t I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERsrTY OF MTCHIGA14 UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Jan. 25: A Sign of the Educational Times Where Opinions Are Free, Truth WiU Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN ELAN i The Cinema Guild Case. A 'Question of Autonomy By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor "IT IS OFTEN SAID that the modern American university is in crisis," wrote Clark Kerr for the Center for the Study of Dem- ocratic Institutions early this month, "but I do not believe this to be true in any general sense. A segment of the university is in crisis ... but most of it is not." It would be interesting to know which segment Kerr thought was in crisis after last Friday's Cali- fornia regents meeting. His ar- ticle arguedsthat undergraduate education was in trouble, but his fate suggests that the problem centers more on the administra- tion than on the students or fac- ulty.' What this problem is was sug- gested by John Seeley who wrote, along with Kerr, that "what is called administration . . . is actu- ally governorship-as though the Communist Party in the Soviet Union were to make out that it was merely 'administering' the na- tional machine in terms of policy set somehow by a governing pro- letariat." Seeley is proably quite correct, but it's interesting to note what a comparatively recent develop- ment this extensive administrative power is. HISTORICALLY there's little precedent for it. It is true that in many instances a president and his peers and assistants have exer- cised extensive control over fac- ulties and students. Richard Hof- stadter has written that in the 1800's "The trustees prescribed the work of the classroom, wrote the laws of student government, shap- ed the curriculum, subjected the private lives of teachers to scruti- ny and espionage." Yet, frequently American uni- versities functioned on the Euro- pean model of extensivehfaculty control, a model which encourag- ed a president of the period to write that "the purpose of incor- porating a college was to assemble a learned faculty, and therefore to make the faculty subordinate to the trustees was to exalt the means above the end and subvert first principles." For Thorstien Veblen, faculty government, or at least extensive faculty influence, was a very real thing: ". . . the executive is re- quired to function as the discre- tionary employer of his academic staff . . . the appearance of schol- arly co-partnery with the staff is indispensable to that prestige on which rests the continual exercise of power." BUT NO MATTER how the pow- ers of the president once were lim- ited, it is clear that today they are not limited by much but custom, and by that only in the short run. Faculty members, faced by larger more complex universities and greater professional demands, have gradually given up their steward- ship of the institutions to an ad- ministration and its chief. Things have gotten to the point today where a university president is far more than just the repre- sentative of his institution. In most people's minds, he is that insti- tution. This is'not surprising. A presi- dent has many powers of appoin- ment. Moreover, notes a state edu- cation official, "A university's president creates what you could only call the institution's style, those intangible subtleties of judgment, grace and human val- ues and balances that create an atmosphere that is felt rather than known." THUS the president who is not an academic figure, and who has usually not been an academic fig- ure for years before his presiden- tial appointment, is equated with an academic institution. When Kerr is fired, the University of California trembles, though he has not performed any essential aca- demic functions in years. This same identification w i t h an individual administrator was il- lustrated here by the flurry when Roger Heyns resigned as vice- president for academic affairs to issume the Berkeley chancellor- ship in 1965. It means a lot when the mem- bers of a university begin to see the f-;ture of their institution as hinging on the presence of a sin- gle man, one so divorced from the educational process at that. This means that man has more power in his hands than the men who were intended to be the focus of the institution-professors. Worse, it says that we have be- gun to identify the quality of a university's education with the quality of its administration. THE DANGER in that is that we will confuse academic values with administrative values and thus begin to destroy in teach- ers and students what is unique in their relationship-a respect of learning for its own sake. The incredible national concern over Kerr's dismissal suggests that this is happening already. V OTES for the great marijuana- Christianity race continue to pour in. Thus far I have received 10, two of which have had to be disqualified because I could not understand them. Of the eight remaining, mari- juana is leading Christianity 7-1. Daily Editorial Director Harvey Wasserman, who predicted that marijuana would get four votes, thus wins the copy of "Yellow Submarine," as