} *rwnr..i.i w urrr.r i 1 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Faculty Review: Meier's Planning' Where Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truthb Wil Prevail' NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, APRIL 15. 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SHIRLEY ROSICK SHA Meeting0 A Constructive Get-Together HAD THE STUDENT Housing Associa- tion gained no important advice on its prospective housing proposal, the group still would have had a smashing success by assembling some of the most impor- tant people in Ann Arbor housing in one room to talk about student and communi- ty needs. But SHA accomplished both Tuesday at the Union's Crofoot Room, when it hosted city councilmen, University ad- ministrators-and most surprising of all -several architects and real estate de- velopers, to discuss both the SHA propos- al and the nature of the city's housing need. . SHA gained enough information to re- vise its integrated City-University Hous- ing Proposal, and as a result, the pro- posal may be forwarded to city govern- ment agencies before the end of this month. Furthermore, the dialogue at the luncheon was amazingly uninhibited, con- sidering the groups represented. A DEMOCRAT and a Republican - Mrs. Eunice Burns and Prof. Richard Balz- hiser-came from City Council. Mrs. Burns has been active in housing affairs such as the University-City Joint Central Busi- ness District High Rise and Parking Com- mittee. Prof. Balzhiser has been active in coun- cil's work with the city Housing Com- mission. Several architects who had advised SHA earlier were present: Richard Ahern, who encouraged City Council to consider the aesthetics of urban design last sum- mer when they were drafting high-rise legislation; Ted Smith, and Ted Daniel. Also attending was Don Var Cirler. A local contractor-Dick Butcher-was present. THE MOST HEARTENING element of the discussion was the enthusiasm shown by the architects and builder. They were mnost free in articulating what type of construction should be en- 'couraged, what would be functionally undesirable, and what would specifically suit student needs. Furthermore, they gave their opinions on construction in- dustry in Ann Arbor compared with other college towns. Considering that they were discussing matters affecting their own business deal- ings, these men should be commended on the interest they took in the SHA pro- posal. They could not be sure that the SHA proposal would be favorable to their private projects. RATHER, it would seem that SHA would" be hindering them by calling for high- er standards of constructions and special- ly-designed housing units. Yet the real estate developers spoke on every item in The Associated Press is erlusively 'entitled to the use of all news dispatches crodited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail) $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. the proposal, and unless they are very subtly tooling SHA, their contribution was substantial. The SHA proposal now under revision is an attempt to inject student influence at a time when housing standards and zoning revisions are being considered by City Planning Commission- officials and council itself. Some of the most impor- tant provisions in the proposal are listed as immediate goals. Here are several: -SHA will encourage building code re- visions which provide for ample "com- mon areas such as stairways, corridors, elevators, and recreational facilities" as well as balconies and porches projecting into setback areas. -SHA would suggest re-evaluation of current R4C/D high-density residential zoning. This would be done to encourage high density construction on the campus fringe area in a special R4S student hous- ing zone originated by SHA. -Soundproofing legislation would aug- ment existing building standards. But this will be a problem because sound- proofing plans are often hindered by fireproofing and other construction re- quirements. HA WILL ALSO suggest elimination of a minimum lot area/dwelling unit ra- tio currently complicating architects, an increase in usable floor area per dwelling unit. They will also submit standards for aesthetically and functionally desirable parking structures in student housing. SHA originally suggested a civic design. review committee to encourage "creative and tasteful design while maintaining consistency with zoning and building code standards." The proposal will be post- poned until further feasibility study of such a committee. THE SUBMISSION of the R4S student zone itself is farther off in time. SHA is considering feasibility of various types of apartment complexes, the use of open space, setbacks and height requirements. The advice of those present at the luncheon was valuable, but the proposal for a student zone does not appear to be near completion at this time. SHA has several long-range goals which were discussed as a part of the general housing perspective in the next 10 years. These would include middle-rise student housing complexes with underground parking and adjacent commercial serv- ices. However, there can be no action in this area until further study has been made. Although action on even the most short- range SHA proposals could be months off, the group has achieved two immediate successes. It has developed a program of activity which has become too signifi- cant to be either neglected or belittled. And it has begun an effective dialogue with important sectors of the non-stu- dent community. AS AN AUTHORITATIVE student orga- nization, SHA has arrived. -NEAL BRUSS DEVELOPMENTAL PLANNING, by Richard L. Meier. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965, Pages xvii+ 399, price $10.00 By KENNETH BOULDING Professor of Economics T HE MOST ASTONISHING, and perhaps the most significant thing, about this large and au- thoritative work, is that it is rather dull. This is doubly sur- prising in view of the fact that the author, who is well known on the campus of the University of Michigan, both as Associate Pro- fessor of Resource Planning in the School of Natural Resources and as a research social scientist in the Mental Health Research In- stitute, is one of the liveliest and most exciting people I have ever met, in whose presence there is never a dull moment. It is surprising also because the subject arouses fierce passions and in a way is what the Cold War is all about, and even perhaps ulti- mately what the war in Viet Nam is all about, if it is about anything; and how the combination of bril- liant author and exciting subject can produce a dull book is some- thing of a mystery. This may reflect, however, in a very significant way, the stage which the world has reached in this matter, for the book repre- sents, as it were, a tombstone over ideology. It is a textbook-one might almost call it a cookbook- for development, and while there are rare souls who pore with de- light over the pages of cookbooks, tasting the products in their mind much as the expert musician hears the score before his eyes, for most of us ordinary mortals, cookbooks are dull as sustained reading. IT IS VERY significant, how- ever, when an activity gets to the cookbook stage. This signifies a maturity, a degree almost of com- monplaceness, which is not found in the more exciting but uncer- tain days of experiment and prob- ing. The book has four, or more ac- curately three and a half, parts. In the first part, headed "Organ- ization for Planning," there is a brief survey of recent experiences, notes on political preconditions, and the most important chapter (3) entitled "Open Systems for Growth and Development," which is perhaps the key theoretical framework. Here it is pointed out very clearly that development is essen- tially an information system, a process by which the communica- tion among persons of all kinds produces an increase in knowledge and skill and of things that knowl- edge and skill produce. The fourth chapter, headed "Constructing an Administration'for Planning," dis- cusses how this developmental process of information can be organized through specific institu- tions, with the self-conscious aim of development in view. Part Two is headed "Industrial Development," and discusses the various methods and processes by which the industrial sector of the economy can grow, either from within or from without. One misses a corresponding part on agricultural development, which is also an essential aspect of the developmental process and has its own special problems. Part Three is entitled "Educa- tional Development" and points up the enormous importance of plan- ning for the formal development of knowledge in the human re- source. Part Four is a single chap- ter entitled "Rationalizing Urban Development," which deals in a rather sketchy way with the prob- lems involved in the explosively rapid growth of cities which is characteristic of the modern de- velopmental process. ONE MISSES ALSO a section on the development of financial institutions and of economic policy narrowly conceived, such as policy in regard to foreign exchange, banking, tariffs, and so on. There is also a certain amount of fun- damental economic theory which is taken for granted in the book but which is not specifically de- veloped, and a chapter on the in- formational significance of the price system or of profit as an index of social advantage would have made the treatment more complete. At many points the book suf- fers from a somewhat hortatory style-a little too much "should" and not quite enough of the simple indicative. The level of abstraction at which a good deal of the writ- ing is done also makes for a cer- tain devitalization. The author makes a great deal of use of ideal types of processes, which neither have the elegant rigors of pure theory nor the earthy particularity of real cases. Many of the best parts of the book are those passages in which the author draws on his own ex- perience, especially in Puerto Rico, and earthy reality, as it were, breaks through the cookbook book recipes. EVEN THOUGH we may be very close to the cookbook stage of developmental planning, I retain a certain uneasiness about the complexity of the problems of social systems in the large which cannot be reduced to cookbook treatment. Ideology may be dead, but it has an astonishing unwill- ingness to lie; down. We do not know very much about the sym- bolic systems which have the power of capturing men's minds. Even behind the domestic cook- book there is marriage, which is a much more complicated business. I worry too about the complexity of the interaction between sym- bolic systems and the distribution of political power. Developmental planning is all very well once the political prerequisites are in or- der, but how we get these pre- requisites is another and much more difficult matter. One would also like to know much more about the similarities and differences of developmental planning under predominantly market-based societies like Puerto Rico and under societies which are dominated by the socialist ideology. There are unquestion- ably many important similarities; there are also important differ- ences, and one cookbook may not do for the two households. Chinese cooking, after all, is very different from American, al- though the study of comparative cookbooks is undoubtedly fascinat- ing, and just as the same basic physics and chemistry underlies all cooking, so the same basic principles of social interaction, learning, and human behavior un- derlie all developmental processes. IT IS CHURLISH, however, to complain of sins of omission in a book that is already approaching the monumental, and perhaps these should be taken as sugges- tions for the second volume. This book is a milestone pointing fur- ther along the road. Taken as gos- pel, howeve", It could be come a millstone. .4i 40' A' Education:il. S. C.oL A. U. 4' By ROGER RAPOPORT T HE 1955 Michigan State requis- tion was labeled "Section B- Ammunition." 