THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE s a 1uI tF # . For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. 557 HELP WANTED MEAL JOB-Salad man at fraternity. Call dteward, 761-5145.11H9 PROGRAMMERS Com-Share Inc., a leader in computer time-sharing, has openings for exper- ienced programmers. Positions are available in Ann Arbor and also in Chicago and Minneapolis where Corn- Share data centers are soon to be opened. Please call or write Mr. George W. Parrett, personnel director. Com-Share Inc. 2200 Fuller Road Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105 NO 2-2594 H6 HELP WANTED: SECRETARY - Sense of humor, likes hard work, drives car, makes coffee, able to work with 3 balmy, perfection- istic researchers; cool, compulsive, able to go it alone;can type, file, and get ,admnistrators to act and smile; for rare "challenging"; job on study of Negro-white differences in blood pres- sure. Call 764-1158. H7 STUDENTS. PART-TIME $200 per month guaranteed. Car necessary. Call Mr. Sward 761-2280 H4 MARRIED COUPLE wanted for weekend work at local childcare institution. Call Mr. Jackson at 665-5805. H48 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 for Rh positive. $10, $12, $14 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission.. Detroit Blood Service, 404 W. Michigan, Ypsi- lanti. Mich. 483-1894. H FOR SALE HART SKIS - Never used, 6 ft. giant slalom super-pro model 2819. 9 in. with B3 VACUUM-Electrolux tank-type. All At- tachment. Runs like new. $25. NO 3- 9177. B4 LP RECORDS - Mostly classical, some others. Perfect condition, cheap. Call 761-8297. B2 FOR SALE-1 pr. 6'3" wooden skif and cable binding. 1 pr. size 8 Men's Dou- ble Ski Boot. Call Rick, 663-7616. BB BRAND NEW 17 inch Sears Silvertone TV Still under guarantee. UHF and VHF. If interested Call Stan at 665-8792. BA RAMBLER FOR SALE 1982, 6 stick, good condition Call 761-1755 BA BUCO REISTAL II full helmet with blue bubble shield. Brand new, call Mike 761-1303. BE U.S. ENFIELD Cal. .30-06. Restocked. Shoots 22 M.O.A. $55. 761-6776. B FOR SALE: 1966 Honda Super 90 Black - $330 with a free extra front fender. Call Henry at 761-3187. BE WANTED-4th girl to share 4-man roomy, modernly furnished apt. with balcony. Close to campus. Only $58.75 per month. Call Pat, 665-9872. BA BARGAIN CORNER FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET - Ideal for marriedI couple, 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, mo- dern $135 per mo. Call 761-8477. C39 NEED 4th MAN for modern apt, near campus. $62.50 per mo. plus electri- city. Call 662-0874 or 764-1360. C41 WANTED FOR FALL 2-man, unfurnished apartment in old house. Call Mariann 761-5212. C42 WINTER-SUMMER SUBLET. 1/3 man lux. apt. Hi-fi. Packard 668-8317. C43 ROOM FOR RENT - $45 per month; All utilities pd. NO S3-2623 after 5. C44 HAVE YOUR OWN BEDROOM in a 4- man house. 2 rooms available for summer. Full kitchen, dining rm., liv- ing room, TV, piano. Campus area, Call Ron or Ed 665-7121. CA FIFTH GIRL NEEDED, fall semester. Beautiful three bedroom apt. in the Carirage House. Call 764-0758 or 764- 0755. C32 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED for Fall semes- ter, undergrads. Call Joel Dorf, 662- 9434. C33 FOURTH MAN needed for modern two bedroom bi-level apt. $60 per month. 415 Benjamin, No. 7. 761-3683. C34 DELIGHTFUL Apartment needs one fe- male! Would have own bedroom in a 3 bedroom top floor of a house. Cheap! And get this, IT IS A TOWER! Call 663-7994. CA SPACIOUS 2-MAN apt., furnished, 2 blocks from campus. 317 E. Jefferson. 668-8414 after 5:30. 035 MODERN, air-conditioned apartment, centrally located. For this summer. 1317 Wilmot, No. 4. 761-7407. CC ONE BLOCK from campus. One girl needed for winter term. $55.*7. Roomy. Call 764-9279 days, 761-8069 evenings. C30 WANTED-Second man for large two- man apartmeint. Close to campus. For information call George Holets, 761- 9690. 31 -___-__-_ ONE OR TWO MEN wanted to share spacious, modern apartment. Cheap. 665-6487. C36 FU NISHED 2 bedroom apt., main floor. Washing facilities. No children, no pets. Two or three man available Feb. 1st. Call NO 3-325.. 