FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILN warenweg rr 4SaxrP I n Thai EDITOR'S NOTE: Thailand has begun to take seriopsly the threat of a Communist insurgent move- ment in its territory and ih show- ing signs of progress in its ef- forts tosprevent the guerrilla ac- tivities from developiig into a ma- jor problem. Fred Hoffman, AP mil- itary affairs writer, reports in his third article in a series on the steps being taken by Thai authorities to dampen the insurgency fires. By FRED HOFFMAN BANGKOK, Thailand (M)-With strong American support and en- couragment, Thailand is mounting a tWo-pronged offensive against 'the growing Communist insurgen- -cy problem in its northeast prov- inces. Offensive Aims at Northeast Insurgency * The Thai approach to the threat 'is aimed at strengthening security 'In the vulnerable areas and at bringing the northeast into the 'mainstream of the nation's econo- mic political and social life, "We're trying to do two things 'at once-throw water on a burn- ing house and bring about long- 'range development," an American -aid expert said. In the security field, the Thais pare' centering their counterinsur- 'gency measures in the national police, with the 85,000 man Thai army backing them -up. The national police have been beefed up to 55,000 man and the 'plan is to increase the force to 62,000 by midyear. The target date for a general .improvement in police and security operations is next June, and some Hof the programs are only now off 'the ground. The main objectives are to pro- mote what is called "remote area security" by stationing policemen 'n villages where they were only 'occasionally-and often unwel- come-visitors in the past; by 'creating a citizens' police militia, jby organizing helicopter-borne "quick reaction strike forces," and spy installing a wide-coverage po- ice radio net. The Thais also are trying to polish up the police image. "This 'is a matter of concern," said a 'U.S. police adviser. "The Thai po- 'lice up there in the northeast were not the best, by a long shot. Now, 'they are sending better men. "I'm not. saying the cops are 'ow demigods. I'm not suggesting 'some of them aren't still pretty 'bad. But the national police and the provincial governors are con- cerned, and are doing something 'about it." ' The police used to live off the 'peasants, demanding food and codging, Now, officials say the 'police pay for these things. The government had been three years behind in paying police living ex- 'penses. This has been overcome. Some Americans who travel up- country find that many villagers are more afraid of quick-to-shoot 'policemen than they are of the Communists. ' As one avenue to neutralizing hostility and suspicion, the na- tional police are getting into civic 'action work of the sort that U.S. and Vietnamese troops do in Viet- nam. Thai provicincial and border' police are being trained to dis- 'pense medical aid, to help build schools and dig wells, and give The peasants a friendly lift in other ways. The police-oriented security program is being pushed with the 'aid of nearly $14 million in U.S. funds and 43 American advisers 'drawn from civilian U.S. police de- partments, FBI-trained lawmen, customs service veterans and the ranks of retired Army Special Forces officers. Air Chief Marshal Dawee Chuv- alasapya, Thailand's chief of staff, contends that "we can fight against the Communists by our- selves." But he adds that his country needs more and better weapons 'and other equipment, and he does 'not rule out the possibility that Thailand may have to ask the 'U.S. for more direct aid, "If the Communist get the upper hand in Vietnam," he says, "no doubt they will come in force against Thailand." There are about 35,000 U.S. servicemen in Thailand, twice the commitment of a year ago. Of these, 25,000 are involved in air operations against North Vietnam and supply routes through Laos into South Vietnam. Many of the remaining 10,000 are building roads, bases and other facilities. Others are ad- visers attached to Thai military units. A unit of 356 Special Forces troops is here to train Thais' in counterinsurgency '-work. Still others, helicopter pilots, 'have been ferrying Thai forces b o u n d for counterinsurgency operations. U.S. Ambassador Graham Mar- 'tin announced this week that Thailand, using its own helicop- ters and crews, will take over the shuttle within two weaks. Under