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April 14, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-14

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See Editorial Page

Lilt 43an


Warming trend with
clearing skies

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



Data Bulk




Third of a Series
The total integration of man-
kind's exploding knowledge would
be impossible without some sort
of "hardware" to manipulate the
increasingly vast bulk of data.
Major business c o m p a n i e s,
standing to make millions by get-
ting into the market ahead of
their competitors, are intent upon
developing practical aids to edu-
* cation and-research like computers
and facsimile reproduction.
International Business Machines
(IBM) remains in the forefront
of the commercially-sold computer
market, having fought off a chal-
lenge from Control Data Corp. by
developing the 360-90 line com-
puter, which Fortune magazine
calls "decisively superior to any-
thing else available for scientific

When the University Computing
Center installs its first 360 next
fall, people at 30 hook-up con-
soles scattered around the campus
will be able to use the computer
simultaneously. This bit of en-
gineering magic can be attributed
to "time sharing."
In the operation of computers,
the programming. and the print
out take most of the time. Accord-
ing to Prof. Franklin Westervelt
of the Computing Center, the fast
core storage of the computer,
which can access information in
less than 500 billionths of a second
with a capacity of up to 2 million
characters, will be supplemented
by various secondary storage de-
vices. The largest capacity devices
tend to be the slowest to access.
The data cell, which has a capa-
city of 400 million characters, may
require one-half second to re-

trieve its data from randomly
located positions.
Since most computer caicula-
tions are on the order of billionths
of a second, the process known as
"time sharing" becomes feasible.
Time sharing was developed by the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology in its Project MAC begun
three years ago. The computer is.
able to rotate its attention in
round-robin fashion from one
console hookup to another in a
matter of milliseconds.
"What we are trying to do is
to bring computers into the lives
of creative people," said MAC
Director Prof. Robert Fano, "so
that using the intellectual simpli-
fication that a computer provides
will be as easy as reaching for
a typewriter or a telephone."
Until recently, a man-computer I

dialogue had to be programmed in'
machine language-the binary
code of 0's and 1's. These symbols
are analgous to the "on"-"off"
switches of an electric circuit;
each number is a "bit," eight bits
form a "byte" or character.
One 360 data cell can store over
a billion bits. If the Library of
Congress catalogue of some 6.6
million main entry cards were so
converted, it would require about
1500 bits per card, or an estimated
10 billion bits, according to Prof.
Manf red Kochen of the Mental
Health Research Institute.
The development of a natural-
language programming system,
while still in primitive form, has
great potential for encouraging
man-machine dialogue.
In a speech before the American
Association for the Advancement

of Science last December, Prof.
Robert Simmons of San Diego
College said that so far "the
strongest existing machine capa-
bility with language is that of
counting and indexing a text. Lin-
guistic, semantic and psychological
problem, both in theory and prac-
tice, must be solved."
Evan Herbert, associate editor of
"International Science and Tech-
nology" writes that "the process
of asking questions and examining
answers for relevance has been
speeded by refinements in data
storage and communication so
that direct dialogue with remote
files is now technically feasible.
"Document images stored on
microfilm are becoming standard
for information dissemination ...
Natural language information pro-
cessing and associative memory

techniques, holding promise of
better approaches to classifying
relevance are being tested in
models of research libraries."
Kochen's investigation into the
practically of creating an auto-
mated medical library have raised
many questions about the nature
of recovery and print out of the
computerized "shelves."
"Rapid transport of items in
bulk, microfilm or digital proces-
sing of textual data," Kochen
writes, "can help all participants
of the system. Making these items
so conveniently available to them
may spell the difference between
their being used or ignored."
What would be the result of
the application of microfilming
and computer storing of library
materials with xerographic re-

