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April 08, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-08

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C, r



l sgh-46
Snow flurries likely but

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


University Plans for Housing: Too Little

Too Late

Last of a Series
The Commission believes that
the University's greatest respon-
sibility to private owners and
developers of student housing,
and to the City of Ann Arbor,
as well, is to provide an effec-
tive channel for communications
between the University and all
others whose cooperation and
participation is required in order,
to assure suitable student hous-
ing facilities in Ann Arbor.
-President Hatcher's Blue
Ribbon Report on Student
On the surface there appears
to be little reason for student

concern over the University's role
in the housing situation.
In the past year, the Univer-
sity has pressed landlords to give
students eight month leases, pro-
duced a Blue Ribbon report on
student housing and embarked on
new dormitory and apartment
construction on North Campus.
But in these times when the
landlord no longer lives in to stoke
the furnace on cold winter nights,
the situation is far from resolved.
For example, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs is currently in the
midst of a housing crisis precipi-
tated by Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, as-
sistant to the director of student-
community relations.
Mrs. Leslie, who was assistant to

Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, Over the past five years, however,
before Bacon's position was the University has virtually dis-
abolished in 1960, is currently ac- continued the practice of meting
tive in the Off-Campus Housing out academic punishments to stu-
This year the bureau made a dents who don't pay their rent.
d leaving
big push for landlords to adopt an in the matter to be resolved
eight-month lease. in mediation or court.
eigh-monh lese."Our argument," says Hall, "was
According to Ron Hall, president "Oharguenth aygHa-mn"ha
of the Property Managers Associa- lease, we thi we should get some
an eflr tos rce the wuld sort of University disciplinary ac-
versity to impose academic dis- on the students."
cipline on students who fail to Since the academic deans have'
make rental payments, in ex- not been taking disciplinary action
change for the landlord decision under these conditions, the situa-I
to offer an eight-month lease. tion was a ticklish one.
The power to halt registration Trying to revive the old policy,
and stop graduation has up to now Mrs. Leslie approached the Direc-
been vested in the academic deans. tor of Student Organizations; Dun-


can Sells, two weeks ago. She ask- Many other local agents are been making repeated efforts to
ed that he consider refusing to taking the University lease form have the University help them col-
allow students who default on rent and simply crossing off the eight- lect from tenants at one of their
to graduate in the spring or re- month lease option, according to newer buildings on 1313 N. Uni-!
register in the fall. Mrs. Norma Kraker, supervisor of versity.
Her idea was that Sells could the Off-Campus Housing office. The tenants had been promised'
take this action on a disciplinary Many agents are following the in the first week of August that
basis. Sells refused to become -practice of not using University their building would be ready on
"I w d lease forms at all, because of the August 25. They did not move in'
pIf we don t give this kind of eight-month option. Stegman feels until mid-October and the work
protectiontothelandlord heythat "the only reason anyone talks wasnnot finished for another
are not going to give us the kind about eight-month leases is so month.
of cooperation we've been getting," they can pay less money." I This spring the hall ceiling cav-
says Mrs. Leslie. ed in. It took a week and a half
Meanwhile most of the land- Because many realtors are no to repair it. The tenants have
lords have refused to offer the longer using University lease deliberately fallen two months be-
eight-month lease to students. forms, there is a good deal of hind on their rent, because of all
University Towers is the only interest among landlords in aca- the inconvenience.
major apartment unit in town demic enforcement. The University was contacted
offering an eight-month lease. Currently Charter Realty has on the matter and sent out a form


letter saying that "further action
will be taken," if rent is not payed.
When the tenants pointed out
they did not have a University
lease the-Off-Campus Housing of-
fice said that as far as the Univer-
sity was concerned there would be
no action taken.
Charter then contacted Mrs.
Leslie who inspected the apart-
ments and contacted the boys a
second time.
What is University policy on
enforcement of leases?
William Steude, Director of Stu-
dent Organizations, says, "The
University will not invoke aca-
demic discipline in situations
where students fail to pay rent."
See PRIVATE, Page 7


