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Grid Reforms
The movie projector whirled.
On the screen a fullback took the
handoff and plowed into the line
only to be met by a vicioustackle.
The camera stopped and Dr.
Richard C. Schneider gravely
said, "This high school player
died instantaneously upon contact
with the tackler."
This was one scene from a movie
shown to the National Collegiate
Athletic Association rules com-
mittee last week in Phoenix, and
resulted in the passing of two reso-
lutions governing football stan-
Responsible for Changes
Schneider, a Michigan neuro-
surgeon, presented his film again
yesterday at a meeting of the
American College of Sports Medi-
cine. Although he feels that the
NCAA's decisions were a good
start, Schneider considers other
recommendations important, and
he advocates other rules, coaching
and equipment changes.
Schneider's study of 255 injured
football players, some fatally, was
introduced by means of slides
showing brain, neck, and spinal
injuries. The film itself showed
films of actual football game
plays resulting in injuries and
Stickblocking and Spearing
The first of Schneider's recom-
mendations was that certain
coaching techniques such as
"spearing" and "stickblocking"-
methods of using the head to block
the player- be abolished.
He claimed that since the head,
neck and spinal chord account
for 96 per cent of all football
fatalities, techniques such as these
are extremely dangerous even
though scientific and effective.
Schneider explained that using
the head as a battering ram could
cause internal hemorraging in the
brain while face mask tackling in-
volving twisting the neck would
more likely damage the spinal
chord. He acknowledged that "the
spinal chord is only as thick as
your little finger, and spinal in-
juries have no way of healing by
An early incident in the film
age of injuries is significantly re-
Other pernicious techniques il-
lustrated in the movie were
"clotheslining," karate-chopping a
player in the neck, roughing, and
face guard tackling.
One of ,the most controversial
recommendations made by Schnei-
der was his plan to improve equip-
ment. "Right now, a boy scout
is better equipped than most foot-
ball players," he claimed. Schnei-
pushed back, as it often is in face
mask violations.
He then showed a slide of a
Spalding leather head harness
used in 1903. "I don't advocate
going back to this," he quipped,
"but the plastic helmet is too
rigid. The worst brain injuries
are not fractures-they are in-
ternal, where the force is trans-
mited downward toward the brain
How Safe
Schneider acknowledged that
serious injury can usually be
avoided if the runner can see the
tackler. But he then demonstrated
how current equipment hampers
Diagrams showed how the cut
of the helmet and the face guard
limit peripheral vision. He added
that the face guard also prevents
a quarterback from spotting a
tackler when he comes in low.
The doctor then exhibited a slide
of the "safest" helmet yet design-
ed which featured a triple hori-
zontal bar and padding. Schneid-
er then proceeded to show how
this helmet was even more dan-
gerous because it created an even
more obstructed visual field.
He also emphasized that the
various defensive maneuvers such
as spearing would be impossible
without the elaborate protective
'Better Toothless'
Schneider felt the face guard
should either be drastically short-
ened or done away with alto-
gether. "I had four teeth knocked
out when I was in high school,"
he said. "Still, dental injuries are
much less serious than head in-
When asked whether the'equip-
ment companies were familiar
with his work, he replied with a
smile, "Yes, they've seen it and
said it was 'very interesting.'"
Kink Out of Kick
The third recommendation, en-
forcing rules and getting new
ones, was partially realized by the
two new NCAA resolutions, and by
the new punting rule, which states
that linemen must hold their po-
sitions until the ball is kicked.
"The old kicking procedures had
a drive-with-the-head tendency,
which the rule should drastically
reduce," Schneider' replied to a
question. Actually, he would have
favored the Canadian solution
where no man may be within five
yards of a punt receiver.
Blue Heron
A fourth advocation is the
more careful selection of players.
Someone has to decide that a boy
who isn't physically fit shouldn't
play football. As an example,
Schneider flashed on the screen a
6'3" beanpole, which he lovingly.
surnamed "the Great Blue Her-
on." The boy's scraggley neck was
immediately compared to that of
a pro with a 19-inch collar.
The last recommendation cov-
ered registry of football deaths
and injuries, which are inade-
quate, and more on-the-spot pre-
cautions for injuries. Right now
the only procedures on the field
are head massage, application of
an ice bag, and a whiff of spirits
of ammonia.. Schneider feels that
hospitals should be notified in ad-
vance if players are to be admit-
ted, citing a case in which a play-
er's life was saved by efficient
advanced preparation for him.
