TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 196t TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FWR DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVEIITISEME- NTS PERSONAL RENT Your TV from NEJAC a IE and zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F FREEDOM for the students of North Kalamantan!! F FACULTY AND STAFF Camp Indian Waters, Hayward, Wis., is a private camp enrolling about 30 boys, ages 8-15. Emphasis on water- front -- swimming, sailing, canoeing. Also horseback riding, photography and all land sports. Excellent trip- ping program. High counselor-camper ratio. Iutoring if desired. Write Preston'Zimmerman, Director, 7950 S. Paxton Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60649, F20 S.T.O.P. TOURS to Europe please 100's of students each summer. Many itin- eraries. Little regimentation. No wor- ries about luggage, hotels, customs, or. :avel connections. Call Merle, 668-9040 CHICAGO BOUND?! Guy and gal need ride to Chicago on the weekend of Jan. 21. Please call Ken at 4-6626 or Celia at 4-1758. F8 Betsy Cohn is a RED BAITER THE RATIONALS ARE COMING! I For the best in rock and roll, rhythm and blues, SOUL, call Jeep, 665-4469 or 761-2787. F22 FOR ANIMALS? A SACRED' OBJECT? .A DRY SPOT OUT OF THE RAIN?' THE ARK 1421 Hill St. Opening Jan. 21 F26 LEE MARTTILA-We of the hockey beat sincereley .apologize for the butcher- ing of your name so far this year. From now on, rest assured, you will be identified correctly. Go Blue. -Tindall F32 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Immediate opportunity in spacious apartment. For info. call 663-9492 'rom 4 to 5. L41 2 YOUNG men need place to hang hats. Pete or Ron, 665-2378. F16 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univeiaity, 663-7151. PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00aper hr. This is not pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this. could be more than just a part time job for the right peronn. If you're 20, have use of a car, ane are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 6S5-8187 ,'24 hours). F DATING more enjoyable with THE RIGH'T PERSON IBM Computer AND personal -interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662.4867, write 216 '. State . ur free brochure or interview. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .10 195 3 45 3 85 2 40 4120 4 100 2 85 '495 Fiutjre 5 3veroge words to o line. Classitied deadline 2:;40 doily. Phone 764 0557 HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS Semi or Straight Ages 21-.40 Some experience helpful but not necessary. You can earn over $3 per hour after short training. For ap- plication write Nation Wide Semi- Division, 1255 Corwin Avenue, Ham- Ilton, Ohio. Or call 513-895-5649. H32 GRADUATE STUDENT in Political Be- havior needed as part-time consul- tant to work on completed research project. Pay will be commensurate with education and experience. Cal: - collect person to person, Vernon Al- bright, 419-243-6084 or 419-242-7341 extension 46. H42 HELP WANTED FOR RENT Male and Female help wanted-Open- FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Large, ings for child care workers, at Ply- mod. apt, near campus. 668..9068. C3 mouth State home and training school. I MAN NEEDED for 2-man apt. $60/mo. Child care worker A, 21 yrs., a min- for all utilities. Near campus. Call imum of 56 semester hours completed 66.1-4.90..C48 and currently enrolled in a College 662-4890. or University. Salary ranges from $4906-$5533-depending on education. CAMPUS Child care worker trainee-19 yrs., a minimum of 28 semester hrs, corn- FURNISHED pleted and currently enrolled in a HOUSES college or university. Salary $4363 an- nujally. To work with young retarded and an 4 to 5 Students excellent opportunity to combine Phone 663-5098 work and practical. experience with C 50 those interested in careers in -Milieu treatment, education, social work, SUMMER SUBLET-2 Man, close to speech therapy and related fields, campus. CHEAP. 1100 Hill, No. 2. Call For further information contact per- 761-3302. C46 sonnel office, Plymouth State Home GL 3-1500 Mon.