Seventy-Sixth Year EDiTED ANO MANA(;rp BY STUDENTS OF THEI UNFivRSTTY OF MWfcHiGAN UNDER AUTHORfTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Wher Opfnions Are Free, ... W h piniin -A F 420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN ARBOR, wiiCm. NFws PvIo: l64-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or The editors, This must be noted in all reprints. FRIIAY, JANUARY 14, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO Cutler Shares No Blame On Bookstore Report The U.S. Should Leave Asian Mainland ONE RECENT MORNING we were offered reports by two distinguished newspapermen,! each citing official estimates of the number of troops needed in Viet Nam. One of the reporters said that the increase needed would be from a strength of 200,000 to a strength of 300,000 men. The other said, "It is estimated that at least 350,000 U.S. troops will be required and perhaps 400,000 to 500,000." This discrepancy may be due to the fact that each of the reporters was speaking about a different period of time. I call attention to it only because I believe that the war has become unpredictable. that the President is .caught in a vicious spiral. As each succeeding prediction and promise of the President's advisers has turned out to be wrong, the only remedy they have been able to offer the President is that he should send in more troops and do more bomb- ing. The President, presumably because he could not think of anything else to do, has taken their advice and has been con- ducting the war like a gambler who, when he loses one round, doubles his bets in the hope of recovering what he has lost. After a year of increasing es- calation, the area controlled by the Viet Cong is larger today than it was a year ago, and the North Vietnamese have replied to the bombing not by ceasing to inter- vene in South Viet Nam, but by doing what it was plain that they would do if we bombed them-by sending in more and more of their trained troops. The result is that we do not have now. and there is not in sight, a decisive military superiority. IN ORDER to break this vicious spiral, the President will have to begin by clearing up the con- fusion among his advisers about our own war aims. There are two basic questions which will have to be answered before we can be prepared to negotiate peace. The fact that there is a large faction which does not wish to negotiate peace and is expressing its views in the press is proof enough of the confusion. The first and the biggest ques- tion is whether or not we are fighting to preserve an American military lodgment on the main- land of Asia. odVay By WALTER LIPPMANN The second, and closely related, question is whether or not we are prepared to negotiate the peace with all our adversaries, in- cluding the Viet Cong. On both of these questions there are deep differences of opinion in the country, in Congress, and, I venture to say, within the intimate circle of the President's advisers. Unless these differences are re- solved, we are not able to nego- tiate a settlement of the war. For they pertain to the fundamental issues about which the war is being fought. ON THE FACE of the record the President. Secretary Rusk and Secretary McNamara have publicly disclaimed any intention of es- tablishing a permanent U.S. mili- tary base in South Viet Nam. But these disclaimers are not believed by our adversaries nor even by many of our friends. For the dis- claimers are vitiated by Secretary Rusk's statements that we shall not leave South Viet Nam until and unless the government in Sai- gon has been stabilized and its independence is no longer in doubt. This condition of our mili- tary withdrawal is tantamount to saying that for the foreseeable and indefinite future we shall remain to protect, to foster and to guard a South Vietnamese government which suits us. For there is no prospect whatsoever that there will be the kind of government Secretary Rusk talks about if we are not in military possession of Saigon and some of the other towns. Almost certainly. I am convinc- ed, the fundamental conflict be- tween China and the United States is over our military presence on the mainland of Asia. Only a small minority among us in this coun- try have been willing even to con- sider the question of whether our military presence on the Asian mainland should be. needs to be and can be made permanent. As one of this small minority, I be- lieve it a grave mistake to attempt to make permanent our military presence on the Asian mainland. For I believe that our being there is abnormal-our' military pres- ence was never conceived as part of the national interest of the United States. It is an accidental and unplanned consequence of the Second World War. Making this artificial and ramshackle debris of the old empires permanent and committing our lives and for- tunes to its maintenance means, I believe, unending war in Asia. (e), 1965, The Washington Post Co. B Y NOW IT IS CLEAR that Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler is going to recommend to the Re- gent, on Jan. 20 that a University-oper- ated discount bookstore not be establish- ed, Indications that Cutler's report would take this turn were evident as early as last October, when his assistant, John C. Feldkamp, 'sted several very good rea- sons for believing the establishment of such a bookstere would not be econom- ically feasible. But even though his action comes as no surprise, cries are going up from stu- dents who have worked for the realiza- tion of the bookstore that Cutler has mis-, led them, sold them out. Well, is it true? Has the somewhat over-idealized cham- pion