. Eugene B. Power, president of
University Microfilms Inc., a
pioneer in the microfilming field,
says, "It is obvious to me that in
another ten years the present
library systems will be inadequate
and breakdown from the sheer
.bulk of materials they must
handle. Present retrieval systems
are not flexible nor detailed
enough to be adapted to current
library needs.
"Even if it were possible to
store printed material on film
and show it back on visual display
screens, I personally believe most
people would rather read printed
paper material."
Power's sentiments are echoed
by Joseph Treyz. assistant director
of the University General Library,
who said that -while per'ishable

materials such as rare books and
newspapers may become micro-
filmed, the general book collection
will probably remain on the open
shelves of the libraries of the
Power founded UMI in 1938 and
the company specializes in the
production of educational and li-
brary materials. By contract with
155 universities throughout the
United States and Canada, UMI
microfilms and makes available
inexpensive book-size copies of 95
per cent of the doctoral theses pro-
duced annually in these two coun-
Microfilmed periodicals, created
individually or available from
UMI's list of more than 2000 cur-
rent topics, take up only a six-
teenth of the space required by
bound copies of theoriginal.
See COMPUTER, Page 10

- __.



Viet Regime Backs NationalElection

Further Cutbacks Would
Hurt Residential College

Asks Vote









Within Five Qa
Month Period U




Acting Editor
A source on the faculty resi-
dential planning committee said
yesterday that the committeenow
feels "we have reached the point
where we can't cut costs any fur-
ther. If we do we're afraid we'll
get stuck with something you can't
call a residential college."
If the faculty panel remains
adamantly against more architec-
tural revisions and what it calls
the "dangerous gamble" of pro-
ceeding without full assurance of
donor support for the program,
the residential college may be fa-
tally stalled, observers agreed. Top
administrators wererstill confident
the issues can be resolved, how-

Initial opposition by the Re-
gents and some of the adminis-
trative officers, and anticipated
opposition in the Legislature, forc-
ed elimination of a tuition fee dif-
ferential, one element of the col-
lege's financing plan.
This creates a need-still unmet
-to cut costs on the $12.7 mil-
lion project by $1 million. But,
while it is taking another try at
cost-cutting, the faculty commit-
tee doubts this can be done and
fulfill the program's academic
promise, according to a highly-
reliable committee source.
It has been learned that the
committee, asked to revise the
project once more after the Re-
gents placed it on their April agen-
da, instead wrote a "resolution on

planning" and sent it to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Al-
lan Smith and Dean William Ha-
ber of the literary college on
March 26.
The statement also reflects the
group's concern, according to a
committee source, that if the pro-

Buddhists May Not
Accept Proposals;
New Protests Slated


gram proceeds on an assumption SAIGON (P)-Vietnamese Chief
of adequate donor support-as ad- of State Nguyen Van Thieu early
ministrators are urging-but the today signed a decree providing for
support does not materialize, then general elections for a civilian
either the program will have to government in "three to five
be cut back drastically or else months."
other literary college programs will The decree followed a 10-point
have to suffer. communique issued at the final
The key paragraph in the reso-I session of a political congress call-
lution says, "We are forced to con-f ed by the hard-pressed central

THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION last night announced
the appointment of Ira Polley, presently the executive director of
the Michigan Council of State College Presidents, and secretary
o fthe Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion, as the new state superintendent of public instruction.
The announcement ended a nine-month search to replace
Dr. Lynn Bartlett, who left his post to become Asst., Sec. of De-
fense for Educational Affairs.
said yesterday that he had a short conference with deans from
LS&A, English, Music, Architecture and Design, Business Admin-
istration and other schools to discuss the teaching fellow
organization. They decided that the teaching fellows' demands
would be discussed on the departmental level. Smith added that
no new budgets have yet been planned, so that the financial
demands of the teaching fellows would still be subject to review.
* * * *
ALVIN E. BENTLEY, recently appointed University regent
to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Eugene Power, will
attend his first meeting of the board at its regular monthly
meeting at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow in the Regent's Room of the
Administration building.
lished this term because of printing and personnel problems. The
evaluations will be included as a supplement to the first issue
of the Daily in the fall semester.