the present U.S. opera- tion, the Thais are not flown into 'combat zones but rather to for- 'ward assembly points, where they move out against guerrillas. Mao Opponents Contu ii Resistance inMajor Citie: D Mansf field Asks Cut In DIPLOMATIC SPECULATION: Soviet Article Hints, Rejection Of U.S. Missile Freeze Plan 4 * ' Foes Claslii y In .Shanghai,- 4 Peking Area 4~'~ Report Arrest of" President Liu's Son ". By Maoist Forces, TOKYO (A) - Opponents of Mao Tse-tung were apparently holding out stubbornly yesterday in two key cities while clashes be- tween the factions in Communist China's power struggle were re-" ported spreading throughout the mainland. Maoist-controlled radio and press reports admitted that his enemies, believed led by President Liu Shao-chi, continued to put up re- sistance in Peking and Shanghai. The Japan Broadcasting Corp. ." reported from Peking that a wall poster announced the arrest of Liu's son, Liu Yun-jo. It quoted Mao's wife, Chaign Ching, abkey VIETNAMES leader of 'the purge, as labeling, young Liu "a rotten element who NORTH VIETNAMESE work in secretly had contacted a foreign after a bombing attack dropped country." by Bill Baggs, Miami News Edit No Confirmation There was no confirmation of OPERATION CED some reports that Liu himself had been arrested. The wording of a statement in " the People's Daily indicated Mao's EE enemies still held firm in Peking. As quoted by the New China News Agency the paper said: "The proletarian revolutionaries must L a courageously shoulder is the re- covery of all the usurped power 'By The Associated Press from the handful of persons in SAlON--The week that open- authority within the party who ed the war's biggest offensive, are taking tlle capitalist road" Operation Cedar Falls, has brought thz largest weekly casualty toll Report Clashes among American servicemen in Peking-based Japanese corre- Viet Nam. The United States com- spondents reported bloody clashes mand yesterday listed 1,194 as between Mao's followers and pro- killed, wounded or missing in ac- Liu elements spreading to Harbin, tion January 8-14. Dairen and Mukden, northeast of The figures break down to 144 Peking. dead, 1,044 wounded, and six miss- The reports were based on Pe- ing in action. king wall posters and their accur- In all, 373 of the allies perish- acy could not be judged. ed. A U.S. spokesman said 1,176 Quoting the wall posters, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Japanese said 53 persons were re- were killed, double the total of ported injured late last monthi in the previous week. a clash at the key port of Dairen between some 3,000 pro-Liu Red Guards and 590 pro-Mao forces.. Many Injured World N ew Anti-Mao textile workers in Chengchow clashed with Red Guards Jan. 7-8, resulting in one By The Associated Press dead and 81 injured, 23 seriously, WASHINGTON - E m a n u e 1 the reports said. Celler (D-NY) was named yester- In Shenyang, one Japanese re- day to head an investigation of port said six persons were serious-.Adam Clayton Powell's qualifica- ly injured, scores suffered injuries, tions to sit in Congress. and 16 were arrested Jan. 6 during Celler, chairman of the House "armed violence' between pro-Mao Judiciary Committee, will head a and Pro-Liu forces at a rally of special nine-man panel composed 200,000. of five Democrats and four Re- The industrial city was said to publicans, all lawyers. The com- be threatened by the possibility of mittee will have five weeks to de- citywide strikes. termine whether Powell is entitled Radio Peking charged that to the seat to which his Harlem Mao's opponents have been per- constitutents elected him last No- sistently opposing his policies in vember. the Taching oilfield in northern China, the country's biggest oil- _- field. A production stoppage there was reported early this month when thousands of workers left their jobs to visit Peking. Give Bigger Shares The New China News Agency, in Chinese-language reports broad UNION-LEAGUE cast by Peking Radio, indicated that Mao's opponents were trying s to win over the peasants by giv-3 ing them bigger individual shares of the traditional -year-end distri- bution of produce. This produce is usually appor-B tioned to the state, the commune, Ii) NATO Force S Resolution Expected To Receive Favorable Support in Hearings *:, WASHINGTON (') - More than 40 senators of both parties joined in a challenge to U.S. policy in Europe yesterday, reoffering a res- olution urging a substantial reduc- tion of American forces in NATO. The resolution-generated as it was last year by members of the Senate Democratic Policy Com- mittee-immediately set off the Senate's first full-blown foreign policy debate of the 90th Congress. 