037 GRAD. AND DROP OUT looking for a roommate. Modern 3 man, close to campus. Call 663-7991. C38 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Large, luxery 2-bedroom apt. Bargain price. Call 665-2689. C32 SUBLET SERVICE' Phone 761-3688 We rent your apartment for you. 1217 S. University C491 EFFICIENCES Phone 761-3688 1-2 bedroom apartments for second se- mester, summer, or next fall. Ann Arbor Apartment Agency, 1217 S. Uni- versity. C48 For fall rental-THE TRADEWINDS. 2. 3. and 4-man luxury apts. Bi-level. 1% baths, balconies, covered parking, completely furnished, air condition- ing. Call 761-8055 afternoons. 665-8330 or 662-2750 evenings. 014t 2ND ROOMMATE wanted for one bdrm. luxury apt. $70/month, near Univ. hospital. Phone 761-3821 or NO 2-2655 and ask for Rick Adrian. 06 1335 GEDDES Now renting for fall. Spacious 2- bedroom modern apartments with wall-to-wall carpeting, off-street and 1..aundry facilities. Other 2- bedrooms in new and older buildings in excellent campus and hospital locations. FOR RENT MALE ROOMMATE needed to share new" 4 man apartment. Call 662-5115. C48 ROOMMATE WANTED to share a mod- ern apartment in new development with male grad. stuednt. Most fur- nishings provided. Call Ron, 764-4311 days, 663-2744 evenings. C50 SANS SOUCI Apartments - Spacious, furnished apts. for 2-6 persons. Fea- tures include balcony, private storage, parking lot. Call 665-2689, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. C45 ROOMER WANTED in co-op. Advant- ages include good food, color TV. Approximately $18.50 a week for room and board. Move in quickly. 807 S. State. 662-3219. C46 921 S. DIVISION Apartments for Summer and Fall Two Bedrooms for 3 or 4 Furnished, Air Conditioned, & Disposal Call 665-5992 C47 GRAD GIRL needs 1 or 2 others for modern, furnished 2-bedroom apt. near campus. 662-1121 eves. Cl don't i FALL behind Rent now for the fail semester and be assured of your FIRST choice in apartments. All apartments are cn campus. Priced from $55-$75 per man. APARTMENTS LIMITED' 610 S. Forest 761-5440 C11 DAHLMANN APARTMENTS New, completely furnished, close-in apartments. Available for 2-5 per- sons. FALL '67 OFFICE, 545 CHURCH ST. 761-7600 039 NEED ONE GIRL to share 4-man. Mod- ern apt. Close to campus. $52 per month. 526 Packard, Apt. 102. Call anytime, 662-4895. CF IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Move in tonight Several 2-bedroom' apts. avalalable im- mediately. Very reasonably priced. 917 Packard-was $230, now $195 848 Tappan--was $300, now $225 1001 Forest--was $260, now $220 425 Hill-was $220, now $180- Also need married couple to act asI resident supervisors. Phone Apts. Lim- ited, 610 S. Forest, 761-5440. C10 2 NEED 1 MAN IMMERIATELYI $63.33 per month. New, clean, close to cam- pus. 507 111, No. 4. Call Chuck, 761- 6157 after 6. CA, PRIVATE BEDROOM in house shared- by 3 other students. 662-8186. C20 ONE ROOMMATE needed for 4-girl apartment; 2 bedrooms, dishwasher, garbage disposal, air conditioning. Call 663-9482 or 764-6572. C19 FOR RENT TWO BLOCKS from campus. Now rent- ing for summer and fall. New taste- fully furnished one and two bedroom apartments. Carpeting, dishwasher, air conditioner. Call 665-4200. C25 NOW RENTING FOR FALL 2 and 3 man apartments, furnished bi- levels and efficiencies. 1 block form campus. Manager on premises. Phone or stop by. 736 Packard or call busi- ness phone NO 3-5584 or NO 3-8866. CC 418 E. Washington Street Directly on Campus-half blk. off State WASHINGTON MANOR Spacious, New, Luxurious furnished, One Bedroom - for 3 students. Balc., air cond., soundproof. Laundry and storage facilities. EXTRA FEATURE - Large study hall. Mgr in apt. 15 Call NO 8-6906. Now leasing for summer and fall. C MAKE THE MOVE IN FALL of '67 to PATRICK J. PULTE, INC. 214 E. Huron NO 5-9405 The professional management firm with the tenant in mind. Pick up a list- ing of available apartments for fall at our office. C12 Now Renting for the Fall THE PARK LANE 3 and 4 man