese military units have primary responsibility for conducting "clear and secure" operations to maintain control, over territory, but McNamara said U.S. manpower will assist where possible. While McNamara's figures on tapering-off of the enemy force seemed 'assuring, they constituted an admission of sizable under-; statements made earlier abbut Communist manpower in South Vietnam. "Order-of-battle" records which credited Hanoi with 11,000 reg- ulars in the south at the end of 1965 have had to be corrected to 26000, he said. This could elevate the monthly infiltration rate for 1965 to over 6,100-considerably above recent Pentagon estimates. 55,000 Killed Field reports show 55,000 Com- munists were killed, 10,000 cap- tured and 13,000 defected. into Wuhu in east-central China' from Nanking, 60 miles to the northeast, to help 30,000 Red Guards and other Maoists crush a rebellion of 5,000 peasants. Wall posters said four persons were killed and 11 wounded in fighting there, The picture presented by wall lposters and official broadcasts twas one of confusion throughout tthe nation with the outcome of ithe power struggle between Mao and Liu in doubt. While posters told of soldiers Levels Off,' Gate Group Since the total gain in strength during the year is estimated at 25,000, the reports indicate they must have 'infiltrated from North Vietnam and recruited in South Vietnam a total of at least 103,000 new men, McNamara said. Infiltration figures are not hard and fast, McNamara emphasized, explaining: "This number is a composite of hundreds of indivi- dual observations of the Viet Cong lines of communication." McNamara said any net increase in Communist' forces this year "will have to come from North Vietnam" because the number of possible Viet Cong recruits n t1the1 south "is growing more limited," World New, - '~ Icopyright story was written Jan. 19 Follows as Officials by Bill Baggs, editor of the Miami (Fla) News. Baggs spent eight days Make HouseAret early this month in North Viet rallying to Mao, the Japan Broad-kA Nam. He was accompanied by Harry casting Corp. correspondent in Pe- SAIGON, South Viet Nam VP)_ -S. Ashmore, chairman of the exec- king said another poster told of I tive committee of the Center for the king danotheriposer tol o ouster yesterday of Lt. Gen. Study of Democratic Institutions, army defection in Inner Mongolia, 6 and by former Ambassador Luis long a Mao trouble spot. Nguyen Huu Co from the ruling Quintanilla of Mexico. This report' said troops in Hu- military junta created a certain By BILL BAGGS hohaot'e, the capital, surrounded uneasiness ,in Saigon, Possibility Copyright, 1967, The Miami News newspaper offices and other build- of another political crisis fed the HANOI, North Vietnam (P)- ings seized by Maoists on Monday rumor mills. There are two Vietnams shooting and demanded that they get out Vietnamese sources said 20 to and shooting back at the Amer- Ulanfu, the boss of Inner Mon- 30 supporters of Co, mostly mili-l icans. golia, has been assailed in Maoist ary personnel, were put under. One is the Democratic Repub- posters and may be behind the house arrest as a precaution. A lis of Vietnam, the country here trouble, small troop detachment was in the north, whose leader is Ho The poster said the troops later sighted on the move, but there was Chi Minh. withdrew but called this an im- no indication that this was any- The other is the National Lib- portant incident in which troops thing but routine. eration Front, whose soldiers, had suppressed pro-Mao forces. known by Americans as the Viet Reluctance Hinted An aloof, ascetic-looking former Cong, are in the steady and violent Furthermore, the editorial in field commander, Co is out as de- engagements in the figthing down Defense Minister Lin Piao's Lib- fense minister and deputy premier South. It is not recognized as a eration Army Daily calling on the in Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's gov- government by the United States. army to use its guns indicated a eminent, by order of the other What very few persons know, reluctance of some military menrung-gnerls. for a certainty, is whether the to plunge into the power struggle. He had never been the most j Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Only in the past 10 days has the popular member of the military I the government here in the north army been reported intervening hierarchy and they dismissed him country, actually rules the rather anywhere. in absentia after, Vietnamese sour- portable government down South. "Some people use 'noninterven- ces said, he spurned a suggestion A visiting reporter is inclined tion' as a pretext to suppress the that he resign and accept a diplo- to doubt that Hanoi governs the masses in reality," the paper said matic assignment abroad. National Liberation Front, or the in reference to the army. "This is Co was halted and given the Viet Cong. absolutely impermissible." news by security officers in Hong Surely, Ho Chi Minh, because The paper said the army must Kong on a flight back to Saigon of his immense prestige, and other go into action because of the new Tuesday from a goodwill visit to leaders of the north have long in- situation-a reference to the ex- Formosa. fluences with the National Lib- tension of the cultural revolution, Security Minister Linh Quang eration Front down south. as the purge is called, the factor- Vien was reported to have told Indeed, General Vo Nguyen ies and farms. Under the circum- him he could stay abroad as an Giap, respected in American mili- stances "it is not possible for the ambassador-perhaps in South tary circles as a most accomplish- people's liberation army to refrain Korea, Tunisia or the