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January 19, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-19

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Seventy-Sixth Year

-ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
.Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




State Board of Education:
Conflict of Interest Issue

THE STATE Board of Education has en-
tered the new year in crisis. Most pub-
licized is the conflict of interest contro-
versy arising over proposals for expand-
ing medical education facilities. Criti-
cisn centers on newly-elected Republi-
can Leroy Augenstein, head of the bio-
physics department at Michigan State
University. Now before the board is a
proposal to expand MSU's present two-
year pre-clinical medical curriculum to a
full four-year program.
In addition to Augenstein, board mem-
ber Rev. Charles Morton has also been
criticized because he is employed by
MSU as a lecturer at its Oakland Uni-
versity branch.
THE RESOLUTION of the conflict of in-
terest question has implications for
three other board members who teach at
other state-supported institutions.
These board members have said that
they oppose taking a formal stand on the
issue. They run in a statewide election as
individual citizens, not representatives of
the institutions they work for, and the
fact, they are employed by educational
institutions is not hidden from the peo-
ple who elect them. *
More concretely, they rely on an attor-
ney general's opinion, issued before the
board election two years ago, which stat-
ed that teaching at a state-supported in-
stitution did not constitute a "substan-
tial" conflict of interest. However, a new
attorney general's opinion giving com-
prehensive coverage to all state govern-
ment positions, is due March 1.
HE STATE Board of Education is de-
fined in the state constitution as the
planning and coordinating body for high-
er education. A large part of this func-
tion involves establishing priorities for
expansion and development of new pro-
grams at state-supported schools. The
constitution also asks the board to ad-
vise the Legislature on the financial needs
of higher education (an area which in-
cludes faculty salaries).
'Any decision of the board concerning
higher education at best indirectly affects
all 11 state-supported colleges and uni-
versities-their status as educational in-
stitutions and their financial situation.
Those who argue that board members

should be disqualified from voting on is-
sues which directly affect the institutions
which employ them don't go far enough.
As Morton points out, "The point of the
question of conflict of interest is to get
you to resolve the conflict or resign
from the board."
Morton says, however, that he will con-
tinue to lecture at Oakland and remain
on the board until the attorney general
says he has a conflict of interest. His view
is shared by the rest of the board.
THOUGH AUGENSTEIN says 'it would
be "politically expedient" for him to
abstain on the MSU proposal, his decision
depends on the resolution of another con-
flict on the board. The six Democrats are
split evenly on the selection of the next
president of the board, and they have
aligned themselves in the same way con-
cerning the MSU proposal.
Augenstein has declared himself a
candidate for the board presidency in an
effort to break down the Democratic
blocks. Unless the Democratic split
is healed the two new Republicans on the
board will be in a position to decide many
questions which will come before the
board in the next two years.
This situation has implications not only
for the medical- education problem but
also the direction and content of the
Master Plan for Higher Education, plan-
ned for completion by October.
THE BOARD'S ROLE in higher educa-
tion is largel undefined as yet. Most
people agree that the board's power
should come primarily from its prestige
as the state's coordinator and planner for
higher education.
But the fact remains that five of the
eight board members work for state-sup-
ported educational institutions and they
must make the decisions on planning and
coordinating the state's higher educa-
tional system. That these five have a
stake in the way these decisions go is
beyond question.
If the board expects to play an active
role in educational policy making and
gain respect for its recommendations to
the Legislature and the individual insti-
tutions, it must enhance its prestige by
eliminating any, doubts raised by ques-
tions of conflict of interest.

