A' URDAY, JANUARY 21, I96? THE MICHIGt N DAILY PAGE THREE SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i ii\ i/ . 3i Mi ii Shortcomings Imperil Battle Against Guerillas 1, EDITOR'S NOTE: What success is Thailand having in its efforts to combat Communist insurgency on its territory and what are the pros- rects for the future? AP military correspondent Fred Hoffman, who went to Thailand after several months in Viet Nam, gives the an- swers he received to these questions in this last of a series of articles on the insurgency problem. , By FREI HOFFMAN BANGKOK, Thailand (P) - "There has been very real im- provement in the northeast," some American officials believe, as a result of the measures Thailand' is taking against the worrisome threat of Communist guerrillas. Other well-placed Americans hard at work here to help the Thais do not dispute this. But they point * to shortcomings that they say could imperil lasting progress. These include: Difficulty in getting Thai of- ficials "not to feel they are super- ior to the peasants they are sup- posed to be helping." Problems of finding ways to in- volve largely illiterate, unskilled villagers in self-help. A lack of enough motivated, edu- cated young people willing to go into the rural areas from Bang- t kok. Some of them who have gone are finding village life rough but are reported adjusting well. Reluctance of some doctors, sent into the northeast with mobile medical teams, to continue mov- ing around among the hard-to- reach villages. These doctors would prefer to set up in central- ized offices. In the past, scandal has even' reached into the top levels of gov- ernment. The Thai treasury wants to sue former mistresses of the late Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat for rent paid for them by Sarit and now claimed by the govern- ment. Sarit, who preceded Than- om Kittikachorn as head of Thai- land's military government, is re- puted to have had about 100 mis- tresses, mostly models, film stars and beauty queens. Trade-Fair Project An American who works closely with the Thai government said he knew of one case in which $5,000 was allotted for a trade-fair pro- ject. But by the time it got to the man who was to do the work only; 14 per cent was left. Another American, saying the Thai police "do nothing for free." country, right down to the petty opened up contacts with the out- told of an experience in Bangkok level. side world. As a result, agriculture when he reported that his apart- "Salaraies are very low, and officers and rice experts are able ment had been cleaned out by there are plenty of opportunities to get to the villages and demon- thieves. for thievery." strate better methods. They are Seemed Concerned But he reported "small signs of showing the farmers how to grow "They came with fingerprint changes for the better" in this cotton, for example. equipment, asked a lot of ques- regard. "School systems and public tions, seemed concerned - and How effective have the pro- health systems are growing and then left," he related. grams been? spreading out." . "Then nothing happened, nothing Gains at all for weeks, I mentioned it Remoter Vilages. to my Thai landlady. She sug- gested I should have given the police a present and I would have gotten results." "Thai officials ai'e crooked as hell, from top to bottom," said a critic in the American official. community. Bangkok "A lot of the crooked ones are right here in Bangkok. The ten- tacles reached right out into the, An aid mission leader spelled out what he considered to be gains this way: "Economic con- ditions in the northeast are im- proving. Roads are going in, and farm products are getting out to market." An American who holds an im- portant place in the accelerated rural development scheme said: "The efforts of the Thais have had impact, definitely. Roads have He acknowledged that "in the remoter villages the people still don't know anything about the Thai government," But this senior official added: "In the villages along the roads there is a surprising amount of travel in the northeast, and rapid- ly increasing travel should in- crease their sense of belonging to the country." The American added: "I am en- couraged by one thing. Three years ago, I could name only one or two Thai officials who gave a damn about what the people in the northeast thought. There are a lot more now.' Friendly Feeling Another division chief in the U.S. aid mission told a reporter: "I think the peasants up there have a friendlier feeling toward the government. But this is hard to measure or document. If some- body challenged us to prove it, we just can't." What is the outlook for the fu- ture? A top U.S. general summed up his prognosis in these words: Future "I see continued dissident ac- tivity in Thailand for a long time -rising activity if there is an un- satisfactory solution in Vietnam. "I look for the Reds in Thai- land to concentrate on develop- ment