of the student cause abdicated to the bureaucratic machine? CUTLER HAS BEEN INDICTED for fail- ing to keep a promise to let the book- store committee in on the content of his. report. However, both the accuracy and relevance of - this indictment are ques- tionable. Cutler did not plan to have The Daily publish the conclusions of the re- port prior to its release to the bookstore committee. Therefore, this publication does not indicate that the promise was broken; Cutler still has not officially re- leased his report. One administrator contends that Cut- ler is intending to tell the committee of the report the day before releasing it to the Regents. This will not allow the com- mittee enough time to prepare moves to counter the report's effect, but the whole issue is irrelevant because no amount of time would have been sufficient. Argu- ments supporting the case for a discount bookstore have been exhausted; students prepared their own report and solicited the backing of other students and citi- zens last fall. Cutler was under no obligation to tell the bookstore committee of his report any sooner than he had planned. It was the regents, not the committee, that request- ed Cutler's analysis. And, to suggest that Cutler should release the report to the public before discussing it with the Re- gents would be asking him to insult them. CUTLER HAS NOT betrayed students either by failing to keep a promise or by squelching a promising student move- ment. It seems quite clear that he has sound economic reasons to back up not recommending a discount bookstore. It would be a good idea for students to suspend judgment until they can hear some of them. Perhaps it was unfortu- nate that The Daily felt it necessary to report the bookstore proposal would be rejected before Cutler was ready to ex- plain just why it would be. Talks with a special consultant led Office of Student Affairs officials last fall to predict that a discount bookstore could not be self-supporting. The experi- ences of the Student Government Coun- cil "Bookery" seem to bear this out. SGC has decided not to continue the services, since the "Bookery" lost money on ad- vertising this semester and couldn't af- ford books for a sufficient number of courses. The fate of Prof. Fred C. Shure's Student Book Service seems to have been a bit better, though it is not certain his endeavor has been a complete success, since he refuses to release figures. A UNIVERSITY-SUBSIDIZED discount bookstore would defeat its own 'pur- pose. Students would be forfeiting the discount in the long run, since operating funds for a bookstore would have to come from the General Fund, part of which students supply by paying tuition. More- over, students would shoulder the cost for supporting a discount bookstore in- equitably. One discount bookstore couldn't possibly serve all the students; it takes five privately owned stores to do that now. So, while all would be paying for the bookstore operation, only a few would actually receive a discount. Merely because 13,000 students signed a petition demanding a discount book- store is no argument for the economic feasibility of the project. Cutler has not promised student leaders that he will grant them anything they can muster a great deal of support for, no matter how unreasonable it may be, but that if enough students support a project and present arguments for it in an orderly manner, he will do everything he can for them. He has. -SHIRLEY ROSICK 4 Rap-Up: Not Since Civil War By ROGER RAPOPORT LT. GEN. LOUIS B. Hershey, who has directed the Selective Service System since its inception, has been subjected to a good deal of totally unjustified criticism for re-classifying 13 University stu- dents who sat in at the Ands Ar- bor draft board to protest U.S. Viet Nam policy. The reclassifications have pro- voked the greatest controversy over the draft since 1864, when the General tried to draft New York young men into the Union army. It is time for someone to come to the defense of the General. He has been like a father to millions of American boys drafted into the service of their country. HISTORICALLY the concept of drafting protestors is firly es- tablished. In the First World War the Kaiser drafted German pro- testors, and as recently as 1964 Buddhist student protestors were drafted into the army of the Re- public of South Viet Nam. Such organizations as the United States Department of Justice have said that theSelective Service laws can not be used to punish protestors. Proper procedure calls for a trial and jail sentence if found guilty for the protestors, claims the attorney general's office. General Hershey has wisely dis- regarded the advice of this clearly un - American organization. He knows that convicting the stu- dents would merely give them, what they want-a criminal rec- ord making them unfit for mili- tary service (though the Peace Corps will still be glad to have them). THE GENERAL, well-known for his work with 'the Boy Scouting movement as a popular den moth- er for a Washington, D.C., cub scout troop, has of course been re- luctant to punish the protestors. "But I'm one of those old fash- ioned fathers who never let pity interfere with a spanking," says Hershey. Despite his lucid explanations the American Veterans Committee recently wrote President Johnson that Gen. Hershey should retire, implying that the reclassifications suggest he is too old for the job. This is nonsense. They've held a. grudge against Johnson's admin- istration ever since he banned Barry Goldwater from South Viet Nam. Besides, as J. Edgar Hoover has amply illustrated, men past the retirement