2,250 60 mm mor- tars, 12,000 white phosphorus hand grenades, 3,200 rocket launchers, 450,000 rounds of Car- bine Ammo, 8,000 units of tear gas ("to be procured for immediate use") 2,500 recoilless 57mm rifles, and other supplies totaling $270,- 000, were purchased. It was all part of MSU's tech- nical assistance program designed to help South Viet Nam's premier, Ngo Dinh Diem, cope with the realities of South East Asian poli- tics. The details contained in a skill- ful piece of muckraking by Ram- parts magazine also revealed that the scehool's project provided sup- port and cover for the Central Intelligence Agency in South Viet Nam from 1955-59. The article was written by Ramparts editor Warren Hinkle III, with Sol Stern and Robert Scheer. THE APPALLING STORY re- veals little newtknowledge about the nature of the CIA or MSU. But the account of what happened when the two became bedfellows is an unparalleled story of aca- demic prostitution. The CIA can be understood if not excused for its actions, which, involved posing five agents as MSU professors in the Viet Nam project. The United States has never .had qualms about supporting dic- tatorships (Franco, Chaing Kai- shek, Sygman Rhee, Batista, Tru- jillio, et al) because dictatorships have proven themselves highly ef- fective at fighting Communism. And since the primary objective of American foreign policy is the elimination of Communists not the promotion of democracy, re- pulsive but expedient tactics are accepted as part of the game. THE APPALLING ASPECT of the story is that Michigan State University organized the Viet- namese Bureau of Investigation (a sort of storm trooper's FBI) that daily carried off political prisoners (men, women and chil- dren) to concentration camps. As State Rep. Jack Faxon said yesterday in announcing his in- vestigation of the entire affair, "This is horrifying. This is per- petuating totalitarian rule. We as a nation are supposed to be ex- porting democracy . . . it (is) as if the United States sent advisors to Nazi Germany to help Hitler set up a good concentration camp program." The story is a pretty accurate reflection of Michigan State's at- titude toward its role as a Univer- sity. Under the 25 year reign of John Hannah, Michigan State University has never had qualms about being exploited. Itsnationally-known schools of hotel management, packaging, police administration, and mobile homes, have, as Ramparts puts it, helped make the university a great "service station to society." HENCE, IT IS not difficult to understand how the entire Viet Nam affair took place. MSU poli- tical science professor Wesley Fishel met Diem, an exiled Viet- namese politician, in Tokyo in 1950. Fishel had Diem appointed as a consultant to Michigan State's Government R e s e a r c h Bureau. Diem picked up substantial sup- port from prominent Americans like Cardinal Francis Spellman and Sen. Mike Mansfield. In 1954 Diem was named pre- mier and he asked Washington to send him Fishel, who promptly set up the MSU technical assist- ance program. THE CONTRACT "committed MSU to do everything for Diem from training his police to writing his constitution." The MSU profs came in, lived in air conditioned villas and "made close, to double their normal sal- aries for advising. One professor earning $9,000 for teaching in East Lansing got $16,500 a year for advising in Viet Nam." The CIA officials were hidden within the ranks of the MSU pro- fessors-"all listed as members of the MSU project staff and were formally appointed by the univer- sity board of trustees. Several were given academic rank and paid by the CIA." They worked in- the police di- vision of the MSU group as part of the VBI. RALPH SMULCKER, acting dean of MSU's office of interna- tional Programs told the New York Times that the article was "ab- solutely correct," in reporting that the university has operated as, "cover for the CIA team," until July 1959. Eventually there were troubles for MSU. The story of the CIA infiltration leaked out in Viet Nam. Many legitimate professors were embarrassed. "An anthropol- ogist working far out in the Viet- namese flatlands was flabbergast- ed to find a local police chief in- terrupt his work on the grounds that he was digging up bones on behalf of the CIA," says Ramparts. Over the protestations of the government, Michigan State decid- ed the CIA would have to leave, in the summer of 1959. WHAT DID TIE MSU mission itself do in Viet Nam? Much of the training was for security police. The university worked on a host of other projects and even helped write Diem's constitution. The project ended abruptly in 1962. Diem was infuriated by a New Republic article written by two disenchanted MSU professors exposing the situation and refused to renew MSU's contract there. . Meanwhile back in East Lansing MSU has "little time for non- conforming students and rarely enough for conforming students," as Ramparts explains. There the latest button is "Sup- port Your Local Police State." MSU is the school that is flooded with campus cops, who have been known to jail -co-eds who fail to pay parking tickets. MSU is the school where the university police have a special detail to track down radicals. MSU is the school where the administration ordered the arrest of four students who had the audacity to hand out anti- Viet Nam pamphlets in front of a Marine recruiter in the student union. WHEN A STUDENT reporter wrote an article for the Michigan State News several years ago chas- tizing the school because of a lack of academic freedom, President Hannah promptly responded by firing the paper's advisor and hiring a full time manager to keep a closer eye on what gets into print. The policy has worked quite well. This week for example the State News declined to run an ad for the Ramparts article. As Ramparts says "the student is lowest among his (the profes- sors) priorities." MSU is probably the only educational institution in the country that teachs swim- ming with taped television. lec- tures (which would be alright if it weren't for the rose bowl jokes). MSU is the school where the busi- ness office decides when it wants to build dorms-and