elude that it would be very un-
wise to consider further architec-
tural revisions at this time--
that any further planning must
await a clarification of the cru-
cial donor-money issue ... Contin-
ued discussion that assumes no
donor money at all threatens to
destroy the basic program of the
Haber, did, however, persuade
the group at a meeting March 28
to consider further architectural
changes, which John McKevitt, as-
sistant to the vice-president for
business and finance, and Howard
Hakken. University architect, will
have available for them shortly.
stHaber and some other admin-
istrators feel that donors are more
likely to be interestedsif planning
on the program proceeds and the
college begins operations.
Financing Plan
The college's financing plan,
proposed privately in March to the
Regents, originally provided for a
$9 million bond issue, $2.5 million
from residence hall revenues and
refinancing and $1.2 million from
"University funds and gifts."
The differential room-and-board
fees and tuition were part of the
plan for the repayment of the
band issue, but opposition to the
differential tuition eliminated that
source of revenue, prompting a
new need for cost cutting.
Due to an expected delay in
adequate legislative support, the
plan includes classroom and office
space in the residence hall units to
ensure the college can begin opera-
tions. Noting that these are tem-
porary arrangements, the resolu-
tion says they "should be clearly
labeled 'viable but unsatisfactory'"
and should be undertaken only
with assurance of adequate donor

7 overnent.
The powerful Buddhist hierar-
chy boycotted the congress
U.S. authorities warned all
American servicemen and civilians
to stay off the streets of Saigon
in anticipation of scheduled Bud-
dhist antigovernment demonstra-
Only about half the representa-
tives invited by the central govern-
ment to attend the congress show-
ed up. The powerful Catholic mi-
nority sent two observers.
See Earlier Story, Page 3
Premier Ky and his government
have made it clear they will ac-
cept the findings of the congress.
However, there are no indications
that the Bud 'hists will do so.
(United Press International re-
ported that Ky has stiffened in
his determination not to surrender
to Buddhist demands for the im-,
mediate capitulation of his mili-j
tary regime. He is prepared to use
all the force necessary to remain
in power, reliable sources in Saigon
(Sources said Ky hoped to avoid
the use of military force but will
not hesitate if necessary to prevent
h i s government from being
Meanwhile, a Chicago Daily
News report from the United Na-
tions said the Viet Cong are pass-
ing the word to South Vietnamese
exiles that they are interested in
setting up a neutralist coalition in
South Viet Nam which would be
independent of Hanoi and Peking.
Viet Cong representatives in
North African and Eastern Europe
recently have been indicating a
new interest in a political settle-
ment in Viet Nam, the report said.

representatives from real estate interests
concerns in housing. At far right is Nei
Bodkin '67E.
MSU Admit,

