PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL '7', 1966 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 7,1966 T'........:::::.......?':".: .« . r .. . r ,.y ; P rrf.of... "r " '4 ." .+...fl fg. },": r":,: I~;{":r'i".:"..,::}....:.........}k: X .".: .r .... ..... .. .......... {": ................ . }X : .' :,. .^{y-:LfP# ' 'iy.}arAtUVrv ,::", +f:r S: .ytif {+r.f.r.y,.rrV.,f.:"'. .., x , . . ..,'~t The Daily Offlci Bulletin is an Travel Club Films-"Nova Scotia to Doctoral Examination for Jerry Ward ogy-Mineralogy Journad Club on the official publication of the UnliVer- April 7, 5615 Haven Hall, at 3 p.m. O'Dell, Psychology; thesis: "Group Size subject "Glaciological Studies in East sity of Michigan for which The Chairman, A. H. Hawley. and Emotional InteractIon," Thurs., Antarctica," Thurs., April 7, at 4 p.m Michigan Daily assumes no editor- April 7, 2447 Mason Hall, at 3 p.m. in 2054 Natural Science Bldg. :al responsibility. Notices should be Doctoral Examination for Noah -Sam- Chairman, E. L. Kelly. sent in TYI'iRI'I'TEN form to uel Brannen, Far Eastern Languages & Doctoral Examination for Paul Eu- Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-. Literatures; thesis: "The Dialect of Doctoral Examination for Luis Bel- gene Schupp, Mathematics; thesis: "On fore p.m. of the day preceding Aoomisima in Three Generations: A tran, Comparative Literature; thesis: Dehn's Algorithm and the Conjugacy publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday Bermuda": Aud. A, Angell Hall, 8 p.m. "The Old Woman and Authority: Evo- Problem," Thurs., April 7, 2235 Angell for Saturday and Sunday. General rlution and Meaning of a Literary Char- Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman. . C. Lyndon. Notices may be published a maxi - Institute of Public Administration actor," Thurs., April 7, 1210 Angell Hall, eof two times oneqhes o y Seminar-D. N. Chester, Nuffield Col- at 2 p.m. Chairman, T. J. Garbaty. Doctoral Examination for James Student organiTation notices Fae not Bsty a gs& Adams ClarkEsishai anguage &Lit- fr2pm.othdaprcdn o heitai hrivileSeri sembly opaaiv Ltraue;t e ra e; lgthsmSarf and TriCoua i accepted for publication. Hall, Rackham Bldg., 8 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Bird the Short Stories of Rudyard Kipling," ________Deeds, Mathematics; thesis: "The Stone- 1 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 7 School of Music Recital-Music Edu Cech Operator and Its Associated Func- Thurs, April 7, 2601 aven Ha, at 3 cation Students: Recital Hall, School of tionals," Thurs., April 7, 356 W. Engrg. pmC Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, M. S. Ram- CaenaiespparnenlAnAprian jn.Doctoral Examination for Jeysu Da ae d r Music, 8:30 p.m.___L__t rcn, yonetlSy u Stuen oranzaionnoics ae ot le eSc he oofishiUiesiyDeree R Aseitly-_AdamILen sCherk, EniroLnmenaleaLith; Schol ofMusi Deree ecitl -thesis: "A Study of the Extraction and University Management Development Schuyler Robinson, organist: Hill Aud., Doctoral Examination for Peter Mau- Cellular Transformation Rates of Select- McignrUnn am. _ren n":8:3_pm. rice Enggass, Geography; thesis: "Land ed utrients by Sphaerotilus Species," Reclamation and Resettlement in th Thurs., April 7, 3008 SPH, at 9:30 Botany Seminar-Dr. Otto T. Solbrig, Lower Guadalquivir Basin," Thurs., a.m. Chairman, G. M. Ridenour. Washtenaw District Nurses Associa- Harvard University, will speak on "Sys- April 7, 23 Angell Hall, at 10 a.m. Chair- tion Conference - Registration, Rack- ematics, Cytology and Molecular Biol- man, George Kish. 0 ogy (The Use of Chemical CharactersWntedr60mer anemaletn Uvs y an.ein Taxonomy)," Thurs., April 7, 4:15 to assist with Spring-Summer Registra- p.m. 1139 Nat. Science Bldg. Lecture: Dr. Richard L. Cameron of tion, May 3 and 4 at Waterman Gym- Inistitute of Labor and Industrial Re- ' ______ the Institute of Polar Studies, Ohio nasium. Report to Room 3007 Adnmin- utionsn he hang"Tng Ae"ican So- Dept. of Architecture Lecture-April 7, State University, will address the Geol- istration Bldg. as soon as possible.c Seminar-anheagn Amrinatin":83 .rc ngas egah;tei: Ln dNtinsb Sheoiu-pce, ciety": Michigan Union, 1:30 p.m. at 3:30r pRm. A aAi FReried -lementinthThurs.,April7,3008S Bot___ anyarchitonaris, FranceSobi, wLwrGaaqii ai, hr.,am himn .M ieor Mental Health Research Institute lecture on "Methods of an Undeter- Semiinar-Claude F. Baxter, Neurochem- mined Urbanism."______________________________ istry Laboratories, V.A. Hospital, Se- pulveda, Calif., "Metabolism of Amino g(eUN ic esLetater Acids in the CNS of Toads and Rats": eneiad -I$ 1057 MHRI, 2:15 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Chaote Lin, andSCor-3Comparative Literature; thesis: "Chin- loneltos":ardche eitecr-TeCagSe tfcAan9op-m. et r hietLctureil7120Angll B OXUieriy il dreste el sto RElg ssona osbe Cinema Guild-"Kind Hearts oiserie and Japonisme in French Lit- Mn" htHeltRear.,h7nstitut.eretureon"ethds., ofr a7n10Uner L ti saleHall, at 8 p.m. Chairman, R. J. Niess. pnulaCisf.,s"Letarol-sGuyf Amino, WeneralGnrmices LerUs "Some Aspects of Malagasy Phonology" Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Walter Reed Ce Gi KnHra CrBoland, Sociology; thesis: "American ept. of Speech University l sIri ns J Higeireaton: rA onet":Achiectre ud. 7 nd p~. Tagmre,"icurApprh," 12rs0,Aprill 7,S TR ien:uteL tud 8y.m.41 geal a, at 2 p Charman, $95 PER SEND EVERYTHING J. K. Yamagiwa. BOXFUL Suits, Coats, Dresses ORGANIZATION PLUS REGULAR Jackets and NO~iES C ARMSCLEANING CHARGES Other Woolens for the graduate- PAY NrEXTtFALL USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officiallyH N E N3- 85 recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB.. .. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Thurs., April 7, 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Holy Communion I service. Good Fri. services,a7:25 a.m. French Club, Le Baratin, Le Bara- K tin, every Thurs., 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Venez tous. from $1 .50 Lutheran Student Chapel, MaundyH Thur. services withr Communio 5 Sterling 1K FeGold day services at 12:45 p.m. & 7:15 p.m. Hill St. at Forest Ave.HIS The Christian Science Organization, Tiza.ionsnongFomae a:lable.,34n RoAB1011SAB ** * University Lutheran Chapel, Fri.. NO 3-4185 627S. MAIN April 8, 1 p.m., Good Fri. service tol: m end at 1:50 p.m.Rev. A. Spoomer, speak- Arcade Jewelry Shop FABRIC CARE SERVICE$ er.* * * 16 Nickels Arcade U. of . Chess Club, April 8, 7:30 p.m., 3D, Union. -ieze NDEA Title IV: Forms for new Fel- INTERVIEW: APRIL 13, WED. (a.m.)- lows have been mailed to department Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison-Will chairmen. If not received, please no- interview Lib. Arts Grads seeking teach- tify Associate Dean Miller, Graduate ing careers for their Teacher Intern- School. ship Program. One academic yr. plus 2! suhmpmer sessions leads to teaching cer- NDEA Title IV: Application material tificatdenic fieint MA in due. & for new 1967-68 fellowship departmental now at Bureau of Appointments, 3200 quotas will not be mailed to the Uni- SAB, phone 764-7460. versity until the end of April. POSITION OPENINGS: Bureau of Labor StatisticsCleveland, Placem ent Ohio-Interviewer for 3 wks. project. Student in Guid. & Counseling to ANNOUNCEMENTS travel 4-state area interviewing high SPECAL NTICEschool guidance counselors. Course in SPECIAL NOTICE: occupational lit. required. Federal Service Entrance Exam - Due Local Organization-Copy Editor/Proof to the large number of jobs still avail- reader. Grad. in Engl, or Journ., Biol. able with federal agencies throughout minor to work with science research the country, the final exam will be journals. Some publications exper. for given June 18. File by April 19 for career position. test to be given on May 21. Applica- Ingalls Shipbldg. Corp., Pascagoula, tion deadline for June 18 exam is May Miss.-Various openings including 1. 17. Details and applications available at Tech. writer. Man with BSME, age 35- Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. 40. 2. Elect. Engr. BSEE, Power option Attn.: Women Grads-The Univ. of req. 3. Naval Arch., BSNA, qual. for Michigan is participating in a salary secret clearance. 4. Mech. Engr., BS survey of 4-yr., bachelor's degree candi- for nuclear power inspection & testing. dates by the College Placement Coun- Also systems analyst, indust. engr., cil. We would appreciate being inform- change order estimator, etc. ed of job offers you receive. We need Anchor Hocking Glass Corp., Lancas- not know name of company but would ter, Ohio-Immed. openings for account- like category & salary offered. Please ants, auditors, ass't. credit mgr., an- come to General Div. Desk, Bureau of alyst programmer, plant engr., indust. Appointments, 3200 SAB & ask for copy engrs., indust. designer, etc. of salary survey sheet for reporting * * * job offers. NOTE: This is similar to For further information, please call salary survey for all degree level male 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- grads. Forms also available at Bureau. pointments, 3200 SAB. We seek an unusual man He must 4 be between 25-38 years of age. * possess a college degree, preferably 4 years * be willing to travel extensively, work irregular hours and relocate as part of career progression. * have the desire to succeed through competitive selling and hard work. Are you this man ? If you are, the American Machine & Foundry Company will provide compre- hensive class room, in-plant and market- place training to equip you for a future offering an unusual opportunity for ma- terial gain and a successful marketing career in the growing leisure-time rec- reation field.j Write The Michigan Daily, Box No. 21 in complete confidence An Equal Opportumity Employer We don't call it Hustler for n othrna 0 p 4 Suzuki X-6 Hustler, a heavyweight in responsiveness, a lightweight in price! ::k->. : ' y .. 1 PEI os U Suzuki are bore and you should he 1oo. April 1-9.. GIANT GIVE-AWAY OVER $1000 FREE REFRESHMENTS Suzuki Cycle Center 4040 Washtenow ' M l C OFFICE... 0 .4 William at Thompson to begin our .The spacious new office has eleven teller windows, three drive-in windows, free parking and more floor space than the main offices of most Michigan banks. Gene Fowler, Vice President, heads the experienced staff of this distinctive new office. Every full-service banking convenience will be available -including loans, safe deposit and trust services. So come and see our new Campus Office-Our door is always open for you. 0 74 th year of growth! I. 9 m - - - m