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January 18, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-18

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Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opions A ree. 420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN AFBOR, Mit, Niws PHoxv: 764-0552
Edtorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual o/inions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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The Residential College:
How Ling?

"ONE YEAR AGO we were told that the
college's plans were three months
from the architect. It has been a year
now, and I ha've yet to find when we will
move on this question," Regent Eugene B.
Power commented at a Regents' meet-
ing last September. This statement cap-
tures much of the history of the yet un-
born Residential College.
The impetus for construction of the col-
lege came in 1962 under then Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Roger Heyns.
Planners hoped to have the buildings
ready for th tf21 ~1n 365. It is now 1966.
Money for two class buildings will not be
coming, if at all, until at least 1968. The
buildings are on the list of University re-
quests from the Legislature for the 1967-8
Dormitories, however, are a different
story. The funds must come either from a
bond issue, which would be paid off by
students' living in the dorm paying more
than actual living costs, or from gifts.
As the dorms planned for the college are
to be more expensive than the dorms
presently in existence on central campus,
gift money will be needed to keep dorm
fees from going up, as they would have
to do if the new construction were cov-
ered by bond issues alone.
Thus if' the administration does not
soon come up with the necessary gift
money, th'e Residential College idea will
be doomed to indefinite extensions.
HE UNIVERSITY is growing by leaps
and bounds of such inagniture that It
soon may find itself shaken apart. The
large University tends to bury the indi-
vidual and to dilute his academic ex-
perience, Anonymity and alienation is
quite a large price to pay for diversity.
The concept of the Residential College
is aimed at encouraging academic in-
teraction antong students by combining
residences with classrooms-students liv-
ing together take many of the same cours-
es, The college, in short, would be a semi-
self-contained academic entity - small
enough that students could feel a real
part of a "living" academic experience;
near enough to the large campus that it
can draw on its vast and diverse re-
All this sounds great, makes good sense.
But the bureaucratic history of the Resi-
dential College's development throws
some doubt as to whether the ideal is
ever to be tested as a reality.
From 1965 the opening date was moved
back to.'66, then to '67, then last summer
to '68. What next?
large and Important undertaking in-
volves careful and complex planning,
HAT IS HAPPENING in China today
is one of the great historical facts of
our contemporary world," says Felix
Greene, author and producer of the film
"China!" which will receive its first cam-
pus showing at 4:15 p.m. today in the Mul-
tipurpose Room of the UGLL. In many
ways what Greene says is an understate-
t Perhaps the greatest historical irony
concerning modern China is that while
that country becomes more and more of
an international imponderable, we make
no. effort to overcome our ignorance of it.4
In a day when the forces which have
led to the U.S.-China impasse are so

clearly understood, far too many would
ignore the obvious conclusion-that the
forces were primarily those. of ignorance
and their results those of false assump-
OR IT IS A FACT that ignorance in a
broad sense has brought us to the
present downward spiral in relations with
China. Given that, it must follow that
increased American awareness of China
wouli certainly help to ease this strain
and head off the approaching conflict.
Greene's film can provide such an
awareness. It can begin to provide the
necessary information. Most of all it can
help its viewers realize that in fact they
must know much more about China than.

