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April 16, 1966 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-16

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New College

Faced Rocky

Road to Success

(Continued from Page 1) }
professor to become immersed in
his own department, and fre-
quent inability for faculty iem-
bers to try out new ideas because
of the largeness of the bureau-
cratic situation," they thus set
forth what they felt were argu-
ments based on both practical
expansion and academic quality.
A committee from the Office
of Academic Affairs, then under
Vice-President Roger W. Heyns,
studied the program for over a
year. Late in 1963 the literary col-
lege faculty approved by a nar-
row margin the committee's re-
port advocating the "principle of
the Residential College." In De-
cember of 1963 the faculty plan-
ning committee was set up to over-
see the project.
By March of 1964 the commit-
tee was able to have a concrete
proposal for the construction of

the college, which 175 faculty
members then approved by a 2:1
vote. The project, with the open-
ing date for operations set for
some time in 1965, was then pass-
ed by the Board of Regents and
went to the administration for
submission as part of the Uni-
versity's budget requests.
In October of 1964 the faculty
planning committee recommended
that the college begin operations
in the fall of 1966. Ten days lat-
er, however, the Regents set the
opening date for the college one
year later than the faculty com-
mittee's request-in the fall of
1967, with dorms for approximate-
ly 800 of the eventual proposed
1200-student capacity.
There was , general agreement
on the move to postpone the open-
ing another year. As Heyns said,
"We could set it up immediately
but there are a lot of hopes and

aspirations riding on the Residen-
tial College, and we would lose a
lot by rushing it."
The decision to put back the
faculty recommendation one year
came at the same time as the
announcement of plans to build
a new 1200-resident Bursley Hall
on North Campus, as well as plans
to build Cedar Bend housing for
1200 unmarried upperclass and
graduate students. Bursley was to
accommodate all 1200 students by
the fall of 1967, while Cedar Bend
A (for 600 students) was to be fin-
ished in the fall of 1966 and its
twin Cedar Bend B unit ready for
occupation either in 1966 or more
probably, in 1967.
Eugene Power, then a Regent,
however, opposed the move to
postpone the building of the Resi-
dential ~College's dorms. "We are
under pressure to get this under
way. Where are we going to put

the kids if it takes another year
to plan this? I don't intend to-
stampede you, and I don't intend
to be critical, but we have been
on this quite a long time now."
Thuma told The Daily in April
of last year that "we hope to
have a sufficient number of build-
ings constructed on the site to be-
gin with a freshman class by the
fall of 1967. This assumes that
everything runs smoothly; that
architects' drawing can be read-
ied in time to ask for bids in the
late fall of this year (1965); that
construction proceeds without dif-
ficulties; and, above all, that mon-
ey becomes available in time."
"If the buildings for the college
are not ready in the fall of 1967,
the Residential College might be-
gin in an existing building at that
time, and move into the new
building some time later during
the academic year 1967-68."

Thuma announced last May
that the opening date for the Col-
lege might well be postponed from
the hoped-for 1967 date to one
year later, for the fall of 1968. He
blamed the delay on snags in the
complicated planning of the Col-
lege's curriculum.
"Planning has reached a pla-
teau. The architects cannot de-
sign until they know what is need-
ed, the planners cannot know
what is needed until they decide
what courses to offer. They haven't
decided what courses to offer, par-
ticularly in natural science," Thu-
ma said then.
He reported that things were
going smoothly on other fronts
at the time, however. Swanson ar-
chitectural firm, the firm contract-
ed by the University to draw
plans for the College, had submit-
ted site plans and basic building
locations. The Office of Business

and Finance was reportedly quite
near completion of official cost
estimates for the project.
About the same time, the plan-
ning committee submitted to Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
its plans, based on the idea of a
small cluster of buildings-a li-
brary, dorms, academic buildings
-located near each other. Hatch-
er, however, according to one re-
liable source, opposed this type of
plan. He reportedly felt that the
plan would have greater donor
appeal if its dorms were built as
self-contained units, with library
and classrooms within each dorm.
The result was another delay,
so that the planning committee
might work out a compromise pro-
Over the summer, a group of
University administrators met with
the Senate-House Capital Outlay
Committee in Lansing, at which

point the University representa- progress of plans to be submitted
tives obtained confirmation of a for the college."
$3000 grant for preliminary plan- Last semester the faculty plan-
ning of the Residential College, fling committee drew up for the
The grant was allocated last fall. Office of Business and Finance a
At the time the grant was allo- draft of detailed information on
cated, the University was asked to their plans for the College. John
give more complete information G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice-
so that the Legislature could bet- president for business and finance,
ter make their own budgetary is now correlating this draft with
judgments. At that time the Resi- the Office of Academic Affairs.
dential College science and class- The final document, which Mc-
room buildings were ranked fourth Kevitt says is "coming along well
and fifth on the University's and should be ready in a few
building priorities, behind im- weeks," will describe the purposes
provements for the General Li- of the Residential College, its re-
brary, a new architecture college lationship to the University, pro-
and a science building. gram requirements, building op-
At the same time it was noted erating costs, site, and schematic
that the $5 million requested for plans. This document will be sent
the project could not possibly be to the state controller's office.
approved until 1967-68. Sen. Gar- The faculty committee has also
land Lane (D-Flint) called the written two brochures about the
approval of funds even at this college to be distributed to poten-
date "tentative, contingent on tial donors.