FPA Against
OSA Rush
Policy Probe
Change Academic
Requirements for
Pledging, Activattion
The Fraternity President's As-
sembly, in a meeting last night
passeda resolution registering its
"collective disapproval" of Vice-
President Richard Cutler's decision
to review Panhellenic Assocition's
rush policies, recently approved by
Student Government Council.
The FPA also approved a by-
law revision raising the minimum
academic grade point average re-
quired to pledge and go active
from 2.0 to 2.2 by two votes.
The resolution, recommended by
the Intefraternity Council Execu-
tive Committee, voiced the fra-
ternity system's "grave concern
that Vice-President Cutler's action
constitutes a belated and unila-
teral vote of no confidence in the
orderly management by students
of their affairs in the participa-
tory democracy so frequently en-
dorsed by the Office of Student
Act on Men's Rush?
In debate on the resolution, con-
cern was expressed that if the
administration acted negatively on
the sorority fall rush proposal,
fraternity fall rush would also be
questioned in the future. Charles
Judge, assistant to the director of
student organizations and coun-
selor to fraternities, however, de-
nied that there was any 'such
sentiment among the Office of
* Student Affairs.
The new academic gradepoint
requirements will go into effect
this fall. The action does not in-
clude present pledges and also
exempts engineering students.
Stop Competition
A concern for the fraternity
system's academic image was evi-
denced throughout the debate' on
the revisions. Bruce Getzner, '68,
president of Sigma Chi, maintain-
ed that the change encouraged
academics at the expense of the
more well-rounded individual, and
would heighten the cut-throat
competion already present."
IFC Executive Vice-President
Douglas Dunn, '67E, emphasized
however that only 8 per cent of
the students in the literary college
will be affected. The revisions re-
quired a two-thirds majority vote
for approval and passed by a
margin of 26-10.

Sn Ainistraion






Late World News
UNITED NATIONS (P)--A majority of the UN Security Council
membership, with U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg in the fore-
front, staged a sit-in of nearly 6%/2 hours yesterday night in an effort
to have the council president summon an urgent session on Rhodesia.
The 10 nations demanding a meeting of the 15-nation council
gave up before midnight. A delegate said they had received "an oral
indication" that Ambassador Moussa Keita of Mali, council president
for April, was continuing his consultations and could not call a meet-
ing before Friday.
Britain had requested an urgent session to obtain authority from#
the United Nations to use force if necessary to stop ships from de-
livering oil to the rebel regime in Rhodesia. They wanted the council
to meet at 4 p.m. Thursday.
carried on by the University Center for Research in Reproductive
Biology issued from a number of religious and legal officials in Detroit
Rev. Kenneth E. Untener, assistant chancellor of the Archdiocese
of Detroit, attacked the project, saying that it "robs the marital act of
one of its essential elements-an act of love . . . Artificial insemination,
is basicallly manufactured love."
At the same time, several attorneys pointed out many related
legal problems involving legitimacy, adultery, inheritance and tax
* * * *
Spring-Summer term must register their automobiles and motorcycles,
Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler said yesterday.
The 21 year age limit for having automobiles on campus has been
waived for the third term until such time as automobile congestion
may require such restrictions.
The registration fee will be $1.75 for automobiles and $1.50 for
motorized cycles, and will apply to all students carrying four or more
credits. Students carrying three hours or less will be required to regis-
ter but no fee will be charged.
PROFS. ROBERT C. ANGELL of the sociology department and.
Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics department have been named
to a newly formed advisory council for the Midwest Division of the
International Studies Association. The association is the only pro-
fessional organization devoted to the integration of knowledge in the
international studies field.
THE FIRST MAJOR STEP in the shift to federally subsidized
student loans has been taken by the federal Office of Education. Har-
old Howe II, commissioner of education announced recently that in-
terim agreements have been signed to make the subsidized loans avail-
able in all states and territories for the 1966-67 academic year.
According to Karl D. Streiff, assistant director of financial
aids, who has just returned from consultation with federal education
officials in Washington, the announcement does not mark any change
of policy towards National Defense Education loans. According to
Streiff, the Office of Education expects the NDEA loan program to1
continue through the 1967 fiscal year as it has in the past, but officialst
feel that the program will be discontinued the following year.-

