OBSCENITY LAWS SHOULD BE REPEALED See editorial page Y Lilt 74taiI PARTLY CLOUDY High-47 Low-42 Continued mild, no rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES "Dismay and nger" Follow Ierr Dismissal By STEVE WILDSTROM Shock waves continued to re- sound across the country yesterday in response to the summary dis- missal Friday of Clark Kerr as president of the University of Cali- fornia.. Kerr's job was immediately terminated by a 14-8 vote of the board of regents of the 87,000- student school. The firing was the culmination of a dispute between Kerr and Gov. Ronald Reagan over budget matters and the uni- versity's long-standing free tui- tion policy, which Reagan wanted to abolish. Although Reagan claimed he was not present at the meeting when the vote was taken, several regents including Theodore Mey- er, chairman of the board, said that Reagan was there and voted to dismiss Kerr. Departments To Advise on Pre-Maj ors Most educators and administra- tors expressed shock and dismay in the wake of Kerr's dismissal. University P r e s i d e n t Harlan Hatcher said, "I feel deeply dis- turbed. The circumstances sur- rounding Kerr's dismissal were tragic and a serious blow to the Univeristy of California." Prof. Owen Chamberlain, Nobel laureate in physics and chairman of an emergency faculty meeting held Friday in Berkeley, said, "There is a great deal of dis- couragement and anger at the ac- tion of the board among the fac- ulty. First, the faculty supported Kerr. Second, there is a feeling' that if there was to be a change in the presidency, it should not be done in a precipitous manner and in such a way as to suggest that there is a close involvement with state politics." He continued, "I have no infor- for the job and the regents' action since Reagan took office. him a vote of confidence or re- tion yet of who may be selectedI mation on resignations at the was without any justification." Controversy surrounds the ac- lease him from the office of presi- by the regents to replace Kerr., present time but I think the fac- Feuer said he thought that the tual circumstances under which dent. He stated he never would John Summerskill, president ofI ulty is worried that some members entire faculty of the university Kerr was fired from the $45,080- resign." Mrs. Hearst also said that San Francisco State College com-I will start voting with their feet." should submit their resignations a-year post. Kerr and his sup- Kerr was fired because of "lack mented. "oy, are they going to' A faculty member at the Davis if the dismissal is enforced. porters claim that the president of administrative ability." Prof. have a hard time filling that job,I campus of the university said, "I Feuer wrote an article. "The was ousted for purely political Phillip Selznik of the sociology de- especially in this political climate." don't know about your faculty, New Tyrants of Berkeley," for the considerations, partment at Berkeley called Mrs. Both students and faculty at thel but the faculty around here us- Atlantic last fall in which he Opponents of the president, Hearst's comment "silly," university have demanded a role ually sits back on their tenure sharply criticized leaders of the however, say that Kerr demanded Reagan had hinted during his in the selection of the new presi- and does not get aroused over Berkeley Free Speech Movement. a vote of confidence from the re- gubernatorial campaign that if dent. anything, but since the dismissal He said yesterday, "The students gents at the Friday meeting. The elected he would seek the removal S they've been angered and aroused. in the movement will have to do meeting was originally billed as a of Kerr as president and promised Speculation was rampant on the We all fear the loss of key faculty a lot of rethinking" on their at- showdown between Reagan and to "clean up the mess at Berke- future of the university system's members." titudes towards Kerr. "Kerr went State Assembly Speaker Jesse ley." Reagan openly charged dur- chancellory and faculty members.i Faculty recruiters for the Uni- down on the tuition issue, an issue Unruh over financial matters. ing the campaign that students In a telephone interview, Feueri versity are active in the Berkeley that was in the interest of the Kerr said that he was not aware were campaigning for ex-Gov. Ed- suggested that the entire facultyc area, an administration source in- students," Feuer added. that his status was to be discussed mund Brown on university. cam- and the chancellors should resignE dicated yesterday. Prof. Chamberlain said, "In at the meeting until Friday mor- poses their posts in protest over the dis-' Prof. Louis Feuer. formerly of view of the timing of the dis- nin. Imissal. Berkeley and now at the Univer- missal, I feel this is a failure of Mrs. Randolph Hearst. a regent, implications er i None of the chancellors could be sity of Toronto, said that the fir- the board of regents to insulate said "Kerr delivered a second mreached for comment. Roger W.j ing was a "terrible, unfair thing. the university from state politics." ultimatum to the regents to the I will be at the University and at Heyns, chancellor of the .Berkeleyz Kerr was the best man in America The January meeting was the first effect that they must either give .other schools. There is no indica- I and former vice-president for aca- i