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Notices>should be sent in TYPIEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may' be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; I)ay Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-8429. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 .Make-up Final Exams for German 101, 102, 111, 231, 232 and 236: For the fall term, 1966, will be given Thurs., Jan. 26, from 7,80 to 9:30 p.m. Students must get written permission from their former German teacher, and sign up for the exam in the German Depart- ment Office by 12 noon, Thurs., Jan. 26. Exam rooms: 101-3000 Frieze Bldg.; 102-3004 Frieze Bldg.; Al1, 231. 232, 236-3008 Frieze. Bldg. Graduate School of Business Adminis- tration-Accounting Lecture: Prof. Ray- mond Chambers, University of Sydnty (Australia), "Reality and-.Illusion in accounting, Finance and Economics," on Thurs., Jan. 26, in Room 141 Bus. Ad.,'3- 4:30 p.m. the East Conference Room of the Rack- degree unless he has filed formal ap- chem. plus 2-5 yrs. in separation.,Jr. htam Bldg. Program: "Faculty and Stu- plication in the office of the Graduate Engr.-BSE in Ch. or M plus 2-3 yrs. dent Participation in University Deci- School by that date. Other positions in tech, and admin. sion Making." Panel: Profs, William- areas throughout company. Brown, Leonard Greenbaum and Rich- National Teacher Examinations: Ap- Supervisor of Shipbuilding, 9th Nay- ard Mann, and Vice-President Allan plication blanks are available in Room al District, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.-Marine Smith. 122 Rackham Bldg. for the National Engr., Naval Arch. and Mechan. Engr. UAC and Lit School Steering Commit- Teacher Examinations. The next admin- needed.{ tee-r~ourse information seminar in thej istration of the test will be on Sat., Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit - Re- Union Ballroom from I'to 5 p.m. March 18, and applications must be search Asst. in gynecology. MA with received in Princeton, N.J., by Feb. 17. biol. or chem. trng,. Under National General Notices 11 Doctoral Examination for Dilip Fur- Isiueo elhgat shottamadas Jhaveri, Civil Engineer- FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich. - Two Southern Asia Club: There will be a;. mechanical engrs. for Ind. Pump Dept. bag unchFriday noJn 27, in the 1ing; thesis: "Earthquake Forces in Tall addsg nAt.Eg.dp.BI Commons Room of Lane Hall. Dr. Taw-BuligwthSbak"TrsJn for superv. maintenance group, Acct., anchai Siriwongse, Thailand, "~Vists to 26, Room 244 W. Engineering, 1 p.m.I bkgd. in public accounting. Chairan, . V.Berg Haiphong and Hanoi in 1963." Charmn, . . Brg Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass.-Po- sitions in Michigan for college repre- Summer Intern in Washington: Those Pla e t sentatives: Interviewing Mon., Jan. 30. students particularly interested i o k n o t e U i e t t s Inor- AN N O U N CE M EN T; i watokngefor thUitedstaeshInor-d ANNOANCeeJn: 0Fb.1 est For further information please call mateln ageinncy this smmter suld VSAmekJn.3-eb.Rpat764-7460, General Division, Bureau of makean ppontmnt o se te sm- 300 AB,9-1 & :304:3. Aplia- Appointments, 3200 SAB. mer intern counselor Friday. Appoint- 13ionS, literature, speers3 availbeable to ments should be made at the Institute grous,cottBue.Noapi- of Public Administration, 764-3490. Ap- ments nddtoseeureps.Noapit plicants must be at least juniors, and ____ openings exist in many fields, pantic- POSITION OPENINGS: ularly radio-TV, foreign languages, in- Anchor Hqcking Glass Corp., Lancas- ternational relations, or any communi- ter, Ohio-Multiple openings with little cation skill. Application deadline is Feb. or no exper. and approp. degrees In iI Ac .tLn & . *tkO.J.J Ad f'.tLini. O Ct, P1& U JU. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- I VIEWS:, Make interview appointments at Room 128-H. West Engineering Bldg. FEB. 2- Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Civil Service Commission of Canada. Clark Equipment Co. Cummins Engine Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp. Melpar, Inc, North American Aviation-All divi- sions. Northern Illinois Gas Co. U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station. U.S. Navy Department-Admin. Office. W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co--Research & Bleached Board divisions. oGIRLSI GIRKLSI1' Don't ,miss the tryouts for SESQUI-KETTES O Chorus Line JJanuary 29 Union f ~j8:00 3R-S' Music by the BRASS RAIL ILecture-"Lee ' Harvey Oswald: ' Au- Da C ln a topsy of an Assassin," Dr. Caroline Hoff- berg, psychology department, 4:10 p.m., Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- UGLI Multipurpose Room, inar.-"The Management of Managers" : 146 Business Administration, 8 Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures - Erik Sjoqvist, professor of classical archaeology, Princeton University, will Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-I speak on "Greek Civilization in Sicily," inar--"How To Develop and Manage at 4:15 p.m.. Thurs., Jan. 26, in Aud. an Effective Wage- and, Salary Pro- B, Angell Hall. gram": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m._____ ~K~K.