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January 16, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-16

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:43 att4p

Partly cloudy,
colder Monday

See Editorial Page


Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
o Consider ropose Housing Unit b


* Student Government Council
will act Thursday on a motion
providing for a proposed Student
Housing Association which would
enable more interested students to
work in the area of housing.-
Five student housing commit-
tees are presently functioning on
campus. But this a.sociation, ac-
cording to its supporters, will
centralize and expand student
participation and -responsibility.
SGC member Robert Bodkin, '67,
sponsor of the motion, said, "We
must try to provide a nerve center
for student work on the housing
w problem and concurrently tap the
reservoir of student talent and
Housing Unit
May Request
Federal Aid
City Comiinoiers
Indicate Approval
Of Leasing Program
Ann Arbor's newly - established
housing commission will very like-
ly seek federal funds, its chairman
said yesterday.
"The five commissioners are
generally agreed on accepting fed-
eral leasing programs now under
consideration," chairman Henry
V. Aquinto said.
The plan would be subject to
the approval of city council.
It would provide federal moey
for the leasing of houses as
"emergency - type" dwellings to
temporarily house evicted families.
Two other federal programs for
the rehabilitation and construc-
tion of public housing will be ex-
amined by the commission in the
futre after emergency cases have
been adequately dealt with. These
programs, however, are thought to
face considerably more opposition
than the leasing plan, which itself
may run into some trouble in the
council chambers.
In advance of the final decision,
the commission must accept a set
of criteria for choosing public
h o u s i n g. applicants. Thursday°
night two members of the com-
nission presented to the commis-
sion a first-draft of such criteria,
which included the following ma-
jor provisions:
-The applicants must qualify
as a family (two or more persons
related by blood marriage or adop-
tion is the major requirement),;
-The net income after allow-
able exemptions and assets must
not exceed $2600 for a single per-
son, $4400 for two, $5300 for a
five-person family, and $6600 for
a family of ten or more;
-The applicant must have been
a resident of the city for at least
one year; andI
-The applicant must have been
or must be about to be displaced
from adequate housing through no
fault of his own.
The criteria are similar to those
used by commissions in Detroit,
Ypsilanti, Inkster and Mount
Clemens. They will be debated,
approved and presented to coun-
cil after further commission re-
Commenting on the require-
ments, commissioner L y n d o n
Welch declined to predict specific
alterations, butsaid he wouldube
surprised if they passed un-
He noted that the alterations
could come from one of three
sources: the commissioners them-
selves, the city council, or the fed-
eral housing authorities, who must

approve any such eligibility re-
quirements whether federal funds
are applied for or not.
The residency requirement 'ap-
pears to be a likely area of debate.
Dr. Albert Wheeler, president of
the local chapter of the NAACP,
has ppilicly opposed the one-year.
residency provision as unnecessar-
ily restrictive. He points to the
greaf difficulty new residents have
in finding low or even middle in-
come housing when they move to
Ann Arbor. This has forced many
people who work in the city to live
outside, according to Wheeler.
There will also, however, be
some pressure for a longer* resi-
dence requirement, e s p e c i ally

energy we have to work on this
The SHA, consisting of a five-
member executive board and three
subcommittees, was viewed with
scepticism by Charles Cooper,G
administrative vice-president of
SGC, at the last meeting, when
the motion was tabled. Cooper
said he strongly supports the ob-
jectives of SHA, but added that
the five other housing committees
on campus have comparable goals
and are apparently failing to ac-
complish anything.
The five present committees are
the Graduate Student Council
Advisory Committee, the Voice
Housing Committee, the Student
Advisory Committee to the Vice-

President for Student Affairs, the
Joint Committee on Low Cost
Housing and SGC's Off-Campus
Housing Advisory Board.
Cooper said, "I am interested in
a definite structure with care-

with many involvements outside the issue of housing vital to stu-
the University. SGC also recog- dents by publicizing the discour-
nizes the need for a truly repre- aging statistics of housing prob-
sentative, structured and central- lems as they project into the fu-
ized organization to meet the com- ture and relate to the growth of
plexities of this problem." the University."

conimittee would publish a model ! addition, this subcolmmittee will
eight-month lease. establish rat- be charged to mobilize a con-
ing , systems for housing-bothstituency to lobby for the election
University and private and pro-|of Ann Arbor City Councilmen
vide legal advice to students in favorable to the reform of local
housing disputes, regulations and codes.