NEWS WIRE Selected Students To Sign Elections Cards for Two Ternis By SUE REDFERN A series of 29 pre-concentration meetings designed to help^ sopho- mores decide upon a field of specialization has been scheduled for Jan. 23 through Feb. 2 by the Junior-Senior Counseling Office of the literary college. The sessions, scheduled to pre- 4 cede advanced classification which begins Feb. 6, will offer second- semester sophomores' opportunity! to meet with department repre- sentatives in 29 fields of concen- tration. MICHI unlikely to vote Demo attempt to and Conno provision fi ANAE ment of r slowed du applicants. recruitmen induction service, AN E the Holy C morrow to istrauinn of IGAN STATE UNIVERSITY'S Board of Trustees is have a chairman in the near future. Despite a one- ocratic majority, the board recently split 4-4 in an o choose between Democrats Don Stevens of Okemos or Smith of Pinconning. The board's bylaws make no or a tie vote. RMY OFFICIAL in Chicago said recently that enlist- ecruits asking specific program assignments will be ring the last days of the month due to a flood of Col. Peter Bermingham, commander of the 5th Army it program added that the slowdown will not affect the of general enlistees, especially men with no prior * * * XTRAORDINARY PROVINCIAL chapter meeting of Zross fathers who operate Notre Dame will be held to- study giving laymen stronger influence in the admin- f the Roman Catholic school. Dame president Theodore H. Hesburgh said in a letter students, and others connected with the university lt reorganization is "an inevitable development." The is currently directed by a six-member clerical board, [vised by a 30-member lay board. ASED UNIONIZATION OF TEACHERS and other personnel and a rise in collective bargaining in govern- cies will be new problems in the study of industrial according to George S. Odiorne, director of the Bureau ial Relations. Le said recently that university and hospital admin- ill need information on how the Fair Labor Standards pply to them when it becomes effective month. ureau has slated a ,series of intensive briefings on lems for concerned local administrators. -Daily-Rony Holcomb JAZZ FOR THE CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL The Andrew Hill Jazz Quartet gathered from bases in New York -and Detroit for their campus appearance last night. (See Review P. 2.) FIRST IN NATION: oCUtilizes InterDepartmenta Cooperation I e At each meeting, the faculty i l representative will discuss his de- partment's concentration program, to alumni, outline the specific requirements that he fe for graduation and the options university available to students and answer which is ad questions. "Students may attend as many INCRE of these meetings as they wish," I UNivE said lames W. Shaw, chairman of University faculty counselors for juniors and ment agen seniors, "but they are strongly relations, a urged to attend at least one since of IndustriF the meetings represent the best Odiorn means of acquiring the informa- istrators w tioressential to planning a con-, Act will L centration program."Acwila Poor Response The B Programs of this nature have these prob been conducted every winter for "about the last fiveryears," Shaw said. In the past, he continued, many students have failed to take advantage of the program. How- ever, he said publicity for the meetings is more extensive this year than before, and he hoped cutler that this will result in greatly in- creased participation. A letter which explains in detail By N the purposes of the program and Richard which includes a schedule of all hulking m pre-concentration meetings is be- and a sho ing sent to every second-semester the thick sophomore in the literary college. tackle fift Any student who finds that no last game. meeting has been scheduled for Talking his field of interest may make an nately sm appointment with a counselor in two differ ' that field in 1223 Angell Hall. ting on hi The letter also contains infor- dent for s mation concerning an optional a friendly. counseling program. Under the But bene terms of this program, selected aind tired students may sign their own elec- hedgin tion cards for two of their last fensiveness four semesters in the literary jl to be the college. This has 'Card-Signing Routine' ally good Shaw said that the optional tThe ex- counseling program was designed took the bi "in an effort to dispense with the Ui some of the more routine aspects . with a H of academic counseling." Too for the n often, he explained, academic dent left- counseling is merely a "card-sign- He furt ing routine" which has little aca- dence ofx demic value. He hopes that by body whe eliminating the more mechanical (they say aspects, the counseling session will ban on s provide a more meaningful dis- told SGC cussion session between counselor that ther and student. new rule. By mic Early Program Required being ope Any sophomore interested in dent lead this option must submit a' tenta- of the mo tive elections schedule for his Jun- of SGC, in.. .a nnti. nn ,'c o h4' nraivic nr demic affairs at the University, has reportedly been under consid- eration as a replacement for Pres- ident Hatcher when he retires next winter. Kerr's dismissal opens the possibility that Kerr also will be seriously considered for the post here. Many University of California faculty members expressed