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January 18, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-18

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Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevaila
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Jan. 18: Leslie Fiedler as Forest-Grower




The Knauss Report:

''HE PROPOSALS of the Knauss Report
are not dead.
The report, approved in September by
the Faculty Assembly, called for greater
student participation in University af-
Since its approval, a subcommittee of
the Assembly's Student Relations Com-
mittee. has examined the report and
drawn up recommendations for its im-
Although their recommendations are
not the final solution, they represent a
firm basis for 'implementing the Knauss
TWO OF THE MAJOR recommendations
are as follows:
-First, that the Assembly recommend
to the deans and executive committees of
the various schools and colleges that "stu-
dent participation in their units be ex-
amined by a committee of the college and
that information be exchanged between
departments on their experience."
To increase participation, the commit-
tee recommends that funds be establish-
ed from which faculty members could
draw to enable them "to hold informal
gatherings in their homes" and which
would provide a "newsletter" for stu-
dents and faculty in various departments.
-Secondly, that the Assembly recom-
mend to the schools, colleges and depart-
ments that they open their meetings to
"relevant groups within the University
TE TWO PROPOSALS, although good,

on Is Near

Associate Managing Editor
IN THE MIDDLE of lunch with
Leslie Fiedler last Thursday, I
realized how ironic it is that stu-
dents here had to raise $3,400 to
get aprofessor to come 400 miles
to talk to thema for a few hours.
Which isn't to say that there
aren't professors here who can
teach students. Personally I've
run into five who can.
Nor is it to say that Fiedler
has been the intellectual salva-
tion of the University's under-
graduates. What can one man,
any man, do in three weeks?
But his presence does illustrate
the widespread feeling among
students here that they aren't
learning much of consequence to
their lives or of relevance to their
IN A NATION that assumes
that better education in the hu-
man condition is needed if the
society is not to be swallowed
up by its own technology, it is
incredible that universities do not

even begin to provide that edu-
Students understand this edu-
cational vacuum. Hence, they
have brought Leslie Fiedler here
in pathetic effort to redress the
balance away from study and in
favor of education.
They're not necessarily alone in
their understanding. Literary Col-
lege Dean William Haber, for ex-
ample, considered the problem
serious enough in November to
distribute copies of what he
thought an "extreme" speech
dealing with it to literary college
faculty members.
The speech was given by Wil-
liam Arrowsmith, classics profes-
sor at the University of Texas,
to an American Council on Edu-
cation conference one month ear-
that a process of natural selec-
tion among professors has re-
sulted in the failure to provide
students with "the ancient, cru-
cial, high art of teaching, the
kind of teaching which alone can

claim to be called educational, an
essential element in all noble
human culture, and hence a task
of infinitely more importance
than that of the research schol-
But scholarship is rewarded
while teaching is not and so
teaching is dying out.
He argues further:
"As presently constituted, the
colleges and universities are as
uncongenial to teaching as the
Mojave Desert to a clutch of
Druid priests. If you want to
restore a Druid priesthood, you
cannot do it by offering prizes
for Druid-of-the-year. If you
want Druids, you must grow
forests... t
"I am suggesting what will
doubtless seem paradox or
treason-that there is no nec-
essary link between scholarship
and education, nor between re-
search and culture, and that
in actual practice scholarship
is no longer a significant edu-
cational force.
"Scholars to be sure are unpre-
cedentedly powerful, but their

power is professional and there-
fore technocratic; as educators
they have been eagerly disqual-
ifying themselves for more than
a century, and their disqualifi-
cation is now nearly total.
"The scholar has disowned
the student--that is, the stu-
dent who is not a potential
scholar-and the student has
reasonably retaliated by aban-
doning the scholar.
"This, I believe, is the only
natural reading of what I take
to be a momentous event-the
secession of the student from
the institutions of higher learn-
ing on the grounds that they
no longer educate and that
they are therefore, in his word,
Sadly enough, the students'
evaluation of universities is prob-
ably right. Who else is there to
Education isn't the sort of
thing that dies out, however, if
only because it's the means by
which societies transmit their
culture to their youth.