PzblickNever Trust a Naked Editor
0Occuirrenzces yBecXaesi
AS I WAS WALKING across the similar sentiments: They booted thought I was hemaphroditic be- been asked to inform us that soph in its dwelling units has a certain
campus, an old friend accosted me out of the editorship during cause she gave me a C plus. Nev- show would be performed the next humor.
me and said, "Generally I can't Easter vacation. The funny thing ertheless I found the course to be week and we should all attend Without naming the fraternity,
complain about your columns be- about the whole situation was a great educational experience, the worthwhile affair. He then one night I visited a friend whose
cause they generally don't appear, that we won some type of award The Doc's wardrobe is in the called upon a boy in the audience house had the homey atmosphere.
but when they do they remind me from Columbia which the head- classical Greek tradition: frater- to elaborate. You know-a knocked up car on
of the great American Southwest- master kept on showing off. nities bought it for her as pres- As the student leaned on the the front lawn, a couple of coeds
parched." ents. As she lectured there would lecturer's desk, I heard a chant in the bushes, and some Seagram's
Recoiling, I noted that, in truth, THE DAILY, however, is a rath- always be three huge dogs waiting of F--o-r-e-1-1-o emanating from bottles strewn across the lawn.
The Daily does tend to be a lit- er somber institution, and my outside the auditorium for their the audience. All of a sudden 40 Looking for my friend, I over-
tle dry at times. I remembered sense of humor was inot appre- masters and invariably one of kids sprung from their seats and heard the following conversation:
the good old days when I edited ciated here either. During my them would slip into the class, marched toward the stage, spell- "Well, I hope to make it back
my high school paper and took freshman year I kept on writing lick his master and be scurried ing out Fiorello over and over to Europe again this year."
the world a little more lightly, the same type of dull weather ear away. again. The student who had been "Which countries are you visit-
My first move upon being ap- when working on night desk. You The irony of the whole class is asked to elaborate the announce-
pointed editor was to inaugurate know the type: Foggy in the morn- that the jocks who get the A's ment jumped on the desk and "England, France, Italy, and
a policy of rhyming headlines. ing, clear in afternoon. So I got deserve them. The Doc tutors boomed "I am Fiorello." Scotland."
Specifically, I remember such my brainstorm: a creative weath- them, cramming the boys so full The spectacle went on for 10 "Why Scotland?"
gems ass "Council's Coax: Give up er ear. Among the better ones of information that they cannot minutes, and by the end I had fin- 'I promised myself I'd try
Smokes" and "Green and White, we ran were "ccccold" and "light do anything but excel. ally figured out the educational again."
Turns Black and Blue in Football gradually fading into darkness. Aualue of the wholeseo wtas shn"Try what?"
Debut." And even when they didn't But in hindsight I see that my ANOTHER ONE of my favorite Actually the professor was show- "Well, I golf a lot and I always
rhyme they had a certain sense chief failing was in not report- classes was Poli Sci 100. One day ing an assimulated model of New wanted to play on the links at St.
of pzazz. A typical specimen was ing the humor of campus life it- I showed up to the lecture and York politics' Andrews golf course. After all it
"Chicks to Cheerlead." self. Let's take a few examples. curiously noticed that the class was BUT, as is often pointed out, the is supposed to be the best in the
It has been argued that I would My freshman year I had the about a quarter larger than its university experience penetrates world."
have done the world a favor by fortune to take Ahtronomy 111 normal size. The professor got up far beyond the classroom. Aside "What happened last time?"
accepting a job on the New York from Doc "A for Athletes, B for on the stage and started his lec- from incidents such as Marge- "I got so drunk at the club-
Daily News, and apparently my boys, C for Coeds," Losh. Unfor- ture with the usual announce- which are relatively infrequent- house waiting for my turn that I
high school administration had tunately the Doc must have ments. Then he said that he had the everyday life of the campus couldn't swing a club."
Letters: The University's HousigObliation
To the Editor: versity of Michigan, explored pos- mitories than planned could take mal front, the IFC, to their ani- BUT OUT and out opposition
CAN WELL commiserate with sible solutions to the obvious im- enough students off the market to malistic sadism, can't wait any longer for the
the sad plight of the student- balance between landlord and ten- force rentals, down to a more rea- Frats' identity is asp rimitive as evolution that surely would have
lessees, having spent three years ant. sonable level and allow students the gorilla's. There is no broth- come. The more semesters that
at the University subject to the If the tenant is to gain any to once again shop for the best erly love, but only accepted tol- pass by after hell has been chang-
whims of University, fraternity and additional rights and if he is to possible value in rentals. erance; only blind loyalty, and ed to help that don't even com-
private landlords. Yet, while ap- assert all of his rights, and the The University need not be guar- the companionship is forced. ply with the fraters' obvious reali-
pealing in promise, I must dis- few he now has are rarely assert- antor. It must be responsible. Those who are now rushing must zation that "hell" during "help"
agree with the conclusions in your ed, then the tenant must have --Richard Wexler become hyper-critical and ex- week i wrong, only means that
January 10th editorial, "The Land- either the financial means to hire General Counsel tremely aware of the system they evolution would take far, far too
lord Problem." counsel and go to court or he must Metropolitan Housing and may now become a part of. Those much time.
It is hardly reasonable to sug- have a proper vehicle for the ar- Planning Council of Chicago persons are the only ons who The only alternative is to at-
gest that the University, which bitration and- determination of can correct-r destroy-this hyp tempt to starve the system by
