i DISMISSAL OF KERR: GOOD RIDDANCE See editorial page Y SirC~ga &1133t MILD High-45 Low-34 Chance of showers; light winds Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Biochemistry, ocial Research: StartlingL EIGHT PAGES jason By DAVID KNOKE is connected with behavioral pat- pling techniques are used similar the latest equipment available for The study, carried on by Brooks, Smack in the middle of the terns leading to outstanding ac- to the interview-gathering type of fast analysis of serum samples. A Cobb, Stanislav Kasl and Winni- fourth floor of the Institute for complishments. survey. But the similarity ends "robot chemist" automatically de- fred Connelly, has been running Social Research is a pert, effi- The serum urate study used 113 there. termines the concentration of sub- for almost a year in Detroit auto cient biochemical laboratory, run University professors for subjects. The spreading inter-disciplinary stances such as blood.sugar, sends Iplants, with the help of the mostly by two people, George Brooks hypothesizes that uric influence that first brought bio- them through various tubes to United Auto Workers. Brooks and his assistant. Judy acid may act as a natural stimu- chemical studies into ISR five a colorimeter which graphs the A correlation of feeling, physio- Hrushka. Now what, you might late to the brain cortex and thus years ago are strongly represented levels of the separate component logic change and behavior has al- ask,. is a biochemical lab doing in be associated with achievement- by Brooks and Dr. Sydney Cobb, variables. What used to take a ;ready shown some startling results a place devoted to the study of oriented behavior. Investigations who maintain connections with day by hand is now done in an from the first returns. Reactions man in social situations? to test the hypothesis are now be- ' the Medical School, School of hour. among the men range from with- "Some of us are foolish enough ing carried out in rats by raising I Public Health, Mental Health Re-' Brooks has a-lso developed a drawal from social contact to flar- to believe that attitudes, emotions their serum urate acid levels.,search Institute and other depart- rotation method for agglutination ing tempers and wild rumors of and affects are as infectious, as Brooks' research has led to inter-|ments of the University. of red blood cells and other par- reprieve. viruses," explains Brooks. est in the relationship of choles-I In the two - refrigeration units, ticles which is much more effi- "It is easy to postulate that job Brooks should know what he is terol levels to feelings of being which Brooks refers to as "the liv- cient and more easily maintained changes p r o d u c e hypertension talking about. Last year his lab overburdened. than the old method of test tube harmul to men, but we need more in the Center for Survey Research "There would be 20 years work ing" and "the dead," are hundreds agglutination, proof as to what exactly happens." of the ISR was the source of some for a team in the area of choles- of frozen test tubes of blood and "Work-and-health study is fo- says Brooks. "Someday we may startling revelations about the terol and behavioral associations i urine samples from current and cusing on chronic illness, how it have an association with a nearby association of uric acid in serum alone," says Brooks. But the at- previous studies. These samples may develop and how' it may plant in which to do necessary which tends to produce gout, and tention of this efficient lab is are the raw data for a study now spread," says Brooks. "We are fol- long range studies of everybody high levels of drive, achievement concentrated elsewhere at the going on that will follow a group lowing men through a period of from executives to hourly workers. and leadership. moment. of workers who are about to lose turmoil until they are re-estab- Right now the study of the chem- As the headline-catching report Brooks' lab, which he personal- building, is an integral part of the lished in their new jobs. Nurses ical basis of social interaction is put it succinctly, "a tendency to ly designed for the year-old ISR their jobs due to plant close down go into the homes of the workers more devoted toward eduti gout is a tendency to the execu- Survey Research Center's Mental or automation. to gather biographic data and also for the public health than coming tive suite," and serum uric acid Health in Industry Program. Sam- The ISR lab contains some of' the fluid samples." up with some spectacular cure." ..- - y -.