PAGE TWO SGC NEWSLETTER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 WEDNESDAY; APRIL 13 SGC NEWSLETTER PAGE TWO SGC NEWSLETTER WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13 SGC NEWSLETTER ....,... , ....,,.r... r ._ . _ _ .. .. _ . _ ®.. New-. Marg Asinan Marg Asman, although newt campus activities, comes to SG with lots of enthusiasm. "Mayo I'm trying to conquer the world she said, "but I'd like to see a Integration of the campus an more student interest in the coun cil." "The problem with SGC is th: it doesn't get enough done," Ma: contended. She said that she fel that there was a much bette chance to get things done thi year in council. "Because SGC isr doing anything," she continues "there is no student interest." Miss Asman, who is a sophomo: in LSA, said that she thinks tha U. of M. is "like a small con munity." You have to go out ar find your own answers, she en phasized. "Students don't take ad vantage of the many things Mich igan offers," Marg said. When evaluating SGC, Mar said that it seemed as if previou; ly all council did was fight. "Whe I was observing the meetings a the beginning of the semester, Marg explained, "a lot of talen and good programs were lost be cause of politics in SGC. Now v have a lot of talent in differen areas," she added, "and Ed Rol inson is doing a very good job a President in trying to keep th extraneous matter out of th meetings." REACH introduced Miss Asmas to campus politic,. Last semesti Marg tells us that she had t, Belonging to SCOPE political party, Ruth seems genuinely con- to cerned about both her party and C SGC. Ruth has an obligation to be carry out the ideas of the party' and of the people who supported in her in the election, she comment- id ed. "Although in the past year, n- SGC has come to mean more to the campus and to the individual Ite m bers Profiled Officers Weigh Pros, Cons O Omiiontroversy and was appointed chairman of a "rational approach to student the Bookery (Student Exchange). problems." "REACH is the answer to SGC The face of Fred G. is not new problems," Dean who ran on a to campus activities. He was on REACH platform emphasized. Al- the UAC Executive Board and SGC though SGC takes up a great deal Elections Committee. Some stu- of his time, Dean admits that he dents might remember him as a, is still active in his political party. guitarist in the rock-and-roll Dean stressed that REACH ismore band, the Vagrants. than a political party, rather a Although for the past two sum- service organiaztion which is ac- mers he was a cowboy in Jackson, time all year round. "It is a means Wyoming, he is casting his spurs for activating talent," he said. aside for a tour of Europe this In a prediction o- council's fu-v aioro ture,,Dean stated, "The council vacation. that we have now is all we need Council is "the place where you to get SGC moving again and to can roll up.your sleeves and get get some results." something done," Fred G. said in Bob Smith Bob Smith, better known as "Smitty," is one of the most in- dustrious newly elected council- men. Smith has been active in campus organizations, serving on three central committees and sev- eral sub-committees during his four years at U. of M. Under his direction the- Public Relations Committee of SGC publishes the SGC Newsletter, which is the of- ficial publication of SGC. Smitty is studying on a five- year program and plans to get two B.A.'s, one in Political Science and the other in Journalism. He said -that he would like to either go to California to graduate school or work in Public Relations or Advertising after -graduation. "I've always like to work with people," Smitty claimed, "and I'm interested in all kinds of activi- ties." But working on SGC, he ex- to solve it, he announced. Ideally, -EACH ought to be just a political party, he said. REACH is forced now to research issues and plan solutions, Fred G. explained, be- cause before SGC never recognized these important issues. "Actually. SGC should be doing -all this work," he declared. Dick Wingfield Dick Wingfield, '67 LSA, is a past Daily Day Editor who aspires to be a legal writer. With an Eng- lish major and the desire to go to Law School, Wingfield said that he wants to be a legal writer be- cause there "aren't too many around." He mentioned that his writing is ethically oriented and that he tends to write about what is right and wrong. Last summer Wingfield worked as a summer reporter at the Detroit News and plans to do the same this summer. "I've majored in extracurricular activities here at Michigan," Dick noted. Because U. of M. is so full of prestige and because of his fra- ternity, Dick said that he would never leave. Wingfield has one im- portant criticism of Michigan. "The academic program offers the individual non-honors s t u d e n t little education," he stated., In qualifying this statement he quick- ly added, "We have wonderful faculty who are very talented rather it is a function of the sys- tem that carries this default." REACH-sponsored Wingfield is interested in the University Plan- ning and Development Committee, Vote Casting Not Advised In All Cases Ex-officio members should have a vote on SGC because they repre- sent large segments of the student body and because they can offer expert.advice about their organi- zations, Dick VanHouse, IFC presi- dent, commented. He added, however, that the ex- officio member "should use his own discretion in voting." Van- House said that the ex-officio member does not have time to be- come familiar with all