has heretofore served only the those rights. The University is not ocritical system that ehists in the warning rushees of the true ap-
landlords' interests, should now re- the proper vehicle, but the ten- Rush midst of man's edifice of knowl- pearance of frats, thus forcing
verse roles and serve only the in- ants thruha association can crc- To the Editor. edge and wisdom. It to change or terminating it, in
terests of t reate a nev endin The so-calle "tenant union" has 'HERE ARE NO more pledges. It isn ot likely, however, that the hope that a legitimate fra-
tyle coulduresate a nver-end idg rTvedoalebeantunion"ehasfrbrHell Week is over. Those la- they will correct it from within. ternity system will arise.
cycle of abuses, first on one side proved to be a viable vehicle for borious, tiresome telephone days Rushees, ask questions to find
and then another, the poor, but there isno reason are gone. It's just like a gigantic A BROTHER does not force his out the purpose of sweat, push-
There are actions the University why it should not also work business has finished orienting its brother to do menial, degrading ups, and degradation mixed in a
should take to protect the inter- the advantage of the "over-priv- trainees, and now, there are no labor to the point of excess phys- batter of hell. When you get the
ests of its students, but none ileged" as well. Additionally, such more trainees-only full-time em- ical fatigue for no purpose but answers, if you do, remember that
should go so far asto make the a tenant organization, if carried ployes. some amorphous hope that "you the University-'"The Harvard of
University a guarantor and none on at a sophisticated and respon- Frats call them actives. And will know what I mean and how the West"-is the place where
can interfere with the basic right sible level, could be operable with- now, the machinery has recleaned good it is if you'll just stick it out men, and not tiny adults obsessed
of contract, in the University dormitories, itself, suits have come back from and go through it." with hell, help to tell the world
where, if my memory serves me the cleaners, and actives have got- Frats are blocked by the dead- what is right. Just remember that.
THE UNIVERSITY can exert correctly, it could perform a valu-tethirsrvoflep
pressure on Ann Arbor landlords able and needed service, ten their reserve of sleep liest of all organizational faults: -Jim Heck
pyresuseonnngt Arbstof-adlors aeandeedeservie.yurexpThe whole college life, the rou- tradition. Tradition is not inher-
by refusing to list off-campus The device deserves your explor- tine of academics has stopped and ently bad, but it is no longer con-
housing unless the landlord doc- ation as It gives the tenants a opened up. Like a giant festival sidered by society to have validTh ar
uments his applt te fica ton ffor a list- -Cmu powerful voice without calling on hundreds of boys are rushing the purpose. EUEEPWRi etr
Ing with the Office of Off-Campus the University to constantly come frats.e yred n theER, in a gestue
Housing with four basics: (1) the in like "big brother" n .edte r . They are lured on by the fmgnmiyhadnad
Houin wthfor ascs () te n ik "igbrthr"and wield the phrases, "Identity," "Brotherly MEN MUST no longer prove of magnanimity, has donated
rental to be charged, (2) the serv- blackjack. Lhra dnty eNl Uaty ogh nghysiral to the University $1.3 million to
ices to be performed by the land- Love" and "Companionship." And their loyalty through physical ex- establish a new theatre. It seems
lord, (3) a certificate of inspec- THE UNIVERSITY itself must Rofessors, counselors, past frpters, ertion, because supposedly man' appropriate, therefore, that his
tion from the Ann Arbor Building realize its responsibility in the to come out and say: "Frats are far enough that man's word is as name should appear on the front
Department certifying that the entire situation. Without exteringgodfrsm;bfrote." odashsicp of the theatre.
building is standard in all respects, any apparent controls, it has en- good for some; bad, for others. good as his bicep. However, University students
and (4) listing a depository for couraged the land speculators to Eyo e c t hear that It is really too bad thatf rater- tlrough their tuition fees, ma
any damage deposit at a stated glut the market with low-quality, oldy but goody about frats. nities as they appear in booklets, have also donated as much as 4
interest rate high-rental apartment buildings That can't be done anymore. No, speeches and Ronald Reagan mo-,milooads n uildig.
Yet, this will favorably affect merely by increasing the size of frats have become too important vies do not exist at the University, Obviously, it follows that their
but a small percentage of the the student body beyond the lim- to casually be referred to like because if they did, it would truly names should also appear on the
landlords currently reaping great its of available student housing. one would refer to his favorite be a help for the IBM student to front of the theatre
profits at the students' expense. The University could right the flavor of ice cream. find some sensible identity.
situation merely by threatening the Some Eastern schools have al- Since the contribution of the
RECENTLY, the University of real estate interests with a few HYPOCRISY from their elabor- ready complied with 'society's students is the greater of the two,
Chicago Law School convened a applications for federal funds un- ate liquor alarm system to their standards, today, and for the most isn't it logical that their memory
conference on the landlord-tenant der the Housing and Urban De- misunderstanding of the use of a part, have dispensed with pledg- be honored first? Let us then sub-
relationship. This conference, well velopment Act of 1965 and the push-up. Hypocrisy from their pre- ing. mit that the newest addition to
attended but without representa- 1966 Demonstration Cities and tenses of non-prejudicism to their The University, trying to hold the University be designated the
tion from the administration, fac- Metropolitan Development Act for incomprehension of the word, its own, refuses to give away this "Student Power Theatre."
ulty or student body of the Uni- college housing. A few more dor- "help." Hypocrisy from their for- non-sensical bit of foolery.-Su Redfern
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South African Apartheid