deep fear and concern over the situa- tion. Prof. Arthur Kipp, president of the faculty assembly at Berke- ley, said that an emergency fac- ulty meeting has been called for next Tuesday. In a meeting Fri- day, over 400 faculty members vot- ed to send a message to Kerr ex- pressing their sorrow and concern :ver his dismissal. .Prof. Charles Muscatine, also of Berkeley, said yesterday that many faculty mem- bers are also sending individual messages of regret to Kerr. Obscenity Case Erupts At Cornell Students' Magazine Confiscated; Court Injunction Upheld By DAVID KNOKE An injunction issued ; by the district attorney of Ithaca, N.Y., to halt the sale and distribution of a Cornell University campus lit- erary magazine for alleged "ob- scenity" was upheld In court yes- terday. A hearing is set for Wednesday. A university ban of Thursday on "The Trojan Horse" was rescind- ed by a student board which de- cides official university policy in publication matters. The ban was originally levied by a lower - echelon administrator while President James A. Perkins and Cornell vice-presidents were out of town. Campus police filed the first complaint; the ban was later rescinded, but only after Tompkins County D.A. Richard Thaler had enjoined the magazine on civil grounds. The Scheduling, Co-ordinating and Activities Review Board's (SCARB) rescinding of the ban is subject to review by a faculty board, but sources at Cornell say support for the decision is strong among the faculty. Sales Despite Ban The fifteen students named in the' injunction, issued upon re- quest of Thaler, observed the halt order, but other students were ob- served selling copies in defiance of the civil ban. Two lawyers retained by an ad hoc student group contested legal- ity of the civil injunction in court yesterday afternoon. They main- tained that the D.A. had taken out the writ without the presence of the party being enjoined-the editors and sellers of the maga- zine. The judge supported the in- junction. The injunction threatens the arrest of all persons, including edi- tors, who had written for the issue, v~hich contains a 14-page story stapled to its cover that had been termed obscene, and any stu- dents who sell issues after its ban. Administration Balks Cornell students staged an or- derly rally at noon yesterday dur- ing which vice-president of stu- dent affairs Mark Barlow told 1200 students that the adminis- tration could not contest the le- gality of the DA.'s entry onto campus, "but we do question his propriety." The magazine was sold only on campus and not in the downtown area. Barlow and Perkins are calling a meeting of university commun- ity leaders for later today to "gain a perspective on the issue," ac- cording to Barlow Following the rally, a petition stating that the undersigned had s o I d the mAgazine circulated among students. Over 178 signa- tures were gathered, according to student body president David Brandt, but not all of them had actually sold the magazine. The petition is to be turned in to Thaler Monday; student leaders hope the number of signatures reaches 300. Can Arrest All Signers If the hearing on Wednesday By DAVID DUBOFF The University instituted lastj semester the nation's first doctoral program in psycholinguistics as a special field. Integrating and applying the skills and knowledge of the psy- chologist and linguist to the study of language and language be- havior, psycholinguistics is a rela- tively new discipline within the, behavioral sciences.s PERSONALITY PROFILE NEIL SHISTER Cutler is a big, even an with thick glasses ort crew-cut. He has body of a defensive teen years after his in his office, alter- oking cigarettes from ent packs he has sit- s desk, the vice-presi- tudent affairs seems man, As indeed he is. ath the casual banter philosophy is a cer- on, a self-conscious f swords and de- s which didn't used re. s not been an especi- year for Cutler. psychology professor runt of the blame for versity's compliance UAC subpoena asking ames of certain stu- wing groups. her lost the confi- much of the student m his office issued 're-emphasized') a it-ins after he had earlier that week e would be no such d-November it was ly said by many stu- ers, including some ire respected members that "you just can't Any comments by me could do more harm than good." Even in saying these few words he seems on his guard. The essence of an interview with Cutler now is one word answers and "no comment:" One of his favorite state- ments, and one which his as- sistant has also begun using, is that "you have to know where you want to go and pick the best way to get there," This implies political sensitivity and a willingness to operate within "the system." But "the system" often has no place for students, The goal he seems committed to is giving the students a larger role in making decisions which affect their lives, as was called for by the Reed Report. Indeed, this apparent commit- ment was one of the principal reasons why his selection two and a half years ago to head OSA was greeted with almost universal acclaim. He feels he has gone a long way during his tenure at OSA towards implementing the Reed Report. He cites the student committees to advise the Uni- versity vice-presidents, and the student committee which is submitting recommendations for a new University president as major examples of