~ ..:r": {:f . ..f' YY.i:}. .. .. . .......... .'EE EiI ln:Inria m m -Daily-Andy Sacks MAPPING "CHEMISTRY OF SOCIAL RELATIONS," George Brooks (left) and Judy Hrushka go over data gathered in a study of job loss and body change. Communist Teacher Ban Overturned Supreme Court Says New York's Feinberg Law Unconstitutional By The Associated Press u 4r mir4igatt Bath NEWS WIRE J'' TO DISCOURAGE TEENAGE SMOKING State Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) says he will introduce legislation to raise the price of cigarettes to 50 cents a pack. WASHINGTON-The Supreme WASINTO-Te upem FauLn recently accusedi the state of inadequately enforcing Court yesterday declared uncon- laws prohibiting cigarette sales to minors. He said he would stitutional a New York Law which propose a bill which would increase the cigarette tax from seven makes Communist party member- cents to 24 cents, prohibit cigarette machines from state property, ship grounds for dismissal of state including state university campuses, and lower the minimum legal college and university teachers. age for sales to 18 to make enforcement easier. The 5-4 decision described the In addition, his proposal would withhold state aid from school state's scheme for barring sub- districts which do not provide the required "facts on tobacco" versives from the school system as instruction, appropriate $100,000 for a study of smoking among a highly efficient terror mechan- young people, and request a federal ban on cigarette ads on radio ism" and a menace to academic and television. freedom. Also declared unconstitutional - MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT John Han- was a 1917 New York law which made "the utterance of any treas- nah will meet with the Lansing Chamber of Commerce in an onable or seditious word or words attempt to improve courteous relation between citizens and for- or the doing of any treasonable or eign students at his school. seditious act" ground for dismissal In a recent incident, three Thai students were ordered to from the public school system. leave a Lansing store. No reason was given for the order. Justice William J. Brennan Jr.. wrote the controlling rule. Voting with him to form a majority were -Day-TomSheard Associate Justices Hugo L. Black,Cenad m SchOolsgSTUDENTS D William 0. Douglas and Abe For- ' " F g tS U E T [ Wilia D .DnoglastdiAbes Tom-The Union Activities Center's Ninth annual arts festival opened it tas. Dissenting were Justices Tom"works are offered for sale. At left is an untitled painting by Sybil C, Clark, John Mro Harlan, Potr., Fdn . o r c rice ro ra fpropriately titled "Mama Bear's Chair." Stewart and ByronRWht J I __ ___________ The New York provisions were O declared unconstitutional largely POLITICS ON CAMPUS- by being in violation of'freedom of By HELEN JOHNSON But he adds, "You really can't I do much with $400,000." association or freedom of belief Can a science student find d hymdon'tith small guaranteed by the first amend- happiness at a small liberal arts Why don't the small schools get ment to the U.S. Constitution. college where there is no linear the big money? Parts of the teacher-loyalty pro- accelerator, "released time" re- "hrarcncetWsr- gram, known as the Feinberg Law, search, or Nobel laureates.I grams to distribute science funds were struck down also as uncon- more evenly," notes A. Geoffrey stitutionally vague. Thetndwt h oso o omn University vice-president' Brennan said there can be no students and faculty, a number of for research. "But most of the: doubt New York has a legitimate Michigan's prestigious s m a 11 money doesn't descend like rain: interest in protecting its education shools are waging a vigorous bat- it goes where there is competence." o s e C a lif o r n system from subversion. But he tie to maintain scientific excel- Presently the University gets' said, quoting an earlier Supreme fence. While they do not have a'about 92 per cent of its research Court decision, "even though the $42 million a n n u a 1 research f u nud s from non - Univeristy By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN with the budget that has been' governmental purpose be legiti- budget, the small schools are still sources. However, an official of Executive Editor proposed. mate and substantial, that pur- pulling out all the stops to offer one small Michigan school, which special To The Daily "An attempt to impose tuition pose cannot be pursued by means first rank science programs. boasts "a science faculty as good Daily News Analysis would be irreparably damaging that broadly stifle fundamental They have successfully cultivat- as any," estimates his colleagues BERKELEY, Calif .