PAGE TWO THE .~ .As MIHIAN LUDAVUU I 4 TilE MIE'RhI~A1~I IIAIU~ TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1966 ----- - - _gram arrangements are being made by Mrs. Clifford R. Miller.International OFFICIA [ (mss NW t er. 764l-2148. A olFlYosifovich Shapiro, senior D A ILY____scholarly worker, Institute of World a - Economics and International Relations, Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR, The Daily Official Bulletin is an ling final examination requirements Jan. 17-19. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 196~ official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day prec'ding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items annear once only. Student organisation notices are not accepted for publication. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 Day Ca end(I through a reading examination and ob- jective tests. Por further information call the Re- ception Desk, Office of the Graduate School, 764-4402. PlaIcemet t ANNOUNCEMENTS: Federal Service Entrance Exam - Attention Winter Term Degree Candi- FSEE application deadline for Feb. 19 dates: Those who expect to be gradu- exam is Jan. 19. This is the last mgmt. ated, pending completion of Winter intern exam offered this semester. The Term courses. should submit a Di- Grad Record Exam cannot be substitut- ploma Application to the Registrar's ed this year. Everyone must take the Office not later than Jan. 26, 1966, written exam. Applications available at Application forms may be obtained at Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. your school office, excepting LS&A stu- Harvard Univ., Grad School of Bus. dents who may obtain them from Admin., Boston, Mass.-Announces 2 Window 'A" in the foyer of the Ad- yr. program leading to MBA. Men & ministration Building. women with degrees in any field may This notice does not apply to Winter apply. Financial aid including fellow- Term 1966 degree candidates who have ships & deferred payment plan avail- already submitted the application. able. Details at Bureau. EWA Management Development Seminar Foreign Student Tuition Scholarships: PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau Disciplinary Process And Grievance Application forms are available begin- of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- BURTON D. THUMA WILBUR K. PIERPONT Handling": University Medical Center, ning Feb. 1, 1966, at the International dents, please call 764-7160 for appoint- 8:30 a.m. Center (front desk). Deadline for re- ments with the following: ECn '-ceipt of applications will be March 1, THURS., JAN. 20- MLecture Hall9a Conference-Rack-1966. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chi- h u ,cago-BA's in Gen. Lib. Arts & Math. Office of Religious Affairs Film - Lecture: Prof. Raymond Preston, of BA's & MA's in Econ. MA's in Law. Felix Green's "China" Multipurpose Trinity College, Washington, D.C., will Positions include banking, mgmt. trng. e si1 Felix Room, Undergraduate Library, 4:15 p.m. lecture on "Dr. Johnson and Aristotle" & territorial sales. Rm n g u Lr,1 m in Aud. A, Angell Hall, at 4:10 p.m. Sunbeam Corp., Chicago-April grads Dept of Psychiatry University Lecture on Wed., Jan. 19. All interested per- in any field of study for territorial D-Pter H. Wolff M.D., Boston Psycho- sons are invited to attend. sales. -Pentr H.sWolff, M.D., Boston Psyo- Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind. analytic Institute and director of sta The 1965-66 Zwerdling Lectures in -Male grads in Chem. (analyt. & gen.), ciAtric mresearch, Children's Hospital, Old Testament Studies: "The Israelite Econ., Engl., Gen, Lib. Arts, Poll. Sci. a ce Baenton, Mass.,Theasysessmenthof Points Conquest of Canaan,"" by Shemuel Yei-~ positions in advtg., biol., mgmt. trng., Theory":rA.,therdrs P t van, chairman and professor, Dept. of mkt. res., merchandising, personnel & of View": Aud~, Children's Psychiatric Ancient Middle Eastern Studies, Uni-, public relations. (Continued from Page 1) University to draw plans for the Hospital, 8 p.m. versity of Tel Aviv and former director FRI., JAN. 21- y College, had submitted site plans Professional Th atre Pra, .r-of antiquities, Government of Israel. VD Branch of U.S. Public Health year later than the faculty corn- lee a umte iepas Poesoa har 'gram Per- First University Lecture: Tues., Jan. Service, Detroit-April & June male mittee's request-in the fall of and basic bud1ding locations. The formance-American Conervato'y The. 18 Aud. D, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m., "Cn- grads in many fields for mgmt. trng. 1967, with dorms for approximate- Office of Business and Finance atre Comoany in Edward lh's"Tiny I rlicting Evirence on the Conquest" (Bib- Offices in most metropolitan areas ly 800 of the eventual proposed was reportedly quite near comple- clical, Archaeological, Epigraphical). throughout U.S. yion of official cost estimates for p m Second University Lecture: Wed., Jan. The Port of New York Authority, 10-student capacity. lr- 19, Aud. D, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m., "The N.Y.C.