THE UNITED STATES' business com-
munity, which our Business School
wishes to immortalize in its 'proposed Hall
of Fame, has come into conflict with the
forces of humanity, civil rights and ra-
tional U.S. foreign policy.
Black African nations in the United
Nations are calling for oil sanctions
against South Africa. Oil is the one ma-
jor resource that South Africa must im-
port, and represents their Achilles heel.
to oppose South Africa's stand on
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run--8100.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS........ Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH . .,............ Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHEIN .............Personnel Director
VICTOR ,PTASZNIK ...............Finance Manager
JUNIOR MANAGERS-Gene Farber Erica Keeps, Bill
Krauss, Sam Offen, Carol Neimera, Diane Smaller,
Micaael Stecklis, Jeanne Rosinski, Steve Wechsler.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDIITH....... Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY....... Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN..................Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE............ ..Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER................Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL .......... Associate Sports Editor

apartheid. It is without a doubt the most
inhuman form of segregation and exploi-
tation of one race yet practiced. Yet, our
State Department refuses to curtail sup-
port of South Africa's economy by Amer-
ican businesses and continues relations
with that country.
South Africa's economy is booming,
and 240 American companies have major
interests there in fields ranging from con-
struction to machinery. In 1959, Ameri-
can banks gave South Africa a revolv-
ing credit of $40 million.
In light of this wealth, American busi-
nesses are likely to say that South Afri-
ca's racial policy is their own business.
But, their attitude in this case echoes the
states' rights arguments given by our
own segregationists in opposition to civil

China Today:

Tr"he GO;als of. Revolution


relations with
with then eutral

another aspect to our
South Africa: relations
black-ruled nations of

South African apartheid is a major
grievance of the newly emerged black
African neutrals. To them the United
States appears to be supporting this pol-
icy. At the same time, we wonder why
our millionso f dollars in foreign aid have
not improved our poor image with many
in the Afro-Asian bloc.
The answer is obvious. To these nations,
the United States is merely one more
paternalistic colonial power interested in
exploitation (especiallyw hen one con-
siders the military strings usually at-
tached to foreign aid agreements). Our
failure to help end apartheid reinforces
our paternalistic anti-black image.
DEAN RUSK has said that the further-
ing of United States business interests

