SUNDAY,, JANUARY 22, _1967 rV TN T7 M'r AN Tw T h S T SiTl ixClHIiAN DAILY PAGE THREI3 B Antimissile System:A n Expensive Question Mark i WASHINGTON (VP) -.. The next few days will produce some very firm signs on whether the United States moves its antiballistic mis- sile system from the testing grounds to the firing line. President Johnson already has indicated he will withhold an or- der to produce and deploy missile killers pending diplomatic con- tacts seeking a gentleman's agree- ment with the Soviet Union on limitations. The Soviets are erecting at least a limited antimissile system And the Johnson administration is say- ing "if you will stop deploying yours, we won't deploy ours-and both of us will save a lot of mon- ey." But the course that the admin- istration takes while awaiting Russia's answer is not readily jpp- parent. Congress may get impa- tient about a possible "antimissile gap." A key to the answer will come Tuesday when the closely guarded defense budget is unveiled. P e n t a g o n officials, claiming they are as much in the dark as anyone, are watching to see whe- ther the budget contains money to buy certain items for antimissile system called Nike-X. There isn't a great deal of op- timism that the funds will be there' in view of Johnson's State of the Unidn remarks which emphasized a "common interest" between the United States and Russia in the area of arms control and disarma- ment. Johnson said a costly arms race would improve the security of neither country. Nevertheless, some officers think the administration might propose spending a few hundred million dollars to begin manufacturing4 missile hardware which might1 take many months to This would be a hedge against a Russifian refusal to stop deploy-1 ing antimissiles, as well as a pos-2 sible lever to encourage the So- viets to call off the rivalry. E Further light on the administra-1 tration's plotted course may comel after Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara appears Monday be- fore the Senate Armed Services r Committee in a closed session. McNamara's annual defense posture statement is expected to be released in censored form by the committee in the middle of the week. The report will deal consider- ably with strategic warfare and the international balance of pow- er. "The department has no reason to believe that the Soviets are not seriously considering the Presi- dent's expressed interest in halt- ing an antiballistic missile arms race," the department said. The new U.S. ambassador to Russia, Llewellyn E. Thompson, is in Moscow to present a message to- day from Johnson to the Soviet A possible clue to Russia's atti- leaders. tude on the question may have Johnson has promised Congress been shown Friday. it will be kept posted on the pro- The State Department reported gress of the antiballistic missile at that time that Secretary Dean talks, and thus far Congress as a Rusk and Deputy Under-secretary whole has seemed to take a wait- Foy D. Kohler discussed antimis- and-see attitude. siles with Russian Ambassador Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- Anatoly F. Dobrynin here this Wash., however, has called for ap- month. propriations to begin a limited I $5-billion antimissile defense if the Russians don't come around. This figure is in the lower end of a system's cost range, which 'reaches as high as $40 billion. The more costly configuration of an antimissile defense would include a nationwide fallout shelter pro- gram-something Congress has consistently opposed. One of Jackson's colleagues on the Armed Services Committee, Sen. John Stennis, (D-Miss.), has supported heavy spending in re- cent years for research and devel- opment on the antiballistic missile. To date the United States has spent or obligated $2.4 billion de- veloping and testing the missiles and radars which make up the Nike-X system, which is ready to' go into production. Other antimissile proponents want a "thin" system, an area de- fense which would depend on per- haps a dozen long-range missile batteries emplaced along the U.S.- Canadian boundary to intercept oncoming warheads outside the atmosphere. Defense officials have referred to this thin defense as a basic de- velopment which might cost as lit- tle as $2 billion to $3 billion. It, would handle small numbers of enemy missiles launched by acci- dent or sent to probe U.S. reac- tions.y With no antimissile defense now,, the United States would suffer an l estimated 130 million casualties in an all-out attack by Russia. The Pentagon guesses that cas- ualties might be reduced to 45 million to 80 million with deploy- ment of the area defense-with its long-range interceptors, superfast, short-range missilesrdesigned to knock down any warheads which evaded the first line of defense, plus fallout shelters. The cost: $30 billion to $40 billion. McNamara has remained skepti- cal that the antiballistic missile is the best answer to containing the enemy. Unlike the Joint Chiefs of Staff who favor both offensive and defensive forces, including ABM, McNamara would prefer to bank solely on offensive missiles. an-rdrswicak ph Southeast China In Grips WITH SMALL REVISIONS: GOP Legislators Likely To Accept 'Great Siciety' Plans Of A- aoist Revolution Bloodyf Riots In