issues to cast an intelligent vote on each one. He feels "unjustified in vot- ing" in such cases, he continued. He would still sih on SGC if his vote were taken away, he stated. He pointed again to the need for expert -advice of ex-officio mem- bers. Van House argued against the assertion that to sit on Council is a waste of time because SGC accomplishes nothing. "SGC is much more useful than when I came to the University three years ago," he said. Since all these areas affect the fraternity man, IFC should have a representative at SGC meetings, Van House added. He said he hopes to achieve bet- ter relations with SGC 'through more discussions of IFC-SGC re- lated problems with Council com- mented that there have not been many opportunities for consulta- tion yet. The ex-officio members who sit on Council should be the heads, not their representatives, of the organizations, he said. They, as top men, are supposedly the best authorities on their groups and thus can present their organiza- tions' feelings best, he added. NEW COURSES: New Office in Council Called .For The present ex-officio officers shall no longer serve as members of Student Government Council, reads one of the recommendations included in a recent report on the "Revised Structure of SGC." This committee, recognizing the value of some ex-officio represen- tation of the four major student organizations on campus, (UAC, IHA, IFA, and Panhellenic), con- tends, in this context, major cri- ticism against having presidents of these respective organizations serve as the Council ex-officio members. "The presidents of these organ- izations do not have the time to adequately fulfill the responsibil- ity of a Council seat," said Jim Kropf.-A majority of these presi- dents think that their natural pri- mary responsibility and loyalty is to their respective organization, Mr. Kropf pointed out. Douglas Brook, past President of SGC, advising the "reform" committee stated that "There can be no doubt that most ex-officios labor under an already heavy time commitment and view removal from Student Government Coun- cil as a means of lessening this pressure. In this context, and with the in- tention to retain the advantages of organizational representation, Jim Kropf has suggested that a new office, that of "representative to SGC", be created in each of the four major campus-student organizations. This new officer; the equivalent of another execu- tive vice-president, shall devote all of his time to SGC, working to present legislation, as is the func- tion of the elected members. BOB SMITH, MIKE GROSS, HARLAN BLOOMER, GARY CUNNINGHAM\ Past President R Year 7~s A'ccomplism RUTH BAUNMANN student," she continued, "it will be a long time before they care enough." SGC has to become more relevant to the student, she add- ed, which it can do through per- sonal contact and committees like SHA (Student Housing Associa- tion). Because of the strong aca- demic orientation of the student body, Ruth went on, SGC doesn't mean as much as it should to students. At the time of the voting tabula- tion, Ruth said that she was wait- ing outside of the ballot room for -he results. "I was so high strung at the time that friends tried to get me to calm down," she laugh- ingly stated. "I expected what happened," she continued. Last year Miss Baumann work- ed on the Course Evaluation Com- mittee for SGC. Specifically this year, "SHA interests me most," she reported. More importantly. the ideologically-minded Ruth ex- plained, she was concerned with the totality of the council's role in the University. FRED G. SMITH his amiable manner. He decided to run for council instead of peti- tioning for a UAC Senior Office, Smith commented, because he felt that he would be fulfilling a "great need." "Everybody sort of figures that I'm going to work on SHA (Stu- lent Housing Association) but me," Fred G. stated laughingly. He stressed that he would like to "build a fire" under the Student- Faculty Advisor Committee. "Each department should have a member sit on the LSA Steering Commit- tee and then have a Presidential Forum between each school," Smith continued. "The coordinat- ing Vice President, he said, would participate on the President's Forum and would act as a liason with SGC. Smith, a man with a realistic approach to the problems of SGC, described the main fault of the council as the confused and rigid committee system. "In vernacular terms," he announced, "the com- mittee system stinks." He explain- ed a modified ad hoe system which would operate beneath broad com- mittees creating a more flexible system. Smith who ran on a REACH platform stated that he "differed on a lot of things with REACH." His bind with REACH is, he stat- ed, "not a philosophical word for word bind but rather a bind of an idea." It is the rational ap- proach of deciding there is a prob- lem and finding a reasonable way "SGC's two major accomplish-t ments this year were the bookstoret campaign and the establishmenta of SHA," said Gary Cunningham, president of SGC. Cunningham, whose term expir-N ed March 24, cited these two ac-E complishments as the beginning1 steps in showing the administra-s tion and community the economicr problems of students at the uni- versity. "These projects began thet articulation of a philosophy," Cun-1 ningham said, "and that philoso- phy states that ability, not wealth, should be the sole determinate ofz who shall attend the University ofr Michigan." Cunningham pointed out thatl although the bookstore wasn't es- tablished, it was a way of telling SGC the university to do something elect about the economic situation of tabli the students. ate Cunningham hoped that SGC prob would continue its work in these 4) r economic areas in the coming year. deal He also expressed the desire to dem see SGC stress academic reform Cu more than his administration did. book He hoped that the new adminis- 13,0( tration would work to make the ; peop proposed residential college a re- aind ality. adm Cunningham said that SGC stud needs to be restructured to deal prow more effectively with its problems.,fled He listed the following steps as amp possible improvements: 1) elimin- on. c ate the ex-officio officers from Ci .