Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF SlTUDENT PUBLICATIONS Letters: On Selecting the New President . Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN APBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Administration Must Support 200 BEY Accelerator A COST-CONSCIOUS bureaucracy in Washington is on the verge of break- ing the momentum which our nation's nuclear research program has acquired. The fate of a project the Atomic Energy Commission once termed a "great step forward," a 200 billion electron volt pro- ton accelerator and nuclear physics lab- oratory, hangs in the balance, and an effort must be made now to prevent the joint committee on atomic energy from making it a "great step backward."; The very idea that this exciting 200 BEV concept would be discarded is viewed by many scientists with shock and disbe- lief, and even the person who has only a vague notion of the proposals should be alarmed at the speed at which such an important program can be scrapped. American technology has the know-how to build such a nuclear accelerator, six times larger than any built now in exist- erce, yet in an effort to cut a few cor- ners the legislators have put forth three "alternate proposals" which will neces- sitate the construction of another acceler- ator in the near future when the capacity of the temporary expedient is no longer useful. TO BUILD THIS ACCELERATOR is im- portant because of the status of nu-' clear research in our present technology. In the past 20 years nuclear physics has. become a science in itself and the atom has been probed extensively. But the nu- cleus of aA atom has remained one of science's most puzzling mysteries. Many subparticlesi have already been discovered and the only method of fur- ther uncovering the properties of atoms is to accelerate them faster than is pres- ently possible to study their component parts. Science has the ability to' build a 200 BEV accelerator; to go only half- way in capacity is to stifle our knowledge and make our development of a com- plete picture of the properties of the atom wait until a larger accelerator is finally available. PHYSICISTS have outlined further rea- sons why the program as originally proposed is better than the alternatives, all of which propose making additions to a smaller facility to "build it up" to high- er capacities. First, an addition to .'an existing ac- celerator would make the machine un- usable during the period of construction, and this in turn would actually cut down our research potential for a considerable time. And second, the Soviet Union has an- nounced plans for a very large accelera- tor which they intend to begin shortly, giving them a head-start on research impossible to overcome with one of the scaled down alternatives. FURTHERMORE, the arguments for al- ternative schemes are weak on eco- nomic grounds. One explanation of the wish to cut the cost of the facility is that $348 mil- lion is too much in the face of the ex- pensive conflict in Viet Nam. The money, however, would be incorporated into budget requests for the next seven years, and would not be any more of a strain than any of the alternate plans which call for a $200-$260 million outlay over the shorter period required for their con- struction. In all likelihood, the Viet Nam war will be over before -the increase in cost will be felt. In addition, plans for the project and studies of proposed sites have already cost millions and taken over a year to complete, and to suggest the AEC begin again later does not sound reasonable. ANN ARBOR'S concern for the project is especially acute, as a site in nearby Northfield Township has been continually described as the probable location' for the facility. The accelerator would have great economic consequences for the area as yearly operating expenses would total more than $50 million and require a staff of approximately 2000. The University did its part to encour- age the proposal when it'gathered a group of experts from its staff and private con- cerns to present the case for Northfield to the selection committee from the Na- tional Academy of Sciences on their visit last week, but their support is not enough. Congressman Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) has been one of the strongest pro- ponents of the project, but against stal- wart opposition the freshman congress- man cannot do the job alone. HE SECRECY' surrounding the selec- tion of the site and the administra- tion's feeling on the importance of the program make it difficult to piece togeth- er just what Johnson's policy will be on the issue. In view of the military, eco- nomic, and scientific advantages of the 200 BEV proposal, one hopes that the ad- ministration, pressured by Congress and the public will press forward with the original proposal. WALLACE IMMEN. To the Editor: EDITOR ROBERT Johnston takes a much too statistical approach in selecting the next president of the University. If the spirit of his suggestions are followed - and they most likely will be-the University will hire a technocrat-administrator presi- dent like Clak Kerr or Robert McNamara rather than the hu- manist-intellectual leader that the University needs. Johnston stressed a quantitative analysis of the University, but everyone from the Regents to freshmen should be considering what kind of university-not how much--we should create. It is im- portant to know how much class- room, laboratory and office space the University needs; the social composition of its student body and the numbers of administra- tors, bureaucrats and researchers here. But more essentially, the Uni- versity gommunity must debate and decide why it