I RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE: 1970 . ,. 1971... 1972? See Editorial Page C, 4c Bk ir~tgau ~~IAiii *C.C-Cold High-24 Low-8 Cloudy in morning, clearing in afternoon Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1966 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Residential College. ..1967. 1968. 1969? . 0 By ALICE BLOCH and HARVEY WASSERMAN "There will be a Residential College. The only question is when," explains Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the psychology department, a member of the fac- ulty planning committee for the Residential College. The college, originally planned for a fall '65 opening, later plan- ned for a fall '66 opening, may debut in the fall of 1968, on con- dition certain possible problems' don't occur. The delays in the college have been caused by a multitude of problems involving the adminis- tration, state Legislature, faculty, architects and even the alumni. Apparently the key problem is financing or the lack of it. Since the college's dormitories will be more expensive than other cam- pus residence halls, gift money is needed to finance the dorms. To date none of the $37.8 million' raised in the University's current fund drive has been donated to the college. The $5 million needed from the state Legislature for the college's academic buildings will not be allocated until 1967, at the earl- iest. A possible threat to this money is that the University Re- gents may refuse to apply for the funds in the way demanded by a new state law. The Regents feel that the authority given to the state controller by the law, Public Act 124, interferes with the University's autonomy. Clearance of the site .for the Residential College will cost be- tween $500,000 and $600,000, ac- cording to a member of the fac- ulty planning committee, who said this money has not yet been ob- tained. Dean William Haber of the literary college said last night, however, that this specific figure was unfounded and probably bas- estimates for the dorms, which maintain a level of intellectual ex- is really a separate college with literary college recommended year. Late in 1963 the literary col- ed on rumor. are under study in his office. citement. its own classrooms and dormitor- "that the University announce a lege faculty approved by a nar- Another problem is that plan- The Residential College plan In order to aid their planning, ies. policy of holding the line on en- row margin the committee's re- ning, both of buildings and of involves the construction of a members of the Residential Col- At the University of California rollment in the present literary port advocating the "principle of curriculum, has taken longer than complex of residence halls and lege faculty committee have vis- at Santa Cruz, colleges similar to college, but also announce that the Residential College." In De- anyone anticipated. One faculty classrooms for about 1200 students ited similar experimental colleges the Residential College are being we are willing to establish new cember of 1963 the faculty plan- planner now says that he was as a self-contained unit some dis- all over the country. In 1964, used to build a whole new univer- residential liberal arts colleges in ning committee was set up to over- "unrealistic" to have thought, in tance away from the University's Prof. Alan T. Gaylord of the Eng- sity. The first 800-student unit, Ann Arbor as our contribution to see the project. 1962, that the college would be central campus. Resident advisers lish department traveled to Ray- Cowell College, has already be- meeting the need for additional By March of 1964 the commit- ready to begin operations in 1965. would be specially trained to work mond College, the Residential Col- gun operations, and residential facilities for higher education." tee was able to have a concrete Burton D. Thuma, associate dean as academic counselors. Members lege of the University of the Pa- colleges will be added regularly proposal for the construction of of the literary college and direc- of the regular literary college fac- cific in Stockton. Calif. Last year until a 30,000-student university, Citing "out-of-class studentto- the college, which 175 faculty tor of the Residential College, says, ulty would teach at the college. Burton D. Thuma, associate dean composed entirely of 800-student student iteraction, faculty-to- members then approved by a 2:1 "The democratic process is pain- of the literary college and direc- residential college units, has been student-interaction, tendency for a vote. The project, with the open- The emoratc poces ispai- ;I o th lierar coleg an diec-professor to become immersed in ing date for operations set for ful but we insist upon using it, In this way planners expect tor of the Residential College, vis- built up. hiso dermen and fe sog dte i16 as te pas even if it takesplnigo longer." to "combine the intimacy and ax-'ie x(ietlcllgsa h u h pormhr a u his own department, and fre-i some time in 1965, was then pass- evencifltetakesaonger."tecmineo the intmacyllande- ited experimental colleges at the But the program here has run( quent inability for