-Fri., 8:00-4:30 p.m. H43 help ----SCHOLARS Counter help wanted full or part time. Inquire' at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes, 2985 on campus Washtenaw. H44 ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES Porters wanted, full or part time. In- Tastefully furnished new apartments quire at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes. 2985 with concrete walls and ceilings Washtenaw. H45 to insure quiet and privacy. MAN FOR PHYS. ED. and Recreation Phone: 662..7961 afternoons & evenings Work $2.,50 per hour if able to work SUMMER SUBLET - Want to sublet 30 hours or more per week. Are look- ing for grad in P.E. or Rec. with ex- your apartmeit fast? Try the summer perience in working with children. sublet section of the Student Hous- Call between 1 and 3, 482-6550. H35 ing Guide Supplely tnt coming Jan. i, --Iil I'rh,1%iVIIU loan I Tlily - Lnr rip FOR RENT t .E BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7 and $10 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 7-1. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. -Detroit Blood Service, new location, 404 W. Mich- igan, Ypsilanti, Mich. t Fratenity meal job avail. Call 665- 3719. H28 MEAL JOBS avail. In fraternity house. Lunches, some dinners. Call Mitch, 665.8489 eves. or 761-0992 during meals. H36 DEDICATED COUPLE-Unique oppor- tunity to serve community by caring_ for small group of teenage boys. Housing and some other expenses provided Graduate student and non- working wife preferred. Call 665-0374 after 6 p.m. H41 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY We are looking for male and fe.aale part-time sales, male part-time stock-I work Apply in person, personnel of- fice, Montgomery Ward, Arborland Shopping Center. H47 BIKES AND SCOOTERS '65 BSA Lightening. $950. Call 665-7960. NICHOLSON M/C SALES Authorized dealer for TRIUMPH - YAMAHA - BMW - GILERA. 224 S. First. Phone 662-7409. Z 30tn in Th: Mict igan Daily. For de- tails call 7'1 -05') between 12:45 and 4:15. C27 APARTMENTS LTD. Now renting for fall semester Best apartment selection ever. Rent now and be assured of a choice apartment. APARTMENTS LTD., 610 S. Forest NO 3-0511 C44 3RD MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share apartment. 4 mo. lease. Call 764-0602 or NO 3-7237. C20 NEEDED Desperately-Male roommate for 3-man apt. Call 665-7110. C49 THIRD MAN WANTED-For modern apt., covered parking, dishwasher. $60/mo. Call 665-4832. C4 LOOKING for a roommate for fall term? If you are, contact Lynne at 764- 5914. C38 SINGLE ROOM, with kitchen. 428 Cross St. 035 CAMPUS 1 Block from Hospital -now under construction; available 1 January 15 -completely furnished, air conditioned and sound proofed -complete Frigidaire appliances --s~udio at $145 per month -1 bedroom at $174 per month -garage at $7 per month DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 663-7268 or 665-0234 C28 HELP! NEED ONE man to fill vacancies. Huge modern apartment has 2 bdrm§., den, 2 full baths, 2 air-cond., dish- washer, good location. Call 662-5743. SINGLE ROOMS for men. $6-$10 per week. 533 Elizabeth St. Call 665-8618 or 665-2894. C45 711 E. ANN-A-bedroom centrally lo- cated furnished apartment available immediately. Separate dining room, ample storage space, access to front porch. Call NO 2-0686 evenings. C11 1335 GEDDES Deluxe spacious two-bedroom apart- ments, wall-to-wall carpeting, fur- nishings less than a year old, dis- posal, off-street parking, individual storage space. Ideal for students or nurses. Between Campus and Uni- versity Hospital. August occupancy. Also modern furnished one, two or three man apartments near campus and hospital areas available for August occupancy. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 335 E. Huron Days-662-7787 Evenings-NO 2-0686 C43 WANTED 3rd roommate for new apt. near campus. Call 662-5803. C58 THE TRADEWINDS FOR FALL-On campus, new 2, 3, & 4 man apts. B-level, central air-cond., free covered parking, luxuriously fur- nished, fully carpeted, and balconcies. Call 665-8330 or 668-8723. C THE PARKLANE FOR FALL-On campus, new bi-level, 1 and 2 bdrm.; spiral staircase, dish- washer, air-cond., luxuriously fur- nished, fully carpeted. Call 668-8723 or 665-8330. C SHARE HOUSE, $45/mo. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, parking. 708 Arch St. (near State & Packard). 665-6820. C36 MALE ROOMMATE needed to fill 3, man apt. $65/mo. Call 665-3265. C25 LUXURY APT. 1 or 2 men needed. Forum, Apt. 12. Phone 665-8825. C6 FOR RENT One man needed to share new 4-man apt. with 2 men. Call 662-4074 or 662- 0545. C8 Roommate wanted for house. Private bedroom. Call 662-7387 at dinner or after 11 p.m. C7 4th manwanted to share mod.,2 bdrm. apt, Usually $55 but will take $40. 410 Observatory No. 7. 761-2728. 09 Wanted-Girl to share comfortable 2- man apt, very close to campus, Call 665-6709. C10 SUBLET SUBLET-2 men wanted to share very large modern air-cond. 4- man apt, on campus. 662-8637, C11 Prof. girl to share mod., semi-furn., 2 bdrm. apt. Near hosp. Island Dr. apts. $70/mo. 663-9181 after 5. 012 Needed: 3rd male roommate to share spacious home; 4 min. drive from campus, $50 per mo. 663-4601. C6 FOR SALE CHEST SALE New three-drawer--$14.95 New four-drawer-$19.95 Also many used chest and dressers to choose from. Complete home furnish- ings to suit the budget. Refrigerators, gas and electric ranges, washers, man- gles, TV's, new and used mattresses, bedsteads, box springs, desks and tables, rockers, carpets lamps, many other items. OZZIES FURNITURE Open 9 to 8 weekdays. 9 to 5:30 Sat. 3360 Carpenter Rd. 663-9019 B1 '64 Volkswagon, sun-roof, radio, low mileage, $1250. Call 761-3519 6-7 p.m. Meals: Monday, Tues., Thurs., Fri. lunch, Mon.-Fri. dinner. Any or all meals offered may be purchased. To- tal price less than $10 per week. Call fraternity house mgr. NO 2-8312. 1964 HONDA 150, $425. 2800 miles. Call 663-4085 after 6 p.m. B27 ADMIRAL TV, 19," portable, excellent condition. $35. 662-2489. B50 1964 V.W. EXCELLENT COND. $1195, Call after 5, 663-3844. B4 BRAND NEW sewing machine at 20%4 discount. Call 761-1213. B44 ART INSTRUCTOR leaving for Europe. Willing to sell group of paintings, $25 and up. Call 662-1859 after 6 p.m. B48 ART INSTRUCTOR leaving for Europe has paintings to sell $25 and up. Phone: 662-1859. B45 OLD ELM ANTIQUES for the discrimi- nate collector. 723 Packard, near State. B3 Leaving town-must sell portable ws sewing machine $25; 3 shelves, wood bookcase $6; new 2 bulb flourescent desk lamp $14 (new $19). Call 668- 8516. B5 FURNITURE-Matching sofa and chair, and table and lab, $80. Dining table and four chairs, $15. Matching dress- er chest of drawers and bookcase, headboard, $60, Ski's with bindings and poles, $17. Pieces can be sold in- dividually. Also, many other house- hold articles for sale. 662-5761. B6 Admiral TV 19" Portable, excellent con- dition, $35. 662-2489. B50 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-Reasonable rates. Call 668- 8961 after 6 p.m. J8 TUTOR OF FRENCH & GERMAN Lessons in conversation and grammar by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, 701 S. Forest. NO 3-2108. GRAD LANGUAGE EXAMS Special courses for reading and screen- ing exams in French and German by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J2 VISIT OUR NEW WESTERN STORE. Suede Jackets, boots, hats, clothes, end saddles. Tues.-Sat. 10-5; Wed. cnd Fri. evenings 7-9. Schneider's Western Supply, 2635 Saline Road, 1 mile south of Mich. Stadium. J5 761l-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho- graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine ANY MOTH HOLES, tears or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. OPTICAL PFESCRIPTIONS FILLED CAMPUS OPTICIANS IN THE NICKELS ARCADE 240 Nickels Arcade J Prof. Typing--40c/page. Mornings only. 662-6674. J9 MISCELLANEOUS ROADRUNNERS now accepting en- gagements. Call early to be sure availability. 