2 In reintroducing the measure, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield. of Montana told the Senate he saw a disconcerting tendency "to beg or bug allies" into sharing an American view of NATO needs that they don't nec- essarily agree with. The senator said other Euro- pean nations might, like France, become tired soon of having large American contingents on their soil. He said the administration mere- ly had been marking time on the troop-reduction issue since the res- olution was first introduced-and allowed to die-in the 1966 ses- sion. Mansfield said the Senate would throw a searching light on the troop problem by turning the res- es olution over to the. Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services n Committees for joint hearings. ni The resolution is expected to re- ck ceive a friendly airing in the hear- ings since its co-sponsors include the two committee chairmen, Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) of For- eign Relations, and Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) of Armed Serv- ices. In the debate, Fulbright said he =and Russell had agreed to set up a joint subcommittee and that he hoped Mansfield would act as chairman. Fulbright said that he did not 'think the resolution was "an in- fringement at all" on the powers 13th of the executive. "I think it is our urn- duty," he said. s 29 The resolution would express Sthe that it was the sense of the Sen- ate that the U.S. forces in Eu- e. A rope should be substantially reduc- tore ed, leaving it up to the President nch- to fix the actual figure. ls. An opponent of the troop-reduc- d up tion resolution, Sen. Jacob K.. Jay- ght- Its (R-NY), questioned the de- The sirability of Senate action "in this ambs very frontal way." He added that but while the resolution might not dic- they tate to the administration, it still s of would be "a mighty potent and important power." MOSCOW (II'}-A Soviet maga-j 'dine attack yesterday on Presidentj ,Johnson encouraged diplomatic 'speculation that the Kremlin will 'spurn United States efforts for 'a freeze on building antiballistic missile systems. Denouncing Johnson's appeal to slow the arms race, the editor of The magazine "Abroad" said that The Soviet Union is seeking dis- Farmament, and not control over armaments. Control is purely an American concept, wrote editor Daniil F. 'Kraminov, and one that the Soviet always has opposed. The U.S. view is that Soviet disarmament plans 'are unworkable. In denouncing Johnson's appeal 'for both the Soviet and the U.S. 'to slow the arms race, Kraminov took the usual step of translating. Johnson's Jan. 10 State of the 'Union remarks on foreign. policy 'and then commenting on them. His attack came as the new 'U.S. ambassador, Llewellyn E, Thompson, waited in Moscow for an appointment to deliver a secret message from Johnson to Soviet leaders. Washington sources said the message is intended to open the way for talks on a moratorium for missile systems. But coming as an indication of the Soviet reaction to Johnson's message, Kraminov's comment might herald a significant devel-; 'opment in the debate in the U.S. 'on the need of a U.S. system and whether the Russians have one already. Some diplomatic analysts sug- gested the Soviets already have spent too many .rubles on missile jdefenses to turn back. The Soviet Union has for almost a year claimed the ability to de- tend "protected objectives" against missile attack. In his Jan. 10 speech, Johnson 'told Congress the Russians have "begun to place near Moscow a limited antimissile defense." Published American intelligence reports go further. They tell of' GOP Leaders Give Reply To State-of-Union Address WASHINGTON (AP)-House Re- publican Leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan unveiled yesterday a broad GOP legislative program of "sensible solutions for the 70's" and said Americans "see the dec- ade that dawned in hope fading into frustration and failure, baf- flement and boredom." Giving the Republican response to domestic aspects of President Johnson's State of the Union mes- sage, Ford called for