______ -.~. taro isfa the war( bein and Mike Dean MARG ASMAN write a paper on the cohesiveness and leadership of a group for her psychology course. She said that she was working with seven other students on the project observing the structure of groups. One of the groups studied was the REACH executive board, she continued. "I was so impressed with REACH that I soon forgot the project and concentrated on REACH pol-; Icies," Marg explained. "I liked their rational outlook on issues' and problems," she added. "and felt that they could really get' something done." Serving a/ year term on SGC, Mike Dean says, "SGC is more im- portant than some of my classes." Dean, '67 LSA, argued that SOC must gain credibility as a student voice on campus in order to strengthen its position with the campus. A political science major with an eye- towards Law School, Dean BOB SMITH Ruth Baumann Ruth Baumann who considers herself a "progressive member of SGC" said that she would like to;' see council "stick its neck out more often." "To be effective," Miss Baumann emphasized, "coun- cil must be willing to take calcu- lated risks." Miss Baumann, a sophomore sociology major, said that she in- tends to go to law school. Her law, ambitions, she stated, are part of the reason for her interest in SGC. However, it was a close. friend then on council who was MIKE DEAN responsible for her active partici- patio4i, Ruth commented. . is a member of the political science Ruth ran for a council seat in'honorary, Pi Sigma Alpha. her freshman year and was de-horayPiSgaAp. feated. Council appointed herdto Dean transfered to Michigan SGC at the end of this January from Georgetown, Washington to fill the vacancy created when !the School of F)reign Service, in Sue Ness left. his freshman year. He said that' Miss Baumann said that she felt he decided he just "didn't want her victory was due partly to "the to be a diplomat" and that he: back-up of experience and the should go to U. of M. best working knowledge of coun- He joined the Daily staff and, cil." Although she "didn't like be- reported SGC meetings which, he ing interviewed," she knew what said, awakened his interest in to expect this time, she confidently council proceedings. Dean later announced. became active in SGC committees plained, gives me a chance to do something more permanent for the school. Smitty was the only Independ- ent candidate elected to council this semester. "I ran as an Inde- pendent because I feel that parties are too binding. You can fall into a form too -easily," he commented. You are obligated to give answers for the party's sake even if you don't believe what you are say- ing, Bob stated. Running as an Independent, he went on, allows you to run your own campaign. criticize either or both sides, to be completely yourself. Bob's goal for SGC is to pro- mote projects which would bring the University closer to the stu- dent. "I've always been worried about kidsewho feel so disfranchis- ed from U. of M. when they first come here," he said. "They become apathetic too soon," he added. Therefore, SGC should, according to Bob, do the following things: -make it easier for students to enter activities -watch out for the welfare of stuc.ent activities by helping with theiir problems --justify itself in the eyes of the students. "We must think of SGC as more of a student organization," Smitty, concluded. Fred G. Smith- Election results show Fred G.: Smith to be the most popular with voting students. Modest and sin- cere Smith collecting 1989 votes- said that he could not attribute his victory to any one factor but it "just happened." Smith, '67 LSA, a pre-law student, campaigned on who are investigating especially building dorms, theaters and classrooms on North Campus. Wingfield noted a possibility for closer relationship between SGC and the regents in regards to planning and development. There might be a "taste poll," he sug- gested, in which students could in- dicate their preference in housing and cultural development. There should be some way' for students to legally offer their opinions, he added. DICK WINGFIELD SGC NEWSLETTER Published as a Supplement to The Michigan Daily Published as a Service of Student Government Council's Public Relations Board Editor..........................Chris Meyers Staff .. ...................... Sue McWhirter, Steve Maxwell, Diane Lavos, Terry Bury, Jason Horton, Jack Winder, Terry Fischer. Public Relations Committee SCGPlans Leadership Program ToTrain for Campus Activities SCG in cooperation with the Of- social organizations and social ac- make intelligent choices about the j The upperclass course wi fice of Student Affairs (OSA) is tivities will participate in this part activities they would like to join offered in the winter term working on final plans to establish of the program. For example: The and to train him to