761-3843. Ask for Barry. M29 FLY A CESSNA 172 for only $8. Call 662-7680. Sick of snow, slush, and sleet! Stop seeming sluggish and scamper over to Ralph's for stupendous surprises in snacks and smiles! RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard open every night 'til midnight FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinner meetings, dances, or banquets . . . excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Motor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M Read. Daly Cla ssifieds USED CARS TR-4. 1963. New top Extra tire. Excell. cond. $1300. 665-5511. N26 1964 SUNBEAM Alpine-White with red int. 15,000 miles. Must sell. 668-7869. N23 FOR SALE OR TRADE for Cycle-'59 Ford Fairlane. $280. Call Morton Hol- brook, 665_7974. N24 OLDS 98, 1955, automatic, good cond. New tires. $160. Call 668-6007 bety. 6:30-8:30. N49 '59 RAMBLER Six. $350. Call 665-7960. 1959 Fiat-$75-economical. Must leave town. 668-8314. N27 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARE, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE, INC. 518 E. William (Maynard House) GUITARS-.-$39-$45. Free Guitar strap. Most folk and method books. NO 2- 5579. X WANTED TO RENT MAN WANTED for winter term. Mod. apt., 800 Fuller. Call Gary, 761-0536. LOST AND FOUND FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Immediate opportunity in spacious apartment. For Info.- call 663-9492 from 4 to 5. . A3 Lost-Smokey gray cat with blue col- lar. Reward. Call 662-2849. A4 Lost: Black coat, Sat. aft. in Union Caf. Reward. Call Rafi 764-8530. AS Lost-Friday night at the armory-1 brown chesterfield coat with glasses and I.D. Reward. Call Meredith 761- 2774. A6 ! Sublet YOur Aartme^1nt thisumme r YOU CAN PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY'S ANNUAL APARTMENT SUPPLEMENT FOR ONLY $5 , BARGAIN CORNER --I Evening Employment If you are free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can Main- tain your st idles and still enjoy a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average weekly income of $67. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker call Mr. Adams at 761-1488 Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. No other times. WANTED- -One male student foi' excel- lent meal job. Ask for Steward at Phi Epsilon Pi. 761-3187 or 663-7314 or drop by 185 Washtenaw. To be filled immediately. H30 FULL & PART TIME $100 and up per week $50.00 PART TIME; $100 FULL TIME GUARANTEE Pius Scholarships International Corp. has opening for delivery, display, and public contact work, car needed, traiping provided. For interview, 4:00 p.m., Thurs., SAB Rm. 212. Experienced dependable delivery man for travel agency. Neat appearing. Car furnished. Contact -Mr. Frayer, 665-9155. . . H46 SAM'S STORE HOs Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.50 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals' Cord. SL I M-F I TS-~$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asstd. Colors-$6.98 LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim-$5.99 LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S For Gals and Guys "White"-$5.98 TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington 4TH GIRL WANTED to share a 4 bdrm. huse close to campus. $45/mo. Call 665-6912. C3 THE SANS SOUCI FOR FALL-New spacious 3 and 4 man apts.-Air-cond., fully furnished, fully carpeted. balconcies, separate kitch- ens. Call 665-2689 or 665-8330 or 668- 8723. C WANTED -One or 2 female roommates to share nicely furnished modern apt. on Island Dr.-River House Apts. Call after 5:30 p.m., 761-1391. C31 HOSPITAL AREA-800 Fuller - 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. avail, for fall semester. Call resident manager, NO 3-6549. C43 CAMPUS FURNISHED Two Bedroom APARTMENT Phone 663-5098 Cl 3RD MAN WANTED to fill 3 bdrm. apt. $40/mo. Call Denny or Larry after 1:30 p.m. 662-3575. C19 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for modern 3..ian duplex apt. 4-month lease. 731 Packard, Apt. 208A. 665-3061 after 5. C33 THE SUMMIT HOUSE FOR FALL-On campus, new 3, 4 & 5 man apts., air-cond., balconcies, fire- place, fully furnished, carpeted. Call 665-2451 or 665-8330 or 668-8723. C STUDENT or working girl wanted to share large, mod, apt. with 3 others, until end of semester. Call 665-9692 evenings. C5 NEEDED-One engineer to share luxury modern apt. Jan...April. 