WAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY' TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1966 why cart all those clothes homeI 1UCall Greene's Cleaners today! We'll deliver a storage box- Fill it with your winter garments- We'll pick it up-clean your garments- Store them in our air conditioned vault. Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver- fresh and clean-beautifully pressed. It's so convenient-and cheaper than shipping. Still only $4.95 plus regular cleaning charges. Call and reserve your box today. Greene's Cleaners NO 2-3231 fir: Lattimore, Greene Attack U.S. Position in Asia at Conference Soviet Congress Concentrates On Revamping Public Image to (Continued from Page 1) "Our acting aggressive fulfills the role of opposition and unifies the Communists." Fried made the forceful point that generals are always fighting' their last war, never the present one. He said that Chinese mili- tary leaders are content to plan the same kind of campaigns they used against the Japanase and the Kuomintang in their Viet Nam strategy against the Americans. He added that the Americans are wag-; ing the same kind of war they fought successfully in Europe dur- ing World War II, which was char- acterized by the bombing of cities and military installations. Both of these plans are no long- er relevant to the kind of war cur-' rently being fought, and Fried said" that there must be a revision of strategy on both sides in order to arrive at some kind of meaning- ful settlement. Lattimore hit United States' pol- icy in Southeast Asia. "We are the continuers of a French policy of attempted colon- ial conquest." The U.S., he said, put into power all the South Viet- namese government leaders, in- cluding its current Premier Ky, "who has previously said that what South Viet Nam needs is a half-dozen Hitlers'." By denying that the war is root- ed in South Viet Nam and treat- ing it as aggression from the North, we "make possible the claim that the Viet Cong is not indigenous to South Viet Nam, but is controlled by Hanoi, and Ha- SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAIIL7 noi in turn is controlled by China." This enables us to eventually ex- pand the war into China. The war, he said, "is a continu- ation of a colonial war for the lib- eration of a people; it is a civil war within the society of Viet Nam itself." "In Viet Nam, we have a colon- ial war as well as a civil war. The Vietnamese people started resist- ance against France in the 1930's. They fought France, and when France left we stayed on." Ngo Din Diem, like the other Saigon governments, was "brought in by foreigners." "We've acted as if there are two separate and sovereign na- tions, one trying to attack the oth- er. This is how we get out of ac- cepting the civil war concept." Be- cause so few people know any- thing about the history of Viet Nam, it is easy for the "propa- ganda line from Washington to mask the problems which are at issue." He assailed the "domino theory," which holds that if Viet Nam falls, so will the rest of Southeast Asia. "The trouble with the theory is that it assumes that all countries are the same and will behave the same way." It fails to take into account the enormous differences that exist'between the countries of the area. "Thailand has never been sub- jugated under colonial rule the way Viet Nam has," and there- fore its politics are free of a lib- eration issue. If one gets civil war in Thailand it will be for the indigenous reason of class differ- ences and class hostility." And Burma "is quite different from either Thailand or Viet Nam." The speeches were followed by a debate over United States China policy between Lattimore, Greene and Prof. Anatol Rapoport of thel Mental Health Research Institute on one side and Organski and Prof. Richard Solomon of the his- tory department. At times the ex- change between Organski and Ra- poport became strained, Organski often raising his voice to both the audience and his opponents. The audience, when dissatisfied with the speakers, hissed or shouted questions. The emotional peak of the con- ference was reached shortly after midnight in a heated seminar in Auditorium B featuring Rapoport and Organski, who defended Amer- ica's China policy. Rapoport had charged in the panel discussion earlier that eve- ning that political science was the "dismal science of the 20th cen- tury," seemingly accepting the ne- cessity and inevitability of