Speaking on the legislation,
Bodkin said, "This is a step in
the right direction. However, it
will be necessary to rezone more
land to the C-2a classification to
provide for a need that will not

fully defined responsibilities." He Cooper, however, said that he
added that he is wary of vague would like to view the potential'
lines of authority and an "in- character of SHA .as compared to
terim" structure. other committees. "The Joint
Bodkin's motion asks for "SGC Housing Committee," Cooper said,
to create and establish an interim "has a list of policy statements
structure for the Student Housing and goals, similar to those of the
Association." The preamble of the SHA, but is apparently failing.
motion reads: Will the new association merely
"SGC recognizes that the prob- be a new name for old concepts?"
lem of off-campus housing for Bodkin said he was aware of theI
students is a complex economic shortcomings of the other housing
and political problem with many committees and added that his
long-range considerations and motion is geared toward "makingj

He said he believes that a more The University Planning sub- This past week the Ann Arbor be met .by their recent provisions.
central and extensive vehicle for committee is designed to repre- City Council passed the city's first Also, there must be some restric-
student efforts will help to meet sent the SHA to the University major code on high-rise develop- tions on quality; otherwise, there
the challenge of housing students administration as an official stu- ments. The code includes pro- will be no ban on a series of
in the future as well as hanlding dent advisory group, to seek out visions for rezoning of the South high-rise slum housing units."
immediate issues such as model ways of sponsoring low-cost hous- University-East University area to Bodkin said he felt that Univer-
leases, rating systems for housing ing and to form a cooperative C-2a - "available for high-rise sity Towers, an 18-floor construc-
anl legal advice on housing for housing project. building." tion at South University and
I students. The City Planning subcommit- The code also sets definite re- Forest, was built without special
The SHA structure includes tee, if the motion passes, would quirements for construction so as concern for quality. He said that
three subcommittees: Rental and establish a list of recommenda- to allow adequate air and light Huron Towers on North Campus
Complaints, University Planning Lions for improving building codes space in the streets. The code re- is a model housing unit, combin-
and City Planning. and work for more land space quires parking facilities either "on ing quality construction and a bus
The Rental and Complaints sub- for high-rise developments. In site" or "off site" for tenants. transportation system.


'What's New
At 764-1817

The University still has not decided if it will appeal Judge
William Ager's refusal to grant an injunction against the unions
seeking recognition as a bargaining agency for the University's
nonacademic employes, Edmund Cummiskey, attorney represent-
ing the University in the case, said yesterday. However,
Cumminskey expressed doubts whether the University will appeal,
although fipal decision will wait on developments until Monday.
A German house-where those interested in speaking German
can practice -their skill-may be started in the Oxford Coopera-
tives next fall. Sarah Smith, '67, said it will be necessary for
either 45 girls or 45 boys to apply within the next month for
each house that can be opened.
. .
The University announced recently that it is to receive
$83,000 in graduate study subsidies from the Woodrow Wilson
National Fellowship Foundation. The fpnds will be used for
graduate fellowships administered by the graduate scholarship
program for 1966-67, according to Dr. Freeman D. Miller, asso-
ciate dean of the Graduate School.
Wire tapf
The Sigma Chi discrimination case will be handled at one
of the first Inter-Fraternity Council executive committee meet-
ings this semester, IFC sources report. The executive committee
will discuss the report of the IFC membership committee and
will decide whether Sigma Chi is guilty of discrimination. If
Sigma Chi is found guilty, the most severe penalty would be
expulsion from IFC.
Long Distance
The Kentucky Education Association's governing body voted
yesterday to hold a one-day statewide teacher walkout before
Feb. 4 in protest of low salaries.
The association's 600-member delegate assembly also threat-
ened to invoke National Education Association sanctions of the
severest kind against the state unless "our current educational
crisis has been met satisfactorily."
No date has been set for the teacher walkout. The assembly
decided to hold district meetings on the day of the walkout to
discuss the issue of statewide sanctions.
Kentucky ranks 46th in the nation in teachers' salaries and
education leaders say there is no immediate hope for relief.
The assembly met in special session because its goal of $900
pay raises for teachers over the next two years was not included
in Gov. Edward T. Breathitt's budget passed by the legislature
A 19-year-old Brigham Young University junior, Donald
Costello, recently burned his student movie discount card in the
BYU student center to protest the circulation of a petition urging
censorship of obscene movies. The petition drive had gathered
1250 signatures when Costello appeared before a group of 60
students who were debating the issue and proceeded to set a
match to his discount card.