of their clandestine appar- atus, the training and grooming of leaders. I expect, overt activi- ties not to be appreciably higher than now. "I do not expect the Commu- nists to try to put the northeast in flames but to .try to work as hard as they can to extend and improve their network-so at the proper time they can be ready to go. 1967 "I wouldn't say that 1967 will be a particuarly crucial year, from the point of view of crisis or deci- sion, either one." Corruption Persistent corruption amongj officials, including policemen,; in the Bangkok ministries. Chinese Lin Directs Attack On Top Deputies Reports Indicate Two* Leading Communists Comnitted Suicide TOKYO (P)-Defense Minister Lin Piao has termed Red China's confused power struggle "civil war" amid attacks on two military strong men and reports that two leading Communists committed suicide, Japanese accounts from Peking said today. A Yomiuri newspaper corres- pondent said wall bulletins posted in Peking on Friday quoted Lin Piao as saying "at present China is in a state of civil war." The wall papers said Lin, con-, sidered the No. 2 man in Red -" China after Mao Tse-tung, also called for attacks on military MAO TSE-TU] strong men Ho Lung and Liu The two mena Chih-chien. the Communist Lin's Attack' The Japanese report said Lin T directed an attack on Vice Pre- mier Ho and Gen. Liu, deputy di-y rector of the army's General Poli- tical Department, before the Com- munist party Central Committee's E xtet Military Commission. It did not say when the commission met. There were reports of bitter cri- SAIGON, Sout ticism by Mao's purge committee Gen. Maxwell D. against a trusted aide of Lin-Hsi- terday progess i ao Huao, head of the army's Poli- Vietnam, but t tical Department. "How much p And wall posters put up in Pe- eonugn?" The for king by a unit of Red China's ar- to Saigon retur my reported that purged general Presdent Johnsc staff chief Lo-Jul-ching and De-Presid puty' Premier Po I-po killed them- Taylor told net selves but did not say how. The five-day visit, he accuracy of the wall bulletin re- across-the-board ports could not be determined, with the emphasis activities. Those Intensified Struggle from direct econ The developments, reported by1 the Japanese correspondents quo- "e ting Peking wall posters, sketched Vietllai a picture of the intensified strug- gle between pro-Maoists and for- ces believed led by President Liu Price Shao-chi. There also were reprts of new violence and hoodlum activities SAIGON, Cout , by Mao's Red Guards, and some Concern is spreai accounts said the teen-agers' ex- erican officialsi tremism was nauseating Mao fol- falling rice prod lowers. prices. A Mao propaganda organ, the The price, of N theoretical journel Red Flag, in- creased 17 perc dicated this when it disclosed some month, reflecting Mao supporters were alarmed .by under effects of v 4 the turmoil sweeping the Chinese for larger import mainland and warned: "You are "Rice is a gro going too far. You are making a one official comp mess of it." He said about 6 stock in Saigon n Criticism there will be eno The Japanese reports said cri- needs in three o ticism of Hsiao came Thursday a real question. W. from Chen Po-ta, purge leader, Need I and his deputy, Chiang Ching, South Vietnam Mao's wife, following a meeting of other Southeast1 the Red revolutionary rebels of recently as 1963. the Political Department of the ports of 447,000 t army and purge committee. last year. Amer h. Defense Minister FEDERAL TRIAL: Baker Testifies; Sought Aid From Johnson, Senator Kerr ;ruggle 'Civil Warr U.S. Bid Met With Interest By Russians ~~1 Proposal Indicatest Decreased Pressure In 'Retaliation Race' WASHINGTON ()-The State Department reported yesterday that the Russians are showing in- terest in President Johnson's pro- posal to foresatll a potentially costly U.S.-Soviet race to build defenses against ballistic missiles.- The State Department disclosed that Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Deputy Under-secretary Roy D. Kohler have held several dis-. WASHINGTON (IP) - Bobby Baker testified yesterday that he sought advice in 1962 from Lyn- don B. Johnson and described him as "the best friend I had around the Capitol." Without using Johnson's name directly, Baker said he called on "the then vice president" and was told to take his financial woes to Sen, Robert S. Kerr, an Oklahoma Democrat now dead. , Testifying in his trial on charges of income tax evasion, the former secretary of the Senate Democrats put it this way: Financial Trouble "I was in very serious financial difficulty. I went to the best friend I had around the Capitol. I went to see the then vice pres- ident and told him I had a very serious problem." Baker said the vice president then called "his friend and my friend," Sen. Kerr, a wealthy oil- man. "He-Johnson-advised me to go immediately to Kerr's office, which I did," Baker, 38, added. Johnson Praise