age are perfectly cap- able of hard work, long hours and perseverence and diligence at posts in their country's service. "I Have Mixed Feelings .About This Turn Of Events" \4 - - / i~rb - p~ Letters: Viet Nam Story 'Cuba Libre' Improbable For Several Years To the Editor: IN TUESDAY'S DAILY there ap- peared an article headlined "U.S. Diplomat Meets Viet Cong Official, Extends Peace Offer." The first sentence read, "A U.S. diplomat has met with an Hanoi government representative for a few minutes and handed him a message concerning U.S. proposals for peace in Viet Nam." The rest of the article elaborated on this statement and gave other news on Viet Nam. I would like to make two points. First, the term Viet Cong, which in Vietnamese slang means "Viet- namese Communist," was made up by the Saigon government to discredit the organization which should properly be called the, Na- tional Liberation Front. Since to label all of the overwhelming number of Vietnamese people who support the NLF as Communists would be to give the Communists credit which they don't deserve; it would be wise for Americans to refer to that organization by its correct name. SECONDLY, and much more important, the National Liberation Front is a defensive revolutionary organization in South Viet Nam which was formed by many dif- ferent groups to oppose the hor- rible persecutions of thousands of people durip. the Diem :egilme and is organikationally. and in fact, quite; separate from the North Vietnamese government. Thus when you say "U.S. Diplo- mat Meets Viet Cong official" in your headline and then state "A U.S. diplomat has met with an Hanoi government representative" in the first paragraph, you are making a grevious error in equat- ing the NLF Viet Cong) with the Hanoi government. Further, it would be quite un- likely that a U.S. diplomat would meet with anyone from the NLF since the Johnson administration does not recognize that organ- ization as a legitimate government, even though the NLF controls approximately two-thirds of the territory of South Viet Nam and commands the willing 'loyalty of more people than does the highly unpopular Saigon regime. American newspaper reporting about the war in Viet Nam is distorted enough without such ob- vious errors to confuse the people further. -Alan Jones, '66 IT HAS ALSO been reported that the General is now out 01 favor with the President.This ham nothing to do with the reclassifi- cations-but is merely the 6esul of the induction of Pat Nugent. The potential situation is fright- ening. Not only will activist girl troop into the draft board but the girl friends, mothers, sisters, aunt, and grandmothers of men activist, will be anxious to participate. As long as they know they cau bring their knitting along, womer should have no qualms about spending an afternoon on the draftly floor of their local Selec- tive Service office. Soon the wives and girl friends of every man sent his draft notice would join in this lysistrategy. LOCAL DRAFT board official across the country would unques- tionably be faced with their toughest battle since they bore arms in the Spanish American war. Hat pins, nail files and rolling pins would fly rendering the men of the local draft board incapable of drafting the hundreds of thousands of registrants desper- ately needed to stop the dominoes from toppling in Southeast Asia. Hence it is obvious that Gen Hershey must do something about the six women protestors in Ann Arbor. IF THE GENERAL doesn't have the heart to induct the women the least he can do is call a news con- ference and publicly administer a good spanking to them. f s t s e s s t i t e By BETSY COHN (Fourth of a Series) THE CUBAN SITUATION is little dif- ferent from that of any other country which has been taken over by a dictator- ship; what is unique in the strong and determined attitude of the refugees to return to their country. The plans of the Cuban lower class, middle class and aristocracy (now as- similated into one class, the Cuban Refu- gees) are steeped in idealism. Neverthe- less, their activities are very real and their goal is clear: to overthrow Castro and return to Cuba; however they do not see their way clear to these objec- tives without the help of the United States; morally, financially and militar- ily. For one thing, Cuba is not a military threat to the United States; but rather, it is a direct threat to Latin America. Cuba's major threat to Latin America is subversion. Thus, the problem facing the United States is Cuba as an active Com- munist center and source of Communist infiltrators. HOW TO INTERVENE in Cuba without starting a war is the problem which our government has been facing for the past seven years. There seems to be no way to negotiate with Castro, as he is Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager ALAN GIUECKMAN-........ .,,Advertising Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD ..... Associate Business Mmner JOYCE FEINBERG .. Finante Manager ROBER f OHNSTQN. Editor politically and economically dependent upon the Soviet Union. As a result, the State Department is left with two lines of strategy. First, it can work to strengthen Latin America so that it is able to resist Com- munist subversion. This would be ac- complished 'through strengthening the social, political and economic institutions. However effective this approach may be, it will be years before major results can be achieved under the Alliance for Progress; until that time, Latin America will remain a breeding ground for Com- munist subversion and "Cuba libre" will remain a far cry. The second line of strategy would be to oppose Cuba directly and try to stifle its economy. The policy of "Economic De- nial," working against Cuba, has been operating since 1960 as the only policy short of force with which to rid the island of Communism. AT PRESENT, the Cuban economy is impoverished. Incompetent manage- ment, ideological interference and the re- fusal of other countries to trade with it has lowered the island's income 20 per cent since the pre-Castro period, and income is still declining from lack of la- borers, manufacturers and export ma- terials. Sugar, which was once the main source of income, has been left untended; thus, Cuba's main source of trade is now declining. According to newly arrived exiles, food, health and general living conditions have reached the most decrepit conditions in the country's history, though there is some disagreement among other observers on this point. Cuban refugees are anxious to oust Castro and return to their country, "with the help of Americans"; exile lead- ers in Miami nin for " ' nn l in miraew!" Cuban Exiles Seek. Return in 1966 "IN ORDER for Americans to be willing to give aid to Cuba when the time comes, they must be well informed about the situa- tion in Cuba. Cubans are practi- s cal, they know that their only chance to get back to Cuba is to r get moral help from Americans," a refugee said in a recent inter- view in Miami. Alfredo Gonzalez is currently a, law student at the University of, Miami. He participated in the Bay of Pigs and was president of the Brigade 2506, an active exile group in Miami. The Brigade 2506 is one of the 40 exile groups dispersed through- out the United States. Each group has its own tactics and schemes for overthrowing Castro, yet all of them are basically united around the one purpose of going back to Cuba. This particular organization works to oust Castro by means of propaganda in Cuba. By working to incite revolution among the Cubans still in Cuba they hope eventually to demoralize Castro. "CASTRO'S ARMY is in bad shape," Gonzalez said. "Many of its members harrass him, and he must spend money to keep them mobilized. Brigade 2506 also works to demobilize and demoralize Cas- tro's forces by shooting at Cuban ships off the coast which trade with Europe. This works to In- crease insurance rates and even- tually decrease trade," he said. Tactics such as these are bor- rowed from the Communist dic- tum, "To gain a country, one must first stifle its economy." Exile radio broadcasts on a' "Voice of Cuba" program directed' to Castro's forces say, "In your hands, Cuban soldiers, are the arms, and in your heart is the courage to overthrow the dictator." The maneuvers of the Cuban ex- iles give hope to the people left on the island as well. The refugee group also plan,, military strategy such as a war of peripheral attack, a demolition of all Cuban embassies and sabotage by Cubans within Cuba. Other groups, like the "MIRR," does commando work in coastal towns; the MIRR works by infil- trating people into Cuba to incite antagonism against the Castro regime. Another group, "RECE," also does commando work, but acts mainly through diplomatic channels. The CTO (Confederation of Cu- Ramon Martin, currently the head secretary general of the CTO in Miami and formerly a member of the Confederation of Cuban Gabor, Federation of Medicine, said that "Here (in the U.S.) the CTO cannot serve our members as it did in Cuba. Rather, we must work as a liaison with the CTO in order to gain better conditions for our laborers. We also wore with our laborers to help them in their relations with American workers, but our main purpose here is to free Cuba; to do this we need the support of all Amer- Icans and Latin Americans such as Cuba received frpm Russia.' Martin explained that while he thought the majority of Americans are misinformed or totally unin- formed about the Cuban situation, "The American government as well as all the exile organizations have spies in Cuba and an active underground which keeps the gov- ernment and agencies well-in- formed about what is happening in Cuba today." The Cuban exiles are an ideal- istic group. They have a strong love for their country. Unfortu- nately these are the strongest fac- tors in their favor at present. They realize that the only way to return to Cuba is to rid the coun- try of Castro, or to take advan- tage of an internal uprising in Cuba. "In either case," Gonzalez said, "the United States will have to give Cuba full support. If Cas- tro was to be assassinated, the Americans would be the only pow- er which Cubans would respect; they would, have to help Cuba build a democracy. "If there was to be an uprising, within Cuba, it would have to co- incide with an external attack from U.S. and Cuban forces." Other Cuban officials expressed the same viewpoint. An ex-high official, wishing to remain an- onymous, said, "The U.S. will have to act in this hemisphere, other- wise they will repeat the Do ini- can defeat. The Communists have penetrated this hemisphere and the cancer is in Cuba." Menocal, ex-mayor of Havana, agreed. "The first blood will be Cuban.' There must be a well or- ganized Cuban front but it will have to be backed by the United States. "An internal uprising in Cuba must be spontaneous but it must also coincide with an outside at- tack by Americans and Cuban ex- iles" When asked when they hope to 4K i 1 7 I' i " - ,.- : + . _' __ * LAT 7.ENC'E KTPSHBAUM Managing Editor FOBERT HTPPIER Editorial Director JUDITH FLEU s ,. .. Personnel Ulrector LAUREN BAHR Asseiate Managing Editor JUI)TTH WARREN . .. Asistant Managing Editor -;ATT.D I RIIA 'G . .f'.a.,,,.,... iit 'KY;' ;_. I III U