is here and what it is going to do. Taking statistics and relying heavily on the University's formal machinery will not answer these questions. These sources only provide back- grou nd for a greater debate. TIME IS running out for any student attempt to encourage and participate in this debate or, more importantly, influence the selec- tion of the next president. Only two years are left before the Regents make this vital decision. Students must do several things in these two years. First, they must debate and decide what sort of president they want. They must think out the issues clearly and present their views articulately if they are to wield any influence. This influence mustbe felt, for the selecting of the president is the most essential and basic de- cision the Regents will make for the next 20 or 30 years. NEXT, Student Government Council should establish a com- mittee on the presidency and sponsor forums and workshops on the basic issues of the University. It could invite outside experts and controversial critics of higher education-ranging from James Conant to Paul Goodman-to speak here. Perhaps even a third Conference on the University could be held.' Johnston should be commended for opening the debate on the presidency and hopefully The Daily will devote more of its news and editorial pages to the issues involved in selecting President Harlan Hatcher's successor. Meanwhile, SGC, The Daily and other interested students should press for student representation on any advisory committee the Regents establish to select the president. Ideally, students should sit on it. If not, they should have the right to submit position papers and to discussthem with the ad- visory committee. A SAMPLE of issues shows how vital the decision on the presidency is: -How large should the Uni- versity become? Should it break into many small units or large ones served by a low student- faculty ratio and automated teaching devices? i -Should there be any changes in the current relationships be- tween teaching and research; sciences, social sciences and hu- manities or graduate and under- graduate education?, -Are students and faculty too removed from major decision mak- ing? Is the University too de- humanized and too sprawling- both physically and intellectually? What can be done to prevent student alienation? What is the president's role in making the institution cohere? -Is the University too closely tied to the "military-industrial complex," particularly in research? Is the University being warped by its assumptions and policies? THESE QUESTIONS by no means exhaust the issues that must be debated before the presi- dent is selected. Johnston's sta- tistical orientation only scratches the surface and misses the under- lying assumptions and beliefs that must also be probed. Once the University community arrivesat some tentative answers to these questions, it can search for the man who will successfully lead the University in the direction it ought to go. -Philip Sutin, Grad 'Vietniks' To the Editor: THE IMPLICATIONS of Mr. Catron's letter (Jan. 11) on the reclassification of "Vietniks" are most lucid, though it is open to doubt whether or not they con- form to his intentions. His pro- gressive, existentialist, man-is- the-sum-of-his-acts-and-respon- sibilities philosophy is quite frightening in its distortion of perspective. The protestors chose to violate certain rules of the society in whichthey live, and they must bear the responsibility for those violations: agreed; but Mr. Cat- ron has no grounds for assuming that they had not "contem- plated beforehand" the conse- quences, which he would seem to imply are indefinite. ON THE CONTRARY: these people had accepted the conse- quences as prescribed by law in a society which claims to operate according to these same laws as prescribed. To arbitrarily change the operation of these laws is not the application of the poetic jus- tice which Mr. Catron champions, but a reversion to totalitarianism or niere anarchy. One of the drawbacks of being a liberal is that one is forced to restrain the desire to apply these same methods to such trinities as Mr. Catron seeks to establish with General, Hershey and God, pre- sumably without His consent. But are you sure, Mr. Catron, that this is your real argument? Can it not be reduced to the sour grapes of "one who spent three years in the Army and disliked every minute of it?" -S. H. Baxter Department of French Bookstore To the Editor: THE RENEWED squabbling over a University-owned discount book store raises an issue which I have yet to find satisfactorily discussed. When I entered the Big 'U' in 1957, the limitless energies of student discontent were all ex- panded on projects with one aim: the abolition of all University paternalism, the removal of all artificial barriers between stu- dents and the "real world." Dress regulations, curfew hours, apart- ment restrictions, single-sex dorms, even the dean of women herself -all were thrown out with the cry of "Father, I'd rather do it myself!" The changes, of course, were all to the good. Suddenly, however, the "real world" has become the bogey-man, and the cry is for a new brand of paternalism. The heavy stick with which Our Father walks and the bottomless comforts of his sub- sidizing purse are now called upon for protection and provision. The nasty merchants, the evil land- lords, the whole shebang of the "real world," in effect has proved too much for the little Darling of, the block. The new cry is, "Father, I'd rather you did it for me!" Again, the asked-for changes are to the good. SOMEWHERE there is a dis- crepancy in the premises of dis- content. On the one hand the