apts. Bi-level, air-condi- tioned, dishwashers, disposals, fur- nished, on campus. Call' NO 5-9627 rafter 6 p.m. C16 SUMMIT HOUSE-modern 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apartments with fireplace, bal- cony, spacious living room and kitch- en with all the conveniences. Call 71-5471. C48 APT. FOR RENT-Single opening in lour man. 751 S. Forest, No. 410. Call 761-3965. C41 TRANSPORTATION ONE RIDER, New Orleans and back, Mardi Gras (Feb. 3-7); depart AA Fri- day, leave N.O. Tues. night. $30 and share driving 4-speed. Rick, 665- 3576. G16 RIDE WANTED bath ways to Muskegon or Grand Haven or Spring Lake or surrounding area. Leave Fri. 20 and return Jan. 22. Share expenses Call Judi 764-5933. 014 WANTED-RIDERS TO BOSTON! Leav- ing March 1st. Please call 761-2234 if interested. GF RIDERS WANTED to Florida in new GTO. Around Jan. 22. Leave message at 761-5159. GE BIKES AND SCOOTERS '64 Triumph Bonneville.T Call Charlie 662-6019 Z181 MISCELLANEOUS i CAMPUS MOVERS1 24 hour service. Phone 663-6629. J32 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho- graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES. INC.I USEDCARS_ COMET 1960, 2 dr. std. 6 cylinder, radio. Call Joel, 665-8153 after 6 p.m. N19 1965 PONTIAC Calaliru Hardtop, new tires. Make offer. 665-0772. After 5 p.m. N17 FOR SALE - '64 Plymouth Valiant 6- cylinder automatic transmission 4- door, white, green interior. Good con- dition. For information call 764-4069. N18 1964 CHEVY Bel-Air 2 dr., standard 6, 13,000 actual miles, good body condi- tion. $1300. 662-5740. N15 TRIUMPH Sedan, 1962, 22,000 miles. $450. Call NO 8-6884. N14 FOR SALE--A. H. Sprite, black, radio, luggage rack, tonneau cover, new rings, brakes and exhaust system. Must sell. $750 or best offer. 663-4093. ND 1965 FORD station wagon, standard transmission, 6 cylinder, 38,000 miles, exc. cond. $1595. Ph. 668-8830. N16 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Experienced, term papers, theses. Call 761-5680. J33 THURSDAY NIGHT STUDY BREAK? Hear the new KEN MACKENZIE QUARTET at the Olde Heidelberg 10-1 F20 WANT TO LEARN to dance jazz? Ann Arbor Recreation Department at Burns Park Gym, 1415 Wells St. Mondays 5-6 p.m. for 14 weeks. Classes begin January 23. Fee $11. Register now. Call 665-8821-F9 "THE FABLES" ARE FUNNY. Ann Ar- bor's newest best seller, presented by Zeitgeist. Ken Lawless' THE FABLES, Book 1, Volume 1-or "Now To Be Fired From Moo-U Without Really Trying." At Marshalls, Centicore, Fol- letes, Wahrs, Ulrichs. $1.00. F6 FLIGHT TO EUROPE - Two tickets 1 F j needed on UAC Flight No. 1 to Europe 334 Catherine (May 4-June 4). Please call 764-6989. PC BIKES AND SCOOTERS ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. F30 590 1965 HONDA, 2100 miles, excellent cond. 662-3250. Z19 WANTED-Ticket to Winter Commence- ment. Call Phil, 764-2788 nights. P21 1965 HONDA 160. Excellent condition.A fCheap. Call John, 665-6487. Z17 MUSICAL MDSE.,A ____-__________ l%C ADCDAIDtC WHERE Marginal Prices Buy Quality Diamonds! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. F8 PAT O'DONOHUE is a lousy Pokeno Player, but a shark at Pool. F21 WE ARE going out of our minds selling MUSKET tickets. Have you bought yours? F27 THE WILD SIDE from Lansing Rock and Roll group. Now taking booking in Ann Arbor Call 663-6589 FE A VERY HAPPY belated birthday is wished to Miss Linda Rubin from her old sociology pal. FC WANTED: WIVES! Unable to find suitable 4-man apt. for next fall; desire to try out married housing. Call 665-5140. Ask for STEVE, Dave (choice of two) or Jerry. FA PERSONAL GIRLS! All you sexy leggy beauties don't miss our try-outs for the Sesqui-kettes chorus line January 29, 8:00 p.m. Rm 3R and S. Union. F13' THE LAVENDER VIOLET desires the speedy return of Sigma Kappa's philanthropy trophy. Negoti- ations can be arranged ny calling 761- 2724. Pretty please! FA There's a new world coming. F141 WHAT SINS will the Fleshapoids com- mit at Cinema Guild tonight? F14 HAVE PROBLEMS getting your typing done? One day service -- Technical Service Associates 665-4658. F18 STUDENT TEACHERS Anyone signed up for Ann