how far the student has come. See CUTLER, Page 2 The field has grown rapidly in the last ten years but until now there was no opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree in it as a speciality, according to Prof. Ronald S. Tikofsky of the psy- chology and speech departments, chairman of the new program. The goal of the doctoral pro- gram according to Tikofsky, is to prepare scholars and researchers who will be competently prepared to assume positions in universities, research laboratories, g o ve rn- mentalagencies and industry. Study Language Behavior Psycholinguists are concerned primarily with explaining, predict- ing or controlling language be- havior. They study the association between human activities and the nature of the code used to cate- gorize, influence and record these activities. Some of the areas studied by psycholinguists are the ways lan- guage is acquired, how a second language is learned, the deterior- ation of languge skills after brain damage, conditions under which specific kinds of language are used and implications of this usage for the speaker and society. The bulk of the doctoral curri-, culum consists of course work in psychology, linguistics, and com- munication sciences. All students in the program take a two-year core program designed to build competence in experimental de- sign, laboratory and field research methodology, knowledge of the psychological processes associated with language usage, and knowl- 'edge of the features and structures of languge. Related Courses Students will also take courses in such fields as Anthropology, Philosophy, Speech Pathology, and Sociology, depending on the par- ticular area of psycholinguistics they are interested in. Three new courses within the program have already been ap- proved and will be instituted next fall: a year's introductory course in psycholinguistics, open to grad- uate students in other programs as well; a seminar in psycholin- guistics; and a tutorial research course. All three of the courses will be "Both the departments of psy- chology and linguistics have been exceedingly helpful from the be- ginning," he said, adding that they do not feel in competition with each other concerning the program. Tikofsky also commended the University for its initiative in in- stituting a doctoral degree in this field: "I think the development of this new program is a demon- stration of the University's fore- sight in recognizing this rapidly developing field and taking steps to assure us a position of leader- ship in its future development," he said. The new degree program was approved last January by the Graduate School following the recommendation of an Ad Hoc Committee of faculty members. It had been set up in the sum- mer of 1965 in response to aware- ness of the increasing number of research programs related to psy- cholinguistics with no well-inte- grated program in the field. Last fall two students were ad- mitted into the program. Tikofsky indicated that next year the ad- ministrative committee of the pro- gram hopes to admit six to ten new students, adding that so far over 70 inquiries have been re- ceived with a minimum of pub- licity. Program Preparation Entry into the program can come from one of two general areas. Students with undergrad- uate degrees in Psychology, Lin- guistics, or other related fields and no graduate training may ap- ply directly for admission to the See PSYCHOLINGUISTIC Page 2 1 State Board of Education Acquiring Redefined Role By LAURENCE MEDOW The State Board of Education, a target of frequent criticism over its two-year existence, is begin- ning to acquire a more defined role in Michigan's educational affairs. The board's authority is vested in Article VIII, Sec. 3 of the state constitution, which states the board "shall serve . as the general planning and coordinating body for all public education, including higher education, and shall advise the legislature as to the financial requirements in connection there- with." However, under the new consti- tution, all the state universities have a u t'o n o m o u s governing boards. T h e problem, according to board member Edwin Novak, is to coordinate and plan while respect- ing that autonomy. Autonomy Not Threatened Thomas Brennan, president of the board, said that autonomy is not a "major" problem because the board has taken a public stand that it "has no right or intention of interfering with the internal 1965 and in the position the gov- ernor's office has taken in refus- ing to approve any legislation es- tablishing a new program or school unless the board has recom- mended it, the board prefers to base its power on prestige and respect for its decisions. "It is most effective to work co-operatively with the universi- ties, rather than being dogmatic," Brennan' said. "We don't want to run into court every week to main- tain our authority." The Master Plan for Higher Ed- ucation is an example of the board's efforts to move in that direction.. 'Healthy Dialogue' While the board will issue the plan, "it will be based on a healthy dialogue between experts, includ- ing the presidents and the elected and appointed governing, boards of all state-supported schools," Novak said. The board is also the spokes- man for education as it relates to state government. The board's relationship with the Legislature was defined in the