PACjti THREE' TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1'966 THE MICHIGAN IIAIIA TUESDAY, JANUA$Y 18, 1966 TIlE MIChIGAN DAJIl PAGE THREE . ...T . .w as a,"v Southerners Test Leg Rights Bill's 'AS BRITAIN WAITS: Proposed Truce in " Mili.a. yR1 Ilit New Year Mltary LONDON (P)-Ghana accorded Si iet Con g Attack swift recognition yesterday to the the military regime in Nigeria, but mini in' and Virginia spokpe in support of Britain-former colonial ruler of tage a South Carolina's original suit {ills Civilians i'the African state-held back, ap- ed t( u- challenging the constitutionality r * , 1oo parently to wait out developments. ng of the five-month-old act, under Saigo lAs A I PrP~~~~ir~~artt~ id rn0Nr1m1. nr f+ uation Still Unclea:n iers Keep Control WASHING lawyers told yesterday Co beyond its cor ies with the Act. They urge( clare the law guing it is an TON (A') - Southern dicial prerogatives and the rightI "Let me tell you someth the Supreme Court of states to determine the quali- about this court. You've done ngress trespassed far fications of their voters. good job on these here constit nstitutional boundar- While most of the, arguments I tional cases, like a falcon coveri 1965 Voting Rights were sober, Jack P. F. Gremillion, a hawk. I want you to keep{ Louisiana's folksy attorney gen- doing a good job. This court d the court to de- eral, had the courtroom and near- going to find that Congress ca unconstitutional, ar- ly all nine justices laughing as he not take over the judiciary." infringement on ju- said: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaba r Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, suspended Nigerian prime' ister who is believed held hos- by rebel forces, is consider- o be a close friend of Britain.E s the British see it the crux on is ma which some 250,000 Negroes have registered to vote in the seven' Southern states it affects. List Complete Georgia will complete the list of Southern challengers today .--Associated Press ROBERT C. WEAVER, head of the wuw Department of Housing and Urban Development, appears before the Senate Banking Committee. Seated on his left is Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY). when Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzen- bach, who originated the bill in the executive branch and helped guide it through Congress. will rise personally to defend it. It will be his first argument before the court as attorney general. Katzenbach, wearing the tradi - tional formal attire of government lawyers before the court, listen- ed and took notes yesterday as: -South Carolina's youthful at- torney. David W. Robinson II, ar- gued that those provisions of the law abolishing literacy tests in certain states whose voter reg- istration or turnout fell below 50 per cent in November 1964 "are not legislation but congressional adjudication." Robinson complained that such a law is discriminatory because even if Massachusetts. which uses a literacy test should fall below the 50 per cent mark in 1968, it would not be affected by the 1965 act. South Carolina contends the law is inatpropriate for enforcing the Constitution's 15th Amendment- forbidding denial of the right to vote because of race. No Objection Robinson, making his second appearance before the high court, said his state "doesn't object to the federal' government's concern over equality for the Negro-but the remedy must square with basic constitutional commands." Virginia's Asst. Atty. Gen. R. D. McIlwaine III, told the court the 15th Amendment "conferred no power on Congress to alter, amend, suspend or abolish liter- acy tests." The Virginia lawyer contended that his state's requirement is the "most nondiscriminatory literacy test that can be imagined." And he noted that framers of the 15th Amendment voted down attempts to include a provision abolishing literacy tests. The attorney for Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace, Francis J. Mizell. contended that "Congress never enacted any thing more fla- grantly unconstituti anal." Mizell said the law, which au'- thorizes the attorney general to appoint examiners at his discre- tion, "makes the attorney general both judge and executioner." SAIGON (P) - The Viet Cong yesterday kidnaped an American civilian official north of Saigon,, staged two sharp attacks on the capital's doorstep, and threw a grenade at U.S. troops in the city itself. The sudden upsurge of Viet Cong violence came as the U.S. Army ordered a 78-hour cease-fire to begin at noon Thursday-11 p.m. Wednesday EST-to conform with a truce for the lunar new year proclaimed by South Viet Nam. The Viet Cong, which has or- dered a four-day cease-fire be- ginning at 11 p.m. Wednesday, apparently was bent on stirring up as much trouble as possible before calling a temporary halt to hostilities. In Saigon, a Viet Cong terror- ist threw a grenade into a jeep loaded with U.S. servicemen. They leaped out before the grenade exploded. Another terrorist shot and killed a Saigon policeman. world News Rounduup By The Associated Press I Justice John M. Harlan, joined WASHINGTON - The White in a dissent by Justice Potter Hoe ketiStewart, said the majority view' alive yesterday while the Defense jeopardizes the existence of de-a Department disclosed plans to add nominationally restricted schools' another 13 000 men to the na- while making of every college en-1 t her 113,00 ienttogthern trance rejection letter a potential1 ion's fighting forces. 