-Men & women. April grads in There Was general areemeont the project. m School ofusic Guest Recital-Carl Conflict Resolved" (A Suggested Re- Geog., Math, Soc. Work, Econ,, Gen. cn the move to postpone the open- About the same time, the plan- Weinrich, organist: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. construction). Lib. Arts, Journ., etc. for Foreign ontemv opspn h pn trade. Mgmt. trig., personnel, public, ing another year. As Heyns said, ning committee submitted to Uni- Charles H. Cooley Centennial Lecture: F admin., public relations, purchasing, ,versiyPresident Harlan Hatcher Prof. Peter Blau, Dept. of Sociology, Foretgn sitors jtransport., etc. Mgmt ,trng. program but there are a lot of hopes and its plans, based on the idea of a Univ. of Chicago. will lecture on "Bu- leads to appointments in these areas. aspirations Small cluster of buildinS- li- aucratic Rules," 4 p.m., Angell Hall The following are the foreig; Vi L American National Red Cross, St. tial College, and we would lose brary, dorms, academic buildings I __tors programmed through the Interna- J rads i Gen. Lib arts Psych -located near each other. Hatch- e tional Center who will be on campus Soc., & Soc. Work for Mgmt. Trng., a lot by rushing it." Gkeral ] ef's this week on the dates indicated. Pro- Recreation, Secretarial (with counsel- The eciionto ut bck he r, oweer, ccodin toOne e- _________________________ing), Soc. Work. Locations include 13 faculty recommendation one year liable source, opposed this type of midwest states. came at the same time as the plan. He reportedly felt that the Engineering Placement Meeting In B & , C Railroad Co., Balti- terviewing Workshop." Playback of re- ORG NI ZATION mrM.DgesI cnMt announcement of plans to build plan would have greater donor corded live interview with discussion R ANP smore, Md.Degrees in Econ., Math & a new 1200-resident Bursley Hal] appeal if its dorms were built as based on the principles of the pre- &Physicsfo ositions inM. nly Trng. on North Campus, as well as plans self-contained units, with library cedingmeestng Prof J G.Young, Jan. P ENGS: to build Cedar Bend housing for and classrooms within each dorm. 1,4pm.31WsEniergBl.NO ICESL POSITION OPENINGS: 1200 unmarried upperclass and The result was another delay, Lecture: Prof. John W. Harbaugh of _Lorc waHospital e abge TchniciaeM. an graduate students. Bursley was to so that the planning committee Stanford University will speak to the exper. req. Work with tissue culture & accommodate all 1200 students by might work out a compromise pro- Geology-Mineralogy Journal Club on USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- bio-chem. using radioisotopes. ha o f9d7tehalle20Cetuda endsby .the subiect of Computer Simulation NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially General Disposal, Monroe, Mich. - the fall of 1967, while Cedar Bend POSal- 8as an Experimental Tool in Geology recognized and registered student or- Accountant. Immed. opening for re- A (for 600) students) was to be Over the summer, a group of and Paleontology," Thurs., Jan. 20, at ganizations only. Organizations who are cent grad with good academic bkgd. finished in the fall of 1966 and University administrators m e t 4 p.m. in 2054 Natural Science Bldg. planning to be active for the Spring No exper. req. Manage bookkeeping & its twin Cedar Bend B unit ready with the Senate-House Capital Term must be registered in the Office office. S 966 ,Outlay Committee in Lansing, at French and German Objective Profi- of Student Organiztions by Jan. 27 Yeonas Organizations, Vienna, Va,- for occupation either in 1 or, ciency Tests: Objective Tests in French 1966. Forms are available in Room 1011 - ----- - - more probably, in 1967. which point the University repre- and German administered by the Grad- SAB. Regent Eugene Power (D-Ann sentatives obtained confirmation uate School for doctoral candidates are * * * Arbor) however oPosed the move of a $3000 grant for preliminary scheduled for Tues. evening, Feb. 22, ULLR Ski Club, Meeting: Fashion T o Europe Avoppofrom 7 to 10:30 p.m. in the Rackham Show, plans for weekend ski trip, to postpone the building of the planning of the Residential Col- Lecture Hall. ALL students planning Tues., Jan. 18, 8 p.m., Union Ballroom. Residential College's dorms. "We lege. The grant was allocated last to take one of the objective test bat- * * *belo are under pressure to get this un- fall. teries must register by Feb. 21 at the University Tutorial and Cultural Re- V F ar hndermprhssurettoget-Reception Desk of the Graduate School lations Project, Mass meeting, Wed der j way. Where are we going to At the time the grant was allo- in the Rackham Bldg. Jan. 19, 7:30 p.m., Room 3RS, Union. ' Your summer in Europe for less put the kids if it takes .another cated, the University was asked Two batteries of objective proficien- * * * than $100 ( transpor- year to plan this? I don't intend to give more complete information cy examinations will be given: 1) one Lutheran Student Chapel, Course on ampede and I don't in- so that the Legislature could bet- battery for students wishing to dem- comparatice religions, Tues., Jan. 18, tation). For the first time in to sthaprmyou,aaetheisr eouldet onstrate readiness for final foreign 7:15 p.m., Hill St. at Forest Ave.ry tend to be critical, but we have ter make their own budgetary language requirements; and 