LANSING (P)-The Senate
Appropriations Committee last
night authorized $595 million
for the University in the fiscal
year 166-67
The authorization is $6.3 mil-
lion less than the University
requested but $2.7 million more
than Gov. George Romney's rec-
A capital outlay authorization
of $79 million includes $3.5
million for the continued con-
struction of a Health Sciences
education facility and the new
dental building.
The committee recommended
spending $239 million for higher
education throughout the state,
$16 million higher than Romney's
recommendations. Members of the
committee indicated that the au-
thorization will probably be pared
down beforethe authorizations are
approved by the full House and
The overall proposal of $203.6
million was branded too .high by
USSES HOUSING Appropriations Committee chair-
S man Garland Lane (D-Flint).
[ON met in the Michigan Union yesterday with architects, Other committee members in-
in Ann Abor, and University officials to discuss students' dicated privately they expected it
i Hollenshead, '67 and next to him is SHA Chairman Bob would decline by about $5 million
to $8 million.
The committee, which took tes-
timony from university officials
several weeks ago, drafted its pro-
posals by informal discussion. The
s bill now is officially referred to
sne committee for formal action
exected next week.
y Ramparts magazine, a South Viet Nam at the conclusion Dearborn), Roger Craig (D-Dear-
nia-based monthly of lib- of the war for independence. born), Jan Vanderploeg (D-North
inion. "CIA agents were hidden within Muskegon) and Gilbert Bursley
magazine charged that the the ranks of the MSU professors (R-Ann Arbor) led the drive for
roject served as a front in the Viet Nam project," the higher appropriations.
CIA mission and thereby Ramparts article charged. "The Bursley reportedly was already
d the 1954 Geneva agree- agents' instructions were to engage under pressure from the gover-
which ended the war be. in counterespionage and counter nor's office to cut back in his pro-
France and nationalist Viet intelligence, posed level of -spending.
orces. Ramparts said Michigan State's The recommendations were all
officials said they prompt- project showed "the decay of tra- still less than the institutions had
d the CIA agents when ditional academic principles found asked.
dentity was revealed and in the modern university on the Lane said the committee used
d the aid program. make." the "finished product" theory of
rogram, which was financ- Lansing and Berkeley budgeting,hbasing figures on an
the U.S. government, cost "Universities such as MSU or overall cost of so much per -fiscal
an taxpayers $25 million, the University of California have year equated student.
pmparts article said. An become service stations to society," The Michigan state appropria-
pokesman' said a figure of the article claimed. .tion included a specific designation
illion was closer to the The MSU project in South Viet of $350,000 for a new law school.
Nam including the acquisition of Lawmakers have been calling for
uns and Ammunition research about the nation as well a law school in the Lansing area.
article charged that the as recommendations on building' The state's four public and pri-
ission helped train a militia construction and equipment de- vate law schools are all in the
regime of Premier Ngo sign. southeastern corner of Michigan.
iem and financed guns and Dr. Ralph H. Smuckler, ascting Using a few different defini-
itions for Diem's civil dean of MSU's international pro- tions and arrangement of cubby-
grams, denied the magazine's al- holes for over-all building money,
said the school trained legations before MSU officially the committee came up with an
police force only and set acknowledged that the information estimated $85.8 million for capital
vil service program for his in the article was correct. outlay and related activties, com-
ment. Smuckler did not deny that CIA pared with Romney's $83.7 million
ect Viet Nam" was con- men were on the proiect staff and f.. rh --

Acting Managing Editor
Michigan State University ad-
mitted last night that five agents
of the Central Intelligence Agency
infiltrated an MSU aid mission in
South Viet Nam.
The story was revealed yester-

Search for Meaning:
Students Discover Different Relgious Questions

day b3
eral op
for the
tween F
Minh f
ly fire
their i<
The x
ed by1
the Re
MSU sl
$10 m
for the
Dinh D
up a cil

Last of a Series
In the past few days the reli-
gious community of the Univer-
sity has been examined from a
variety of different perspectives.
From these observations a num-
ber of conclusions can be drawn
from extensive yet random con-
versations with students, adminis-
trators, ministers, and religious
It seems safe to say that thel
average University student is less
involved in institutionalized reli-

and religious doctrine but rather accepted before coming here and
with the meaning of existence and is now being challenged by Univer-
all its implications.
The society in which this stu- sity standards.
dent generation exists is constant- The necessary conclusion in this
ly confronted with the bomb, the case is that this student is not
pill, and the computer, all of offering the church or the Uni-
which force into the student's versity community an opportunity
mind questions of the meaning of
life and death. to present a viable alternative to
A second conclusion is that a that which he accepted before
fair percentage of the student comingfto the University. In view
population views the college years the fact that there is a marked
! for the~i decrease ovmn in student religious in-
as a period of testing for their deent on campus, it is likely
religious beliefs and insists that Adee ncmui dnI
it is carrying on this testing with- a grea number o s
reject their previously held beliefs

The University also teaches the
student to specialize, and what he
hears at church must be shown
to be relevant to his specialty. Due
to this lack of time and tendency
toward specialization, the student
may desire all the answers for all
of his particular problems in one
short sermon and being disap-
pointed, decides not to return.
There seems to be a prevailing
notion that what the church has
to offer in terms of underlying
moral and ethical positions is ba-
sically desirable and that good
people should be associated with
th. ,nha ral vsonme ann re_ -

church has accepted the responsi-
bility out of necessity, of trying to
go all the way to the student.
It must be objectively concluded
that the average University stu-
dent is quick to criticize religion
and slow to contribute to rectify-
ing those inadequacies of which
he speaks.
Implicit in the action of the lo-
cal churches and the University
and explicit in much student con-
versation is the fact that the av-
erage student is not very knowl-
edgeable about his own religious

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