SO, IF THE universities no
longer educate this culture's
youth. who does? Fiedler himslf
provided the beginning of the an-
swer in his first talk here when
he suggested that most of his
society's education is being ac-
complished outside the universi-
The little real education that
people get in the age of sup-
posedly compulsory mass educa-
tion is received from a few kind-
hearted professionals who take an
interest in them.
There are, of course, the few
youths who either stumble into
a situation in which they can
learn something or who are de-
termined and bright enough to
dig something out of the world
on their own.
And that may be is the way it's
always been; the point being that
we should stop kidding ourselves
into thinking that we are getting
an education here. If we were,
people wouldn't be trooping to
see Leslie Fiedler.

might have gone farther.
While a newsletter and informal gath-
erings are valuable means of informing
the student of departmental activities,
they do not structure his participation in
departmental decision-making.
To achieve this type of participation all
departments should create committees
composed of students and faculty mem-
bers (including teaching fellows) to ex-
amine curriculum, credit hours.allotted to
courses within the departments, grading
procedures, exams, etc....
Secondly, the open meeting should not
be restricted to the "relevant members"
of the University community but to all
its members. The "relevance" criteria
may serve to retain at least partially clos-
ed meetings.
The present practice is to release a re-
port to the public after the meeting
through an official spokesman. Although
most information is thus made available,
other members of the University com-
munity have a right to see how, not just
what decisions are made.
NEVERTHELESS, the recommendations
are a good start Hopefully they will
be accepted by the Assembly at the Jan-
uary 30 meeting.
It is also hoped that they will receive
the support of students and administra-
tion in their implementation.
If this support is lacking, the Knauss
Report and its proposals may die the
lonely death in yet another study com-

Letters: Drugs

Not Widespread Here

To the Editor:
THE TROUBLE with Dr. John C.
Pollard of our illustrious MHRI
is his vagueness when he discuss-
es, under the guise of expertise,
the problem of drug usage on,
His seemingly contradictory
statements lead to more columns
of inflammatory speculation than
the problem is worth.
Dr. Pollard told the Washtenaw
County Medical Society that the
use of drugs (marijuana and LSD)
on this campus is "widespread."
He then agreed with a colleague's
informed guess that there are per-
haps 200 hard-core marijuana
users and that 20 students in-
dulge in LSD.
MY GOODNESS!! How wide-
spread!! Indeed, the campus is in
a bad way. At least 220 students
flunk out each year. Shall we as-
sume, Dr. Pollard, that flunking
out is widespread at U. of M.?
Of course, one may. forget all
about any civil rightist's protests
about discriminatory admissions
policies here at the University.
There are nearly twice as many
Negroes at the University than
there are drug takers, so it is
really widespread to be a Negro
Seriously, statements like the
ones being made by this expert in
the field make one think about
ethics and the propriety of such
remarks, but most important, to
quote an old (though recently res-
urrected) idol' of mine, "All we

want is the facts, sir, just the
-George S. Layne, '70M
To the Editor:
SOME ASPECTS of the recent
challenge to the seating of Coh-
gressman Adam Clayton Powell
have not received the attention
they deserve.
Two years ago,, the congress-
men from Mississippi were chal-
langed because in many parts of
their districts the majority of the
citizens had not been allowed tc
vote, and individuals who had tried
to run against them had been
kept off the ballot illegally.
It should be noted that Minor-
ity Leader Gerald Ford was then
one of those who voted that they
should be seated, and the same
coalition of Republicans and Dix-
iecrats that now wishes to look
behind Mr. Powell's certificate of
election then refused to look be-
hind the certificates of the con-
gressmen from Mississippi.
When the investigative proced-
ures followed in 1965 revealed a
pattern of wholesale violations of
laws and 'the Constitution, the
same coalition (with Gerald Ford
in the lead), voted to disregard the
lenges of 1965 and 1967-and the
handling of both by the public
media-one should be able to see
why our Negro fellow-citizens be-

lieve that a double standard is be-
ing applied.
After all, there can be no ques-
tion that the voters of Harlem,
wisely or unwisely, chose to be
represented by Mr. Powell.
There is a special local angle
to this issue. Last fall, Mrs. Bould-
ing and her supporters worked
hard to defeat one of the leaders
of the Mississippi challenge. They
must feel proud to have this dis-
trict represented now by a follow-
er of the Powell challenge.
--Gerhard L. Weinberg
Professor of History
To the Editor:
AFTER HAVING experienced the
phenomenon called "new jazz"
Sunday afternoon at Rackham, I
have found the audacity to assert
something no critic has a right to
The most a critic can say is
"It is nothing, in my opinion,"
but I unflinchingly claim it is
nothing (period).
Friends who enjoyed the avant
garde cacophony have been quick
to assail my position. How can
you say this music has no form,
they ask me, when form is a
function of the listener's interac-
tion with the music.
Obviously you fail to understand
the interrelationships in the music,
they continue, and are thereby
unable to discern its form. We
understand the music, and the
form is apparent to us.