While he was a senator from praised Baker but has made no comment on the case since the former Senate page boy from Pickens, S.C., quit his secretary's. post in October 1963. Asked for comment on Baker's testimony, White House press' secretary George Christian said: "This is a matter pending in court. I don't have any comment and won't have any." Baker took the stand in U.S. Disrict Court for a second day to defend himself agaist charges of tax evasion, fraud and conspiracy in financial dealings. Needed Money Baker told the jury that around July of 1962. he needed money be- cause of problems in building the Carousel Motel in Ocean City, Md. He had a loan of $145,000 and no further collateral for additional loans-"I had reached the limit," he said. The former $19,600-a-year Sen- ate secretary testified that before he went to see Johnson he tried several sources to see "if I could. keep the project afloat." Following the then vice presi- dent's advice, Baker said, he told Kerr it was absolutely essential, some way, some how, that he be granted a line of credit for $300, 000. Credit Arranged Kerr arranged for a line of credit for $250,000 from the Fidel- ity Bank & Trust Co. in Oklahoma City, Baker said, and then made his own personal commitment for the remaining $50,000. Part of the Fidelity loan, Baker said, was to pay the $145,000 loan at American Security & Trust Co. in Washington to relieve Baker's back collateral there. Kerr suffered a heart attack in December 1962 and died Jan, 1,. 1963. His name loomed large in the trial Thursday. Defense attorney Edward Bennett Williams said the defense would show that money given Baker for political cam- paigns was handed over to Kerr. Carousel Project Baker said he and two brothers, Ben and Alfred Novak, went to- gether in the Carousel project and it was expected to open May 15, 1962. In March 1962, Alfred Novak died. Very soon thereafter, a tropical storm did damage to the motel which Baker estimated at over $100,000. After Novak's death, Baker said, his widow was financially unable to keep up her part of the obliga- tion on the motel. Baker said he had to raise more money "to keep us from going bankrupt." Tax Evasion Earlier, Baker testified about his income tax returns for 1961 and 1962-the years in which the government has charged him with tax evasion. , Williams has contended that Baker, in fact, overstated, his in- come for those years. Under questioning from Wil- liams, Baker went through de- tailed examination of instances where Baker said he was entitled to deductions he did not take. ;' cussions on the matter with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin here this month. State Department press officer -Associated Press Robert J. McCloskey added: "The Departmnent has no reason ese Red Guards. to believe that the Soviets arenot now going on in seriously considering the Presi- dent's expressed interest ih halt- ing an antiballistic missile arms 'NG (left) and Lin Piao review a demonstration put on by the Chin are the main powers behind the recent upheavals and the civil war country. S'1 I i or Visits Saigon To Study nit of Progress, Problems 'exas and the Democratic leader n the Senate, Johnson publicly race." Llewellyn E. Thompson, who re-I cently succeeded Kohler as. US k 1 } t t h Vietnam (JP)- Taylor said yes- s being made in he question is: progress, is it Lmer ambassador ed for a personal, pecial adviser to on. wsmen that, on a e hopes to have' briefings here, is on non-military activities range omic aid to co- operation with Saigon authorities "The only thing I can see is a in a country ise pacification pro- I military victory. To pull out of gram. Vietnam now would mean that LeMay Comment dozens of Vietnams would break In Washington, retired Gen. j out all over the world, immediate-, Curtis E. LeMay, calling for a ly," he says. i~~~~ ~ ~ d'A1lf IIAl' Yl li Vl ('ffY i1P1.«... ... } . k 1 } t t stepped up air anU naval oi ensUve , says the United States has no choice but to win the Vietnam war "and win it quickly." LeMay, who was Air Force chief of staff from June 1961 until January 1965, sees no hope of trying to negotiate with North Vietnam. m Rice Output Drops; ise Causes Concern h Vietnam (/P)- ding among Am- in Vietnam over uction and rising o. 1 rice has in- ent in the past a crop dwindling war and the need s. owing headache," mented Friday. 