+~.KkK rs~s. K ~ K. .-.K:.QKN.:K.. .:>**kK Q...<, - '.... ::: UK.K...:K:x.4 KK*. .Q.K*X.NKOK:.:.Kx .., 'AK KKK.K. ~ ... K.K.KK.KN*.K~.~K.~K. ''c' .4K K. 0 free nappening Cinema Guild -'Robert Flaherty's "Louisiana Story": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m. School of Music Degree Recital - Charles Asharian, violin: Recital Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Open Seminar-"The Individual and His Religion" (a psychological interpre- tation), Guild House, 802 Monroe St., 7:30 p.m. jAmerican Association of University Professors: A general meeting will be hield on Thurs., Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. in jA general meeting- for all students Interested in working in Washington. D.C., next summer will 'be held Wed., Feb. 8, at 4 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Undergraduate Library. Graduate Students: Expecting to re- ceive a master's or professional degree in April 1967 must file a diploma ap - plication with the recorder of the Graduate School by Fri., Jan. 27. No student can be recommended for a Planning, Wage Admin., etc.) and Stat. & Data (Syst. Anal. & Programmers). Ayerst Laboratories, Inc., Rouses Pt., N.Y.-Tech. Superv. Trainee-BS/Bac- teriology plus 1-2 yrs. Admin. Asst.-. BS/Bus. Admin. plus 2-5 yrs. Tech. Li- brarian-BS Libr. Sci. or science with some library trng. Chemist-PhD anal. ORGANIZATION NOTICESr :h; : :: . . ..::r.":r"".r:. : ."; . J.". J":. :t : :1 USE OF TIlS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student or- ganizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011, SAB.. Newman Student Association, Can- cellation of "La Chamonix," Jan. 27, 7 p~m. U. of M. Chess Club, Meeting. Jan. 27,,7:30 p.m., Room 3C, _Michigan Un- ion. India Students' Association, Repub- lic Day celebration, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Room 3S, Michigan Union. Speakers Dr. Richard Parks and Dr. L. J. Bhatt, Indian refreshments served. Engineering Council, Meeting, Thurs., Jan. 26, 7:30 p~m., 3529 SAB. Baha'i Student Group, Baha'i fireside meeting, Jan. 26, 8 p.m.,,336 E. Huron, Apt. 5. Hillel Foun'dation, Sabbath service, Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. Rabbi James I.. Gordon of Oak Woods Young Israel on "A New Look at an Old System." Hillei Foundation, Deli House, Feb. 19. 5:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. ',heodore Bikel in person featuring a -discussion of Jewish problems. Call 663-4129 for res- ervations. India Students' Association, Mindi movie: "Nays Daur" (with English sub- titles), Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m.. Natural Sci- ence Aud. College Republican Club, Membership Committee meeting, Thurs., Jan. 26, 7 p.m., 2535 SAB. III Dial NO 2-6264 CINEMA I1 I presents Francois Truffaut's JULES AND JIM CinemaScope Starring JEANNE MOREAU "An unforgettable film ..not to be missed!" -N.Y. POST "Refreshing . .. dazzling hilarious!" -TIME Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance with instruction open to everyone, Fri., Jan. 27, 8-11 p.m., Barbour Gym. Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin-en- joy a French atmosphere, Thurs., JIan. 26, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. LAST 2 DAYS vU "SUPERIOR OFF-BEAT, AND ORIGINAL!X-N.Y. TIMES ig COLUMMA PICTURES JaMaS M&SQN aNBaE~ LhNNHRa~ve SUGGESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES Tuesday "7 & 9 Ann Arbor, Michigan z10 S. Fifth Avenue 761-9700 TON IGHT,& TOMORROW' Louisiana Story dir.Rt. Flaherty, 1948 Classic American documentary of a Cajun family. SATURDAY, SUNDAY JAN. 28, 29 Zero de Conduite (Zero for Conduct) French subtitles dir. Jean Vigo,. 1933 with Keaton & Laurel & Hardy shorts. 7:00 & 9:05 ARCHITECTURE AUD. STILL ONLY 50c=0. UAC MUSKET '67 Out @ur the new musical INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office 10 A.M.-5 P.M. All Seats $2.50 Performances: Date:, Fri.-Sun., Jan. 27-29 Thurs. -Sat., Feb. 2-4 Time: Fri. & Sat. Nights 7:00 & 9:30 All Other Nights 8:30 Sat,, Feb. 4-9:30 Sold Out 4 A IRV[EN ARS. RAY STARK i ?hoc ARAMUNT PLIURS'Am> ROSANA {HAFIO ARRIvE-DERCI, 1:00-300 il. . 9:20 w.;¢ TECIINICOLOR PANAVISONA PARAMOUNT PICTUR SATURDAY ZERO MOSTEL f PHIL SILVERSs:> M A MLRi FRANCJ( Prducbon JACK GILFORD } BCSTER KW4TN tx'A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" ~ MICHAEL CRAWFORD I[MICHAEL HORDE RN SeenIut* MELVIN FRANK j MICHAEL PERT WEE T Based vW @ Ii*,aFp~alaoow f bHAROLD S. PRINCE Mws c and trees by STEPHEN SONDIIEIM sooty BUlRT SHEVELOVE & LARRY GELBART COLOR by D.Luxe P'oeucbyMELVIN FRANK iB',tledby RICHARD LESTER Reteswemro UNITED ARTISTS a S~~UGGETEO FOR MATUR AUDIENCES " FRIDAY and SATURDAY AU D. A. ANGELL HALL 9:05 P.M. 50c ID required LYDIA MENDELSSOHN till JAN. 27-29, FEB. 1-4 Sat., Jan. 28--9:30 Sold Out I SOME SEATS LEFT G, ARFUNKEL Jan. 28, 8:30 P.M. Hill Auditorium $3.00, $2.00 I '4 Box office open: Thursday 12:00-5:00 P.M. Friday 10:00OA.M.-4:00 P.M. , 41 m W~ DIAL 8-6416 I Holding for Still Another Wonderful Week! NRAND PRIZE WINNER 1950 CANNES. FILM -FESTIVAL " ' . , c cS A 5IUA17 li G"Safrd8 ReiewMRAEM.~ w York Times "' . 1111 1l'1r")-r1 1 1 P"N! !K P' t"' ^r- 1 lk 1I INK 1 111111 1