-Gov. Ron- so I will no longer support personal liberties when the end ed foundation gifts-the Alfred P. similarly can count on only five ald Reagan may have blown his the proposal under any circum- can be more narrowly achieved." Sloan Foundation coughed up a per cent from the outside. political cool. stances." Free speech, guaranteed by the $7.5 million gift to 20 four-year And this fact take its toll on University of California Presi- Unruh's opposition to Reagan First Amendment to the U.S. liberal arts schools across the science education at private in- dent Clark Kerr, the roadblock in must be viewed from the perspec- Constitution, n e e d s breathing 'country for science education this stitutions. the way of Reagan's plan to cut tive that the House speaker has spae t suviv, Bennn sidmonth. gbraoilabtoso i space to survive, Brennan said, The small colleges are also us- "By choosing a liberal arts col- i back state support to the univer- gubernatorial ambitions of his and government may regulate in the hlp coperatie a n- lege, rather than a large univer- sity 30 per cent, is gone. own. Some faculty members at the area only with narrow spe i lager A sity," Dr. Vanderwerf speculates' But by sparking the firing of Berkeley believe hat Un has ficity , only withpnacing specmhai in regard to the science student, Kerr, Reagan has apparently an- u l boetRan iton "New York's complicated and " the r ing more ed hais "he delays his entry into his chos- tagonized California politicians uable i tck itiaeshm plilviltson their inherent advantage-in-. raising his own stock. tricate scheme plainly viola timate student-faculty contact for en field and damages its career into forming a tough new barri- For example they point to the that standard, Brennan said. the prospective scientist. irreparably." cade that may halt his plan to FortexampUnrthepointadodthe Speaking for the four dissen- i But he claims that the small charge 87,000 University of Cali- factftha ruh psa te ters, Clark said the majority "has Stys crA acde. school offers its science majors fornia students tuition. lion regntsit pss admes- by its broadside swept away one;H Says C. A. Vanderwerf, presi- several advantages that their Spearheading the opposition is Iltion to maintain present admis- of our' most precious rights, thei dent of Hope College in Holland, "harassed counterparts"' at large oefth sae'mstpwrulsions. policies w~hile personally ofoims pe"u igttethe nation's liberal arts colleges, aase outrar t ag one of the state's most powerful opposing a tuition increase. If right of self-preservation, h iosir t cle universities don't get: "the OP- political figures, Jesse Unruh, ----- a tuto in------ It is.as Clark said, a question of which for over a century have portunity for undergradaute stu- Democratic speaker of the Cali- whether the state should dis- served as the cradle of our nation's dent and professor to be partners rfornia Assembly. Unruh initially qualify a person who willfully ad- b an xersani n the high adventure of learn- had adopted a wait and. see atti-IF r tet vocates the overthrow of our gov-g'h pe ts is a orce o spl . hing;,_ 'a'more favorable position to tude toward co-operation with theFy ernment by force whether in opertalikeas ascientists inup teundertake deliberative, contempla- new governor. But with the firing print or speech to our children?n tive, long-range problems of great of Kerr, Unruh is now openly "My answer is in keeping with futurell meaning friends of the potential significance;" the oppor-,blasting the Reagan plan to hike rad u ate allMan dcase sup until today " ll aningy tunityfor research on the under- student fees and cut back state Clark said, "Yes!" liberal arts colleges patronizingly graduate level: and a balanced, I' aid. The court action was based on eclare that the small school may interrelated outlook. Equally important, top regents By MICHAEL DOVER an apeal 'by five faculty and staff--leaving the training of profes- The University conducts pro- like department store millionaire The University is initiating a members, past and present, of the sional scientists to the large uni- grams designed to help the small Edward Carter and oil man Edwin new program of resident graduate University of Buffalo which be- versiies-and content themselvesschools improve their teaching fa- Pauley, who sided with Reagan on advisors in campus fraternity Unierspart of the state univer- site contentimsl-scilities in this area. Both Univer- the firing of Kerr are firmly op- houses. caeapr ftesaeuie-with the education of scientifical-Ihos. sity system in 1962. They won ly literate laymen." sity and National Science Founda- posing the plan to charge tuition. The program, proposed