war. Organski vigorously defended his discipline. A series of critical questions di- rected at Organski apparently raised his ire. He charged that one student's question showed that he knew nothing about political science and that the student would be unable to pass the sim- plest question on an introductory political science exam. Prof. Thomas Mayer of the so- ciology department, who was seat- ed near the podium, lept up and pointed at Organski claiming that he would be unable to pass the simplest question on his introduc- tory sociology exam. Organski came down into the audience and slapped at Mayer's outstretched arms, and the two professors had to be physically restrained from each other to pre- vent violence. Organski then walk- ed out of the seminar. By The Associated Press The Soviet Communist party's leadership has had a week of its 23rd congress--the first congress without the noisy presence of Ni- kita S. Khrushchev-in which to project its image berore the So- viet public. It has offered little for .the average Soviet citizen to cheer about. The leaders have denied Stalin again and voiced their aversion to Stalinism. But they have re- treated into some aspects of Stal- inism, evidently out of apprehen- sion over the future oft he en- trenched top-level bureaucracy. Basically, what seems to have happened is that the relaxations' of the post-Stalin era had gone too far for the leaders' own com- fort. Criticism of the Stalin era implied criticism of the party it- self. Return to Past Now, in some respects, the lead- ers seem to be intent upon re- turning to some aspects of the past. They seem to want to clean up that picture of the Stalin eras the butt of so much outspoken criticism in the past 10 years, and to upgrade the party's history. The object appears to be to halt an erosion of party authority en- gendered by cynicism among young people and intellectuals. The leaders have revived the terms Politburo and general sec- retary, both indelibly stamped with the Stalin era. There ap- pears to be almost a desperation in this, to make clear that the Communist party of the Soviet Union remains the Bolshevik par- ty of Lenin's and Stalin's day. Sterner Discipline Soviet intellectuals now can be- gin worrying about sterner disci- pline and more rigid control of what they can say and do. The: restoration of the old terms has bridged a 14-year gap, overlapping the whole Khrushchev era and its promise of liberalization, and re-establishing a link to the Stal- in period. Obviously, some in the party leadership are unhappy with mat- ters as they have been recently. By official count, there are 11,- 673,676 Communist party members and 797,403 candidate members, which means that one in every 18 Soviet men, women and children is a member of the party. That is more than five million above the number in 1956 at the time of the 20th-de-Stalinization-congress. Membership in the party once was difficult to achieve. It was considered the only reliable step- ping stone td\ a successful career. Khrushchev, as a consummate pol- itician, increased party ranks to' buttress his power. Those who sought membership purely for rea- sons of personal advancement - basically the cynical unbelievers- swelled party ranks and diluted party authority. Party Cheapened Today, party membership is no longer necessary for a successful career. Indeed, many do quite well outside the party ranks. The goal of party membership obviously has been cheapened, as Communists view it. Brezhnev may have had all this in mind when he told the con- gress that party membership henceforth would be more diffi- cult to achieve. Young people wanting to get into the party will do so only after careful screen- ing. Gradually the party may be scaled down to a membership which is more manageable. But the leaders are far from finished with their problems. De- mand from below for a more lib- eralized system and a better share of Soviet wealth probably is more insistent now than ever. Ideol- ogical ideas have pushed in from the West. If it takes a form of Stalinism to mute the implied criticism of party leadership, the machinery now exists in the light of what the congress has produced to date. A- 974...,..... ...........?.1:1°J:{^::":":":1 f{: .S ti::"':.:::":'" ttA...{...VJ>.............v..........W:aS........\......:.o.. \. .t. .. . . . . . . .:... \- :.nn. