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January 21, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-21

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' f- - -- - -YUJ A

Four Arraigned on
Obscenity Charges

U Community Dismayed






Li) .M jui~l.'uUr

(Continued from Page 1)
alleged obscenity of the film on
the basis of the showing of only
ten minutes of the picture. The
courts have held that the socially
redeeming qualities of an artistic
work outweight charges of ob-
scenity brought against individual
portions of the work.
"Equally important is the in-
terference with the opportunity
of the University community to
make its own judgments in the
field of experimental film mak-
ing. We do not permit encroach-
ments upon the right of individ-
uals to express new ideas, no mat-
ter how offensive, in fields such

as literature, theology, or eco-
nomics. We are similarly bound
to protect the rights of individ-
uals interested in the visual arts.
"Irrespective of the quality of
the film in question, the action
taken in denying to the Cinema
Guild audience the right to see a
full showing of 'Flaming Crea-
tures' represented an intrusion
upon First Amendment rights."
Meanwhile another ad-hoc stu-
dent group is circulating a petition
against Cinema Guild. The peti-
tion voices objection to showing
the film and declares that Cinema
Guild doesn't deserve support in
its court case.

(Continued from Page 1)
Patricia Shannon, '67, saw seven
minutes of the film and claimed
that "it was not pornographic in
the legal sense." You were alien-
ated from the movie, repulsed by
it rather than begin drawn into
it and aroused by it," she con-
Tonsor expressed the opinion
that "I'm opposed to censorship,
but there is an appropriate place
for actions of every kind. If the
members of Cinema Guild wanted
to see a pornographic stag movie
the place to go is a private club,
not the University. To call this
movie artistic is just so much
Both Fiedler and Aiken felt that
the University should support
Cinema Guild."If it were my Uni-
Veto CCN

kyuiiu 1 11111
versity, I would hope that it would
stand by the student, giving them
any legal counsel and protection
they needed and an explanation
why educational grounds were vio-
lated in this case without pro-
tection," said Fiedler.
Tonsor claimed the University
should take action only when "an
officer of the University is ar-
rested, otherwise it shouldn't do
Many students felt that the
University should offer legal coun-I
sel because a faculty member had
given permission for the showing
of the film. However, most said
they were resigned to lack of Uni-
versity support. "The University
is sticking its head in the sand
on this issue. But that's typicalx
of what they do anyway," said
Miss Goodstein.

The Daily Offiical Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-8429.
Day Calendar
School of Music Degree Recital-Mar-
ion Cambon, piano: Recital Hall, 8:30
Center for Russian and East European
Studies-"A Visit to Soviet Libraries and
Bookshops," presented by Miss Karen
Kugell, of the University of Michigan


Soviets Fear Peking Upset
Bad for Communist Image
MOSCOW OP)-The Soviet Com- speaking tours around the coon
munist party in looking back over try, stressing to local officials th
the tortuous course of Red China's Red Chinese policy has entered
cultural revolution has concluded "new, dangerous stage."
that Peking's internal troubles Marshal N. I. Krylov, a depu
can hurt the image and the pow- defense minister and command
er of the world Comunist move- of Soviet strategic rocket force
ment. spoke along these lines near Lak
Pravda, the Soviet Communist Baikal in the Soviet Far East,a
party paper, used this assessment announcement said.
yesterday as a new argument in World Meeting
the Soviet campaign for a world
meeting of Communist parties. The Pravda article was t
The meeting would rally support clearest indication of a steppedu
for Moscow's dispute with Peking. Soviet campaign for a worl
The Pravda article appeared to meeting. It mentioned no date.
be part of a stepped-up Soviet The article was a review of th
campaign for the world meeting, world Communist movementi
which Red China opposes. 1966. Pravda called the cultur
Secret Talks revolution a tragedy for Red Ch
It followed the disclosure Thurs- na, and clearly implied that Ch
day that the three top Soviet na's domestic problems refle
leaders held secret talks Tuesday badly on the rest of the Commu
and Wednesday in Poland with ist movement and force it to re
Polish leaders. pond with a world meeting.
Communist party leader Leo- The approach was new. In t
nid I. Brezhnev, Premier Alexei past, the Russians have stress
N. Kosygin and President Nikolai criticism of China's foreign poli
V. Podgorny all attended the talks, and its ideological stands in ca
underscoring their importance. ing for the world meeting..
Diplomats here believed prepara- The Pravda article retained t


