GOOD LUCK ON FINALS See Editorial Page \:Y L L~tg l~AaiI33i CLOUDY High-58 Low--29 Warm weather with chance of rain Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 SEVEN CENTS TWELVE PAGES New Technology Creates Knowledge Explosion By DAVID KNOKE Last of a Series Never before in history has man had so much knowledge so readily available to him. With the tech- niques of information transmission and absorption, nankind stands on the verge of another knowledge explosion sure to surpass the first explosion that came in with the invention of moveable type 500 years ago. Computerization and instantan- eous print out will shatter time- space gaps and radically change the character of education on all levels. The vision is brilliant but the current realities are less dramatic.' "Hardware" to put the theories into practice are still undeveloped and full of "bugs." Better com- puters wait on the development of trillion-bit memory cells. Even the best duplication processes are mar- red by "noise." Nevertheless, many people are working ahead to make sure that when these difficulties are worked out, the framework will be there to support the new ren- aissance. The launching of the Early Bird television relay satellite more than anything demonstrated the shrink- ing-world concept and the feas- ibility of linking distant points of the globe in instantaneous con- versation and information ex- change. - H. G. Wells, that great en- visioner of the shape of things to3 come, caught a glimpse of the single-world when he proposed the World Encyclopedia three decades ago: "It is a primary institution which has to appear if that world- wide community towards which mankind, willy-nilly is being im- pelled, is ever to be attained." A debate is raging over the ad- vantages of a single centralized file for information storage versus a series of smaller active files linked in a network. A bill before the House of Representatives would provide a single point of access for all users of the many government agency information systems, but the bill does not con- cern itself with the many non- government data sources. Alvin Weinberg of Oak Ridge National Laboratory has proposed the creation of a central depository for manuscripts, making their con- tent retrievable even before their publication. The perfection of long-distance xerography (LDX) and national computer networks makes manuscript dissemination from a central place a moot point. In the past few years several; government agencies have been by-passing conventional microfilm (with 1:24 reduction) in favor of the microfiche, a transparent film card first used in France. While conventional microflim is placed serially on a strip of film, the microfiche can hold up to 100 microimages on a 4 by 6 inch piece of film, with spaces for added images. Alfred Tauber of the Houston' Fearless Corp. which manufactures the CARD display system that sorts, finds and displays an en- larged image, foresees microfiche photocopying within the library as a major publishing activity. Writes Evan Herbert, associate editor of "International Science and Technology": "The university library of the future is visualized as the central resource of an information-trans- fer network encompassing the uni- versity's total information sources -not only published works, but the departmental and laboratory files, conference papers, notes and correspondences and even the irr- dividual members of the univer- sity's intellectual community." learning met in Chicago in mid- 1965. Out of this conference grew a nonprofit organization, EDU- COM, financed by a $750,000 grant' from the Kellogg Foundation.' EDUCOM exists to disseminate reports on the state of information techniques and establish task forces to consider such questions as the centralized versus region- ized store. Under the. guidance of Director James G. Miller, also director of the University Mental Health Re- search Institute, EDUCOM has mushroomed to 27 universities comprising over 100 campuses. backbone of EDUCOM's endeavors. In the area of basic research, in- formation written in an article at New York could be coded into the computing center in the Northeast area and delivered the same day to a California scientist, even though he was unaware of the article's existence at the time of his queries. The libraries of small institu- tions could be as complete as those of even the Library of Congress just by pushing a button to ini- tiate the outflow of books on microwave systems to read-out machines of television receivers. See EDUCATIONAL, Page 12 To put these techniques to I r .'..u U 'a,-' a*1 ae .-.~ nr'-.k t a ivL V 11' of eight institutions of higher I Computer networks form the f 'U' Reaction To Fund Bill Lukewarm Niehuss Says Share Is Not Proportionate Considering Growth By MARK LEVIN The higher education appropria- tions bill introduced late Wednes- day in the Michigan Senate, in which the University received an appropriation of $59.5 million for its general fund and $3.5 million F for capital improvements, met with lukewarm -reaction by Uni- versity administrators. The bill which was prepared at the direction of the Senate Ap- propriations Committee called for a total of $239 million for higher ducation, an increase of $16 mil- lion over the Governor's request. The University apropriation was almost $3 million above the gov- ernor's budget recommendation of $56.8 million, but was still sub- stantially below the University's original request of $65.8 million. 