Schneider is anxious to mini-
mize the natural conflicts that
'arise with coaches and methods:
"I enjoy watching football, and
try to see as much sports as I have
time for." He has been active in
this kind of research for eight
hi ___________________________________________________________________________ _____ Ih
Risky business for heads-up gridders.
showed a player stickblocking the
ball carrier, then dropping to the
ground unconscious.
Schneider blames the coaches
for teaching these techniques and
advises a return to shoulder tack-
ling. "I have to wear a bullet-
proof vest when I tell it to
coaches,"' he commented, "but it's
true that spearing or stick-block-
ing is more frequently taught the
farther West you go."
He added that in New York and
Pennsylvania coaches do not teach
these techniques and the percent-
der believes that the major prob-
lem is with the helmet and face
He pointed to his statistics
which show that sand lot players--
the largest group and the only one
using no equipment at all-had
by far the smallest percentage of
injuries. Over 88 per cent of those
injured were "well-protected" with
Schneider showed a slide with
three Wolverine football helmets
which had been cracked during a
game, and explained that the
helmet acts as a fulcrum causing
neck injurw when the head isj
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Wolverine Icers Stun
Matmen Smother OSU
Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-Michigan's wres-
tlers rolled to their third and
fourth dual meet victories without
a loss yesterday afternoon as they
overturned Ohio State, 27-6, and
Iowa, 20-8.
The grapplers combined three
pins with four decisions in besting
the Buckeyes, who competed with-
out their star 167-pounder, Dave
Reinbolt. The defending NCAA
champion was injured in Ohio
State's loss to Michigan State last
Bob Fehrs, Jim Kamman, and
Dave Porter collected the pins for
the Wolverines. Heavyweight Por-
ter's victim, Paul Hudson, a full-
back on the Buckeye grid squad,
lasted less than three minutes,
while 160-pound Kamman dis-
posed of his opponent even be-
fore the two-minute first period
had elapsed.
123: bs.-Fehrs (M) pinned Hus-
sey, 3:06.
130 lbs.-Young (0) dec. Hensen,
137 lbs.-Weeks (M) dec. Gerbock,
145 lbs.-Merical (M) dec. Lambi-
lotte, 5-0.
152 lbs.-Stehman (M) dec. Burt,
160 lbs. - Kamman (M) pinned
Kauder, 1:43.
167 lbs.-Waterman (M) dec. Moore
177 lbs.-Cummings (0) dec. Cor-
neil, 5-1.
Hvy.-Porter (M) pinned Hudson,
123 lbs.-Fehrs (M), Pastorina (I),
draw, 2-2.
130 lbs.-Henson (M) dec. Mach-
acek. 8-3.
137 lbs.-Duss (I) dec. Weeks, 9-4.
145 lbs.-Wells (I) dec. Merical,
152 lbs.-Stehman (M) dec. Hen-
ning, 4-2.
160 lbs. - Kamman (M) dec. Sill,
167 lbs. - Waterman (M) dec.
Wegner, 5-3.
177 lbs. - Cornell (M)S dec. Verlyn
Strellner, 3-1.
Hvy.-Porter (M) dec. Stearns, 2-0.
Michigan never trailed in the
match after Fehrs, at 123-pounds,
notched his victory. Roger Young
of Ohio State quickly decisioned
the Wolverines's Geoff Henson for
the second time this year, but
Gordon Weeks and Burt Merical
copped the next two matches for
Michigan to put the contest on
ice. In the process Merical gained
his eighth straight victory of the
Iowa unexpectedly turned out
to be a greater challenge for the
Wolverines than Ohio State. At-
tacking the Hawkeyes immediately
after the conclusion of their matchz
with the Bucks, the grapplers
failed to convert a pin against
their second opponent.