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .. . ..4, S. SV The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TVPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; pay Calendar items appear once only Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Day Calendar National Rehabilitation Association Conference - Registration, Rackham Lobby, 8:30 a.m.I INTERNATIONAL CENTER PROGRAM COUNCIL MASS MEETING Tues., April 5. at.:00 PO. Interniationial Center University Management Seminar -' "Management Orientation"; Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. School of Music Recital-Saxophone Students: Recital Hall, School of Mu- sic, 12:30 p.m. Management Development Seminar- "On-the-Job Coaching and Counseling": Michigan Union, 1:30 p.m. School of Music Degree Recital-Gary Burgess, euphonium and trombone: Re- cital Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Center for Programmed Learning for Business Seminar-"Management of Be- havior Change": Michigan Union, 8:30 p .m. G en eralNois Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the Iollowing rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28,1936: Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed or subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be, reported to the Cashier of the University and a) All academic credits will be with- held, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. b) All students owing such accounts' will not be allowed to register in any ssubsequent semester- or summer ses- sion until payment'has been made. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admis- sion Test on Sat., April 9, are request- ed to report to.130 Bus. Admin. Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. ALL STUDENTS INVITED Wanted: 20 graduate students to as- sess tuition at Spring-Summer Registra- tion, May 3 and 4. $1.50 per hour. Re- port to Room 3007 Administration Bldg. as soon as possible. Doctoral Examination for Bo-Jang Nu, Aerospace Engineering; thesis: "An Ex- perimental Study of the Structure of Turbulence Near the Wall Through Cor- relation Measurements in a Thick Tur- bulent Boundary Layer," Tues., April 5, E. Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. W. Willmarth. Doctoral Examination for Peyton Wood Owston, Forestry; thesis: "Shoot Apex Development in Eastern White Pine Saplings," 'Tues., April 5, 1032 Nat. Res. Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, Robert Zahner. Doctoral Examination for Sister Mary Seraphine Bennett, Mathematics: thes- is: "On Rainville's Classification of Polynomial Sets," Tues., April 5, 148 W. Engrg. Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, J. L. Goldberg. Doctoral Examination for Michael William Kaufman, English Language & Literature; thesis: "More True Than Strange: A Study of Shakespeare's Com- ic Ralism," Tues., April 5, 2601 Haven Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman, Paul Muesch- ke. Doctoral Examination for Frederick Frank Giarrusso, Chemistry; thesis: "A Stereskiective Approach toward the To- tal Synthesis of d, 1-Desoxypodocarpic Acid," Tues., April 5, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 4:30 p.m. Co-Chairmen, R. E. Ireland and R. G. Lawton, Doctoral Examination for Abdul-Ra- him Ashir, Zoology; thesis: "Gastric Secretion in the Bullheads Ictalurus melas and Ictalurus natalis," Tues., April 5, 1032 Nat. Res. Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. E. Bardach. Doctoral Examination for Roger Frank Verhey, Mathematics; thesis: "Diffeo- morphic Invarients of Normal Im- mersions of the\Circle into the Plane," ORGAN IZATION ONOTICES USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. * * * Physical Therapy Club; Dr. Gordon of the Physical Therapy Dept. will speak on "The Adjustments of the Handicapped Child," April 5, 7:30 p.m., P.T. Conference Room, University Hos- pital, 3rd Floor. a 'a " University Lutheran Chapel, Wed- nesday evening decotion, Wed., April 5, 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual initiation Tues., April 5, 333 W. Engrg. Bldg., at dinner, Mon., April 11, 7 p.m., Michi- 3:30 p.m. Chairman, C. J. Titus, gan Union Ballroom. Dr. William R. Keast, president'of Wayne State Univer- Doctoral Examination for Robert sity, will be the speaker. Reservations Ford Dakin, English & Education; thes- should be made with the secretary, is: "The Dialect Vocabulary'of the Hazel M. Losh, by Fri., April 8. Mem- Ohio River Valley: A Survey of the bers of other chapters invited. Distribution of Selected Vocabulary Forms' in an Area of Com lexS ettle. ment History," Tues., April 5. W.Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Downer. Doctoral Examination for Edwaivi Kready Kraybill, Education; thesi: "Evaluative Study of Summer Insti- tute on Effective Teaching for Engi- neering Teachers," Thursday, Aprl 7, E. Council Room. Rackhan Bldg. at 9 a.m. Chairman, J. S. Brubacher. Foreign Visitors The following are the foreign vis' tors programmed through the Interna- tional Center who will be on campus this week on the dates indicated. Pro- gram arrangements are being made by Mrs. Clitfford R. Miller. International Center. 764-2148. Carl Friedrich Curtius chief admin- istrative officer, University of Frei- burg, Freiburg, Germany, March 31- April 8. Ahmed K. Aboulmagd, cultural coun- selor, Embassy of the United Arab Republic, Cultural and Educational. Bu- reau, Washington, D.C., April 5. The Rev. Eustace M. Hayden, lec- turer in sociology and politics, National University of Ireland, University Col- lege, Galway, Ireland, April 6-9. Miss Reiko Dohi, student in linguist- ics, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Mich., April 6-13. Mrs. Sam Olaitan (Funlayo), elemen- tary teacher and headmistress of an elementary school in Lagos, Nigerio, April 10-12. Dr. Somphou Oudomvilay, director of Teacher Training Ministry of National Education, Vientiane, Laos, April 10-13. Placemen ANNOUNCEMENT: Federal Service Entrance Exam--FSEl applications for May 21 exam must be received or postmarked by April 19. This is the final test before next fall. Ap- plications available at Bureau of Ap- pointments. POSITION OPENINGS: Northwestern Univ., Chicago - Attn.: April & June Grads. BS BioI, or Chem. Positions with med. res. programs in Medical School on Chicago Campus, including Histology, Metabolism, Path- ology & Anesthesiology. Mgmt. Consultants, Chicago-Ass't. to V.-P. of Mktg. Tech, degree pref., MBA. 1-4 yrs. indust. exper. in sales or rel. Some travel. Interest in mtg.-leads to mktg. mgmt. Miles Labs., Elkhart, Ind. - Med. Repres. For sales & promotion of diagnostic products. Should be of Tai- wanese or Chinese ancestry. Ability to read & write Taiwanese, Mandarin & English. Bkgd. in Med. Tech. pref.; trng. in biol. or chem. will be consid- ered. Trng. in Taipei, assignment to Hong Kong territory for sales dev. Houghton Mfflin Co., Boston, Mass. -1. Edit. Asst. Jr. & Sr. high school science. BS Science. Strong knowl. of sciences. Bkgd. In Engl, comp. Teach- ing exper. pref. 2. Edit Asst. Elem. & Sec. School Math. BS Math. Know. of modern math. Bkgd. in Eng. comp. Teaching exper. pref. 3. Sr. Project Editor in Math. Min. BS Math. Teach- ing or editing exper. 4. Sr. Project Edi- tor in Sci. Min. BS Science. Strong bkgd. in sciences req. Teaching or edit- ing exper. Lederle Labs., Sylvania, Ohio-Phar- maceutical Salesmen. Immed. openings for male grads. Some exper. pref., not req. Age 25-30, married. Some travel. Auto furnished. Sell to doctors, drug stores, hospitals, etc. City of Toledo, Ohio-Planners. Ma- jor in Civil Engrg., Geog., Land. Arch., Public Admin. or rel. Exper. or Mas- ter's will qualify for higher rating. Applications must be filed in person. Dept. of the Air Force, Edwards AF.B., Calif.-Chief Scientist for Rocket Pro- pulsion Lab. PhD in sciences or engrg. assoc. with rocketry. 10 .yrs. exper. In major scientific or tech. field, includ- ing 6 yrs. spec. exper, in rocket propul- sion res. or dev. Application deadline April 18. Defense Atomic Support Agency, Ra- dioiol. Res. institute, Bethesda, Md.- Instrumentation Engr. MS, or BS with equiv. exper. Also Nuclear Physicist. PhD or equiv. exper. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: r Wite Levi's. Guys Nothing looks better than a guy in White Levi's- except a gal. You. 'Cause White Levi's for gals hug those hips, hug you all the way down.Slim, trim and figure-flattering. All the "in" colors in heavyweight cotton twill at $5.00-in heavyweight cotton r corduroy, $6.00. You can tell'em by the Tab .- ..- The TAB and the word 'LEV!S' are registered trademarks. !!M. TI for all campus wear 214-218 South State AUTHOR'S PARTY at the CENTICORE BOOKSHOP One of America's Foremost Literary Critics, JOHN, T. ALDRIDGE, will sign copies of his new book on the contemporary novel in crisis, Time to Murder and Create, a controversial assessment of John O'Hara, Katherine Anne Porter, Norman Mailer, Alan Sillitoe, John Cheever, Saul Bellow, Mary I I i III