'Not Proportionate' University Executive Vice-Presi- dent Marvin Niehuss indicated that he was pleased with the over- all budget for higher education, but that the share allotted to the University "was not a proportion- ate one considering our anticipat- ed student increase." Niehuss said that he had "hoped that state funds would have been distributed a bit more equitably." Niehuss called the capital im- provements appropriation ade- quate, but said that there was no money allotted for the proposed new modern languages classroom building or tht new Architecture building. 'U' Fortunate Lansing observers said that the University was rather fortunate to receive this amount for new con- struction considering its position regarding Public Act 124. Sen. of the Senate Appropriations Garland Lane (D-Flint), chairman Committee has insisted that Uni- versity comply with the act, which calls for the Senate to choose the architect for all University con- struction. Meanwhile, moves were under- way among conservative members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to cut the proposed ap- propriation before it is reported out of committee. The bill does not have to be reported out of committee until April 22, the deadline for all ap- propriations bills to reach the Senate floor. Members of the com- mittee, have expressed reserva- tions about the size of the overall higher education appropriation,! but did not indicate if they wished to cut the University appropria-! tion specifically. Lansing sources! indicated that Michigan State! University, which received a sub- stantial increase over the Gover- nor's recommendations, was the most vulnerable target at this time. _, NEWS I RE '' IaI~ Teachers To Ue R1*uPlan Join NationalRi Union Soon Teaching Fellows Report Increases In Membership By DONNA SIMMONS On Committee' s CHARTER REALTY HAS FILED suit against University student David Grekin, '67, for non-payment of rent during sum- mer, 1965. Grekin said that University housing officials had advised him in spring, 1965, that the University would take no steps in disciplining students who failed to keep up contracts during the summer trimester. Mrs. Norma Kraker of the off-campus housing office said that the University would "help. where we can," but of course would not go as far as supplying lawyers for Grekin. LANSING P)--JAMES B. HOFFA JR., 24-year-old son of Teamsters Union president, has been named to a Senate research position on the strength of his University law studies performance. Young Hoffa, whose father reached only the ninth grade in school, is one of nine students given the appointments in the Legislature. Each post pays $5,000 a year. The nine were chosen from a list of 15 submitted by the University. A NEW WRITER-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM is currently being explored by a central committee headed by Sam Chafetz, '67. The group is studying different ways of raising funds to lengthen the scope of such a program. The committee has gone to many sources in the administra- tion, faculty, and student body to compile a list of potential residents. They are still welcoming suggestions. Each of these potential residents will be contacted during the summer and a priority list will be made on the basis of the responses. The committee should reach a final decision in September. A NUMBER OF UNIVERSITY FACULTY were critical of the University administration's failure to consult them on the estab- lishment of the Highway Safety Research Institute, announced last December. This was the indication of this month's annual report of the subcommittee on research policy of the Senate Advisory Committee on 'University Affairs (SACUA). It is understood that some SACUA members were "furious" about the administration's swift decision to accept a $10 million auto industry grant for the institute without any consultation with faculty. Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman, the subcommittee minutes say, admitted "possibly a mistake had been made (by the administration) in not keeping at least a few members of the subcommittee informed," but added, according to the report, that "the major responsibility for establishing such programs must rest with the.University administration." In 1964 Roger Heyns, then vice president for academic affairs, sought a mechanism for fuller faculty participation. Norman, according to the 'Teport, said "the suggested procedure had never been accepted by Vice Presidents Heyns and (Allan) Smith (Heyns' successor) for a variety of reasons among which may be mentioned its cumbersomeness, the necessity for rapid action on occasion, the confidential nature of negotiations in certain instances and the possibility of sabotage of desirable programs or of railroading