2) one * * travel history you can buy di- been on this quite a long time jud ments. At that time the Resi- battery for students who have complet- Guild House, "Guild Date" with re- rectly from the Tour Whole- no " dential College science and class- ed French or German 111 with a grade freshments, informal conversation, Jan. now." of B o' better and who are complet- 18, 4-5:30 p.m., 802 Monroe. sarrsaving you countless dol- Thumna told The Daily in April roam buildings were ranked fourth -t ars. Job offers may also be ob- of last year that "we hope to and fifth on the University's " tars. Jib os of stringsar hattachhoeed. have a sufficient number of build- building priorities, behind im- I O tainedowith no strings attached. ings constructed on the site to be- provements, for the General Li- FOR HOME DELIVERY OF NEW YORK TIMES For a "do-it-yourself" pamphlet gin with a freshman class by the brary, a new architecture college . AT OR BELOW NEWSSTAND PRICES. | With jobs, discount tours and fall of 1967. This assumes that' and a science building. a For winter semester check below: . applications send $1 (for ma- II everything runs smoothly; th1at,' At the same time it Was noted " p architects' drawing can be read- that the $5 million requested for , Weekdays only (Mon.-Sat.) $ 7.60 (1Cc a copy) terial, handling, air mail) to ied in time to ask for bids in the the project could not possibly-be ! Q Sundays only 6.00 Dept. W., International Travel late fall of this year (1965); that approved until 1967-68. Sen. Gar- r L Weekdays and Sundays . 13.25 I Est., 68 Herrengasse, Vaduz, construction proceeds without dif- land Lane (D-Flint) called the * Liechtenstein (Switzerland). ficulties; and, above all, that mon- approval of funds even at this . Li Payment is enclosed. Li Please bill me.- ey becomes available in time." date "tentative, contingent on (Make check payable to Student Newspaper Agency) "If the buildings for the college progress of plans to be submitted'i are not ready in the fall of 1967, for the college." NAMF the Residential College might be- Last semester the faculty plan- I gih in an existing building at that fning committee drew up for the ADDRESS__HNE time, and move into the new Office of Business and Finance a * .O._.__ building some time later during draft of detailed information on I Sunday Deliveries begin January 23, 1966, and extend through April DIAL 8-6416 * 17, excluding spring recess.DIL841 the academic year 1967-68." their plans for the College. John : The weekday edition is delivered to faculty offices and dormitories for ENDING WEDNESDAY Thuma announced last May G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice- I only T w c a day, 5c below newsstand price.s or that the opening date for the Col-. president for business and finance, I "WAY-OUT ... FUNNY! lege might well be postponed from is now correlating this draft with I CLIP OUT AND MAIL TODAY to: Student Newspaper Agency, P.O .IF YOU'RE LOOKING the hoped-for 1967 date to one the Office of Academic Affairs. I Box 241, Ann Arbor. FOR A FILM THAT'S year later, for the fall of 1968. He The final document, which Mc- ......" . _.........................._-.._w -- ...! DIFFERENT, THIS blamed the delay on snags in the Kevitt says is "coming along well IS CERTAINLY IT!" complicated planning of the Col- and should be ready in a few . . -William Wolf, Cue Magazine ' katr " wil Aer hh nrinc. Direct from its-Wlim ofCeMgzn F IL lege's curriculum, wee s, wil descrie T. e purposes "Planning has reached a pla- of the Residential College, its re- teau. The architects cannot design lationship to the University, pro- until they know what is needed, gram requirements, building op- the planners cannot know what erating costs, site, and schematic is needed 'until they decide what plans. This document will be sent courses to offer. They haven't de- to the state controller's office. cided what courses to offer, par- The faculty committee has also ticularly in natural science," written two brochures about thei (r1L17AIl!ll. Roadshow Engagement Thuma said. Thuma reported things are go- ing smoothly on other fronts, how-, ever, a sthe Swanson architectural firm, the firm contracted by the college to be distributed to poten- tial donors. One booklet will be distributed independently and one will be used in the University's $55 million fund drive. y^ v <; OAK. Was" s NO SEATS RESERVED Shows at 1:15-3:50-6:30-9:00 Mats. $1.25; Eves. & Sun $1.50 - I 20th Century -F p resnts £4t *AeN tnt hARA It's Murderously JOSEPH E. LEVINE Funny MARCELLO MASTROIANNI URSULA ANDRESS , EMBASSY PICTURES Release COLOR Thursday "The Knack & How To Get It" 4th WEEK Shown Today thru Thursday at 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:05 i 3 NON-SUBSCRIPTION PERFORMANCES CIt IA 1 1/^ii/1tirr - r A - - -rn w h i+ Mat. $1.25. Eves. & Sun. $1.50 I COLOR BYi6E LUXE CINEMASC0PE 116 BERI R SEANCONER NIRY WSANA Attention Sociol Chairmen: there is still time to book the fantastic VANGUARDSI m rr rr rmmrr~ mm nminmmmmm mmm immm mmmmmm a mmm I 1 1 f j FREE SHO INGI Wednesday t 7 and 9 P.M. I f I I Feix GreeneI I I , 1 1 ! f I 1 I ! I f The first documentary made ! in Red China in 20 years. I I CHINA was produced through the S 41 I (K[ I I