The faculty planning committe of the
college has put two years into laying out
plans which Dean Haber has said should
be ready in about a month.
This is undoubtedly true. We would cer-
tainly hope that the delays in the Resi-
dential College's opening date have stem-
med from Heyns' advice that things
suould be taken slowly to be done well.
Planning a whole new college is no small
Last year's delay after the planning
committee's meeting with President
Hatcher was quite unfortunate, and cost
valuable time.
What seems to be costing more time,
and perhaps even threatens the life of
the project itself, -is the shortage of
funds coming from the Office of Busi-
ness and Finance. The literary college has
been told it must choose between the
Residential College building and new
classroom buildings on central campus.
WE CAN ONLY HOPE that Vice-Presi-
dent Pierpont's office is doing all it
can to raise the necessary funds.
We also urge that the Regents ap-
prove without delay the, plans which
should be coming before it within the
next month or so.
The Regents' announcement a year ago
last summer that the college was to be
put off from '66 to '67 came from the
same meeting that brought forth the an-
nouncement of the construction of Burs-
ley and Cedar Bend housing units.
Regent Power was probably correct in
terming these latter two projects as
"stopgap" buildings. We find ourselves in
the position of not knowing whether to
chide the University for "buying time"
with Bursley Hall and thus putting off an
official, large-scade administrative com-
mitment to the building of the college,
or else to praise them for wisely taking
their time to plan things right.
THE ACADEMIC buildings for the college
will be constructed at least five years
later than was originally hoped for, per-
haps even later if the 1967-8 budget has
trouble 'at Lansing, or if the buildings get
caught up in the hassle with the .state
controller general's office.
The plans for the dorms are supposedly
near completion. The literary college
executive committee will soon be present-
ed with the college's entire plan. We
would certainly hope that by this time
the plans are fit for approval by everyone
concerned--literary college faculty, ad-
ministration, Regents.
From the information we have been
able to gather, the source of money for
the dorms seems somewhat in question.
The planning comnittee has rightly shied
away from relying entirely on self-liqui-
dating funds--this would make general
dorm fees higher than they are at pres-
ent. Gift money, however, seems to be
lacking. The University must find money
soon to get the dorms built.
Right now the University's first small
attack on "academic anonymity," the pi-
lot project, is strangling for a lack of ad-
ministrative manpower and money. The
result og going half-way is somewhat
of a waste of time and money, and of a
good idea.
The Residential College planners have
taken their time, and hopefully have come
up with a plan worth building. It is now
up to the Office of Business and Finance
to process the plans as rapidly as possi-
ble, and to the administration to provide
the funds for building the college's first
WE CAN AFFORD no more delays.

U'Union Suit
Doesni't Fit
"EMU, CMU MAY JOIN 'U' in Union
Suit," The Daily's headline said last
As an indication of how outdated the
University's attitude towards unions is,
one need merely observe that Michigan
State University, of all places, has recog-
nized unions under a state law which
the University is fighting in the courts

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Alienation in Our Society: A Review

IT IS NOT CLEAR what young
people mean when they say
they are "alienated." Let me
briefly review the concept his-
In the sense of estrangement
from God, alienation is a power-
ful theme in early Protestant
theology. "God is hiding His face."
The Lutheran' answer was, of
course, Have faith. Do not rely
on works, for they are as alienated
as you.
Turning the theology iinto
epistemology, the Hegelians re-
fered to the divorce between our
subjective needs and institutions
and the 'objective world given in
science and social in5titutions.
Hegel relied on the working out of
history to bring these parts to-
gether. But, reviving the Protes-
tant insight, Kierkegaard insisted
that we must be authentically
committed in our moment by
moment choices and not treat our-
selves as scientific or historical
objects. This "existential" answer
has of course had great influence
on criticism of our present over-
organized routines.

alienation to the people's loss of
control over their productive life,
and therefore loss of their primary
human nature. Productive ma-
chinery and rules of work had
passed into the hands of an own-
ing class. Products of labor be-
came commodoties moving in a
market, rather than uses in a
community. His answer was, or-
ganize politically and expropriate
the expropriators.
In the late nineteenth century
ther was also a psychiatric mean-
ing of alienation as insanity (psy-
chiatrists were "alienists"). The
hallucinations of the insane mind
were incompatable with, or di-
vorced from, sensory reality. Freud
tended to extend this concept by
showing that everybody was some-
what psychopathological, and his
bias was to relax the anti-
instictual bans that led to such
a deep chasm between wish' and
reality. .
All these extensions of Aliena-
tion are deeply important and true
at present. And in the conditions


i '1
of today, we have found another
important aspect of alienation
which (I think) is meant by the
Young. Modern societies increas-
ingly exclude vast groups 'of
people; e g. the aged, the farmers,
the Negroes, the young. (With
automation, the exclusion threat-
ens to become wider.) To be
"alienated" is to feel productively
useless, without future, excluded.
Further, the needs and feelings
of the excluded are not paid at-
tention to in the goals and de-
cisions of administrative society.
To be "alienated" is to feel pro-
cessed, exploited, administered.
WHAT FOLLOWS? First, the
young cannot identify with the
social goals and they say, "That's
not my scene, I am nowhere." But

then, as an immediate step, they
say, "They are nowhere. We young
are the only people. We have to
go it alone; if necessary, we must
resist their interference in our
This has been a persistent ten-
dency of the present "youth" phe-
nomena: the adolescent subcul-
ture, the Beat movement, the
paracolleges, the draft protest.
But let me suggest a different
and more hopeful aspect of
"alienation" which is also directly
relevant to today passing into the
IN IMPORTANT respects, ad-
vanced societies are too comfort-
able and we call them "affluent;"
they are too achieved and we say
they are "establishments." Such
a condition is stifling; it cuts one
off from meaning, which is given
only in the risky moment of
growth. For example, some psy-
chotherapists jocosely speak of
the "California syndrome," re-
ferring to people who have grown