through undersirable ones." The report does not clarify the meaning of "sabotage" or "railroading." Norman did agree, however, that a member of the SACUA research subcommittee would be placed on the institute planning committee. ANN ARBOR'S FIRST REFORM Jewish congregation will be established here next fall with regular Friday night services and a religious school. Temple Beth Emeth (House of Truth) was formed by a steering committee chaired by Assoc. Prof. Ronald Tikofsky of the speech .department. The First Congregational Church, under the spiritual lead- ership of Rev. Terry Smith, has offered the use of its facilities to house both the religious school and worship services. Representatives of the Teaching Fellows Organization reported yes- terday that "The TFO will con- sider affiliating with the Ameri- can Federation of Teachers at some future date." They went on to say that "over 80 per cent of the teaching fellows in the economics and history de- J partments have already agreed to' sign a membership form that en- titles them to 'all privileges of the University of Michigan Teaching Fellows Organization." The TFO's expect strong support from mathe- matics, sociology, political science, anthropology, English, music and philosophy, while several other de- partments are partially organized. The TFO representatives report- ed several members were "very concerned" over Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith's statement on Wednesday that the teaching fellows' demands would be discussed at the departmental level. The representatives said that "The teaching fellows' prime pb- jective is a University-wide ad-, justment in the basic salary of , r $2,475 for half-time teaching." The teaching fellows say their organization drive will continue AS THE WINTER TERM RUSH throughout the summer. This week helter skelter on oh-so-pressure the individual departments are catching up on their studies and electing representatives and alter- nates to the Executive Committee, l which will be a policy-making FUTURE NEEDS: body. One TFO representative said to- day that "this organization is really only one step in improving R e the quality of undergraduate edu- cation at the University. We feel that this problem has long been ignored while emphasis has been placed on research and graduate and professional training." The teaching fellows said that By AVIVA KEMPNER it was reported that the adminis- University Health Service, as tration is "studying carefully what indicated in a long range study may be done by this fall to im- made for the Office of Student Af- prove the general working condi- fairs, will be unable to meet grow- tions of teaching fellows." ing student needs by 1968 with its Faxon To Hold Quiz Into MSUmCIA Link A full-fledged legislative inquiry MSU President John Hannah, said -Daily-Thomas R. Copi THAT TIME AGAIN HES PELL MELL toward its close, and final examinations scurry up d students, one cannot help but admire those who take time out from d catch up on an even more valuable commodity: zzzzz. orts Health Service Sj orE pansion 1 ~dvice. Uphold SGC Decision -on Panhel Plan Robinson Calls Move Vote-of-Confidence In Students' Action By BETSY COHN Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler yesterday ap- proved a request to amend Panhel- lenic Association's constitution. The revision will provide for "one formal rushing period at the be- ginning of the fall semester," rather than the two formal rush- ing periods which had previously pertained. After consideration of the pro- posal, the Committee on Refer- ral, which serves as an advisory group to the vice-president for stu- dent affairs, advised Cutler that he should sustain Student Gov- ernment Council's approval of the rush plan. Certain questions have been pos- ed regarding this issue which can evoke no concrete evidence or opin- ion: the speculation on the trau- matic effect on freshman women of rushing, the effect .of rushing on grades and fall versus spring rushing. The committee does feel convinced, however, that the re- duction from two formal rushing periods to one in each year will unquestionably be beneficial to students. There is confusion in this is- sue relating to the respective roles undertaken by the committee and Cutler. Cutler has the power not to accept advice of the commit- tee, Therefore, there is a question of legality, since the SGC plan of a referral committee is an Instru- ment authorized by the Regents. In the present situation, how- ever, the committeeereported it feels that both Cutler and the committee have acted in fulfill- ment of their responsibilities to the provisions of the SGC plan and to the Regents. Speaking in a more laudatory tone was SGC President Edward Robinson, '67, who said 'yesterday, "We were glad about Dr. Cutler's approval, because the Committee on Referral's report corroborated the evidence on which he based our decision. Theirrecommenda- tion to sustain our decisions was a strong' support of the students' right and ability to govern them- selves." existing facilities. Health Service has remained in the same building since 1940, while the