increased So- cial Security and veterans bene- fits, revamping of federal edu- cation and antipoverty pro- grams and commissionsrto study city problems, federal government structure and the nation's defense posture. Ford, who last week termed the President's proposed six per cent surtax on individual and corpor- ate income taxes a "tragic mis- take," warned "there are ominous signs of an economic slowdown this year." "With such uncertainties," .he added, "the President has. not made a convincing case for a tax increase." Ford's program, which faces an uphill fight against Democratic majorities in Congress, suflimar- ized many .GOP proposals made over the last year. Likewise, GOP Senate Leader Everett M. Dirksen, giving the Re- publican position on foreign pol icy reaffirmed support far the administration's stand in Viet nam. "Our operations in Southeast Asia have provoked entreaties, de- mands and demonstrations to draw back, to retreat, to leave 'our commitments unfulfilled," he said, adding: "That would be an un- thinkable course." -Associated Pre E CLEAR BOMB-TORN STREET ankle-deep water to clear Hoang Van Thu street in Nam Dir the walls of buildings into the street. This photo was brought ba or who has just returned from a tour of North Vietnam cities. AR FALLS: alty Figures Reach Vekly Toll of War American newcomers-described B-52 bombers, staging their as an equal mix of support and raid in support of the drive, ch combat units-swelled U.S. ranks Ed up Communist fortification in Viet Nam to 398,000, making d ilenorthwest of Saigon, at for a net increase of 3000 through last Saturday night. upper edge of the triangle U.S. infantry and armored units spokesman said their bombs d up 12 buildings, 325 feet of trey pressed ahead .with Operation Ce- es, 59 bunkers and three tunne dar Falls in the Iron Triangle Less definite results showe north of Saigon. from the incendiary raid the ei The action has been marked engine jets staged Wednesday. throughout, like most of the new spokesman said the fire bo year's campaigning, by scattered burned out in several spots, skirmishes rather than major bat- seemed ineffective where tIles. About 30,000 U.S. and Viet- landed in the thickest tangle namese have been committed trees, vines and brush. there. defenses being built in many parts 'of the Soviet Union. The leakage of these reports seems from here to mean U,. military pressure to go ahead with an American construction pro- 'gram. Secretary of Defense Rob.- ert S. McNamara has resisted this pressure. He argues that tech- 'nology is moving too fast to build defenses that would soon be out- dated. : ': .}; . ><.. x fM1}>, M r 'yy. 4k ii } y y..: %-0iil. ;{i4 {, : ''j:. 'rR F} f ? $nt. 'r_:r. , ; } w« $::: +;$;: i' :;:Y. k":rrv: Qry :r \! ; 4w:. j,: rp:k '?f! Y: :t ti{;l.Y f y . '^''l-% f } . LC ii ': i . it's- happening, Ernesti this Saturday at 2:00 p.m. 4 banjo pickers bongo pickers ud pickers pooi pickers i come to play to listen or for both ;n '. '-A ': 1 s Roundup p SEOUL, South Korea - North Korean Communist shore batter- ies sank a South Korean naval vessel in a 20-minute gun fight yesterday off the east coast. The United Nations Command lodged a strong protest against the "unconscionable and brutal act of violence." Twenty-eight crewmen of the 650-ton patrol craft were feared to have drowned in one of the most serious naval clashes since the Korean armistice was signed in 1953. Friday, January 20 7:30 p.m. begins a series on MEDICINE AND ETHICS: HUMAN CONTROL OF L IFE AND DEATH "HUMAN CONTROL OF THE MIND" Speakers Dr. Philip Best, Visiting Professor of Psychology. The Rev. Henry Yoder, Lutheran Campus Pastor of the PRESBYTERIAN CAMPUS CENTER 1432 Washtenaw (Diner at 6:30-reservations: 662-3580) Other topics in the series to be considered are Euthanasia, Transplantatiori, Contraception ,_:.. :: s.::,;s :;>:{:: >r^ %9i £y3 z ::;;>, y? 'Yx f; ts. ;r: " j : ::tt; ' [ ::: ." ' ; <.:;.:, osr:: ? M1 : F':> ..: }Ff' >n iy:f:;r {y i .. '+ _iti Sr' ry 1'f ?FiS { $:":Lti4 y .,'iii3iy kti '' ; h - . VN . <'}:?ii: i a.: f h4Yr. { ii},:. J\y.yy; >r i; rFi {; }), f ' ;: { r }: } :.f {". i f r... i '~Yf Ste. } fi : 5 't: r': : ;c::S: ' viil a .': : +, .! M i::: '>: . 5 tit4 iiy: ' "" t n ! f hti X, x{ #s :.. :;£ r ; :. i ! ..t: :. : 4 :_:j .;r ::::::: HOOT (enanny) at 330 Maynardc BntBU~tYi~OUB 4f ,. r CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL PRES ENTS