Fehrs began the match omin-
ously by drawing with Tom Pas-
torino 2-2. The undefeated Big
Ten champ was actually trailing
his corn-country compattant 2-1
Texas Western 72, Weber State 38
Clemson 70, Virginia Tech 68
Kentucky 60, Auburn 58
Bowling Green 7, W. Michigan 62
Kansas State 75, Oklahoma State 50
Cornell 74, Columbia 40
Penn State 102, West virginia 99
Western Kentucky 95, LaSalle 86
Georgia Tech 79, Georgia 53
Miami (O) 77, Kent State 47
Tennessee 56, Florida 42
Marshall 97, Chicago Loyola 81
Kansas 73, Iowa State 65
St. Johns (NY) 95, Pitt 66
Notre Dame 87, Detroit 71
Toledo 72, Villanova 65 (ovt)
Southern Illinois 77, Wichita 55
Michigan State 3, Michigan Tech 3
AFL All-Star Game
East 30, West 23
Boston 6, New York 2
Detroit 5, Toronto 4
Montreal 3, Chicago 3 (tie)
Cincinnati 122, Detroit 108
Baltimore 126, Los Angeles 119
New York 124, St. Louis 114
entering the third period, but
managed to gain'a point for riding
time to salvage a draw.
Henson gained his first victory
of the day on an 8-3 decision, but
Hawkeye Doug Duss tied the
match by outpointing Gordon
Weeks, 9-4, and Joe Wells handed
Merical his first setback of the
season, 7-5.
Michigan gained five successive"
decisions, however, to pull out the
Michigan assistant wrestling
coach Rick Bay, however, was
somewhat disappointed by his
squad's showing. "We were no-
where as good today as we were
last week against Northwestern,"
Bay lamented.
"The team just seemed to lack
enthusiasm. We didn't seem to
be up at all. We were good enough
to win and that's about it, I'm
afraid we have lots of work to do."
NU Outlasts
Iowa, 90-88
By The Associated Press
EVANSTON -- Substitute Dan
Davis, taking a pass from Ron
Kozlicki, drilled in a last-second
basket yesterday. to give North-
western a 90-88 basketball victory
over Iowa and the Big Ten lead.
Davis' shot ended a tense game
in which the lead changed 20
times and the score was tied 14
Iowa, now 1-2, was led by junior
college transfer ace Sam Williams
who totaled 39 points, 19 in the
last half, before fouling out with
18 seconds to play.
* * *
COLUMBUS - Minnesota ended
a jinx yesterday as the Gophers
trimmed. Ohio State 67-60 for
their first Big Ten basketball vic-
tory. It extended the Buckeyes'
losing streak to three games.
Ohio State was on top 35-25 at
halftime, but the Gophers caught
up and pulled away from a 56-56
tie on two field goals by Leroy
Gardner and two free throws by
Rich Miller.
'M' Cops Finale,
Sweeps Colorado
Special To The Daily
gan hockey squad raced to its fifth
straight victory as it dumped the
Colorado College Tigers, 5-3 last
night and swept the two game set.
The win, the Wolverines 15th of
the year and seventh in the con-
ference, assured them of their
top spot in the WCHA ahead of
runner-up North Dakota.
TheTigers sliped to 4-4 in the
conference and ran their season
mark to 11-4. Lee Marttila: had
four assists while brother Yike
and Ron Ullyot tallied twice.
Friday night the Wolverine icers
shook off a shaky start and went
on to upend the Tigers 3-0.
The shaky start was encounter-
ed not on the ice but on the land-
ing of the team plane in Denver.
As one member of the team's en-
tourage put it: "It was a rough
flight all the way down but on
our approach to the Denv6* air-
port the pilot brought us in a little
short and we bounced twice before
hitting the runway. It gave us
all an anxious moment."
Apparently it put sophomore
netminder Jim Keough in the
right frame of mind because a
few hours later he set down Colo-
rado without a goal, turning away
27 shots.. It was Keough's second
shutuot, his first in league com-
Dean Lucier, hard-skating Wol-
verine center, got Michigan away
fast in the first period when he
netted the first goal of the game
with an assist from Lord. The
senior from Detroit teamed up
with Doug Galbraith in the second
period, to help Bob Baird net the
second Wolverine goal.
Later in the same period, Lee
Marttila provided Michigan with
its three-point cushion, scoring
from Ron Ullyot
The well-played game was some-
what hampered by 42 minutes in
penalties. The Wolverines were
whistled down eight times but
spent 32 minutes in the penalty
box as two 10-minute misconducts
were called.
Baird was waved off for ten
minutes in the first period for
arguing too vociferously, and cap-
tain Mike Marttila sat out the
same length of time in the third
stanza for shooting the puck after
the referee's whistle.
Tigers, 5-3
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