the following programs produced by the Second appointments will be accept-
TV Center will have their initial tele- ed through Fri., Feb. 3.
cast on Detroit stations:
8:30 a.m., WXYZ-TV. Channel 7 - Doctoral Examination for Gary Don
"Understanding Our world. Who Will Cochran, Physics; thesis: "A New Ex-'
watch the Watchers?: The Private perimental Test of Coluomb's Law of
Watchers." Three Law School profes- Force Between Charges," Sat., Jan. 21,
sors discuss the private exercise of po- Room 629 Physics-Astronomy, at 2 p.m.
lice power in modern America and the Chairman, P. A. Franken.
problems inherent in private citizens
taking the law into theirownthands. Delta Delta Delta: Is now holding
12 Noon, wWJ-TV, Channel 4 - scholarship competition for all sopho-
the toughest young writers in today's more and junior women, based on need,
"Germany Today. Conscience of a Na- scholarship and activities. All local win-
tion." West Germany's Group 47 are ners are automatically eligible for one!
literary world. Their works are analyzed of the $1000 National Delta Delta Delta
and their influence is described. Service Projects awards. Applications
t__and financial forms are available from
Research Training Program in Social Mrs. Lyons, Room 2011 SAB. All appli-
Science Education: Offered by the Uni- cations are due by March 1, 1967.
versity of Michigan, School of Edu-
cation (Room 3021), Office of Social
Science Education, Ann Arbor, Mich. I
The program is designed to prepare
researchers in social science education PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Gradu-
both at elementary and secondary lev- ates and seniors make appointments by
els. To apply for the program a bach- 4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits
elor's degree in one of the social scd- by the following companies. All em-
ences-anthropology, economics, geog- ployers expect to see your file before
raphy, history, philosophy, political set- the intevview Please return forms and
ence, psychology, sociology, or a com- update your files as soon as possible,
bined social science major is required. Call 764-7460, General Division Desk.
Some teaching experience I$ desirable MON., JAN. 23-
as the research focus will be given to Service Bureau Corp., N..C.-BA/
problems relating to the teaching of adv. degrees Gen. Chem. & Math for
social studies and to such topics as Elec. Computing.
curriculum construction, controversial U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy-Inter-
issues, civic education and political so- views Mon., Jan. 23-Wed., Jan. 25, in
cialization, and development and test- Summer Placement Service, 212 SAB.
ing of instructional theories. TUES., JAN. 24-
For those persons interested in ac? Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., Wor-
quiring financial assistance graduate re- cester, Mass.-BA/adv. degrees Anthro,
search fellowships under Title IV, re- Astro., Chem., Econ., Engl., Fine Arts,
search assistantships, and NDEA fel- For. Langs., Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog.. Geol..
lowships are available. In addition, Hist., ,Journ., Law, Math, Microbiol., Mu-
teaching assistantships and instructor- sic, Nat. Res., Philo., Phys.. Poll. Sci.,
ships may be obtained by advanced Psych., Public Health, Speech & Soc.,
students. For Elec. Computing, Insurance Office,
Interested persons may pick up appli- Mgmt. Trng. & Stat.
cation forms for this program in Room WED., JAN. 25-
3021, University High School. Further Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. -
information about the program may be BA/adv, degrees Econ., Libr. Sol. &
obtained by calling 764-9208. Math for Mktg. Res., Purchasing, Sales
I & Trans.
Martha Cook Building: Will continue Connecticut General Life Insurance
to receive first appointments for resi- Co., Hartford, Conn.-BA Econ, & Gen.
dence through Tues., Jan. 31. Please Lib. Arts, for Mgmt. Trng., Mktg.
call 662-3225 for appointment. Res. & Sales.

Children's Hospital of Michigan, Dc-
(roit-Medical social worker. MSW plus
2 post degree yrs. medical exper. Car
Local Advertising Agency-Commier-
cial artists and illustrators, part or full
time, students acceptable with both
fine commercial art bkgds., flexibility.
Local Firm - Structural Designers,
some arch. exper. and structural engi-
Ilarcourt. Brace & World, Inc., Chi-
cago-College Sales Correspondent, 6
nos. appointments, with option for
longer permanent. BA lib. arts.
Western Reserve University. Cleve-
land, Ohio-Medical Technicians, M or
F. for medical research programs with
investigators in top U.S. medical school,
rpenings i Anatomy, Biochem., Med..
Microbiol,, Pharmacology, Physiology,
Surgery and others.
Lake Central Airlines, Indianapolis,
Ind.-Mktg. Res, Analyst, 21-30 yrs. age,
Mktg., Bus. Ad., Stat. or Econ. degree,
knowledge elect. data process.
Financial Programs, Inc., Denver, Colo.
-Financial Analysts, undergrad degree
Eng;rg.. Econ. or Bus,., Grad degree Bus .
or Econ. plus 3 yrs. industry exper.,
pref. in corporate finance.
Wilson Co.. Inc.. Chicago, Ill.
Statistical Analyst, BS in stat, or math
and some related exper.
For further information, please call
764-746(0, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments. 3200 SAS.
212 SAB--
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y.
-Interview at Bureau of Appointments
Feb. 2 & 3. for summer term jobs as
well as permanent. Srs,. & graduate level
Engrg., Chem., Phys., Math, Acctg.. &
Camp Michigania, Mich.-Coed. In-
terview Jan. 24, 9-12 & 1-5. Spec. in
swimming, arts & crafts, riding, store-
keeper and nurse.
For further information, applications,
come to Summer Placement Service, 212
SAB, Lower Level.