Cities, Countryside Lin Piao Denounced, Purge Extended To High-Ranking Officers HONG KONG 'tP) - Provincial radio broadcasts and Chinese travellers told Saturday of bloody clashes in southeast Red China. and indicated the entire quarter of the country is embroiled in fer- ment against Mao Tse-tung. Some accounts said Mao's pic- ture was being torn down and de- faced with obscenities. Japanese correspondents report- ed from Peking, however, that Mao's drive to bring down Presi- dent Liu Shao-chi in the power struggle still was rolling along. The accounts pieced together in Hong Kong indicated the south- east disorders also were aimed at Mao's closest. comrade, Defense Minister Lin Piao. Lin, himself, was quoted earlier in a Japanese dispatch from Pe- king as saying "the entire country is now in a state of civil war." Other Japanese accounts from the Chinese capital said high- ranking navy and air force officers were being denounced as plotters. It was believed to be the first time Mao's purge has reached high-ranking air force and naval officers. The accounts in Hong Kong, which could not be confirmed, said: -Opposition to Mao and Lin has spread to rural areas after bloody street battles between workers and Mao's Red Guards. Ferment against Mao and Lin was reported in the Pacific seaboard provinces of Cheking, Fukein and Kwangtung and their inland neighbors of Kiangsi and eastern Kwangsi. -Chinese travellers report pro- vincial officials have formed "new Red Guard units" to oppose Mao. They also report some army units are refusing to support Mao's Red Guards and some troops in the Nanchang and Canton areas are actively supporting pro-Liu forces. --Provincial radio stations still in the hands of Maoists ,warn of growing "white terrorism" by "re- actionary and revisionist enemies" of Mao and imply provincial party) -Associated Press LUXURY OCVEAN LINER RUNS AGROUND1 Five tugs tried without succes to free the ship Atlantic with some 300 aboard. The ship ran aground Friday on a sand bar offshore from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. soon after she left port bound for San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. AERIAL EVIDENCE: Photos Corroborate Reports Of Civilian Damage in1North Fuibright Gives Policy Alternatives New Book Criticizes U.S. Handling of War, Anti-China Strategy WASHINGTON (tP)-Sen. J. W. Fulbright-detailing an "alterna- tive to Vietnam" - proposes an eight-point plan for ending the war and shaping a general accom- modation with Red China to neu- tralize Southeast Asia. Fulbright, sometimes chided for criticizing administration policy without offering alternatives, pre- sents his alternatives-and some barbs for President Johnson-in a book titled "The Arrogance of Power'. It is an amplification of Ful- bright's lectures at the Johns Hop- kins School of Advanced Interna- tional Studies. Recognize Viet Cong As a first step, the chairman of, the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee urges that the United States prod Saigon into seeking negotiations with the Viet Cong. The administration, he writes, should encourage Viet Cong inde- pendence from North Vietnam. It should also aim for conferences to plan for self-determination in South Vietnam, a referendum on reunification of North and South,! and eventual neutralization of the1 entire region.; U.S.-China Rapproachement Fulbright expresses belief that any peace-even one forged by "total American military victory" in Vietnam-would be in constant jeopardy until a U.S.-Red China1 power struggle is resolved. . "Unless we are prepared to fight a general war to eliminate the ef-t fects of Chinese power in all of Southeast Asia we have no alter- native but to seek a general ac- commodation," Fulbright asys. t To accomplish this, he proposest "the neutralization of the entiret region as between China and the1 United States." Enclave Strategy If no agreement for ending thef Vietnam war can be reached, Ful- bright says the United States should consolidate its forces inX strongly fortified areas - the en- clave plan propounded by retired 0 By CARL P. LEUBSDORF Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON-Some of their rhetoric notwithstanding, Repub- lican congressional leaders appeai to have accepted substantial por- tions of President Johnson's "Great Society" program and de- cided to concentrate on seeking piecemeal revision rather than wholesale reversals. Rep. Gerald R. Ford's discus- sion of domestic matters in the GOP's State of the Union apprais- al last week used such phrases as the need for "a new direction for America" and "a program of sen- sible solutions for the 70s" and said administration programs "re- vived tired theories of the 30s." But the House GOP leader from Michigan tacitly conceded two po- litical realities-the Republicans still are a minority in Congress, and it is very difficult to repeal any welfare-type legislation once it is written into law. 