War Outlay
Estimated at
$10.5 Billion
1966 Spending for
Domestic Programs
Said To Rise Slightly


K y





WASHINGTON 64') - Whitez
House officials said yesterday spe-
cial costs of the Viet Nam war'
will be estimated at $10.5 bil-'
lion-more than double the cur-
rent year's level-in the new fed-t
eral budget.
These sources declined to say
whether the sharply boosted
spending prediction was based on
any expectation of a new escala-
tion in the fighting.
This prediction is distinct from
an extra $12 billion to $13 bil-
lion which competent authoritiesl
said 10 days ago the President will
ask Congress to authorize for the'
Viet Nam war in the current fis-
cal year ending June 30.
At that time, it was said that "Yes, we are interested in the unknown. writer from Saginaw," Gregory Peck (far tight) told a
not all the $1 2to $13 billion would student audience' in the League yesterday of the National Council the Arts program. He is shown
be spent by mid-1966-perhaps here with actress Elizabeth Ashley and Council Chairman Roger Stevens.
only about $5 billion of it.
White House sources said also C
! that spending for Great Soci'ety;t C on i T r o toe n s
doestcprograswl nrae; r/b
by an estimated $3.25 billion over
current levels in the 1967 fiscala
year that begins July 1. OTEWB OR f hS
Since nonmilitary outlays are
in n lexpected to rise by only $600 mil-
lion in all, this means substantial By JOYCE WINSLOW writers for suggestions and -advice "No government can call artistic
cutbacks are in prospect for somon what kinds, of programs could excellence into existence, but it'
other civilian programs to offset ChairmaneRoger Stevens and best implement and promote the can seek tocreate conditions un-
most of the Great Society in-I Board Members Gregory Peck andj arts. der which the artist and scholar
creases. Elizabeth Ashley of the National "We would like to hear your can flourish," the President said
Details will be spelled out in Council on the Arts asked Uni- ideas," Peck told his primarily at the time.
the budget going to Congress Jan. versity students in Lydia Men- female audience at Mendelssohn.
24S delssohn Theatre yesterday how "Contrary to what some may think Aid to Culture
Special costs of the Viet Nam the council could best allocate its about federal aid to the arts, Big The bill as approved by the
war are estimated at $4.7 billion $5 million of resources to aid the Brother is not going to come in D'ouse and the Senate in May,
in the current fiscal year compared arts. and lay arts on the people. 1965, marked the first time since
with $10.5 billion in fiscal 1967. andereyer trs o athpole. the Depression that the federal
As the officials used the term, The trio travel across the coun- Wogovernment aided culture directly.
special costs include outlays forI try asking repertory companies theatrical groups with discipline,gIveret a cultredectl
energy and local spot-htis I"cetda"w-edd on
increased manpower authcrized by to perform for them in the search what we would seek to help dation e- a National Endowment
Congress, replacement of combat for worthy talent to support. And wthreu wulde sdekan ohed n at -s a National En-e
throgh edeal adiace.for the Arts. and a National En-
losses, increased procurement of most important, they are asking dowment for the Humanities -I
weapons, ammunition and aircraft,; performers, students, artists, and ."The federal government does which would process and admin-
~---'not want to dictate art. It only ister aid.
wants to stir up the interest for it TeNtoa oni'o h
thst aread istsPeck add Arts coordinates the activities of
Repertory Theatres ' these two endowment agencies.