60,000 tons are in now, but whether 'ugh to meet the r four months is mports exported rice to Asian nations as Emergency im- tons .were needed can rice farmers helped fill the gap. Experts fore- cast more than 600,000 tons will be needed in 1967. The Mekong River delta is Viet- nam's rice bowl and large-scale military operations are now get- ting started there. U.S. military leaders say they are aware that widespread fighting in the popu- lous delta could further cut rice production. Unseasonal rains have hamper- ed the peak harvest this winter. Analysts say the harvest is good but not great. The world market in the com-, modity is tight. A kilogram, 2.20 pounds, of No. 1 rice now costs the equivalent of 12 cents in Saigon. Rice directly from the paddy in delta villages costs about five cents, which is half again as much as a year ago.. Concern over Rice American officials viewed with concern a reduced production of' rice and rising prices for that staple food grain. South Vietnam, which exported surplus rice to other Southeast Asian nations as recently as 1963, is now importing it by the shipload. On the military side, troops of the U.S. 196th Light Infantry Brigade probed a maasive tunnel complex in the Ho Bo woods that they believe served as the long- sought headquarters of the Viet Cong's 4th military region, a springboard for guerrilla raids and terrorist attacks on Saigon. Ho Bo Woods The Ho Bo woods mystery tun- nel was uncovered in Operation Cedar Falls, the war's biggest of- fensive. The area is 25 miles northwest of Saigon, on the west- ern flank of the Iron Triangle, an old Viet Cong stronghold that 30,000 American and Vietnamese troops are trying to clear of both guerrilla fighters and the peasants who have supported them. Brig, Gen. Richard T. Knowles of Columbus, Ga., commander of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, said his men have found and de- stroyed more than 500 tunnel systems of the enemy, "but this is by far the most important one, this was his headquarters." ambassador to Moscow, is bearing a Johnson message to Soviet lead- ers, believed to include a plea to curb the prospective antiballistic missile rivalry. Thompson will pre- sent his credentials to President Nikolai V. Podgorny on Monday, it was announced. For more than a decade, U.S.- Soviet 1'elations have been domi- nated in the military field by mu- tual deterents-the ability of each to knock out the other with nu- clear missiles. If either side were to develop an effective missile de- fense, however, U.S. officials say this would set off another, extre- Imely expensive arms race spiral. Johnson reported in his State of the Union message that the So- viet Union ''has begun to place near Moscow a limited antimissile defense." He said, "We have the duty to slow down the arms race between us., An all-out antimissile system for the United States could cost $30 billion or more, according to Pentagon experts. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has resisted antimissile deployment so far on grounds that no system yet devised is sufficiently effective and that the Russians have not installed an antimissile network either. At the time, McNamara saidin Le Defense Department was "elim- inating everything that can pos- sibly be deferred without eating into the muscle" of U.S. military power, committed as so much of it was to Vietnam. BERKELEY, Calif-Using a sys- tem of identification similar to fingerprinting, a California physi- cist claimed yesterday he has found chlorophyll in outer space. Fred M. Johnson, chief scientist with Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., told scientists at a University of California meeting that his dis- - t '12 I: b a r'G T. li d u 1T World News Roundup' By The Associated Press covery implies that life itself WASHINGTON - Secretary of could exist on other planets. defense Robert S. McNamara re- The life forms could be familiar eased $564 million yesterday for to man, he said. he construction of military hous- WASHINGTON {A}-Last year's ng, barracks and other projects. sharpest siege of price increasesI 7he money had been appropriated since 1957 showed signs of tape- y Congress in 1965 but never ring off in December when living. pent. costs edged up only one-tenth of McNamara's action means that 1 per cent, the government re- onstruction will begin as soon ported yesterday. s possible on nearly 52,000 bar- The rise of 3.3 per cent in 1966 acks spaces, 8,500 units of family is expected to slack off to about ousing, 5,000 bachelor officer 2.5 per cent this year, said Com- paces and several hospitals, missioner Arthur M. Ross of the hapels and schools on 285 bases Bureau of Labor Statistics. n 42 states, the District of Co- That, said Ross, "would not be umbia and overseas, too high a price to pay," if the The defense chief rescinded in- alternative is a recession. efinitely his Dec. 21, 1965, order Ross said the 1967 outlook is for ihich had deferred $620 million a 2 per cent rise in both food and n construction. clothing prices, about half the eT a1966 increases. U ' CINEMA 11 TONIGHT & TOMORROW Charlie Chaplin's 1947 with MARTHA RAYE Chaplin's "most fascinating picture"- and a brilliant con- demnation of war SUNDAY 9:05 performance it's today, Ernest at a HOOT- enanny II (CinemaScope and Technicolor) GREGORY PECK Anthony Quinn David Niv Plan To Spend Your Weekend. at the Movies A enrenpreview of the MISKFT 6;7 TOMORROW GRADUATE STUDENT MIXER en r i If i III I i II