761-3207. F38 Dear .Barb, Why .won't you go with me to the International Center mixer this Fri- day? Engineering, Business and Social Science Majors: M.\ARITIM.LE AI lDMINISTRATO Forlornly, Steve F45 Mighty Michigan sends it congratula- tions to Mary & Bernie. IAITTW * AMOH! F44 BONNE BELL Cosmetics. The Village Apothecary 1112 So. University Ave. F43 I CAREERS. Advance Swiftly at MARAD. ..Participate in the Nation's Most Exciting Career Development Program: ID{ON McCANN (ME. ) of the '60 Bethlehem - "Loop" Course is a key man in the engineering department in our giant Ipu~nt near Buffalo, N. Y, He's typical of young men on the move at Bethlehem Steel. You can embark on one of the most challenging and satisfying careers ever offered to a college graduate, a career with the Maritime Administra- tion of the U. S. Department of Commerce. The Maritime Administration-we call it "MARAD"-aids development of the American merchant marine to carry the nation's water- borne commerce during peacetime and serve as a naval and military auxiliary in time of war or national emergency. MARAD Engineering Opportunities Engineers of the Maritime Administration partici- pate in design and construction of new ships, improvement of existing ships, and maritime research (basic and applied) and development. Among the better-known recent products of these activities are the Nuclear Ship Savannah and the advanced Hydrofoil Ship Denison. Soon to come (perhaps with your help): new concepts in port operations, shipbuilding, ship operations, and advanced operations, such as "surface effect" ships. Engineering Work-Study Scholarships To meet current and future engineering needs, MARAD has developed a specialized program for individuals who have earned their BS degrees in Naval Architecture, Marine, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering, or a closely-related field. Our work-study program combines classroom and on-the-job training. It is designed so that you may earn a master's degree in your field, plus the diversified experience and proficiency that will lead to positions of maximum responsibility in .,.... ~w tm. nniiin 2l n -mn4- [ 4.Y- You may earn promotions twice during the work-study program, from GS-7 to GS-9 after a year's service, then to GS-11 upon award of a master's degree or its equivalent. And through- out the program, in addition to full salary and Federal Civil Service career benefits, you will be reimbursed 100% for all educational, transpor- tation and associated expenses. Starting salaries for Engineers in each grade: GS-7, $7,304; GS-9, $7,987; GS-11, $9,267. Sub- sequent promotions are earned in keeping with the employee's demonstrated fitness to take greater responsibilities. Management Trainee Program Business and social science graduates are urged to investigate MARAD's Management Trainee Program. Participants undertake 12 months of concentrated training in one of these major pro- gram areas: Budget and Management, Comp- troller, Contract and Procurement, Government Aid, Personnel Management, Program Planning, Public Information, Ship Operations, and Mari- time Promotion. Trainees work on actual projects under guid- ance and supervision of qualified management personnel, attending staff conferences and meet- ings to learn about management considerations governing the day-to-day operation of the Mari- time Administration. Beginning as GS-7 or GS-9 (depending on educational level and experience), the Trainee is promoted to GS-9 or GS-11 and assigned to a regular position at successful con- clusion of the program. Starting salaries for Management Trainees in each arade: GS-7, $6,269; GS-9, $7,479; GS-11, Seniors and graduate students in engineering and nontechnical curricula will soon be interviewed for the 1966 Bethlehem Loop Course. We offer splendid career opportunities in steel plant operations, research, sales, mining, accounting, and other activities. For detailed information, pick up a copy of our bOoklet, "Careers with Bethlehem Steel and the 9E E I . . .. ....... ,I i