sunk by Leslie Fiedler. Wasserman, by the way, voted for Christianity. '4 HE FACULTY ASSEMBLY'S Civil Lib- erties Board is taking courageous and comme'ndable action in establishing a Cinema Guild Defense Fund. Only a week ago today, Ann Arbor po- lice seized a Cinema Guild film they claim is "obscene" and arrested three student members of the Cinema Guild Board and a faculty member serving as assist- ant manager for showing it. The fund would raise money for Cinema Guild's fight against these two actions and the board will make further proposals later. CIVIL LIBERTIES is cuite clearly an issue. Obscenity laws have had a long and notorious record of creating an at- mosphere of confusion and, at times, re- pression. Although court decisions emphasize that the allegedly obscene matter must be viewed in its context and judged for any matter of redeeming social import- ance, the Ann Arbor police lieutenant who seized the film only saw the first several minutes of it, claiming that he knew on the basis of "past experience" (whatever that can mean for an Ann Arbor police lieutenant) that the film was obscene. The courts will, of course, now begin to decide whether the film in question is ob- scene under present state laws (although there is a strong argument that any law banning "obscenity" is inherently so vague, ill-defined and restrictive of free- dom of expression that all such laws should be repealed). AS THE BOARD indicates, academic freedom is also an. issue.,' The University created Cinema Guild, which reports to Student Government Council (itself a creature of the Re- gents); to serve educational functions. Cinema Guild serves educational func- tions at the University in much the same way as the library system does. First, professors can assign (and do assign) a particular Cinema Guild movie to their classes. Indeed, two classes were assigned to see the "obscene" movie last Wednes- day, and a third had seen it in its class- room the same afternoon. Thus, Cinema Guild's resources can be used (and are used) as part of the curriculum, much as the library's resources are. Second, like the librar', Cinema Guild is available for educational enrichment and broadening above and beyond course requirements, and is available for the curious as well as the academically ori- ented. HENCE CINEMA GUILD, like the library, very clearly fills two important edu- ational needs. Academic freedom - which relates to the freedom of a teach- er and his students to discuss and inquire after questions legitimately within the scope of their studies, as individuals and as a group--is thus clearly at stake. Would the University for one moment allow the Ann Arbor police to seize as "obscene" an assigned-reading library book such as "The Catcher in the Rye" or "Ulysses?" Of course not. What this amounts to, of course, is sim- ply this: If something has academic mer- it and meets educational needs, as judged by the appropriate faculty or University unit, the University should fight to pro- tect the academic freedom to use that thing-even if its use conflicts with the, law. PE UNIVERSITY has always done this in the past. It is presently fight- ing a public employe law and refusing to accept conditions of a building appropria- tions law precisely because they limit that freedom or could lead to laws limit- ing it. That freedom is at stake in the Cinema Guild case. Under challenge is the right of the Regents of the University to estab- lish, through Student Government Coun- cil, a Cinema Guild Board which, in the Regents' judgment, meets educational needs. If the University fails to fight the in- trusion of the state's "obscenity" law in- to educational functions, and facilities which the Regents themselves have ap- proved, it will have sacrificed its educa- tional autonomy and its academic free- clom. The Regents should no more tolerate intrusion into Cinema Guild than they should tolerate intrusion into the library system or in the classroom (what if the police had seized the film when it was being shown in a class Wednesday after- noon?). THE REGENTS have never feared to op- pose such intrusions before. They should not do so now-and the Assem- bly's Civil Liberties Board should make that its principal recommendations to the Regents. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor A' Letters*°4,OO0 Killed as Gym Collapses' To the Editor: THE INTRAMURAL program provided at the University of Michigan is perhaps one of the best in the country. It is an espe- cially effective program in light of the fact that the facilities in which it operates are too small for the student body and in such poor condition. The sight of Waterman gym brings thoughts of the next Daily headline reading "4,000 KILLED AS GYM COLLAPSES DURING REGISTRATION." The gym at the Intramural Building also leaves much to be desired. Per- haps an elimination of the "buck- et brigade" during rain storms could prompt enough savings to patch the roof, not to mention the safety problems involved in run- ning through the puddles and hurdling the buckets. It would seem that a university spending nearly one million dol- lars a