em anLibrary, at4 p.m.. Lane HaCommons

tuenerat 1N ouces
a Dept. of English Lecture: Miroslav Be-
For End to IRanking poesr nvriyo ninwl
ker, University of Zagreb and visiting
profressor, University of Indiana, will
ty New lecture on "George Orwell: A Torment-
er New York City's Board of High- minded, politically-minded and ed European," Mon., Jan. 23, at 4:10
er Education has rejected student- totally unfit to be a board of trus- p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall. All in-
es, terested persons are invited to attend,
A-faculty demands that City College tees' at any institution of learn- trse esn r nie oatn.


of New York (CCNY) cease com-
piling class rankings for local
draft boards.
But the Board's decision, which
came in the face of an overwhelm-
ing student-faculty vote against
CCNY cooperation with the Selec-
tive Service System, will be fought
by the student government, ac-
cording to SG President Shelley
Sachs is urging faculty members
to give only grades of Pass/Fail,
unless an individual requests oth-
The Board said that to withhold
class ranks would discriminate
against students who want their,
grades sent to draft boards. }
Sachs charged in response that
the BHE resolution was "academ-
ically indefensible" and "destroys
the principle of student partici-
pation in decision-making." I
He called the Board "closed-

Several students contended that
the BHE passed the resolution, an-
nounced during Christmas recess,
to save CCNY President Buell Gal-
lagher from making a decision on
the issue.'

The 026 Keypunch: A 20 minute vi-
deo tape presentation on the operation
>f the 026 Keypunch will be shown
continuously on Mon., Jan. 23, Tues.,
Jan. 24, and Wed., Jan. 25, in the
Blagdon Room in the Michigan League
from 8 a.m. until 4:35 p.m.
TV Center Programs: On Sun., Jan. 22


Gallagher had previously fought'
with students over the ranking is- -7nANi ZAT-- N
sue when protesters at a Novem-%J 1 - I I


ber sit-in demanded thatt
erendum results be made'
on the administration. G2
was quoted as saying that
in was Communist domino
Although he later charg
he had been misquoted, s
staged a week-long sit-in
test what they called the
dent's "smear" tactics and
peat their demands.
Gallagher insisted, h
that it was not his, but the
ty's, responsibility to de
ranking policy.

the ref-
the sit-
ed that
to pro-
I to re-
e facul-
cide on







tion for the world meeting was a earlier arguments but added the
major topic. criticisms of Chinese domestic
Other Soviet leaders continued problems to them.


NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Square Dance Club, Dance, Jan. 21,
8-11 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. All
students, faculty and staff are invited
to come join the fun.
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance,
Mon., Jan. 23, 8:30-10:30 p.m., Women's
Athletic Bldg.* *
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Jan. 22, 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.
services. The Rev. A. T. Scheips will
deliver the sermon. Bible class at 11:15
a .m.
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
Forest Ave. Worship services at 9:30 and
11 a.m., Sun., Jan. 22; 6 p.m. supper
followed by program at 7 p.m. Film:
"Time for Burning."
Graduate Outing Club, Sun., Jan. 22,
2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. en-
trance. Hiking or skiing. Discussion in
Club Room afterwards.'