then tells admissions to fill them up. Is it any wonder that MSU loses a third to two-fifths of its fresh- man class each year, must buy its national merit scholars, has been refused recognition by Phi Beta Kappa twice and is more noted for its cows than its poets? But the most important consid- eration is pointed out by MSU's former Viet Nam project director Standey K. Sheinbaum in an in- troduction to the article. The professor is no longer ex- pected to raise social questions but merely provide technical an- swers. American educators and intel- lectuals have abdicated their role "to serve as critic, conscience, om- budsman . . . especially in foreign policy," he says. "WE HAVE BEEN conditioned by our social science training not to ask the normative question; we possess neither the inclination nor the means with which to question and judge our foreign jolicy. We have only the capacity to be ex- perts, and technicians to serve that policy. This is the tragedy of the Michigan State professors; ,we were all automatic cold warriors." LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Steude wr 4-~a 00 , ,fir ,:; 3 K 1 To the Editor: LEST THE STATEMENTS and limited quotations in the Friday, April 8 article with refer- ence to the University's position on Off Campus Housing be mis- construed by students and other members of the community, they were made in the following con- text: Section 8.03 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents. General Standards of Student Conduct. Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in re- gard to conduct, not only inside but also outside the classroom, and students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit both to themselves and to the Univer- sity. They are amendable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the University and University officials, and they are expected to observe the standards of con- duct approved by the University. Section 8.07 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents. Financial Obligations of Students. Proper observance of financial obliga- tion is deemed an essential of good conduct and students who are guilty of laxness in this re- gard to a degree incompatible with the general standards of conduct as set forth in Section phasizes the mediation and coun- seloring role rather than the dis- ciplinary role. Disciplinary action against a student is never taken lightly or summarily, nor in any preemptory fashion and should not be used to intimidate a stu- dent who has a legitimate griev- ance. THIS POSITION has most re- cently been articulated in the Re- port of the President's Commis- sion on Off Campus Housing (p. 55): The Commission does not con- strue these sections to require or even suggest that the University should serve as a collection agent in connection with the financial and business under- takings of its students with pri- vate parties, but to require and permit the University to consider gross disregard by a student of his financial obligations as Uni- versity misconduct and subject to suitable disciplinary action. -William L. Steude Director of Student- Community Relations Enlightened T hought To the Editor: IT SEEMS that everyone writes to you complaining about some- thing. Well, this is where my let- rites on day. What with studying, there is little time to hunt through a large paper to find out the news. With The Daily a person is able to come back from class and read the en- tire paper in an hour break. If after that time, he wants to read more on a particular item, then he can always go down to his lounge and grab the News or Free Press or a news magazine. Through The Daily, he is kept informed on campus news so that he has no excuse for missing any- thing important on campus. If he is interested in a particular play or movie, yet doesn't know wheth- er its worth going to see, he is able to check The Daily to find out its plot and value. I have read other college papers and The Daily seems one of the best. THANKS for an interesting year from an admiring reader. -Thomas Hetherman, '69 Sociology 345 To the Editor: THE MANY STUDENTS who have inquired may now be in- formed -that Sociology 345 "Mar- riage and Family Relations in American Society," will be offered in the Fall Term (although cer- tain changes in format are still being worked out). Since the course was not available for pre- (aU' Rules classification, enrollment for the six sections is expected to take place at the Sociology desk in the gym during the registration period for the Fall Term. -Robert 0. Blood, Jr. Associate Professor of Sociology Moratorium To the Editor: WITH REGARD to the Jews, Arabs, Turks, Greeks, French, Chinese, Russians, Americans, etc., may I humbly suggest that no one die for nationalism for one year? Just a suggestion. --George Abbott White, '66 4v d' Schutze:Playground Therapy RELIABLE SOURCES indicate that the Teaching Fellows Un- ion will be headed off with a play- ground. Numerous graduate fel- lows have expressed dissatisfaction and even anger with the union movement, explaining that such agitation can only lessen the al- ready fading dignity of their of- fice at the same time, University administrators are rumored to be them off the streets of reality. Academic Liberalism just isn't de- signed for extra-parlorial exist- ence. They'll dirty the whole phi- losophy if they insist on dragging it around outdoors like this." Teaching fellows sympathetic to the union, however, feel that occasional confrontations with the real world are somehow healthy. They insist that good can be de- rived from positive action.. ism like that will only result In all of us being imprisoned. I'm all for unions in the right place. Unions are for factory workers and doctors and lawyers and plumbers: you know REAL people. I just hope the University can do something to stop all this before anarchy sets in." Informed sources say that the University is indeed examining plans for a Teaching Fellows Play- o',r,,ii, whe~ ~re gradate 1felflowswill ;.J far J . ~i~ r 1