'Ford did this by making clear that his party has no intention of trying to abolish such Johnson- sponsored legislative programs as federal aid to education, medicare and the antipoverty program. On education, for example, Ford talked about "substantial revision" and said the GOP might seek to substitute "bloc education grants without federal earmarking or controls." But the program calls for bloc grants to the states. It does per- mit the Office of Education to withhold funds where school dis- tricts refuse to guarantee nondis- criminatory practices. Similarly, on the antipoverty program, Ford stressed revision rather than repeal. After taking a crack at "the poverty of realistic ideas among poverty war generals -and sergeants," Ford called for "total revamiping and redirection of the poverty war." But Johnson, in his State of the PRIVATE ENTERPRISE: Florida's 'War on Crime Meets Stiff Opposition Union message, said he wc .T propose "certain administrativ, changes suggested by the Con- gres as well as some that we have learned from our own trial- and error." Johnson proposed strennthenin- the Head Start program "by fol- lowing through in the early years of school." Ford said: "As Repub- licans have urged for two years, Head Start requires follow-through in the early grades." Both Johnson and Ford, as well as virtually all members of Con- gress, supported increased Social Security payments, Where they differ Jis in degree, and perhaps on methods of financing. Johnson would raise benefits by an average of 20 per cent, which would require an increase in So- cial Security taxes. Ford wants to hike benefits 8 per cent and says "these increased benefits can be achieved without any tax in- crease." Taxes is one subject where Johnson and Ford do not agree. Ford made it clear that as far as he is concerned he is opposed to Johnson's proposal for a 6 per cent surtax to hold down the defi- cit in light of Vietnam war costs. But other Republicans are stay- ing flexible on the issue and even- tually may go along with some of the President's proposals, Last week Ford also called for increased veteran's benefits and commissions to study city prob- lems, federal government structure and the nation's defense posture. The Ford program summarizes many Republican proposals made over the last year. Republican Senate Leader Ever- ett M. Dirksen, giving the party position on foreign policy, also re- affirmed support for the admin- istration, approving the present v nd in Vietnam. WASHINGTON (P)--Intelligence sources said yesterday aerial pho- tographs show considerable dam- age to civilian structures as well as to military targets in some places in North Vietnam. President Johnson's oft-stated policy is to limit U.S. air strikes to military targets used by North Vietnamese in its drive against South Vietnam.C The administration also ac- knowledges however, that some civilians may be hit by accident or because they are in thevicinity of military targets. Three Americans recently in Hanoi-Harrison E. Salisbury of the New York Times, William C. Baggs of the Miami, Fla., News and Harry S. Ashmore, a former Arkansas Gazette editor-spoke of civilian damage they saw there. They have talked with U.S. offi- cials here - during the past few days. The U.S. sources suggested that in addition to damage in the Hanoi area that may have been caused by the Reds' own anti- aircraft and surface-to-air-mis- siles, some may have resulted from accidental bombing. - On one occasion last month U.S. raiders were said to have jettison- ed 23 bombs after they sited enemy MIG jets. The U.S. planes were armed with 750-pound bombs. One examination of photos of the Yen Vien railroad yard, an announced military target about five miles from the center of Hanoi, is said to have shown three MIAMI, Fla. (MP)-Florida's new Republican governor, Claude R. Kirk Jr., has hired an organiza- tion of private detectives to try to stop crime in the state. He has, however, run into a wall of opposition. The state's attorney general said he was worried about the legality of it. Some police chiefs said they wouldn't cooperate. And one state senator said the whole thing "smacks of Gestapo, police- state tactics." Kirk, Florida's first Republican governor in 94 years, is not dis- mayed by the controversy. "Ours will be an effective, pro- fessional, and responsible cam- paign-a campaign in which we will push the criminal element not only from Florida but beyond na- tional boundaries," Kirk said. Privately Funded In his inauguration speech Jan. 3, he announced that he had hired the Wackenhut Corp., the nation's third largest private investigating force to run the war on crime. It's expenses will be paid by pri- vate donations. Wackenhut employes will be of- ficial members of the governor's staff, able to look into any suspect problem in the state. But they will not have power to make arrests or file charges. "We will have no police func- tion, unless you want to call in- vestigation a police function, said George R. Wackenhut, a former FBI agent who built his agency from scratch since 1954. Private citizens also have been invited to join the war on crime. A post office box was opened in Coral Gables for tips.; 'Delicate Responsibility' State Atty. Gen. Earl Faircloth, a Democrat, told a news confer- ence three days after Wackenhut was named to head the crime war:1 "I don't think the people are ready to go back to the days of SVOTS dXin OVietnm GOP Committee Tally Favors Nixon over Romney the vigilantes or ,bounty hunters, and I am not suggesting that is what this