faculty mem1 ed by the Board of Regents and The planning of the college has citement of the small college at- University of Massachusetts and into real difficulties just in get- bers to try out new ideas because 'ent to the administration for involved students as well as fac- mosphere with the diverse resourc- Michigan State University. New- ting off the ground. of t lrgene te beau s io as a o ni - ulty, Thuma pointed out. Because es of the large university." By comb and Prof. Donald Brown of of the largeness of the bureau- submission as part of the Uni- of the wide divergence of ideas, it creating a small, self-contained the psychology department have Early in 1962, foreseeing a cratic situation, they thus set versity's budget requests. is quite natural that precise plans unit within the sprawling Uni- also studied first-hand several ex- squeeze between the University's forth what they felt *were argu- In October of 1964 the faculty take time to draw up, he com- versity, it is hoped that partici- perimental colleges. problems of being too large for ments ased on both practical planning committee recommended mented. pating students will be placed in effective administration and edu- expansion and academic quality, that the college begin operations Vice-President for Business and a situation in which their aca- Thuma terms Raymond College cational quality while still being A committee from the Office in, the fall of 1966. Ten days la- Finance Wilbur iPerpont declined demic identity could be maintain- the "closest to what we're trying in the position of responsibility of Academic Affairs, then under ter, however, the Regents set the comment last night on the status ed and even intensified by hav-j to do," since it is the only one of for a new influx of enrollment, Vice-President Roger W. Heyns, opening date for the college one of building plans and of financial ing their classmates nearby to these experimental colleges that the Curriculum Committee of the studied the program for over a See RESIDENTIAL, Page 2 __ LSA Space Race Pace Falls Behind 'No Crises' Foreseen By Haber; Expects More Area by Spring By CLARENCE FANTO Although there is "no overall crisis," the literary college has a very serious problem of inadequate space, Dean William Haber said yesterday. Until some of the building plans involving the literary college are realized, the problem will con- tinue, Haber emphasized. The building plans include: -Conversion of the present Ad- ministration Bldg. into office and classroom space for the literary college. New facilities for the ad- ministration are currently being constructed near the football sta- dium. Haber said one floor of the Administration Bldg. on the cen- tral campus would be available A for literary college office use by May, with additional space likely next January. Construction -Construction of a new mod- ern language building, which would release space in the Frieze Bldg. to the literary college. Funds for this new building Nhave still not been approved in Lansing. -Availability of the present Architecture and East Medical buildings when new faciilties are built, including a medical school building and space for the archi- h tecture and design college. There is little hope that these additional faciilties will be avail- able for literary college use until 1968, Haber noted. Overcrowding Most of the overcrowding has 4. been reported in introductory and intermediate social science courses, although even an advanced history course has had to change its classroom twice since classes be- gan in order to accommodate its students. Haber expressed doubt that a flaw in the pre-registration pro- c'ess might have caused space dif- ficulties this term, noting that many students fail to go through the advance classification process or decide to change their courses at the last minute. "The pre - registration , process has many kinks and difficulties! but it has worked better than I expected," Haber said. Confidence The literary college dean ex- pressed confidence that the Uni- versity administration under- stands the space problem and is working to alleviate it. UNIVERSITY WAG UMSEU By SHIRLEY ROSICK The University of Michigan Stu- dent Economic Union will ask stu- dent employes .in one dormitory this week to allow the union to A represent them .according to UM- What's New at 764-1817ApprOVa eems Imminent Hotline After winning the right to legal counsel at their draft board appeal hearing last Friday in Detroit Federal Court, the cases of two University students were heard yesterday at Royal Oak Board 323. Ronald Miller, '68, and Robert Sklar, '68, who were reclassi- fied 1-A because they participated in an anti-Viet Nam demon- stration were represented by American Civil Liberties Union attorney David Kline. Miller had won the right to counsel in a suit against Selective Service. Members of the draft board all answered newsmen's ques- tions about the hearing yesterday with "no comment." Miller, Sklar and Kline also declined comment. Kline explained that the students' parents and newsmen were barred from the hearing because, "There is a regulation that these