week on research expendi- tures might perhaps reallocate some funds into new facilities which would accommodate stu- dents and faculty in a more ade- quate manner. -Tom Keim Senior-Bus Ad. Help Musicians! To the Editor: SN SATURDAY, January 21st, we had the privilege of hear- ing the Andrew Hill Quartet here on campus. The same afternoon, we heard that Andrew Hill works as a janitor' to stay alive. And we heard Joseph Jarmon say that un- der no circumstances will he play in a nightclub. Such self-sacrificing devotion to art and to personal integrity could possibly be a delusion. The proof is in the art. After hearing Joseph Jarmon play with his own quartet at Wayne State University last June, and after hearing the An- drew Hill Quartet last night, I am convinced that these artists repre- sent an extraordinary break- through in creative music: the un- trammelled expression of the highest human emotions. The transition from anger to spiritual unity has become an un- deniable phenomenon in Afro- American music. And if music is prophetic-and I think it is-at last, there is good news. CAN'T WE GIVE some support to these artists? Composers reach the height of their creative pow- ers when they are young. How much of man's greatest treasure is being wasted while Andrew Hill pushes a broom? Why not estab- lish a center for creative jazz here at the University of Michigan where musicians can eat, sleep, play, record, and perform, with no strings attached? With all . the research money that sometimes goes to doubtful projects, why not support a thor- oughly humanistic project which would reflect honor on the Uni- versity? I am a very busy lady,twith too many books to read, and too many children to take care of, but I'll make time to help organize sup- port for creative jazz. Anybody interested, my phone number is 761-7236. -Gwendolyn Midlo Hall Jazz To the Editor: IN REGARDS to the letter writ- ten by Ron Evans concerning the Jack Brokensha - Charles Moore Jazz Concert Sunday after- noon, it seems to me that he missed the point of such a two- part concert, that of the chance to compare the two distinct styles of today's jazz, mainstream versus agant-garde, and dra wa conclu- sion of the validity of either. I wonder why he failed to rec- ognize the quality of the jazz played by Brokensha's quartet in the first half of the concert. As music, it was beautifully melodic, the quartet obviously was deeply immersed in what it was playing. The length of each solo was not obtrusive; each musician stopped when he had no more to say. I JUST WISH that Evans had made note of this distinction be- tween two extremely opposed forms of music, the actual pur- pose of the concert, and had drawn a more valid conclusion rather than calling the whole thing a discord. On the basis of such a compari- son and conclusion, the concert was a beautiful success, as suc- cessful as the jazz played during at least half of the concert. -Allan Smith WCBN-jazz disc jockey The Movement To the Editor: JN CASE anybody doubted that last term's student movement was dead the proof is to be found in the report in the Daily (1/14) that no student-not a single stu- dent-used the pass-fail option as a means of protest. It would be simplified to blame students for their lack of Zivil- courage. Radical faculty members. in leaving the choice entirely up to the individual student, did no better. Consequently, the admin- istration, by a very limited show of force, was able to stop what looked like a very effective means of pro- test and sabotage. However, the important thing now is not what happened last se- mester, it is what should be done next. TO THIS END a proposal. namely that faculty grade all "pass" performances A and that students encourage faculty mem- bers to institute such a de facto pass-fail option. The advantages of this procedure are fairly obvi- ous : 1. It will tend to make ranking impossible. The more wide-spread the use of A as a general "pass" grade, the less discriminating and less meaningful the ranking. 2. It is probably legal. The ad- ministration can hardly force any instructor to give B's and C's. Al- though faculty members who par- ticipate may feel the consequen- ces sooner or later in their rela- tionship with the, university, no immediate retaliation is possible. 3. The students should have no reason to be unhappy. TWO POINTS should be made clear: I am suggesting that facul- ty members use this revised grad- ing system whether students ask for it or not. There is no reason to regard ranking as a moral problem for students alone. It is as serious a problem for profes- sors. Any faculty member who grades an undergraduate must face the uncomfortable reality that he is casting a vote as to whether or not that student shall be drafted, and ultimately in a decision of life and death. He cannot evade his responsibility by leaving the choice to the student. Secondly, I am not advocating secrecy. Faculty members who pro- pose to institute a de facto pass- fail system should announce col- lectively that they intend to do so. As conscientious objectors to the ranking system they will have to resort to civil disobedience since other alternatives have been blocked. FINALLY, a few objections: 1: It is unfair to give some stu- dents A's when they deserve C's and would have received C's where an ordinary grading system was used. Answer: Yes, but grad- ing is unfair, as it is currently practiced. Furthermore, such de facto pass-fail options already ex- ist in courses, particularly on the graduate level, where instructors either do not bother or do not feel qualified (e.g. if they are stu- dents themselves) to pass detailed judgments on their students. 