TO WHICH I reply, oh no, what
you perceive to be form is merely
a projection of your own idio-
syncratic associations into the mu-
sic. You have arranged your im-
pressions of the music so as to
invent an imaginary form, but the
music itself has nothing to offer.
Let me abandon this little stale-
mate to touch upon some of my
impressions of Detroit's new sound
in jazz (which incidentally is no
more repulsive than the ranting
of John Coltrane and Ornette
Coleman since they departed from
the mainstream.
I would describe the perform-
ance as 13 men simultaneously
blaring out their frustrations, all
unrelated frustrations to be sure.
Surely there's more to music than
blowing off steam.
a clever strategy-by performing
only one protracted number, they
were able to hold most of the au-
dience captive for over an hour.
I had initially been complacent
in my holding of a front row-
center seat, but soon I realized it
was the worst in the house.
Not only was it unbearably
close to the streptitious sounds be-
ing spewed forth, but it made an
inconspicuous exit quite impossi-
ble. I noticed one listener did leave
early - perhaps he intended to
corner the aspirin market before
the concert ended.

mit that in some instances, I was
actually able to glean a semblance
of melodic line. One such instance
occurred when a baby cried con-
tinuously for several minutes mid-
way through the performance (and
who could blame it).
I thought the most musical part
of the concert occurred right at
the end. I am referring not to the
coda, but to the applause which
-Ron Evans
FREEDOM IS the highest at-,
tainment which a person can
reach. True human freedom is
rare, precious, and beautiful. Look
at people as they pass in the
streets of our cities. The majority
of them are not free. They live
under constraint. They carry bur-
dens of anxiety. They are not do-
ing what they wish. They unwill-
ingly serve the wills of others.
They are only legally free.
HERE AND THERE is a person
who thinks, acts, loves, lives, not
as if compelled from without, not
as a machine, not as an autom -
tion, but with inward ease, con-
tentment, willingness and joy.
Freedom, so far'from being com-
mon and deep and cheap, is un-
common and costly. It belongs to
the period of maturity-not to
boys and girls, but to grown men
and women.
-Adlai E. Stevenson


U.S. and the U.N.

ISRAEL AND SYRIA yesterday accepted
a plea from the United Nations to en-
ter into negotiations over their ongoing
border dispute. This action represents
another instance in the long history of
the United Nations "presence" in the
Middle East.
While the organization has not been
able to prevent sporadic outbreaks of
violence, it has thus far been able to pre-
vent war between Israel and her Arab
THERE IS A REASON. Neither the Arab
countries nor Israel is powerful enough
to avoid or ignore UN pressure and the
international sentiment behind it. The
United States, it seems, is.
Thus, when Israel made a retaliatory
raid on Jordan for allowing subversion-
ists through her border, the United Na-
tions roundly and strongly condemned Is-
rael and retaliatory raids in general.
But somehow the biggest retaliatory

raid in history, the United States' re-
sponse to the Tonkin Gulf incident with
the bombing of North Viet Nam, escaped
Somehow also the combatants in the
Viet Nam war have managed to avoid the
monumental efforts of U, Thant to bring
the war to the conference table.
Thant's peace efforts have the best
support the U.S. can offer-in the Middle
East. When he asks for the halt to bomb-
ing and the recognition of the NLF, how-
ever, we'd rather act on ourown.
THE UNITED STATES has been strong
and rich enough to keep the United
Nations solvent- over these past 21 years.
When will she be wise enough to let the
UN supersede her own short-range per-
ceptions as she so often counsels other,
smaller nations to do?,
Editorial Director

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China Today:

The Politics of Revolution


Yale Letter

. and
Associate Managing Editor
Second of ta three-part series
MAO'S EFFORTS to resurrect
the "uninterrupted revolution"
of Chinese society were not born
with the headlines of two weeks
The curent 1-.oletarian Cultural
Revolution represents the high
point of an eight- or nine-year
period of power plays.
It began with the failure of
Mao Tse-tung's Great Leap For-
ward in the late 1950's and his
subsequent discrediting before the
government and Party.
was stagnating; production had
reached the highest levels pos-
sible barring great technological

Ideologically, Party cadres had
failed to transfer traditional peas-
ant loyalties from personal to col-
lective interests.
Mao's solution to both problems
was the Great Leap. It must be
understood that Mao views the
world in distinctly ideological
terms. Twenty-eight years of
civil war have molded him in the
image of a Leninist revolutionary,
though with a Chinese viewpoint.
Thus, elements of populism and
dialecticalhmaterialism run just
beneath the surface of his ap-
proach to the world.
He settled, therefore, on the
Great Leap - the use of mass
peasant labor to offset China's
great lack of investment capital-
as the solution to both the eco-
nomic and social problems of 1957.
THE PROJECT was a colossal