proceedings must be private." About 10 per cent of the faculty has contributed so far to the Student Legal Defense Committee's drive for funds to appeal the cases of the students whose draft status was changed as a result of their protest activities. $1900 has been received so far, according to James McEvoy, Grad, chairman of the committee; and he hopes to receive a total of $4000 from faculty members by the end of the week. The committee's goal is $7500. Plan's to expand the cam- paign to the student body include either a debate on the draft laws to raise money, a bucket drive or letter solicitation. Marvin Freedman, '67, was elected president of REACH at its last executive board meeting. Other officers include Russ De Jong, '67, Tom Oberlink, '66, Michael Dean, '68, and Carol Sue Pintek, '68. Future increases in traffic from Central Campus to North Campus was anticipated by the City Council last night when they authorized funds for repairs for the Fuller Street bridge. The City Council attempted to evaluate the bridge's value in relation to the Fuller Street Parkway now being considered for the North Campus route. * * * * Peter M. Blau of the University of Chicago will give the final address in the Charles H. Cooley Lecture Series. Professor Blau will talk on "Bureaucratic Rules" at 4 p.m., January 18, in Angell Hall 25. Professor Blau a leading authority on large- scale organizations has authored "The Dynamics of Bureaucracy," "Bureaucracy in Modern Society," and "Power and Exchange in Social Life." The Cooley Lectures commemorate the founder of the sociology department at the University. Previous speakers in the series were Talcott Parsons, Guy E. Swanson, Leo Schnore and Philip Rieff. The final total registered for men's rush this semester is near 1000 Interfraternity Council President Richard A. Hoppe, '66, said yesterday. "We expect between 600 and 650 pledges," Hoppe added. At the end of the second set of Panhellenic Rush, 590 of the 1127 registrants are still participating, according to Linda Koehler, '66, chairman of Rush Counselors. Miss Koehler said that last spring, 931 registered, and about 388 pledged. Almost one third of the University's research volume last year was in the engineering sciences, a report from the Office of Research Administration shows. The total spending on research for the year was almost $48 million. The second largest area of research expenditure was the physical sciences, while the third was the health sciences. Nearly 80 per cent of the total funds came from the federal government. 1For.I S idents Eligibtefor Benefits Social Security Aid Extended to Qualified People lby January .31 By DAVE KNOKE Students at the University who act before the Jan. 31 deadline stand to collect up to $1200 in retroactive Social Security bene- fit checks. Under an amendment to the Social Security Act passed last year, benefits have been ex- tended for full-time students from the ages of 18 to 22 for those whose parents are dead, widowed, disabled or retired. The payments, up to $100 per month under retroactive condi- tions, are not automatically grant- ed. The student who has not beenI receiving benefits since before his { eighteenth birthday must make an application. Students who fail to make the application before Jan. 31 will be ineligible to col- lect retroactive payment for Jan- uary of 1965. Each month with- out application diminishes the amount that can be reclaimed. Ann Arbor Social Security ad-' ministrator Robert Kehoe uiged any student at the University or local high schools, vocational or private accredited schools who think they may qualify to place their applications immediately. "If they had received benefits be- fore 18, if they had lost a parent, if a parent has retired or is elig- ible for disability benefits since their eighteenth birthday, their claim is in order," said Kehoe. Formerly, students who earned over $1200 in a year would have some of their benefits withheld, but this year the exemptions on earnings have been raised to a $1500 ceiling. Benefits to a stu- dent's widowed mother will not be affected by the student receiving additional benefits, as long as the amount m a x ii m u in limitation placed on family benefits is not exceeded. QC -Assembly Merger -Daily-Richard Steiner Robert Lowell reads his poetic translation of Aeschylus' Agamennon. 'Lowell Gives Reading ofAec y u Tr nl to Proposed Constitution Accepted New Structure To Be Sent to Dorms Jan. 24 for Approval By ROBERT BENDELOW A merger between Inter Quad- rangle Council and Assembly As- sociation is imminent, following IQC's approval last night of a proposed constitution to unite the organizations under the new Inter House Assembly. The document has been sent on to the Presidents Assembly for their consideration on Jan .24. Assembly had previously sent the draft to its house presidents. No serios oupposition is expected to the proposed merger. The proposed constitution for IHA will be considered by the presidents of all houses in the residence hall system. The final form will be compiled then and returned to the houses for their ratification. Final action on the merger