Bill Opposes
Pre udices,
President of IFC
Says Law Restates
Existing 'U' Statutes
Fraternities and sororities could
face legal prosecution for refusing
membership to anyone strictly on
the basis of race or color under
a bill which has received prelimin-
ary approval in the State House
of Representatives.
The warmly debated measure
was amended to apply only to
chapters at public junior colleges,
colleges and universities, and to
eliminate a ban against religious
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent Richard E. Van House, '67E,
predicted, however, that the new
measure "won't really affect us
much." He described it as "mere-
ly a state backing of what already
exists here."
Charles Judge, assistant to the
director of student organizations
and counselor to fraternities, con-
curred with Van House. "As far as
I can see it does the same thing
that our rules do and merely of-
fers the state's support," he said.
According to an Associated
Press report, the anti-discrimina-
tion measure, introduced by Rep.
James Del Rio (D-Det.), had met
with objections that it would pre-'
vent formation of religion-related
groups-;such as denominational1
student organizations or the
Knights of Columbus-and that
'This is on the statutes already.",
Rep. Dale Kildee (D-Flint) de-f
fended the bill, but sponsored thet
amendment to strike the ban ont
religious discrimination to meet
Such a law, Kildee said, would
help stir consciences and prod such
organizations into eliminating dis-
crimination from their by-laws. N

~WAsk for
~ VDecision on
..s Grievances
Planning Board Saye
They Want Definite
Conmitinent Soon
Policy planners of the teaching
fellows met last night in the West
Physics Bldg. to decide what they
would talk about with Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
The group was made up of rep-
resentatives of the various schools
of the University which decided
that with the 150 people who at-
tended their mass meeting on
Wednesday they represented -a
bargaining power.
The committee decided they
would ask for two things at the
ational meeting this morning:
mmis- -status as academic staff with
Weston library priviledges, adequate office
on space, staff parking and a channel
of information with the adminis
tration, and
--a salary increase to $3600 and
1s tuition exemption.
The planning board hopes tb
have some results by Monday so
that there will be something def-
inite to show at the second mass
meeting of the teaching fellows
Monday 'night at 8 p.m.
Support of Faculty
r thesite The planning group feels it has
the site the visible support of the teaching
geolog- fellows as demonstrated by the
and ac- attendance at their first meeting
research- which was called on short notice
a large and also a good deal. of support
empha- from faculty members.
f the re- The teaching fellows feel they
ent qual- must get something accomplished
final se- now instead of waiting until next
'est bal- year. Some -of them are planehg
on working on the organization
port during the summer so that it will
l a r l a n be an on-going organization by the
iversity's fall.
"site, but . The teaching fellows main prob-
tific aid lem right now is informing teach-
roject is ing fellows of what is going on,
he other getting them interested and stop-
d to the ping any passing the buck in the
Madison, administration that would bog
them down.

INSPECTING THE NORTHFIELD township site which is one of five being considered for the NE
Accelerator Laboratory are (from left to right) University President Harlan Hatcher, AEC Co
sioner Gerald Tape, Chairman of AEC Glen Seaborg, Governor George Romney and Rep. V
Vivian. The AEC officials are on a final tour of inspection of all the sites under consideratio
AEC Selection Officia
Inspects Nrhil i

"We will have the final choice
by the end of calendar year 1966,"
was the noncommittal answer of
Glenn Seaborg, chairman of the
Atomic Energy Commission when
asked yesterday of the progress of
the selection of a final site for
the proposed 200 billion electron
volt (BEV) nuclear particle accel-
Seaborg, along with Gerald
Tape, commissioner of the AEC
and seven experts from their staff,
were taken to inspect a site in

Northfield Township, just north-
east of Ann Arbor, yesterday as
part of their tour of five of the
six locations still being consider-
ed for the $375 million pro ect.
They were accompanied. by Gov.
George Romney, University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher and Rep.
Weston Vivian. Also with the tour
were many state legislators, and
faculty members from the Uni-
State Promises Land
Earlier yesterday, the state Le'g-
islature confirmed its pi'omise to
provide the land for the project
by approving $5 to $10 million
for the purchase of the land in-
volved. The land is presently the
location of several farms whose
occupants hope that a decision
will be made soon.
One of the reasons the site selec-
tion procedure, which began with
more than 200 applications, has
j ensoslow isthe poitcla