up with every advantage and sa-t
tisfaction and then break at 40.
complaining, "Life has passed me
Certainly the. young of the
middle class feel a frustration
that leads them either to sensless
delinquency or to efforts to make
a better world on new premises.
Among dissenting college stu-
dents, it seems that just because
they have been economically se-
cure, they transcend economic mo-
tives. Sure of $5,000 a year,- they
do not need to compete for $20,000.
Similarly, since they come from
respectable homes, they can 'go to
jail without disgrace. But this
is not necessarily a sign of lack
of commitment.
mean a forward step in rich so-
cieties: toward productive enter-
prise, social service, lively com-
munity, as goods in themselves, no
matter what the economic and
personal costs.
Copyright, Paul Goodman, 1965

The Gospel: Sts. Sorenson, Schlesinger, Etc.


Collegiate Press Service.
TED SORENSEN, the late Presi-
dent Kennedy's aide and now
political biographer, wrote in his
final chapter of "Kennedy:" "Even
though he was himself almost a
legendary figure in life, Kennedy
was a constant critic of the myth,
and it would, be an ironic twist of
fate if his martyrdom should now
make a myth of a mortal man."
But what with the secular re-
ligion that has grown tenaciously
around his iemory (one makes
the pilgrimage to' Arlington, buys
graven images, and reads books of
the Apocrypha, like "A Day in the
Life of President Kennedy") it is
hard to see how Sorenson's book,
or Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln's "My
Twelve Years with John F. Ken-
nedy," or Arthur Schlesinger's "A
Thousand Days" or Pierre Salin-
ger's forthcoming work will shoo
away the faithful.
No doubt these memoirs will be
read in the same devotional spirit
as the way in which one reads the
Gospels. And for those who pre-
fer the myth to the man, I have
rendered passages from three of

the books to make your spirtual
reading easier.
The Gospel According to
St. Lincoln
ATRICK of Kilkenny begat
Patrick of Boston; and Patrick
J. begat Joseph of Hynaais; and
Joseph begat Jack, who is called
Kennedy and he was the second-
born. And Jack went down into
the land of Deceia, which is upon
the Potomac, in the borders of
Marylandia and Virginia.
And Jack, walking by the river
of Deceia, saw two brethren, Ted
called Sorensen, and Evelyn called
Lincoln, casting stones into the
And he said unto them, Follow
me, and I will make you servants
of mine office.
And they straightway left their
stones, and followed him; for they
were unemployed.
From that time Jack went about
all Deceia, voting in its Capitol,
and sitting upon its councils, and
porkbarreling its bills.
When, behold, his fame was
told throughout the land, that is
to say: he was a young and ex-
ceeding handsome man. But he

was possessed by a great lonliness.
And Jack spake unto himself
and saith, Whence cometh this
affliction: and forthwith cast it
out saying, The damsel Jacqueline
shall appear before me; and he
telephoned her and saith, Wouldst
thou take in a double feature?
And it came to pass that Jac-
queline was bethrothed unto Jack,
him which was called the Tribune,'
and he took her to wife.
The Gospel According to
St. Sorensen
Now IN THE fourteenth year of
his office, and being full with
ambition, Jack went forth into
the wilderness; and there went out
a fame of him through all the
region round about.
And he campaigned in their
cities, being desirous of all and
preaching the Row called B, which
men shall know by the sign of
the donkey,
But the devil came unto Jack
in the guise of 'a hairy man, which
is called Nixon, and tempted him;
and Jack wrestled with the Devil
for forty days and forty nights;
and cried unto him.
Begone, thou (Nixon, for it is

said, Thou shalt not tempt me.
And when the Devil had ended
all the temptation, Jack returned
in his power into the city of De-
ceia; and the multitude fell at his
knees crying, Hail to the Chief.
For they had delivered unto
him great and wonderous gifts,
that is to say, early returns from
Ohio and Connecticut.
And when he had called unto
him his twelve desciples, he gave
them power to advise and to de-
Now the names of the twelve
apostles are there: the first, Rusk,
who is called Dean, and McNamara
of Ford; Stewart and Ribicoff
whose given name was Abe; Luther
and C. Douglas; Orville and J.
Edward; Arthur and Adlai the
wise; Lyndon and Bobby the
The Gospel According to
St. Schlesinger
IN THOSE DAYS the multitude
being full of confusion, there
arose a wrath against the isle of
Cubana; and soldiers walked the
land crying, Woe unto- thee, Cu-
bana, for in thine iniquity shalt
thou be torn asunder.