students yell for recognition as something more human and noble than mere IBM units; on the other hand they tabulate them- selves as so many units of X buying power and 2X economic exploitation. When the arguments about books revolve primarily around their cost and whose job it is to sell them rather than around their content and their power to arouse thought and intellectual debate, the state of higher education is plainly in danger. If we insist on thinking of ourselves and our problems primarily in economic terms we no longer have an argu- ment with the Communist ideol- ogy: simply a difference of opin- ion concerning the efficiency of systems. The book store debate raises issues which go well beyond the narrow scope now given it. Perhaps the fault is in the nar- rowness of the debaters them- selves. -John Allen, Grad 'Tiny Alice' To the Editor: I WAS REALLY disappointed at the review of "Tiny Alice" in the Jan. 12 Daily. Gail Blumberg and Fritz Mil- ler's review of Albee's masterpiece was less than brilliant, misleading and most of the time just plain wrong. They apparently copped isolated items from Albee's pub- lished explanation of "Alice" and threw them together haphazardly. Now, it is no crime to say you don't understand "Aice"-most of the New York critics candidly admitted it when the play was on Broadway. But to hoof it-to pre- tend you know the play, but write like bloodthirsty editors won't give you enough space to do a decent job-is surely irresponsible criti- cism. THE REVIEWERS completely missed almost all the Platonic and Joycean implications of "Alice." If they had been a little shrewder they would never say the last scene was overwritten. If you graspsthescheme of the play the last scene must be the way it is. Both say the play deals with the search for reality-and in a nutsy-boltsy way this is true. But they didn't tell Albee's conclusion: that all "reality"-as says Plato -is illusion. I have read more sensitive re- views. -Dave Saltman.'67 4 How Exiles View Cuba Today 0 By BETSY COHN (Last of a Series) IT IS HARD to be certain exactly what is happening in Cuba to- day. Brochures picturing blind- folded men before ruthless firing squads, starving children and dev- astated land have been issued by the various exile groups. These conditions may prevail but to what extent is uncertain and "unpublished in American newspapers," said Ramon Martin, head of the CTO (Cuban. Federa- tion of Labor) in Miami. Nevertheless, information from underground as well as recently arrived exiles indicates that in Cuba there are more than 75,000 people in jail, conditions in the jails are bad and many are being executed by firing squads. Medical care is inadequate, and Cuba now is suffering from lack of proper sanitation, according to exiles. Food is scarce and the peo- ple are rationed to one meal a ,day, continued Martin. "Cuba had' a population of six and one half million: at present there are 600,000 in exile; 85,000 have applied to leave in the refu- gee shuttle; there are hundreds in Cuba who are anti-Castro-in total over one-sixth of the Cuban population are anti-Castro," Al- fredo Gonzales, a participant in the Bay of Pigs invasion, said. HE TOLD OF the difficulty exiles are having in trying to get their families out of Cuba and said, "Castro wants to keep the young people; it is easiest to in- doctrinate school children in the ways of Communism." He spoke of his seven-year-old son whom he has been trying to bring to America for the past sev- eral years. "In school students learn the alphabet by reciting phrases such as 'C is for Castro, R is for Russia . . . etc' "Nevertheless, the family is very powerful and influential so the children are taught the truth at home by parents, by letters and by the 'Voice of Cuba,' an exile radio broadcast," according to Gonzales. Castro has restricted boys from the ages of 14 to 27 from leaving the country in order that they may s e r v e in the military. "Women may soon be forced to participate in the military as "It's' A Start" i. l W, H, "~~~~~~~~~ y-", -S a .--.' . , - N -TER y AI well," commented Gonzales. PLANS FOR 1966 call for 400,000 women to work year round throughout the island in. hopes they can bring about a $1 billion increase in production. In 1965 some 200,000 women were already out of their homes, performing a variety of tasks which ranged from coffee and tobacco picking to cane-cutting and cattle-raising. The seven thousand college stu- dents who occupied Cuba's nine universities have now greatly diminished. "Those students who are left in Cuba cannot attend the universities unless they first declare themselves Communists. Most students are anti-Castro and will not oblige this policy," said Jose Gonzales Puente, an ex- Cuban senator. "Those who are enrolled in the' universities are being taught with Communist - censored textbooks and Communist indoctrinated pro- fessors," he claimed. Other students, such as Gon- zales, have left the Cuban univer- sities and enrolled in American colleges. Gonzales graduated from Louisiana State University yin ag-, ricultural engineering; he planned' to return to Cuba and work with sugar production. He is presently studying international law at the University of Miami so he will be able to act as a "mediator be- tween Cuban and American gov- ernments when Cuba receives her independence." "THOSE LEFT in Cuba are not only the young people; but the old and proud citizens who prefer to die in their country rather than to leave it. Also left in Cuba. are the wealthy 'novice politicians' who have given money to Castro, in turn receiving top prestige po- sitions in Castro's regime," he added. According to ex-senator