Regents Approve College


(Continued from Page 1)
The Regents' statement yester-
day said approval of the college
"is subject to these conditions:
that the architectural revisions
now under study should lower the
cost of the project so that no dif-
ferential tuition fee will be re-
quired for financing the project;
that the charges for the room and
board will be compatible with
rates charged elsewhere in the
residence hall system for compar-
able facilities, and that the debt
service applicable to the academic
space included within the housing
units shall not be borne by the
student's housing costs."
The March project plan antici-
pated a total cost of $12.7 mil-
lion, to be financed by:
* A $9 million 35-year bond
lege Housing Act at a below-mar-
est with debt service coming from
sale, to be obtained under the Col-
ket three per cent rate of inter-
net housing revenue, a 10 per
cent housing fee differential, and
a differential tuition fee;
* $1.2 million in "gifts and
University funds"; and
* $2.5 million in residential hall
operations and refinancing from

other residence halls which have
become debt free.
Opposition from some of the
Regents and anticipated opposition
from the Legislature, however,
forced administrators and the
faculty planning committee, which
Thuma chaired, to abandon the
differential fee and attempt to
cut costs on the college through
architectural revisions by at least
$1 million.
Thuma, the committee, John
McKevitt, assistant to the vice
president for business and finance,
and Howard Hakken, University
architect, will have available and
be able to consider some possible
changes shortly.
The Regents' reference to hous-
ing fees "compatible ... with com-
parable facilities" may indicate
that a room and board differen-
tial is still part of the financing
plan. The estimated cost per stu-
dent of the permanent residence
hall units is $10,500 as opposed to
about $7,888 for Bursley Hall and
$5,079 for Mary Markley.
Although the Regents yester-
day did not mention it, the
literary college executive commit-
tee in a Marchc 8 letter to Vice-
President Smith said that, after
the college begins with about 250
freshmen in East Quadrangle in

1967, and moves, two years later,
with three classes to its perman-
ent site in small "cluster units" of
residence-academic buildings, the
college will:
-by 1972, be operating with its
full complement of 1200 students;
-by at least 1975, have acquired
a classroom building and
-soon after 1972, have a library,
and thereafter, in descending or-
der of priority, a science building,
arts center and possibly a gymna-
The curriculum is organized
around a "core program" of lec-
tures and seminars for the fresh-
man and sophomoreryears.fCore
courses will begin with a fresh-
man seminar and a Logic and
Language course, both required of
all first semester freshmen. Next
will come an interdepartmental se-
quence of History of Western Man,
Human Behavior and the Con-
temporary World.
Flexibility will be maintained
in the core program by giving
students freedom to select semi-
nar sections and to pursue indi-
vidual topics in their classes.
Concentration programs will be
"adjusted to the student's inter-
ests and needs." In some cases
formal classes for a student would
be eliminated entirely and replaced
by directed reading programs.

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A TYPICAL FACULTY OFFICE CLUSTER from the January, 1966 projections of the Residential
College Committee. These plans are currently under review, and sources suggest they will probably
be changed.

WORK-STUDY GRANTS will be awarded by the Federal
Office of Education to more than 176,000 needy college students
during the second half of 1966. The grants, totalling more than
$59 million will be available through 1,379 colleges and universities
for a six month period beginning July 1.
The program is a means of helping students of limited means
work their way through college. Students are given opportunities
to work in jobs either on or off campus. The basic wage for the
employment is $1.25 per hour and students may work up to 15.
hours a week.
The federal government pays 90 per cent of the wages in the
program, while the remaining 10 per cent is provided by either
the universities or the off-campus employer.
ANN ARBOR VOTING PRECINCT changes were announced
by the city clerk's office yesterday. About 10,000 voters will be
Each of the city's five wards received an additional precinct,
bringing the total number of precincts to 30. The change came
because of a state law requiring that no precinct have more
than 1,400 voters. As of the last election, Ann Arbor had seven
precincts over this limit.
The new voting districts will be put in effect first during
the primary election this August. Cards will be mailed inform-
ing voters of the change and will be mailed out within the next
two to three months.