A LETTER to President Johnson from 462
members of the faculty of Yale Uni-
versity, has dared the United States to
"declare an unconditional halt to the
bombing of North Viet Nam."
The letter's proposal is a legitimate,
well-founded one, and represents an ex-
cellent example to other faculty groups
across the country.
The signers of the proposal include 15
department chairmen, five deans and the
president of the American Political Sci-
ence Association-all acting as private
citizens and purporting to speak, not as
representatives of the university, but "for
men of goodwill everywhere."
THE LETTER was proposed by U Thant's
convictions that the cessation of
bombing will enhance recent indications
of flexibility from the North Vietnamese.
The Dali y a member of the Associated Press and
collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mall).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publicatioms.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Bond or Stocaholders- None.
Average press run-8100.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan

In some quarters the proposal may be
termed "moderate." It does not ask for a
scheduled withdrawal; it concedes that
the President will have to weigh the risks
before the bombing halt.
It stresses, however, that "the gamble
is a necessary one" and points out that
"U Thant is reportedly convinced that the
cessation of the bombing is the necessary
key to peace talks."
HOPEFULLY, other faculties across the
country will advance similar pleas.
The time is ripe, and the cumulative
pressure of such proposals might well ef-
fect the President's willingness to take
that "necessary gamble."
And, as Prof. William Kessen, one of
the drafters of the Yale resolution said,
"When you feel as strongly about an is-
sue as we do, you have an obligation to
take action on your own."
"HERE WILL BE an open meeting to-
night for students interested in work-
ing with Upward Bound to establish a
school for slum children here in Ann Ar-
This is an opportunity not only for the

bust. By 1960 food production
-had fallen 14 per cent from 1957
levels while the nation's gross do-
mestic product fell by 17 billion
This consummate failure ser-
iously shook the Party's faith in
Mao's ideological approach to na-
tional problems. In 1958, the
Central Committee removed him
from the presidency and replaced
him with Liu Shao-chi, since
purged as a "revisionist." Mao re-
tained his post as Party Chair-
THE EVENTS of the last few
weeks represent the culmination
of Mao's nine-year drive to regain
power and reaffirm the influence
of his social and economic
The ideological foundation of
Mao's current Cultural Revolution
lies inethe "socialist education
movement" of 1962. The aim of
the movement was to root out
"bourgeois" sentiments, and arouse
peasant allegiance to collective
rather than personal gain.
The program was intensified in
the spring of 1964, with the pur-
ges of intellectuals promoting
"bourgeois humanitarianism," the
concept that humanism trans-
cends class lines.
In December, 1965. the creation
of "half-work, half-study" schools
ensured Maoist influence on the
educational system. Mao was in-
tent upon inscribing a "peasant
and worker viewpoint" on the en-
tire nation.
THIS MAOIST drive faced ex-
pected opposition from Party
bureaucrats who remembered the
economic fiasco of 1958. Their
resistance forced Mao to leave
Peking in 1965, and go to Shang-
hai to prepare for his next drive,
the Cultural Revolution.
It was no accident that one of
the first "revisionists" purged up-
on Mao's return in August, 1966,
was Peng Chen, Peking's mayor,
who controlled the Peking bu-
Peng's removal signalled a qual-

result of this political struggle.
But now the conflict has spread
far beyond the Party hierarchy.
In the provinces, Red Guards
and trained workers have been
sent out as organizers to combat
revisionists in factories and farms.
In industry, the unions are re-
sisting Maoist forces. Low wages
and a poor standard of living have
caused dissatisfaction. The work-
ers' sympathies thus remain with
Liu's revisionists, the men who
propose to raise their wages.
Premier Chou En-lai stands be-
tween the Maoists and the Liu-
Teng revisionists. Though he leans
toward the pragmatic revisionist
group, he is enough of a politician
to voice support of Mao, keeping
himself free from denunciation.
His goal is to maintain cohe-
sion and stability in both the gov-
ernment and the Party, while
somehow protecting the nation's

economic apparatus from
ravages of the Red Guards.


AT PRESENT Mao and his Red
Guards appear to have establish-
ed control in Peking and other
urban centers. He also undoubt-
edly controls a major portion of
the army and many provincialof-
ficials and cadres.
The fate of the outlying prov-
inces, however, is far, from de-
cided. Liu has left Peking, per-
haps to plan a return at some
time in the future. His influence
in many Party concentrations
and parts of the army is unden-
iable; he retains the sympathy of
the government bureaucracy.
The outcome of this struggle
cannot be foreseen. But upon it
depends future Chinese domestic
and foreign policies.
The Goals of Revolution


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