student body has more than doubled from 12,000 to 29,000 people over this 25-year period. Current feelings of the student body, however, indicate dissatis- faction with the present Health Service set-up. Student complaints range from violent outcries, "I would never go there in a million years," and "they only cure mono, v-d, and pregnancy" to unfortun- ate, personal experiences. Comnion grievances include the constant switch of doctors, differing and sometimes wrong diagnosis, and incorrectly ready x-rays. Different Opinions One boy who wishes to remain anonymous was suffering from a constant pain which prevented him from sleeping at night. He went to Health Service daily for several days, each time seeing a different doctor and receiving different opinions. He felt, "I seemed to be making certain decisions in the direction the diagnosis was going to take." In reference to the turnover of doctors at Health Service, Dr. Morley Beckett, director of Health Service, estimated about "one to three new doctors are recruited each year to, fill the vacancies of the established positions." Several coeds have complained' of misread x-rays which resulted' in inadequate treatment and add- ed pain. Dr. Walter Whitehouse, head of the x-ray unit at University Hos- pital, said that diagnosis may See NEED, Page 5 i SHA Meets with Developers, U' Staff on Housing Plan By NEAL BRUSS Student Housing Association moved toward finalizing its In- tegrated City-University Housing proposal Wednesday as it revised its plan with opinions expressed by City Council members, Uni- versity administrators, and local ! Amendments to the R-4C tafin; City Council members M\ zoning revision currently under Eunice Burns and Prof. Riche consideration by council. Balzhiser of the engineer Code Revisions school; architects Richard Ahe r Changes in code revisions en- Theodore Smith, Donald Van ( couraging developers to build more ler, and Theodore Daniel, and cc common living and recreational tractor Richard Butcher. areas. Private Investment rirt iA' into the connection between Mich- igan State University and the Central Intelligence Agency in South Viet Nam will be conducted early next month, said Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), chairmani of the subcommittee on higher edu- cation yesterday. The university was accused in a magazine article of having served as a front for CIA agents while engaged in multimillion-dollar aid project advising the government of the late Viet Nam President Ngo Dinh Diem. An MSU spokesman acknowledg- ed that CIA men were among those on the staff but contend'ed the university did not find out about their role until later, after which they were dropped. rs. The accusation against MSU ap- rd peared in the April issue of the ng monthly magazine Ramparts, mn which also said the university .r- bought guns and ammunition for n- Diem's security forces, including the palace guard. Diem was oust- ed and killed in 1963. 4's INo u~ 1rcases no such purchases were made. In its role as adviser, he said, the university merely made recom- mendations to U.S. officials on what equipment was needed for the civilian police force. In a news conference, Warren Hinckle, executive editor of the magazine, termed the MSU in- volvement in Viet Nam "scanda- lous" and suggested that Congress and state legislatures look into similar programs now being car- ried on in other countries. Dispute Contention Stanley Sheinbaum, who was campus coordinator of MSU's Viet Nam project for more than three years, disputed the university's contention that it did not know- ingly hire only CIA men. "I say Hannah and the hierar- chy knew about it," Sheinbaum said from Santa Barbara, where he now is with the Center for Demo- cratic Studies. Robert Scheer, the magazine's foreign editor, added that univer- sity officials "knew fully what they Ewere doing." DISCRIMINA TION?. Views Role of Women PhDs EDITOR'S NOTE: Betty Stark is a mathematics grad student who last fall became aware of the small number of female professors at the University. This article is the results of her work since October. By BETTY STARK- Chances are most students out- side of the nursing school have had very little contact with female professors. It's not their fault. There just aren't that many women teaching Lack of Women Four departments, English, mathematics, art history and psy- cology, give illustrations of this lack of women. The English de- partment has one women professor -here defined as a faculty mem- ber of PhD level or the equivalent hold told women. Their attitudes parttime appointment. Yet the are often based on concepts of percentages for art and art history the role of women in the family female PhD's ranged from a low and in business, concepts which of 14.3 per cent to a high of 35 they extend to the PhD-holding per cent in the 10-year period. woman. * Psychology Department The psychology department has 13 women faculty out of a total of 118, yet the ranges of psychol- ogy doctorates granted to women ran from 10.7 per cent to 19.4 per cent in this period. Thus the proportion of women on the - faculty is far below the