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January 17, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-17

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College Young Democrats COUNCIL CANDIDATE:
Cut from National Party Feldkamp Plans To Request


for all students interested
in working on a student-run
summer progarn for underprivileged
high school youth.

Wednesday, January 18, 7:00 P.M.

Room 3D, Union

Last November the Democratic
National Committee dissolved the
College Young Democrats (CYD)
from their organization. However,
Steven Handler, the president of
the University's CYD, said that
this "doesn't really have an ef-
fect" on this chapter.
Handler explained that prior to
the split there was little direct
contact with the national organi-
zation. CYD's main work is with
the state Democratic party. M.
David Vaughn, the president of
the state Young Democrats, main-
tained that all of Michigan's CYD
groups are still members of the
state party organization.
Why the national committee dis-'
solved the CYD is not known.
However, there had been conflict
for several months. Part of the
problem was general dissatisfac-
tion and opposition concerning
President Johnson, the party head.
However "The New Republic"
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

felt the proximate cause was a
resolution expressing "earnest and
sincere disapproval of the present.
administration policy in Viet
Nam." The CYD had called for
immediate cessation of the bomb-
ing of North Viet Nam, replace-I
ment of United States troops by#
UN forces and negotiations to de- c
termine the future of both North
and South Viet Nam under a pleb-
iscite supervised by the UN.
Services Denied
The national committee was up-I
set and refused them its facilities
for duplicating and mailing the
resolution. Normally the CYD is
permitted the use of such services.
Zolton Ferency, the state par-
ty chairman, believes this to be a
"very serious matter." However, he
predicts that the CYD will be re-
organized to fit into the national
party structure as the 1968 cam-
paign approaches.
He sees them as "extremely use-'
ful" both as an excellent train-
ing ground for future leadership'
and as an entrance for youth into'
party activities. Moreover, he sees
the CYD as important for the
party as it provides an approach
to youth and its problems.

John C. Feldkamp, director of ;
University housing, said recently
that if he is elected Ann Arborc
city councilman from the ThirdC
Ward, he will fight for the changes
in zoning laws prohibiting high f
density, low cost housing.
He also indicated that he wouldt
be willing to recommend to the

factor delaying his recommenda- I
However, Michael Davis, vice-

Reforms If -Elected
Regents' advisory Plant Exten- president of ICC, said yesterday
sion Committee that the Inter- that although specific building
Cooperative Council's plan for ad- cost figures must await the open-
ditional sponsored housing units ing of bids after Regents' approv-
on North Campus be approved. He al, an architect's estimation has
said a lack of specific cost fig- been submitted to Feldkamp.
ures from the ICC is the only Sacrifice Housing

rii oni r

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on the career opportunities
at AC Electronics.




Boulding Relates weak Role1
Of Current Social Studies'
WASHINGTON - A pure heart Speaking of such sociology, eco-
and a little common sense are not nomics, political science, and an-
enough to create peace, abolish thropology and psychology, Boul-
slums, solve race problems or ov- ding said present information col-
ercome crimes. Contrary to ac- lection and processing and theory-
cepted beliefs, these are suitable testing procedure is "not only in-
subjects for the social sciences. adequate, it is corrupt; it is not
This was the opinion of Ken- merely a zero, it is a minus.
neth E. Boulding, professor of eco- "It is an enormous apparatus
nomics at The University of Mi- designed, in fact, to produce mis-
chigan and a research economist information and to prevent feed-
in the University's Center for Re- back from inadequate images of
search on Conflict Resolution. the world so that the whole organ-
In an address recently at the ization of the international sys-
annual meeting of the American tem b e c o m e s organizationally
Association for the Advancement schizophrenic, that is, the existing
of Science, Boulding said the so- images of the world are confirmed
cial sciences are not really taken no matter what happens."
'Old Wives' Data Stations
"If we want to navigate a satel- A partial solution, which he des-
lite or produce a new drug or a cribes as a "kind of fantasy',"
new hybrid, or even explode a nu- would involve "a world network
clear weapon," he said, "we do of social data stations analogous
not call in old wives. In social to the network of weather sta-
systems the old wives, or at least tions."
their husbands, are called in all Boulding estimated that his sug-
the time." gested network of social data sta-
Citing abuses of flood control tions would probably not cost.
and poverty-programs, among oth- more than a billion dollars a year
ers, Boulding said government and the returns for this invest-
failure to recognize the involve- ment might be enormous in terms
ment of a social system has led of disasters avoided, stable peace
many times to disaster or gross established, and development fos-
inefficiency. tered."
One such example, according to The tendency to regard know-
Boulding, is urban renewal which ledge about social systems as
"has been thought of in primarily something which can be achieved
physical terms, and as a result in the ordinary business of life is
has broken up communities and false, he said, and many of our
may easily have worsened the failures and difficulties arise from

Feldkamp said, "If I'm assured
it is going to be low cost housing,
I'm willing to sacrifice high-dens-
ity for low cost. If someone comes
forward with a plan . . . They
might have made a report vocally
but I can't even remember that
Davis said that the ICC is as-
sured of low costh construction. He
said that informal discussions with
a contractor now doing business
with the city have assured the ICC
that because of the fixed costs
of construction the contractor will
Benefit by constructing the co-op
in addition to his present contract
with the city.
The contractor has said that he
can guarantee costs at a level of
40 per cent less than those usual-
ly offered the University, accord-
ing to Davis.
Density Problem
Davis said that Feldkamp's pre-
vious objection that the housing
units would be of too great a dens-
ity for the particular area on
North Campus-too near low dens-
ity housing, such as Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity - was misleading.
He said that there are "vast ex-
panses" of land surrounding the
proposed site on three sides, al-
though all of that area would not
be part of the co-op site.
He said that if this land were
taken into consideration in the
figuring of then umber of resi-
dents per acre, the result would
be comparable to other North
Campus housing units.
240 Students
The proposed housing would
contain space for 240 students and
would be classified "associate" or
"affiliated" housing, similar to the
classification of fraternities and
sororities. Presently the University
"sponsors" 204 co-op units, owns
360 co-op units, and "sponsors"
an additional 2,781 in fraternities
and sororities.

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