Hopes Dimmed Only
By Slashes in Budget


Report Union Suit
Progress to Regents

(Continued from Page 1)
success. We have been obliged to
make cuts repeatedly and we've
done the best we can. This added
cut may force us to reduce or ex-
clude some features we felt im-
"We are extremely grateful to the
Regents for endorsing the concept'
of the College. However, it should'
be well recognized that only the
residence halls have been ap-
proved. This approval by the Re-
gents does not mean that the
complete Residential College cam-
pus is as yet in sight. We will
have to start with classrooms and
the library in East Quadrangle
buildings designated for residence
In reference to the $1 million
dollar cut in the funds allotted to
building the College dorms, Per-
kins said "we have had to pare
the residences an awful lot, and
we have also had to cram into
them the space for the teaching
function. Members of the admin-
istration have indicated that, if
additional funds aren't made
available, we may be stuck with
these facilities for ten to twelve
Perkins termed the Regents' ac-,>
tion a "qualified approval," and a
"partial beginning." But he said

that "we can't operate success-
fully out there without a library."
He indicated thatuthe library
had been given Number One,
Triple-A priority" for a library to
be built in the "immediate future."
He indicated that planners had
been given "informal assurance
that the library would be forth-
President Hatcher spoke opti-
mistically about closing the gap in
the approved funds and those
asked for by the College planners.
"We will engage in a wide-spread
effort to get these additional
funds. I have done all I can to
spread the idea of this College,
and have been met with wide-
spread favorable response. The
feeling is that this is something
new and exciting and worthy of
our support.
"We are terribly pleased, after
all these long and weary months,
to be able to pin this down. We
feel this program is tremendously
important, and all of us are per-
fectly happy to start working on
getting the needed additional
Haber added "We hope there
will be public and donor support
for this project. We are also in-
evitably looking for legislative sup-
port to get the Residential College
as far as it should go.

If Public Act 379 is upheld in
the courts and if the Teaching1
Fellows ,Organization becomes ex-
clusive bargaining agent for
teaching fellows, the University
will bargain with them like any
other union, President Harlan
Hatcher told the Regents yester-
Hatcher's comment about the#
proposed teaching fellows unionI
came as a part of a "progress
report" on University relations1
with unions seeking to obtain rec-
ognition under Public Act 379,;
which amended the Hutchinson
Act in 1965 to permit public em-
ployes to bargain collectively with
state agencies.
The report tended to down-
play recent controversy over un-
ion recognition, saying that an
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes
suit challenging the University's
position on the act "is an entirely
friendly effort on our part to find
out what rules we are to follow.
It will save months of time and
guarantee orderly procedures.
The University claims that the

act does not apply as it is consti-
tutionally autonomous.
Support in Principle
"The University," Hatcher re-
iterated, "has expressed its belief
in and willingness to support prin-
ciples of representation, and it has
met with representatives of em-
ployes to discuss many issues, in-
cluding union officals representng
members of ther unions."
The president pointed out that
the University has a procedure for
dealing with union representatives,
and maintains a dues check off for
Four unions, the AFSCME, the
Washtenaw County Construction
Trades Council, the Teamsters and
the International Union of Oper-
ating Engineers have submitted
six petitions for recognition, he
The State Labor Mediation
Board has either held or sched-
uled hearings on all union peti-
tions except the operating engi-
neers one.
Hatcher declared that the peti-
tions account for 575 out of 8000
non-academic University employ-
es. He pointed out that employes
in the appropriate units set by the
SLMB will have to approve making
the union the exclusive bargaining
The AFSCME and the the build-
ing trades council petitions,
Hatcher noted, were amended to
exclude student and temporary
The president denied that the
University was attempting to dis-
courage unionization when it re-
cently announced improvements
in overtime, shift premiums, and
health insurance benefits that will
begin July 1.
He said the Regents approved
the improvements two months ago
to allow the Office of Business and
Finance to make necessary rec-
ords and personnel changes.
The Regents also named Prof.
John A. Dorr chairman of the
geology and minerology depart-

[world News Roundup]

By The Associated Press
SAIGON (P)-Buddhist leaders
yesterday gave South Viet Nam's
military government three to five
months to hold elections.
They called off demonstrations,
but promised to resume them if
the balloting is not held as prom-
ised by Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky's
However, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chanh
Thi, whose ouster as First Corps
commander set off the current
political crisis, demanded the gov-
ernment step down, but, Saigon
leaders have not decided the issue
-We must have an immediate

Air Force and Navy jets hit North
Vietnamese troop barracks, oil and
munition dumps, bridges and roads
in 55 missions.
* * *
MEXICO CITY-President Lyn-
don Johnson yesterday endorsed
a Western hemispheric summit
meeting to speed up the Alliance
for Progress.
Speaking at the dedication of
a $150,000 bronze statue of Abra-
ham Lincoln, Johnson reviewed
Latin American policy saying lie
will explore the suggestion of Ar-
gentine President Arturo Illia for
the session.
Johnson also pledged to dis

NEW YORK-The Ivy League
will admit 75 fewer freshmen
York Times reported yesterday.
next fall than this, the New York
Times reported yesterday. Draft
pressures are keeping more up-
perclassmen in the universities so
fewer places exist for freshmen,
the report said. More than 9165
of 49002 applications were ac-
ROCHESTER, N.Y.-More than
175 faculty members and some
seniors at the University of Ro-
chester are protesting the likely
awarding of an honorary degree to
former Vice-President Richard M.


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