2: The use of a de facto pass- fail system on the part of some. but not all teachers will tend to bring not only ranking, but grad- ing itself into disrespect. Answer: Perhaps, and maybe it's not such bad idea. However, faculty mem- bers who do grade on a pass-fail basis should submit more detailed evaluations of the students' course- work-just as some proposed to do last term. 3: If professors use different bases for grading students will flock to "easy" classes. Answer: Professors use different bases for grading today. However, some stu- dents are so old-fashioned they at- tend classes in order to learn something! IT IS MUCH too early to think in terms of specific proposals. The movement must work out a philos- ophy and a sense of direction. An- swer: It is much too late to be satisfied with generalities. Re- forms as well as revolutions are made by specific actions. Maybe this specific proposal is unworkable. If so, let's have some alternative suggestions. --Nils Petter Gleditsch Grad. Review Reply To the Editor: MUSIC REVIEWS seldom draw letters to the editor, and therefore I was surprised when my recent Detroit Symphony re- view elicited four responses, three quiet approvals and one rabid dis- approval. Naturally, since it makes better copy, the Daily printed the latter, by one Barrett Kalellis, and to save my name from Eternal Be- smirchment, I thus reply: MY CONTENTION that Brahms' "main lyric themes were over- stated in a most unsubtle and sen- timental fashion" by the Detroit Symphony is countered by Mr. Kalellis with a false accusation that I am unfamiliar with the score. If Mr. Kalellis can show me where to find Brahms' instruction "con multo schmaltz," I shall 're- tract my criticism, which truly has nothing to do with score but only with Sixten Ehrling's lack of control. Mr. Kalellis jauntily goes on to call me a "musical ignoramus and a phony reviewer" because I of- fered a "subjective opinion" (sor- ry-I left my IBM at home) on Leslie Bassett's "Variations for Orchestra" having heard it only once and having not studied the score. This requires a more lengthy reply. THE AUDIENCE was not mailed copies of the score preceding the concert; they went to hear and to think about what they were, hear- ing in situ. Furthermore, I would doubt if even G. B. Shaw or B. II. Haggin could read some of the scores of, say, Karl Stockhausen. Besides, which is more impor- tant: John Cage's written in- structions to turn on four radios simultaneously or the listener's re- action of putting his fingers in his ears? ("In" answer: neither; what is important is the ,cultural com- ment of the whole.) Stanley Kauffmann pleaded to be allowed to see rehearsals of plays before writing his Times re- views: shewas defeated on the simple answer that such should not be necessary to a good critic. In making judgments at one sit- ting, a music critic draws upon his musical knowledge and his past, rich musical experience. Hopefully, the many hours of lis- tening, with and without score, and the many hours of reading and of thought have heightened his sensibility and sensitivity. At best, he can only present a refined and knowledgeable subjectivity. Let me remind Mr. Kalellis that music is not technology and that a memorization of both the score and the complete high school di- aries of the composer will not pro- duce objectivity. MY FINAL COMMENTS on Mr. Bassett's "having audacity to be a composer" were not meant deroga- torily but with a rather ironic ad- miration. I questioned not his skills but sought his courage to compose in this most difficult scientific age. However, there is ambiguity in my statement and I apologize to Mr. Bassett for my lack of precision. And, with a final sigh, let me re- mind Mr. Kalellis that the review- er of the Paris Gazette Musicale in 1853 damned "Rigoletto" for lacking all melody. I hardly think I harmed Mr. Bassett; he shall have a Guggenheim whenever he desires. --Richard Perry *9 I *1 A Nicotinic's Lament O, REP. JACK FAXON is out to save "teenagers from the evils of tobacco. He's introducing legislation which would raise the cigarette tax, bringing the price of a pack of cigarettes up to 50 cents, and prohibiting cigarette machines on state property (including the Uni- versity), among other things. His intent is all very fine and good. Teenagers who haven't acquired -the hab- it should be discouraged from doing so, for anyone who starts to smoke is prob- ably out of his mind. The question is, what will his legislation, if passed, do to the rest of the people in the state of Michigan? &l;41-g 3iri gul *R tt The Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service., Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run--8100. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Editorial Stafff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT ........ Absociate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDIITH ...... Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE................. Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNR..................Sports Editor THE SECTIONS of the legislation de- signed to enforce anti-tobacco educa- tion in the school districts and promote a study of teenage smoking habits seem reasonable. All efforts to encourage non- smokers to retain this status are com- mendable. But why penalize the poor addict? Aha, a contradiction, you say. You're thinking that if I think non-smoking is such a good thing, I'd stop. Faxon's bill might even force me to, no? Well, it isn't that simple. I have been known to go hungry because my last 35 cents went for a pack of cigarettes, and to walk through deep snow on Christmas Eve to the store because there wasn't a cigarette in the house. Making cigarettes absurdly expensive and unavailable won't stop any diehard smoker. It'll just make smoking damned inconvenient. IT'S OBVIOUS that Faxon doesn't smoke. No smoker would impose such a mon- ster on anyone else similarly addicted. My hope is that smokers constitute the ma- jority of the Legislature. Then the bill as it stands won't have a chance. If by some fluke the bill passes, some- thing will have to be done. Maybe we'll have to set up a smuggling ring to im- port cheaper cigarettes from Toledo. And can you see the possibilities for a black market in the dorms, where students would have to walk miles to the nearest cigarette machine if they were prohibited on state property? Ann Arbor police would go wild. They might even forget about obscenity and pot. I I .a"...r ........... r.........r.v ................. r.Y:.4 r:'.Yf: 'YI:I.'Nf: 5"a r. ... :'.'~.SY: rr.SY::l: rnY:: 55'NJ:Yf:: YY" .rl "h'.Y' "."::r.(:"! ::'::i:,',, ........... .......r ...................rp..YY::: r:.Y:N.r: f....... s......... ,.. f "............. . ,n.. "...; ...,..."r Y:I.V":fN.V:f Y:Yri.......Y.f....Y.........A . . r......,............, ... ... . 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Ji.fJ. .avrn'."av."..', P:': WfrJt:"...,.."..".......":A{'i'%r............"i:':{r.{....r l":5.."tiln..".::n'J.fn' :.1'f"s..........."..i......r:rn.:r..5nr ..............................r......"...........................n...5... . J ... Lieut. Staudenmeier: Campus Watchdog By ROGER RAPOPORT IVE'RE NO VILLAINS; we're just thermometers for society," says Ann Arbor Police Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier. As head of the city's 10-man detective bureau Staudenmeier takes his job, of actively pursuing local panderers, pot and acid heads dead seriously. Last week, for example, he spent five hours overtime putting Cinema Guild's "Flaming Crea- tures" out of sight. "Today's university students are, tomorrow's leaders," says Stauden- meier. "I want to do what's nec- essary to protect them from porn- ography. Otherwise they'll come out of school with no backbone." THE LIEUTENANT has spent 18 years on the force here and is alarmed about the "increase of vice on campus." "I think the increasing use of drugs, and loose movies on cam- pus reflects a snowballing rebel- linn oan.inst authority. "I'd like to get some of the men and women on campus in a fight because I think the women will win." STAUDENMEIER is also wor- ried about the use of marijuana on campus. "Out of 100 people maybe 75 per cent will take it and forget about it. But the other 25 per cent goes to pieces. I've seen some wonderful kids really get screwed up with the stuff." However, he doesn't think LSD is an acute problem. "There is not as much LSD use as some people think. A lot of people are afraid to take it because they don't know what's been put in the cap- sule." HE SCOFFS at critics who con- tend that his continuing investi- gation into campus vice is un- warranted intrusion. "The police have the right to go anywhere. I'm a. taxpayer, and my money helps pay for the school. I think I should have a say in what's going on over ema Guild after he seized the film last Wednesday. But he is still actively reviewing films locally. "I went to cover the Vth Forum show, 'I, a Woman' Monday," says Staudenmeier. The film is still under investigation. Staudenmeier says he hasn't decided whether or not to take in Cinema Guild's second controversial experimental film showing tonight. "The problem with this stuff is that there aren't enough of us to go around. So we work over- time." Staudenmeier doesn't believe it's necessary to see a film in its en- tirety to decide if it's pornograph. ic. He halted "Flaming Creatures" after seven minutes. The lieutenant thinks a film can be pornographic even if it's only partially obscene. "Otherwise guys could get away with show- ing stag movies by just sticking a couple of Shirley Temple clips on the end." '4 4 LOCAL FILM CRITIC EUGENE STAUDENMEIER I J