Some of the criteria for
were discussed, including
ic stability, attractiveness
cessibility of the area to ri
ers and the location of
university nearby. Seaborg
sized, however, that all of
maining sited have excelle
ifications, and said thef
lection will have the b
ance of all the factors.
Hatcher Pledges Sup
University President H
Hatcher pledged the Un
support to the Northfield
said just as much scien
would be given if the p
awarded to either of th
Midwest sites. He referre
sites in Weston, Ill., andb


EDITOR'S NOTE: Richard Morrow
is grad student in speech and presi-
dent of the Michigan Christian
Fellowship. This six-part series is
the result of his work since
First of Six Parts
Religion at the University is
something about which everyone
has opinions and no one has facts.
This lack of data is being at-
tacked on and for this campus
by the Institute of Social Research
which is conducting the massive
"Michigan Student Study." At
this point, however, the data is
hardly one third compiled and the
researchers feel it wouldn't be
right to reveal even an impression
of the results on such insufficient

es, Maybe, and the Death- ofGod

Most of the people talked to in-'
dicated a decrease of involvement
in the church and hence, under-
standably, a corresponding de-
crease in the churches' influences
on them. From these people came
many and varied explanations.
A fraternity man said, "College
forces you to think about what
you've been told . . . but there's
no one to force you to do anything
and its easy to force back ques-
tions of religious significance,
especially if you don't want to
face them." He felt it would be
hypocritical to go to church if
you don't feel the need for it and
added, "Most people don't change
completely. They hold onto the
basics but let the church slide

A member of the swimming must come from within and not
team said he became more reli- from a pulpit. She stopped believ-
giously noncommital during his ing when in high school since she
stay at the University and pointed found nothing in which to believe
to dormitory bull-sessions as very and has not been influenced one
influential. way or the other by the University.

A girl named Linda said the
University presents you with many
more alternatives than you had
before and if there's no answer
that works for you, you learn to
live with the uncertainty of those
On the other side of the same
coin, Chuck said the church says
it has the answer and that kind
of dogmatism is repulsive.
A student in the fishbowl left
Newsweek long enough to explain

There were others who main-
tained an affiliation with the
church. .
A Resident Advisor in one of
the dorms said, "I go to church
but I don't really enjoy it. Religion
is much more real for me when
I'm tutoring a kid."
Implying in his tone of voice
that it was problematic, he added,
We don't seem to be thinking in
terms of a personal dynamic re-
lationshin with God. Worshin is

And finally, an A&D sophomore neuvering which has characteriz-
named Harvey indicated that the ed the fight to get such a large
church had been very influential facility. The selection date has
in his life. On two different oca- been moved back twice, with pres-
nhe sought helpent plans calling for selection by
sions he sought help from religious July, but the committee now may
counsellors and found their aid well be contemplating another de-
helpful. With an unusual explana- lay.
tory twist he added that the Uni- Residents Urge Decision
versity had reinforced his beliefs As the delegation made a stop
in a negative way because here he on the land, they were greeted by
had encountered people who "did signs posted by the residents pro-
not take advantage of religious testing the delay of the decision.
opportunities" and he didn't 'pike Two large plywood signs read
what he saw in them. "Eliminate site," and "Yes or no
InAEC." The AEC gophas
One other question was asked: nowEd iwishet a group has
Have you heard of the "death of note it w pest o avoiwanyas-
God" theology and, if so, has it nsles withpropery owners over
had any influence on your tink- condemn eyn. however reassur-
-- e-- -- mGov. Romny,hoereas-

Student Government Council
last night granted the W.E.B. Du-
bois Club recognition as a student
organization on a tie vote broken
by SGC president Ed Robinson, '67.
Some Council members objected'
to the recognition on the grounds'
that the Dubois clubs are now be-
ing inivestigated by U.S. Attorney
General Katzenbach on the charge
of being subversive and that SGC
should wait for a decision from the
Attorney. General before recogniz-

Re cognition Given By.
SGC To Dubois Club

ing for recognnition, SGC should
not make any judgments on the
purposes or motivations for the
club, and to take further action
later if it found to be subversive.
SGC also passed a resolution
supporting the efforts of teach-
ing fellows in their movement for
higher salaries, smaller section
sizes and better office space.
Appropriate Funds
In other action last night, SGC
appropriated the Student Hous-
ing Association a total of $2000 to


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