by Doug reversal n faruling hv n npcina eui -- , -,, tion-sponsored summer sessions Still the Unruh-Reagan clash is Marsha1 .asistant to the Direc- -Daily-Tom Sheard )ISPLAY ART its student art display in the first floor lounge of the Union. Over 90 Schafer; the creation on the right is by an unknown artist, ap- ~err Battle, M-,ay v. ual orn1a Students Are Mobilizing Issue Statements To Protest Regents, Fight Reagan's Budget Cuts By The Associated Press BERKELEY-University of Cali- fornia students began to nobilize last night to fight Gov. Reagan's proposals for a state budget cut and condemn the' firing of Clark Kerr. The mood of-discontent was re- flected by the actions of student leaders who held meetings on all nine campuses yesterday. Buttons reading "Don't blame me, I voted for Brown" were in evidence. Students at Berkeley last night passed a five part resolution and called on the faculty to follow suit today. The resolution demands that the regents: -issue a statement that the regents affirm their confidence in the administration, the faculty, and students in 'olving problems peculiar to each campus; -enact future changes in ad- ministrative personnel only after consultation with representatives of the university; -support continued free higher education within the university; -maintain the present univer- sity budget 'at present levels if not higher; and -maintain present admissoas policies. In another unanimous action, the Berkeley students sent letters to regents who voted to fire Kerr condemning their actions as "pre- cipitous and irresponsible." The letters praised Kerr as one of the pation's "leading educators and claimed the resulting damage will take years to repair." To pro-Kerr regents, they sent "admiration for courageous and responsible attitude" and conclud- ed with the words "We trust your sanity has prevailed," A press conference was sched- uled for tomorrow in Los Angeles which will bring together the stu- dent leaders of all the campuses. Classroom boycotts or a one-day strike are planned for today in protest. Demonstrations yesterday were minor. The Berkeley Associated -Stu- dent Organization has, reserved the steps of Sproul Hall for a noon rally today and has called for an all-day "silent vigil" on be- half of Kerr. Meanwhile, the regents have al- ready begun a search for. Kerr's successor. 'They have named a screening committee, but no action s anticipated until their Feb. 16- 17 meeting in Santa Barbara, The committee will meet the Committee on Committees of the university Academic Council, The council is composed of professors from the faculty senate of the university's nine campuses, which have. a total-enrollment of 87,000 students. Between them the two groups must produce a list of possible presidents. A process of interviews 1 t' t r l i i i L i r Tuition War Reagan follows through with his budget cuts and there is no tuition charge or cut in admissions, the quality of instruction at the school will tumble because of the lack of adequate funds. On the other hand, if Reagan does not cut the budget his campaign promise to cut state spending drastically will be violated. The irony of this adamant re- sistance to Reagan's tuition pro- posal is that most state universi- ties accept as a matter of course that tuition will be charged stu- dents. As it is now students who ar'e state residents are charged no tuition but pay about $240 per academic year in incidental fees. Although Reagan initially talked about charging $400 tuition for students le is now hedging on that figure. Administration officials are still afraid that the $234 million allo- cated to the regents in his pro- posed budget includes $22 million from tuition and $20 million from special regents funds. This would mean that the "real" state allocation would amount to only $192' million. This year the university requested a "real" allo- cation of $278 million. Last year the system received $240 'million. Who ever wins the current bat- tle over educational policies, it is clear that the school is deeply embroiled , in state politics and that the autonomy of the univer- sity system will suffer irreparable damage. To Initiate Live-in Advisor Program house he feels is "socially and athletically oriented." The SAE house 'was suspendedl from the campus *intramural league last semester after mem- bers harassased a referee follow- ing defeat in a football champion- The fraternity sees the use of a .graduate advisor as an answer to this demand. Adds Marshall, "Housemothers are often socially and intellectually antiquated." Two other fraternities who have ch nw ,',fi'.in, th +e ', nr,'.m ova I