is. "The exercise of police power is a delicate and sensitive responsi- bility and should be conducted by the officials of this state. The legislature should examine it very closely," Faircloth added. There also were complaints about the secrecy surrounding the names of the people who would support the private detective force. Kirk has since said the names of the donors would be made public. world News Roundup By The Associated Press ROYAL OAK-Because of what he termed "recent indications" officials are supporting the ter- Democratic State Chairman Zol- rorism. ton Ferency has reconsidered his Reports of support for Liu by provincial officials do not sur- prise most China experts in #ong Kong-Liu appointed most of the southern provincial leaders in the years before Mao and Lin ganged up on him. Perhaps most significant and indicative 'of the way public opin- ion is running in southeastern China are the reports of defacing and scrawling obscenities on por- traits of Mao. This would have been almost unthinkable in China a few months ago and even now many observers in Hong Kong find it hard to believe. But the number of the reports and the way they fit together would indicate some truth. decision not to seek re-election, Sen. Sander Levin has taken him-' self out the running for the post. The Berkley Democrat yester- day quoted Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh as saying Ferency has consented to a "draft Ferency" movement at the Democrats' state convention in Grand Rapids next month. ST. LOUIS-The St. Louis Uni- versity presidentdsaid yesterdaya that laymen would be given con-f trol of the Roman Catholic school's board of trustees. The Very Rev. Paul C. Reinert, president of the university oper- ated by the Society of Jesus, said 19 laymen of various faiths plus 10 Jesuit priests would compose the policy making board under the reorganization p la n effective June 1. * * * SYDNEY, Australia - Premier Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam spent a relaxing day in Sydney yesterday. The Vietnamese leader, touring Australia to thank its people for supporting his country's war ef- fort, took a harbor cruise before going to an official dinner yes- terday evening. Two nearby boats carried pro- test slogans as the Ky's passed by. Also a surfer with antiwar posters was dragged from the water by police. f craters within the yard and 40 Gen. James Gavin - and "keep outside. About 59 civilian structures ap- peared to be destroyed. Nam Dinh, 'another North Viet- namese city where the visiting Americans reported sizable civil- ian damage, is a transportation center with a railroad, a highway and river shipping. Targets there rated by U.S. strategists as militarily important include oil storage facilities, a rail yard, and a power plant which is close to textile mills and their workers' homes. U.S. planes have struck there more than 60 times. them there indefinitely." This move, he says, would rec- ognize two "fundamental reali- ties: " -that the United States, with a principal responsibility for world stability, "cannot accept defeat or disorderly withdrawal from Viet- nam." -that a complete military vic- tory can be accomplished "only by sacrifices disproportionate to American security interests" and by increasing the suffering of Vi- etnamese civilians and the danger of war with China. 1 t i 1 t E 1 1 I NEW ORLEANS, La. WP)-Forma er Vice President Richard M. Nix- on is favored over Gov. George Romney of Michigan among Re- publican leaders willing to take a stand on their party's 1968 pre- sidential nomination. But an Associated Press canvass of National Committee members and state chairmen beginning meetings here disclosed a wide- ,spread "let's wait and see" atti- tude pointing at this time toward a wide open nominating conven- tion next year. Southerners Like Nixon When the GOP leaders were ask- ed to pick their first three choices for the nomination, Nixon came up with 27 firsts to Romney's 19. But 36 committeemen and chair- men declined to make any choice at this point. Most of them said it's too early to. take a position. In the canvass of chairmen and committee members, Nixon turned up with strong support from sou- thern states, where Romney was weak. Sen. Charles H. Percy of Illi-; nois led with three first-place choices among. seven others cited for the top place on the ticket. Gov. Ronald Reagan of California and Sen. Jacob K. Javits of New York, a potential vice-presidential candidate, got two votes each. Campaign Discussed State chairmen caucused Satur- day to go over plans for next year's campaign. The National Committee's executive and finance committees meet Sunday, prelimi- nary to two days of sessions of the full committee beginning Mon- day. The big question before the group will be that of convention procedure reform along the lines suggested by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who said last year the conventions "now resemble a rioting mob of juve- nile delinquents.' National Chairman Ray C. Bliss, who arrived with predictions that a Republican will beat President Johnson next year if the party maintains unity and works hard enough, said he intends to appoint a convention site' committee. I TONIGHT HILLEL Grad. Student Council ivnL'