Both Pledge
War Action
Coup Hinted; Saigon
Plans for Civic Action
Given U.S. Support
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (')-
Secretary of State Dean Rusk Rnd
South Viet Nam's government
jointly declared Sunday that all
necessary military measures must
continue to be taken against the
Communists while keeping '"alert"
for any possible peace talks.
A Joint communique was issued
following talks Saturday between
Rusk the U.S. roving ambassador
W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge on one side
and Prime Minister Nguyen Cao
Ky and the chief of state, Lt.
Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, 'on the
other. It said:
-"The basic positions of the
two governments were consistent
in all fundamental respects" in a
quest for peace while insuring
the security of South Viet Nam
from a Communist takeover;
-The United States will con-
tinue full supprt of Viet Nam in
its fight against the Vie$ Cong
and North Vietnamese regulars,
-Washington would "do all in
its power" to help South Viet
Nam' improve the economic lot of
the people.
The American portion of the
communique heavily emphasized
continued backing of the struggle
in Viet Nam and Rusk used such
words as "firm determination"
and "full support" in stating
Washington's stand.
Peace Drive
Ky, who has feared that the
U.S. peace drive might mean some
sort of eventual sellout, restated
South Viet Nam's conditions for
Ky said there must be an end
to aggression with independence
and liberty in order to permit
eventual unification of Viet Nam,
accompanied by guarantees, pre-
sumably from the United States
and its allies, that would preclude
a "resumption of aggression which
would endanger both Southeast
Asia and the peace of the world."
Military Measures
"The prime minister and Sec-
retary Rusk agreed that the Viet-
namese government and its allies
must continue to take all neces-
sary military measures while re-
maining alert to all proposals and
initiatives that might lead to
peace," the communique said.
No reference was made to ps-
sible resumption of bombings in
North Viet Nam, which has been
bomb free since Dec. 24 as part
of President Johnson's peace of-
Military activity in the south
l has been unchanged.
Rusk and Harriman had con-
ferred with the Vietnamese all
day Saturday as the atmosphere
in Saigon grew tense. Rumors of


Wolverine Tankers Down Indiana, 62-61
_ ..$: - nB JIM LaSOVAGE Indiana's coach Jim (Do Coun-
An alert move bb divinmanoldhvhmd 7 cag
'''' A alrt oveby ivig cachin the backstroke event had he
"":::.:.:..:.;:.; Dick Kimball and an all-out per-i known the score, but this move
} formance by Michigan's entirewolhaeekndteHos

team gave the Wolverines a thrill-
ing 62-61 victory over Indiana in
a meet that wasn't decided until
the last event yesterday in Matt
Mann Pool.
Kimball, one of the diving
judges, kept track mentally of
how he thought the divers stood.
After the meet he said, "I told
Gus (Coach Stager) that the
worst we could have done was
second. When they announced
third, I had the totals rechecked."
And rechecking t h e totals
proved to be the difference in the

iers' freestyle relay team at the
meet's end.
The meet was close all the way,
as the lead changed hands five
times. In the first race of the'
meet only :00.14 separated the two
400-yard medley teams. A Hoosier
combination of Pete Hammer,'
Tom Tretheway, Kevin Berry, and
Bill Utley touched out Rees Or-
land, Paul Scheerer, Ken Wiebeck
and Captain Rich Walls of the
Wolverines. After close races in
the backstroke, breaststroke, and
butterfly legs, Indiana won on the

"My own special field of in-1
terest," Peck explained, "is the Thoni nth rshs2
idea of supporting regional reper- I members, each representing his
tory theatres with the ultimate own specialty in the arts. Serving,
a~ amonyg sthe rareysacSern
aim of one glorious national thea- , mn tes aeIacSen
tre. We won't have that until we violinist; Leonard Bernstein, com-
build up repertory theatre such poser and conductor; Agnes De
that they can feed skilled actors Mille, choreographer; Miss Ash-
and technicians to a national the- ley, star of Broadway's "Barefoot
atre. in the Park," and Peck, Academy-
Suggestions from the audience award winning actor.
were numerous. One girl suggest- . Because the council has the dif-
ed that demand for art could be ficult task of aiding all facets of
increased if the council were to culture with a small budget, it
introduce extensive programs of has taken upon itself the roles of
art appreciation into the public "troubedors-in-reverse."
A woman who teaches drama- Existing Groups First
tics to children suggested that Peck emphasized that existing,
the council establish channels of talented professional t h e a t r e
communications between authors groups would be considered for aid
of children's plays and school sys- before amateur groups simply be-
tems and amateur groups who cause it is more practical econom-
would benefit from them. ically to support a group with an

-. ' A*'...

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