Arbor sec- ondary directed teaching in January 1968 who wishes to change in Fall 1967, please call Ev 761-6817. F19 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day add. 2 .65 1.25 1 80 2.30 2 -80 3.25 .45 3 .85 1.65 2.40 3.10 375 4.35 .60 4 1.05 2.00 2.90 3 75 4.55 5.30 .75° 5 1 20 2 30 3.35 4.35 5.30 6.20 .90 6 1.40 2 60 3 80 4.95 6,05 7.10 1.00 7 1.55 2.90 4.25 5.55 6 80 8.00 1.10 8 1.70 3 20 4.70 6 15 7.50 8.80 1.20 9 1.85 3.50 510 6.70 820 9.60 1.30 10 2.00 3.80 '5.50 7.15 8.75 10.25 1.40 INCHES 1 2.00 3.80 5.50 7.15 8.75 10.25 1.40 2 3.75 7.30 10.60 13.75 16.75 19.55 1.40 3 5.35 10.40 15.20 19.60 23.95 28.20 1.40 4 6 85 13.35 19.65 25.75 31.50 37.15 1.40 5 8.25 16.25 24.15 31.85 39.35 46.55 1.40 Additional casts per day after six days. Ads that are of 1 1/2, 2/2, 31/2, etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rate. PERSONAL ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. F30 THEODORE BIKEL-SUNDAY, FEB. 19. He's coming in person to discuss Jewish problems at Hillel. Call Bon- nie Burton at 764-6979 to Join our special committee. F24 PERSONAL CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Now you can be a part of Apartment 6. We are looking for a fourth. Apply immed- iately for this exciting opportunity. Call 761-4807. FA YOU'LL BE in good company if you come Tuesday to the Ugli Multipur- pose room at 4:00. Fiedler, Huck Finn, Ginsberg, Powers, Ralph Touchett, Nick Adams, Felheln, Seymour, Willy Loman, Flem Snopes, Stewart and Ahab will all be there too. Writer-in- Residence. PA VISIT OUR WESTERN STORE Jo-O-Kay & Comfy Jackets. Justin, Tony Lama and Acme Boots, Schneider Western Supply 2635 Saline Rd. Ph. 663-0111. 1 mile S. of UM Stadium la KA171VJ, KtrAIKJ 1965 HONDA Trail 90. Boved to 97 cc. Extras 668-8542. Z131 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. E20 ROOM AND BOARD available. Call Russ at 761-7420. EB LOST AND FOUND LOST - Theta Delta Chi pin Saturday night., Reward. 665-6238. A38 GERMAN SHEPERD female fast Sun- day morning, vicinity Washtenaw & Austin, Call 761-2732 or 764-6312. A41 LOST-Brown folder containing bibliog- raphy index cards on State St. across from Campus Corners. Call 761-3877. A34 LOST-Cat, male iSamese vicinity State and Packard. Call 761-6161. A37 FOUND - Money clip near U. Towers on Tues. Call Dan Purple if you can identify 665-6203. A32 FOUND-Men's gold signet ring near Church and Forest Sts. Call 662-7120 evenings. AD HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Instruments and accessories, new and used, lessons, repairs. 209 S. State, 665-8001, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X3 A-1 New and Used It struments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington PERSONAEL APARTMENT 17 announces to the whole world the engagementgof Bar- bara Bird to Michal Luxemberg. F22 MARLENE DIETRICH begins her career at Cinema Guild tonight. P23 SING TONIGHT lovely Spanish Por- tugese Music and. a psalm composed by Benedetto Marcello. Sopranos and altos are needed to augment the Hillel Choir. Rehearsal tonight at 7:30 at 1429 Hill Street or call Steven Ovit- sky, choir director at 663-9095 for- information. F25 SUBLET FOR FREE through the MARKET on the second floor of the Union, 3-5 p.m. F26 i KEEP FREEDOM RINGING COME TO the seminar on American Lit- erature this Tuesday: Hester Prynne, Daisy Miller, Becky Thatcher, Franny, Lady Brett and Madeleine Herzog will be there. 4:00, Multipurpose room. Writer-In-Residence. FA Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone' 662-5671 NOW. F WAKE UP SERVICE--Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK.- AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS WHERE THE GIRLS I For your inner neetings, dances, or banquets . . , excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- bar Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M SUPER SUNDAY has been confused For Terrific Tuesday. Happy Birthday, TODAY, Ann. Bill FA SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.98 "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 STA-PREST Slim Fits $5.98 ARE Albert Terrace 1700 Geddes Luxury bi-level apartments now rent- ing for fall occupancy. Dishwashers, air-conditioners, fully carpeted, 112 baths, decorator furnished. Call for more deails or stop at our office to see floor plans and make your selec- tion. CHARTER REALTY Fine Campus Apartments 1335 South University 665-8825I a weekend dialogue on THE CONTINUING STRUGGLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS January 21-22 (24 hours) * Race relations in the Deep South and Urban North Role of the "white" liberal " Race in literature: DuBois-Baldwin * Films of Chicago, 1966 Cost-$4.00 Place-Fresh Air Camp near Dexter Leadership-James Strickland, Chicago Urban Leag For resigstration call: Presbyterian Campus Center-662-3580 or Ecumenical Campus Center-662-5529 I I . LEVI JACKETS "White" Denim-$6.48 LEVI'S Supersim's--$4.98 LEV'S Dungarees-$4.98 1 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White" & Colors--$5.98 COTTON TURTLENECKS-$1 .79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAMS STORE 122 E. Washington CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. Call 662-7787 between 10 and 1 037 HURON TOWERS North Campus Area 2200 Fuller Rd. Studio, 1. 2, 3 bdrm. furnished and unfurnished. Rentals from $135. Free bus transportation to hospital, cam- pus, and downtown. Air-cond., gar- age space available, also outside parking. Ann Arbor's finest modern high rise apartments. Rental agent on premises daily. Call 663-0800. C TWO MEN NEEDED for modern bi-level 4-man beautiful apartment. $45/mo. Call Denny, 662-4575. 017 FOR THIS SUMMER - An apartment with a heritage, and is great to live in. 4 rooms. 341 E. Liberty, Apt. 6. 662-7663. CC GARAGE--$8. 2 blocks east of Eouth Quad. Church Street. After 5, call 668-6665. C49 SUMMER SUBLET Hurry and rent our spacious 4-man apartment. It's close to campus, has air conditioning, and will be beauti- fully furnished since we are suing the land lord. Call 663-7828. 045 NEED THIRD MAN to share modern 3-man apt, from now to end of sem- ester 668-8542, 042 COUNTRY HOME With room to roam, % mile from city limits. Furnished 3 or 4 bedrooms, two car garage. Completely repainted with new modern kitchens. $240/mo. plus utilities, available now. Liberty Land Co., 662-3358. C28 LARGE-NEW 2 bedroom furnished apartment, car- peting, air-conditioning, and dish- washer. Available now. $195/month. Call fora ppointment. Liberty Land Co., 662-3358. C27 GIRL STUDENTS have new apartment in Ypsi to share with another girl student. Call 483-1206 or 483-8519. C24 ".R t SUBLET-Available now. One girl need- ed, 22 years or older, for modern 4-girl apt. Call 665-4953 afte- 6:00 p.m. C22 IN _ I I I I I !E I VI-~l~ WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ WITH FULL COMPREHENSION & RETENTION EASE PRESSURE-SAVE TIME-IMPROVE CONCENTRATION You can read 150-200 pages an hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to comprehend at speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute-3 to 6 times as fast as you read now. And retention is excellent. This is NOT a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjQyment in reading will be increased. Consider what this new reading ability will enable you to accomplish-in your required reading and in the additional reading you want to do. You'll save many hundreds of hours. NO machines, projectors, or apparatus are used while learning the ACCELERATED READING method. Thus you avoid developing ANY dependence upon external equipment in reading rapidly. The new reading skill is permanently retained for this reason. Afternoon classes and evening classes in ACCELERATED READING will be taught at the BELL TOWER INN, adjacent to the U. of M. campus, beginning in mid-February. The semester ends on April 18. Thisis our Eighth semester of classes in Ann Arbor. AA ._..a ...LI. - r1 Af~. mr-rnATIf'11 E .l .nA(-t -F c AT r' I i # ' '. '' ' i I Enclosed please find $6 (check payable to the MICHIGANENSIAN) for one 1967 I MICHIGANENSIAN: receipt to be sent when order f I 'eI received.I I ill Iito mtantinnI Nil 1 fl