recognize the will be held for a two hour a campus leadership program to political organizations would be potential of his office. iod once a week. SGC is tr be offered next year. The purpose represented by the SCG president. The freshman program will be to secure two hours of acad of the program is twofold: 1. to He would start the program by de- offered in the fall term. Infor- acquaint students with the nature fining the nature of political or- mation and registration applica- credit for the course. of university activities, 2. to train ganizations on campus and ex- tions for the program are being Further information can b potential student leaders in lead- plain how they differ from the distributed during the rall orien- ership qualities.,I service organizations such as UAC. tation period and are being mail- tained by calling Student Gov To meet these objectives, the At the end of the speech different ed to all prospective freshmen. menu Council-633-0553. campus leadership program is di- representatives from all the politi- vided into two courses, one to be cal organizations on campus would offered to freshmen and the other be available to seminar with the to be offered to sophomores and students and explain the unique upperclassmen. features of their group. The freshman course, entitled Thirdly is the internship pro- e@ "Campus Activities Internship gram. Here students would be able S a le io t-n fl Proam~n," wil attemi'pt to provid to learn about a specific organiza- IAE'OO5 Y.I~IA IEL IOJ 4 a channel where incoming fresh- tion first hand by attending cabi- men can learn about campus acti net meetings, working on commit- SGC coordination of ticket sales -provision was often notn vibes. They will have an opportun- ees, talking to other members. at Hill Auditorium concerts is now for the individual independent ity at the niat hicourse to ship Training Program" is the ending its first year. Prior to this dent to buy tickets, and wher name of the course to be offered the format governing ticket sales dividual tickets were reserved terest them most. This course is to upperclassmen. Leadership at- was established separately by each were often in the least desi tributes and the mechanics of of the sponsoring student organi- places has three main parts. leadership are the focal points of zations. Widespread dissatisfaction --certain individuals on the First, administrative officers the course. The first part will deal with the way tickets were sold in dent organizations had ab will speak to the students. They with such subjects as the psychol- the past led to the adoption last their positions to obtain ti will -explain how administration ogy of leadership, the psychology year of the plan now in operation. for their friends or housingu fits into the University community of influence and persuasive speak- Most of the objections to the The height of the criticism and what their relation is to the ing. The second part of the course o s e b iost t- curred when at one concert people of the state of Michigan will concern itself with parlimen- s 40 people stood in line in cold. the regents, the faculty,-the stu- ,tary procedure group dynamics ganizations concerning ticket sales ther on the steps of Hill Auc dents and the student organiza- group leadership and management were along the following lines: ium around the clock' fors tions. Through administration lee- organization. After each lecture, -a growing demand for tickets days. When the ticket saleso tures, the student will have the the students will seminar using to various concerts forced housing ed, the first five people in opportunity to understand the l- case studies based on actual cam- units to stand in line for hours bought out the entire concer mitations and potential the ad- pus situations. prior to the opening date of tick- cept for 600 seats held for ministration has in dealing with These courses hope to make it et sales vidual sales. student organizations. easier to channel students into -no limitation on the number In February, 1965, SGC de The second part of the program campus. activities with an under- of tickets a single person could to tackle the problem Hof t will be devoted to explaining the standing of the workings of an purchase often allowed individuals sales by convening a specialc different types of activities avail- organization. The purpose of these in housing blocks to purchase ex- mittee composed of the cu able on the campus. Political or- courses is to provide the neces- tra tickets and later "scalp" them ticket chairmen of all studen - ganization, service organizations, sary information ror students to at considerably higher than cost ganizations and charged it mn the with: the Imeal Lion, keep a ur pher ll be pre: . It Cun per- u r cult rying ever emic It's You mad e ob- Alth vern- right I the at Chairman.......... .Bob Smith made t stu- e in- they rable stu- bused ckets units. m oc- over wea- ditor- seven open-' line t ex- indi- cided ticket com- rrent Qt or- Sub-Committee Chairmen .. . .. Jason Horton, Kim Kelso, Midge Mazer, Nez Subert. Committee Members ........ Mary Einfeldt,. Joyce Rock, Steve Maxwell, Lee Hornberger, Eugene- Defouw, Barb Miller, Sue Bronson, Bruce Anderson, Leslie Reicin, Steve Brown, Cheri Burns, Karen Skrommee, Chris Meyers.. Special thanks to.Professor John Field, Leonard Pratt, Daily; Elwood Lohela, Ann Arbor News. the wor On mit was T SGC sale thro ma: lott by a size are of I SGC any upo izat rati dee: A tior SG cati with I wor .. . _ ,, p _ _ _ _