14th Amendment question." President Johnson is maintain- * * * ing his "flexibility of decision" in WASHINGTON - President his search for a path to negotia- Johnson divided the command of tions to end the fighting in Viet Sargent Shriver yesterday to make Nam and, has set no deadlines for him solely the head of the war an end to these efforts. on poverty. The direction of the A few hours later, Secretary of PeaceaCorps was given to Asst., Defense Robert S. McNamara told Secretary of State Jack Vaughn. reporters at the White House that .c he will ask Congress tomorrow to ALMERIA, Spain-A collision provide $12.3 billion in additional during a refueling operation yes- funds for the 1966 fiscal year end- terday sent a U.S. B-52 jet and ing June 30. a KC-135 jet tanker crashing in flames along Spain's Mediterran- ean coast. WASHINGTON - The Supreme At least fice of the 11 crewmen Court ruled yesterday that if a aboard the two planes died in the ' city so much as mows the grass crashes, U.S. Air Force officials+ of a park-even one privately will- said. rresi entKwuame Nkrumah toil of the situation is the attitude o a news conference in Ghana his the national police force which ' west African nation had accord- numbers 50,000 men compared ed "full recognition" to the pro- with the army's 8000. visional government of Maj. Gen. So far as is known in London, Aguiyi Ironsi. the national police commanders British officials indicated there have given no indication of which will be no rush to recognize way their support will go. Ironsi's regime. In announcing the army take- Weaver, Approved for Cabin1 WASHINGTON () - Robert C. Ordinarily, floor action on this activity and extreme ci Weaver became the first Negro report would have gone over a sympathies. Cabinet member as the Senate day, but the rule was suspended. i Yesterday some sena waived its rules yesterday to vote The ses= m contrasted sharply had opposed Weaver swift confirmation of the 58-year- with five years ago, when Weaver I warmly endorsed him. old New Yorker as secretary of was named to direct the Housing C the Department of Housing and and Home Finance Agency which onfirmed at the same Urban Development, makes up the bulk of the new de- the nomination of Prof. Earlier,, in hearings lasting less i artment. of Technology as unde thin an hour, the StEate Bank- In 1961, Southern senators j of the new department. ing Committee approved Weaver sharply attacked Weaver. There 14-0 to head the new department. were charges of pro-Communist Wood headed a spe force which made reco tions last December to Johnson on ow the ne ment should be organized Johnson is expected to recommendations to soon on how to give the partment a broader ro the recommendations on Weaver as a $35,0 cabinet officer, will head agencies he ran as adm of the Housing and Homn MCR OPOINT ec. ( ( flyAgency. The Remarkable Neu Peni lor Eeryone and Eery Purpose! The best of the fine line pens that have attracted wide acclaim. FLEXY lives up to its name! Its super-fine, stay-sharp point is as smooth to use as a brush yet firm like a quill pen. FLEXY makes thick and thin lines to give distinctive character to writing. Blue, Black, Red, Green, Yellow ink colors. I over of the government, Ironsi suspended Nigeria's top civilion of- ficials, including Balewa and President Azikiwe Nnamdi. Bale- wa was kidnaped along with Fi- nance Minister Festus Oketie Eben at the outbreak of trouble Satur- day. Apparently British Prime Min- ister Harold Wilson will make no move toward recognition of the provisional regime in Lagos un- til it is clear that BaleWa is defi- nitely out. Wait-and-See Azikiwe, who is convalescing in Britain from an operation. in- dicated a wait-and-see attitude similar to that of the British gov- ernment. He told newsmen he will remain in London until called home, eith- er, by the federal government or the military regime. The president, 61, said: "I do not want my presence to compli- cate what they are trying to do there. My sole aim is to help in the restoration of peace and hope for preservation of the federation." Figurehead Azikiwe holds a nonpartisan figurehead post but he can me- diate disputes. Nkrumah said he had decided to recognize Ironsi's regime be- cause the federal government had surrendered to the military re- gime and also because of state- ments by Lagos authorities of their intention. to hand over pow- er to a civilian government when a new constitution based on the wishes of the people is drafted. Ironsi, 41, chief of the Nigerian army, announced the militay takeover in a radio broadcast Sun- day night. He said the army is determined to suppress disorder. vil rights tors who in 1961 time was Robert C. Institute rsecretary cial task mmenda- President w depart- d. o send his Congress new de- ole. Until are acted 00-a-year the sam ainistrator e Finance Attacks The two Viet Cong attacks came north and south of Saigon. A large Viet Cong force, backed by mor- tars attacked the Vietnamese gov ernment officer candidate school ,at Thu Duc, 10 miles north of Saigon. Twenty North Vietnamese pris- oners, who will be released to return to their homes Thursday, are being held at the school, but it was not known whether the Viet Cong were aware of this. Peking radio, heard in Tokyo, quoted the Viet Cong as saying the release of "20 so-called North Vietnamese POW's is a clumsy trick of psychological warfare." , School A Vietnamese army spokesman said the Viet Cong fired 10 rounds of mortar shells on the south- ern part of the school, then at- tacked the northern perimeter. A Viet Cong company pierced the barbed wire and raked the billets with rifles and machine guns. The guerrillas fought into the armored section of the school be- fore being hurled back by a coun- terattack. The Viet Cong left 40 bodies be- hind, the spokesman reported. But before they left they killed five women and three children, de- pendents of the officer candidates. One Viet Cong was captured. Viet- namese casualties were reported light. ed-it becomes a public facility and cannot be segregated. The court decided that only a minimum of city' involvement brings the U.S. Constitution into play and thereby dictates that a park made available by charitable trust be opened to all members of the public. Thus the court by 6-3 decision ruled that a park in Macon, Ga., willed originally for the exclusive use of white people but since open- ed to Negroes, did not become a private facility merely because the city turned it over to private trus- tees. Read Daily C lassifieds a LUNC H-DISCUSSION TUESDAY, January 18, 12:00 Noon U.M. Internatioral Center SUBJECT: "GUATEMALA, ECUADOR AND PERU" (with slides) SPEAKER: DR. ROBERT KLINGER Acting Director, International Center For reserva'tions, call 662-5529 Sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus Center I Enginc rs and Scientists: Let's talk about a career at Boeing... 50 -year leader in aeospace technology Writes on Anything! 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