Associate Managing Editor
Last of a three-part series
Yat-sen inspired in 1911 raged
for 38 years and left a shattered
nation in its wake.
Almost four decades of civil
war and invasion annhilated the
nation's landed elite, destroyed its
Confucian ethic of society and
government and shook the es-
sence of its most fundamental in-'
stitution, the family.
Communist leaders in 1949,
therefore, literally had an op-
portunity to try to organize the
future of one-fifth of the world's
population. At first it was not
difficult to obtain consensus on
what the nation's goal should be
simply because China's needs were
so obvious: the restoration of in-
dustrial and agricultural produc-
tion, the stabilization of the fi-
nancial system and the restora-
tion of the social fabric.
But when those goals were ac-
complished, the honeymoon end-
ed. The leadership today is em-
broiled in a controversy essential-
ly stemming from its divergent
visions of China's future.
MAO TSE-TUNG'S vision of the
future includes not only the popu-
list ethic which won the revolu-
tion for him, but the revolution
itself. The Red Guards are Mao's
populist attempt to maintain the

long suffer hardships from the
joint attacks of U.S. imperialism
and the Chinese reactionaries, the
day will come when these reac-
tionaries are defeated and we are
victorious. The reason is simply
this: The reactionaries represent
reaction, we represent progress."
THE DOMESTIC and foreign
policies of Mao's opponents, led
by President Liu Sho-chi, stem
from aims less directly related to
ideology. They are as communist
as he, but prefer to set govern-
ment policies more in practical
terms and less in ideological

terms than Mao does.
They prefer, for example, a pro-
fessionalizep army to Mao's ideal,
in which the army also farms
and does rural construction work.
point split the two factions in
both domestic and foreign policies.
A Maoist victory in the current
struggle can be expected to bring
radical domestic policies and a
temporarily moderate - though
ethnocentric-foreign policy.
The possibility of a new mass
social mobilization reminiscent of
1958's Great Leap Forward has

been suggested by Chinese news
reports. "People's communes" have
been mentioned in some, and
others have predicted future
"long marches," to steel the na-
tion's youth, modeled on the leg-
endary 5,000-mile trek of the com-
munist armies in 1934-35.
In foreign affairs, however,
Mao's military strategy suggests
a temporary conservatism. As Lin
Piao, Mao's mentor, emphasized
in a recent speech "On People's
War," Mao endorses active con-
flict with an enemy only when
one is sure of military superiority.
China's primitive nuclear force
hardly gives her power compar-
able to America's.
Mao's stand toward the Soviet
Union is, however, firm. Colored
by nationalism, he condemns
"bourgeois" Russia and challenges
her leadership of communist na-
THE DOMESTIC and foreign
policies of the revisionist Liu fac-
-tion are nearly the opposite of
Mao's. Their domestic policies are
moderate. Their foreign policy
might easily be comparatively ag-
gressive insofar as it would not be
hindered by the ideological hesi-
tency which Mao's military writ-
ings currently impose upon it.
Domestically, Liu's policies have
leaned on material incentives for
workers and farmers and a plan-
ned economic development as op-
posed to Mao'sdecentralized
"guervrilla economfis."

to assume that one of these ap-
proaches will predominate over
the other. Both have been com-
peting since 1958 and indeed this
sort of a conflict between ideology
and expediency enters into policy-
making in every nation's govern-
China moreover has a tradition
of shared decision-making. The
nation is simply too big for a de-
cision at the top to be implement-
ed at the bottom without some
modification being made on it in
Even if one faction appears to
gain control in Peking, therefore,
both tendencies will probably be
visible in Chinese policies for some
time to come. Perhaps they will
cancel one another out, immobil-
izing Chinese policy-makers for
the next decade.
It is also possible that one ten-
dency will prevail in one area of
policy, another in a second. There
is no real reason, for example, why
pragmatism could not be the
guide to economic operations while
ideology determines foreign policy,
if some compromise can be reach-.
ed within the leadership.
Just what solution will even-
tually arise clearly cannot be fore-
CONTRADICTORY reports daily
stream out of China. The latest
news is that Mao's opponents are
"firmly entrenched in Peking," as
opposed to yesterday's reports.
Radio Peking has announced that
supporters of Liu are holding


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