4:30 p.m.

symposium on literature


Peace Corps Officials Study Program;
Attempt To Improve Training Procedures


Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON - There's a
phrase gaining currency within
the Peace Corps-"university in
Staff members and volunteers
use it to define the highly suc-
cessful organization, and with that
in mind they are creating train-
ing programs that may be radical
models of educational reform for
this country.
Since its inception six years ago,
the Peace Corps has relied largely
on universities and academic fac-
ulties to conduct three-month
training programs. These usually1
consist of intensive academic, and
sometimes p h y s i c a l, exercises.
They are often rigid, authorita-
rian, and irrelevant to Peace
Corps activities overseas.
"What has been wrong with
Peace Corps training are the same
things that are wrong with higher
education in general," according
to Associate Director Harris Wof-
Reforms Recommended
Wofford was appointed head of
an Education Task Force in Aug.
1965, charged with developing
plans to "move training from a
three-month operation to a two-
year or three-year process of Vol-
unteer education." One year ago
the task force produced a draft
report indicating the weaknesses
of Peace Corps training and re-
commending reforms. A final re-
port is expected this month which
will evaluate the new programs
run during the past year.
The Task Force draft report in-
dicted traditional training meth-
ods, and by implication, the uni-
versities which had developed
them. Among other recommenda-
tions, the report urged that:
Want to be more
than a face
in the crowd?
At Ford Motor Company we're
looking for better ideas-
in everything from automotive
marketing to steel-making and
basic research. Ideas that
don't come from people who look

-Training concentrate on start-
ing processes of learning, rather
than an cramming as much in-
formation as possible into the vol-
unteers' heads.
Community Action
-Programs include community
action in unfamiliar environments,
either in slums, rural areas, Job
Corps camps, or in the host coun-
try itself.
-Staff members should not use
standard lecture methods of
teaching. There must be a cohesive
faculty to plan the program, work
together throughout it, and parti-
cipate along with the volunteers.
-Volunteers should be trained
in small groups of no more than
100, in which individual needs and
interests are respected and the
trainees participate in some of the
decision-making and evaluation.
-Instead of treating training
institutions as service stations, to
which the Peace Corps comes, fills
up, and drives off, ,the training
program must be only the begin-
ning of the university's role. The
faculty must be invited in vari-
ous ways to participate in the
continuing education of the vol-
unteers overseas, and the volun-
teers encouraged to develop con-
titnuing relationships with par-
ticular faculty members or col-
In effect, the Peace Corps is
attempting to become a university,
but one unlike any other in the
One recent training program,

whose members just left for Ni- I
geria, was set up in Roxbury, a
Negro ghetto of Boston. The 60
trainees were scattered in private
homes in the area, and allowed to
develop their own community ac-
tion projects.
The trainees came together in
groups of 15 for seminars and
language instruction. Each sem-
inar group had a $1,300 allowance.
to furnish an empty apartment as
a library and seminar meeting
place. The trainees provided the
substance of the seminars, devel-
oping their own curriculum. Only
two books were assigned at the
start: "The Autobiography of Mal-
colm X" and Graham Green's
"The Quiet American."
Although a few new volunteers
left the first day of the project,
most of the trainees seemed to
find the setting a challenge.
The project was highly un-
structured, and seminars became
non-directive sessions d u r i n g
which the trainees examined their
relationships and activities in
Roxbury. Staff members were al-
most as uncertain as the trainees
about the goals of the project,
and decision-making was decen-
tralized and free-wheeling. "The
great raging controversy" of the
three months, according to Roger
Landrum, the project's director,
was over whether trainees had
real decision-making power.
Landrum, a 29-year old ex-
Peace Corps volunteer who was
one of the authors of the Educa-

tion Task Force's report, devel-I
oped and directed the Roxbury
training project, e defined the
project as "a metaphor-the way
we solve proble'ms here may pro-
vide ways for solving problems in
Landrum is now trying to fol-
low up the project with work-
shops in Nigeria, led by a perma-
nent training staff stationed over-
seas. "Volunteers abroad tend to
depend upon each other rather
than move outside; we should re-
inforce their ability to deal with
the people of the community they
are in," he said.
The Roxbury project was not
without weaknesses. Several train-
ees expressed a desire for more
"intellectual substance"-"I didn't
learn anything about teaching law
in Nigeria" was a Berkeley law
school graduate's comment.
The project also seemed to turn
in upon itself, rather than out to-
ward the community. A few train-
ees set up a school and involved
students and parents in a new
educational experience. But the
great majority of the volunteers
did not take the initiative and
were content to attend the sessions
provided for them by the program.
The effect of projects like the
one in Roxbury is difficult to
measure. On the one hand, its goal
is to create a capacity for living
in and learning from another cul-
ture. Its success, then, wil be de-
termined by the activities of the
trainees during the next two years
in Africa.

-_ _I


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in Concert

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UAC union league
Petitioning for
petitions available>

8:30 P.M.



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