Ivory Coast ed commander, probably has as from intervention," it added. -or return to Saigon and face much to do with strategy of the "The political power of the pro- a military trial on charges of troops in the south as anyone, letariat seized by the people's army corruptior.. and he is formally of the govern- with the gun has to be defenaed Co presumably remained in ment here in the north. by the people'srarmy with the gun Hong Kong to ponder. The persons you converse with The ebb and flow of the Viet- here are strong in expressing sym- namese political tide was illus- pathy and admiration for the trated by two incidents affecting Vietnamese who are fighting the the high command last year: Americans and the South Viet- -Dismissal of Lt. Gen. Nguyen namese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky Chanh Thi as commander of the troops down south. northernmost 1st Corps Area in The difference between the two DETROIT-Chrysler Corp. and March set off a Buddhist-led up- governments could be critical. If, General Motors Corp. announced rising that gripped the country for instance, the United States BNOT-YAACOV BRIDGE ON THE SYRIAN-ISRAELI BORDER (P)-The first meeting of the Syrian-Israeli mixed Armistice Commission since 1959. produced an announcement yesterday that both sides agreed to refrain from all hostile acts. Another meeting is planned Sunday. Representatives of the two na- tions, mostly military men, sat down together in an effort to ease border .problems which have threatened to lead to war. Israel entered the meeting with a proposal that Syria join in a renewal of their pledges to abide by nonaggression provisions of the 1949 armistice agreement that ended the Palestine war. Sassen told the Syrian delega- tion, that "Israel undertakes to abide by the cease-fire on an understanding of reciprocity and on the assumption that no hostile acts be conducted against us from the territory of the other signato- ry," This might be the hitch. Activity of Arab irregulars against Israel has contributed considerably to Middle East tensions. Accordingly, radio Damascus declared Syria "would not guar- antee Israel's security" against sabotage raids by Palestinian guerrillas. pendent? Indeed, if it is indepen- dent, the only solution might be the personal influence of Ho Chi Minh to urge the Viet Cong to end. figthing. Not long ago, the National Liberation Front suggested, in a paper here, that in time, after the war, it will establish a government in the south and will begin talks with the Ho government on re- unification of the entire country. The National Liberation Front statement emphasized that re- unification would take a long, long, time, Israeli, Syrian Officials Agree To Halt Hostilities F THn"E ARKdi Resumes Thursday Night Discussions This Thursday's Topic: "The Gift" A short film followed by coffee and conversation I 1421 Hill Street 9:00 P.M. NEW YORK-For the first time this year, the stock market regis- tered a clear-cut loss yesterday. Analysts said the drop was caused by overdue profit taking- persons selling at higher prices the stocks they had bought ear- lier. In a day of heavy-trading, the Dow Jones average of 30 indus- trial stocks fell 7.13 points to 840.59, with prices battered to the lowest of the day. The average. was down only 2.12 points at 3 p.m. The average value of a share of stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange lost 32 cents. For the first time this year, more stocks fell than gained. There were 457 advances against 756 declines. further production cutbacks yes- terday as the auto industry con- tinued to curtail its output in line with a slowdown in auto sales. Chrysler said three of its seven assembly plants would be closed for a week, with a fourth due to go down for two weeks. GM said a total of 1,900 workers would be laid off indefinitely at Chevrolet plants at Willow Run and Flint, Mich., and Tarrytown, N.Y. . Ford Motor Co. said it planned no plant shutdowns presently, but pointed out that Board Chairman Henry Ford II said earlier this year that various plants would have occasional short work weeks. for three months, Premier Ky and the Ho government decide to settled it with a combination of initiate peace talks one day, what military force and negotiations. about the Veit Cong, if it is inde- i /111/el THE DURANGO KID Is back! 9 P~iR QVSaturday, at 2:00 p.m. THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS RELIGION (A PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION) A seminar in religion, sponsored by the Office of Re- ligious Affairs, and open to all students. The six seminar sessions, led by Lloyd W. Putnam, will be de- voted to a psychological understanding of the nature and functioning of religion in the mature personality. Basis for the presentations and discussions will be Gor- don W. Allport's book, "The Individual and His Reli- gion" (MacMillan paperback). Other selected readings will be announced, TIME: TONIGHT at 7:30 PLACE: Guild House, 802 Monroe Street Iii WRITER=IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM for 1968 Petitions now available at 1528 Student Activities Bldg. I SABBATH SERVICE Conducted jointly with Beth Israel Congregation Positions: General Chairman Scheduling (C Special Events -chairmenn) (Co-chairmen) Tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30 P.M. I I q7uild /kuje ---802 Monroe---- Luncheon Discussion-Speaker to be announced RABBI JAMES 1. GORDON of The Young Israel Center of Oak Woods, Oak Park, Michigan. Member, Executive Committee, Rabbinical Council of America A NEW LOOK AT I Booklet I Publicity-Publications Graphics Sponsor Relations-Treasurer Sec reta ry (Co-chairmen) II I I. U II