And the farriors came unto
Jack and said, Lo, for we shall
rise up and crush the Devil, as a
dog doeth his fleas for it is
And Jack saith, No, for I have
wrestled the Devil and he abideth
in California; and as for the dog,
him which is called Checkers, he
abideth with him.
But the soldiers were sorely
vexed and said unto Jack, Behold,
for we have devised a plan.
And Jack harkened unto'them;
for he was not a soldier.
And it came to pass that an
army was raised, and the army
went forth and was defeated; ard
men named it the Bay of Swine.
And the multitude when they
heard these things, they were cut
to the heart and unto Jack they
gnashed their teeth and made a
wrathful cry.
For the soldiers had lent false
council, and they betrayed him.
And Jack lamented for the hard-
ness of ,their hearts; and cried in
a loud voice, My God, why hast
thou forsaken me?
And Jacqueline took him down
and wrapped him in her arms;
and he wept.


Letters: Scientists Make Poor Poets

To the Editor:
I TAKE ISSUE with David
Knoke's accusation that science
has plundered the literary world,
and in so doing has left the Uni-
versity devoid of freshmen Hop-
wood competitors. Perhaps the
same high school class in which
Knoke read his first Edgar Lee
Masters poem told him of that
noble age when scientists wrote
poetry and poets did experiments.
I submit that there could never
be such an age.
The very objectivity which
makes a man good as a scientists
makes him pedestrian as a writer.
The very passion which molds the
greatest works of are would wreak
havoc in the laboratory., The
rarity of such people as da Vinci
and Goethe is proof of the chasm
between artistic and scientific
Maybe there ought to be a
breed of Titans that can do every-
thing well, but there isn't. Neither
coaxing nor scolding will bring

Thle Medlical School-
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to your article of
Dec. 7, 1965, "Students Blast
Medical School Administration,"
we feel that the student's com-
plaints presented were valid ones.
We also feel that an impression
was left with the reader which
was not representative of the
majority of medical students.
Since there is a transition be-
tween secondary school and col-
lege, there is also a transition
between college and medical
school. The responsibility one must
accept, and the maturity that
must develop to achieve these
transitions are quite similar, and
only differ in degree. The volume
of information that the admin-
istration and faculty must expose
to the student in four years ex-
pands with every dear.
This leads to a situation where
the student must schedule his

school to realize this. Finally, we
certainly hope that your article
would not leave an aspiring young
physician with the feeling that
our medical school has any more
dissatisfied students than any
other school on our campus.
WE HAVE a great deal of pride
in the education we receive and
in the school that offers it to us.
We feel, indeed, that the majority
of students would encourage any
student wishing an excellent medi-
cal education to consider our
medical school.
-The Medical School Student
Student American Medical
Galen's Honorary Medical
Victor Vaughn Society
Left Out

tor of the Saturday morning ses-
sion in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre was a University professor
whose contributions to our cul-
tural environment have earned
national recognition for the Uni-
versity. Without his efforts there
would have been no visit by the
Arts Council. members.

He is the
front page
only three.
the session
nificant as

fourth person in your
picture-you identify
His contributions to
were at least as Sig-
those quoted by Miss

existentialist, man-is-the-sum-of-
his-acts-and-responsibilities phi-
losophy is quite frightening in its
distortion of perspective.
The protestors chose to violate
certain rules of society in which
they live, and they must bear the
responsibility for those violations:
agreed; but Catron has no grounds
for assuming that they had not
"contemplated beforehand" the
consequences, which he would
teem to imply are indefinite. On
the contrary: these people had
accepted the consequences as pre-
scribed by law in a society which
claims to operate according to
these same laws as prescribed.
To arbitrarily change these laws
in their operation is not the ap-
plication of the poetic justice
which Catron champions, but a
reversion to totalitarianism or
mere anarchy. One of the draw-
backs of being a liberal is that
one is forced to restrain the desire
to apply these same methods to
ueh trinities as. Catron seeks tn


AN OVERSIGHT? Or is it your
,editorial position that he doesn't
-Jack DePree,
Extension Service
Schuit .er, executive director of the
Professional Theatre, very much
e .fists.lie was at the far, left in our
pictureof the panel, and we apol-
ogize for ouitding his name fro m
the caption. The slip-up resulted
fium a last minute picture switch.


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