will take place Jan. 31, when the presidents vote with their house mandates. The new organization will have two ruling bodies: a 14 member executive board, and a Presidents Assembly. Present provisions of the constitution make the former the administrative body, and the- latter the legislative body. The Assembly will have to ratify any policy decisions of the executive board. The Presidents Assembly would be composed of 52 house repre- sentatives, and the 14 board members. Only the president and executive vice - president would have a vote on, the assembly, though. It is presently planned that the merger would become effective Feb. 1. This date. would allow in- stpilation of the new officers be- fore the end of the semester. Dave Moomy, '65, a spokesman for the joint committee which wrote the constitution said that major changes are not expected . at the presidents' meeting. Following ratification of the new constitution, it must be pre- sented to Student Government Council, which 'ontrols changes in the constitutions of student or- ganizations. s The new IHA, if formed, is ex- pected to increase its size rapidly, as Cedar Bend I and II, and Burs- ley Hall are added to the dorm system in the next three years. IHA would have 7500 constit- uents if merged at the present time. One difficulty between IQC and Assembly is a provision for asso- I ciate *members, that is, voting, By DAVID L. BIRCH7 Robert Lowell read his transla- tion of Aeschylus' 'Agamemmon'J last night for the first time in public. Because Lowell did not translate the plays (he has also translated 'The Libation Bearers') literally, but rather created his own poetic version using several literal blank verse translations, 'Agamemnon' becomes a living, producable work that was written in the same way Aeschylus orig- inally wrote the trilogy: to be staged. Lowell reminds us that the ten- year Trojan war was unjust; that although two hundred Greek gal- leys sailed to lay Troy to ashes, only one returned. The Greeks re- gains Helen, but as Lowell points out in a pun he makes on her name during the play, she brought hell not only to the Trojans, but also to the Greeks. Using words that are not only comprehensible to a contempor- ary audience but that also evoke to yield to his pride, to walk to his death. As Lowell pointed out, Agamemmon succumbs to hubris and walks over the tapestries that are the red of the royal blood and the blood of death. Agamemmon, as Lowell states, was a great king even if he did everything but kill his wife. Cly- tamestra, more intelligent than her husband, claims to have vaild reasons for slaying her husband. No matter what the original Greek reads, these lines echo across thousands of years to our own times and our own problems. T h r o u g h Lowell's translation, Aeschylus becomes relevant to the audience . sitting last night in Rackham Lecture Hall. Several rumors are being mildly wafted around concerning another significance of last night's visit. One concerns the possibility that Lowell's version will be presented, Aftr Csadrahasprpheize iby the Ypsilanti Greek Theatre. her death and that of Agamem-1 non, the Chorus utters "We want The other rumor concerns the no prophets." After Agamemnon is possibility that Lowell might be dead, they say "How can we save offered a visiting honors professor- him? How can we save ourselves?" ship by the University. SGC RETURNS: Freshmsen, Dorms Cast, [Most Votes in Election ES: Cl 1 Tb 0 0 A N 1 K S ' 1 1 11 "r ge ht lfthe stark beauty of Greece, By DICK WINGFIELD nity-sorority vote is so meager as Lowell read the long, disgruntled compared to the other types of speech of the sentry who is A breakdown of voting behavior housing vote, there is no validity standing guard outside of the for the November Student Govern- for the belief that three REACH back the union, though this may ple, here for the "Know Your education, he said. palace of the House of Atreus in ment Council election was recent- party candidates were seated on take several years. University Day" sponsored by Steps have already been taken Argos. He has been waiting for ly released showing the highest tecanitys were yatedcon Evnuly h uinhpst UMSEU,. transmitted their en- for UMSEU members to speak be-H a en atn orl eese(hwn the hihsttefraternity-sorority, or con- Eventually, the union hopes to e o-forUsu mo mnert, Lak-ten years for the signal beacon number of voters in the freshman servative, support." become a statewide organization; thusiasm about the bookstore to fore such groups i Detroit, Lans- that is to travel by relay all the class and a steady decline in vot- Cooper s a i d, however, that establish branches at Michig o During the coming semester, the Bluestone said that UMSEU ggill.way from the burning ruins of ing for the sophomores, juniors, though comparisons cannot be eStaebUiersityrandsaynechtae uingill womonaong tathn lestryto ncoudrageUmoreU i-Troy. It comes and the audience seniors and graduate students, I made to years past (due to the mnii Ttnivrrsity cnd Wayne State t union will work on a continuation also try to encourage more in- a m - +sM j i resectivelv. . mf a jq f