Puente, there is widespread misconceptions about Cuba today. Statements have been made that the lower classes in Cuba are living under better conditions today than they did before Castro. "This is incorrect," he said. "The people of the lower classes were once able to live off of the land; today they are slaves." Ac- cording to Gonzales, "There is even more poverty among the low- er classes now; for there is less in Cuba to go around.. "FORMERLY, the people were able to get food from the black market; now they cannot get any- thing that was available to them then." * Michae Ato TiOmes Five IF I GAVE YOU $5 million and said to you, "Do what you can for American cuture," what would you do? In essence that is what representatives of the Na-. tional Council on the Arts asked of Uni- versity students in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday morning. The representatives were as impres- sive as their mission. Producer Roger Stevens, chairman of the council, is sin- cerely and earnestly interested in ferret- ing out student opinion and in using it for the betterment of the arts in America. Academy-award winner Gregory Peck is an idealistic man, devoted to repertory theatre. He has been giving unstintingly Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON. Editor LATRENCE KTRSHBAUM RORERT HTPPT ER Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS ..............Personnel Director LAUREN SAHR .. Associate" Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN AAssistant Managing Editor SAIL BLUMBERGO....... .............Magazine Editor TOM WEINBERG ............ ....... Sports Editor LLOYD GRAFF.........Associate Sports Editor PETER SARASOHN .........Contributing Editor SHELDON DAVIS ......................Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert' Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark Killingswnrth,'John Meredith. ,ennard Pratt, Harvey Wasserman, Bruce Wasserstein, Charlotte Wolter. DAY EnfTORS: Babette Cohn, Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplar., Robert Moore, Roger Rapoport, Dick Wing- field. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Alice Bloch, Deborah Blum, Neal Bruss, Gail Jorgenson, Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Neil Shister, Joyce Winslow. Business Staff . PY WE.LMA N Buiness 'Managerr of his time to help talented, but econom- ically crippled companies get a federal boost. Peck is not only tall, talented and terrific-looking, he is also a fine speaker and an interested listener. Young Broadway star Elizabeth Ashley is an exquisite dynamo. She has been traveling from campus to campus to get to "the ,real nitty-gritty on what college students want to see in culture." DURING A YEAR in which students have had to sit on Selective Service Office floors to make their point through silence, it certainly is gratifying to have government emissaries invite them to stand and be heard. Students have been given the oppor- tunity to direct their own cultural fu- tures. Now let them speak up. How could $5 million best serve stu- dent cultural interests? Several ideas come to mind.'For example, a stage and, practice rooms could be built to house a University modern dance ensemble. Scholarships could be made available to some of the fine performers in the Dance Studio here for study with Martha Gra- ham, whose own company is deserving of federal support. Low cost fine arts camps such as Interlochen could be formed and maintained to foster the arts by trans- forming raw talent into polished artists. Professional journalistic help could be given to art museums, such as the Me- morial Museum here, to publicize art ex- hibits and to explain aesthetic subleties to an essentially layman audience. This would increase interest in and apprecia- +Iw of 41-cn n ."+ 11 Lyndon Johnson: And Now for My Next Trck 0 ob By HARVEY WASSERMAN "GOOD EVENING ladies and gentlemen, this is the new ABC-CBS-NBC color extravaganza This is Your Country.' Tonight our surprise guest will be 'equal- time' Johnson, who will explain to us how our country can pay for everything in the whole world without any money. He will be followed 'by Mighty Mandrake, who will also perform magic tricks, such as hiding Hershey bars without making comment, conducting an entire. war before our very eyes without telling any- body why, and finally, for the grand finale of the entire evening, he will disappear from the front page for the first time since 1962. "Introducing our main speaker is White House culture expert Norman (you too can draw) Rockwell, who will speak briefly on apple pie and cubism. Presi- dent Johnson is to his immediate left, though notas far as he said he would be. Rocky Marciano and Pien n Plank r W p nine ir nna to move the State of the Union address to the evening so that it might get television prime time coverage. Unfortunately, Con- gress could not attend. "But undaunted that great man, the very man who demanded equal time from Warner Brothers to compensate for Ronald Rea- gan movies, the very man who braved public opinion to lie to the world about Viet Nam nego- tiations, that very man who has given so greatly and unselfishly of himself to wage war on poverty (so far only 3,000 poor people have died of kindness), that very man is only five feet from our cameras, straining to pose the left side of his face (he likes that one better) that the world might drink of its humble President. "Before the President starts let me remind you of next week's dramatic special, 'Le Grand Moi, in which Charles de Gaulle por- trays a humble peasant born in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. The week after we will cover the I