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One inch of snow and sleet
changing to afternoon flurries
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
it ouncil asses Urban lannin Lei
After over a year of planning,
consultation and debate the Ann
gested a complex of high rise the city's high-rise report and the its final code. Councilman Paul thermore, amendments and ad-
apartments were planned for the council's wishes. Johnson, who had been active in iustments to the Ann Arbor zon-
S o u t h University - Washtenaw The council found itself unable the intital preparation of the ing map were included in order
Arbor City Council passed its first neighborhood. to rush a high-rise code into law
major code of legislation regard- due to the complexity of the issues
ing high-rise buildings this week. mhethit-i c involved. While the high-rise re-
The Comprehensive High - Rise mittee was in consultation and port advocated a height limitation,
and Parking Ordinance, derived later when the council was exam- local developer Richard Ahern
from the Central Business Dis- ining its results, city officials were presented a report to council that
trict (CBD) Report made by Ufni- hampered in planning by lack of suggested the height limitation
versity and community authorities, this legislation. Standards could would interfere with effective ur-
became law when it was passed on not be enforced for University ban design. Council appeared sig-
second reading at a regular coun- Towers' construction. Even after nificantly impressed with Ahern 's
cil session. council had begun considering the suggestions, and throughout the
The standards set were signi- legislation, it could not refuse a ;late summer and fall, other de-
ficant because the University building permit to the develop- velopers made similar presenta-
$ Towers development had been ment at Maynard and East Wil- tions.
constructed far in excess of these liam Streets, though the develop- The council had thus considered
bounds. In addition, rumors sug- ment's plan was contrary to both much testimony before it passed
high-rise report, had expressed
some dissatisfaction with the pro-
cedure and results of the council's
examination of the report and cast
the only dissenting vote in the
ordinance's passage.
The ordinance is significant for
the many facets of construction
which it handles and especially,
the concept of premiums which it
that the legislation coul
ed to the best interests
be gear-
of each
The area affected involves the
city west of State Street and be-
tween Kingsley a n d Madison
Streets. It also includes the Pack-
ard-South State Street intersec-;
tion and the South University-,
East University Street area.
setbacks for all buildings above miums are intended to encourage'
five stories and building setbacks developments which allow for am-
of at least 30 per cent of lot area ple public open space, free flow of
for smaller structures. While no pedestrian traffic, abundant light
height limitation in either feet or and air, and other related ele-
stories was set, a maximum usableIan atpdotead m -t
floor area in percentage of net lot ments that protect and promote
area was set at 400 per cent for the health, safety and welfare of
buildings without "premiums" and the community."
600 per cent for buildings con- The premiums would be granted
structed with "premiums." for several basic elements within4
"Premiums" were defined by the the architecture of a development
city clerk to be "legal authoriza- such as planning of open outdoor
tion to exceed the normal maxi- plazas, inner plazas, inner arcades,
mum usable floor area percent-|and roof plazas.
ages . . . not available unless a In the Parking Ordinance, coun-
structure and its surrounding cil attempted to make developers
building site incorporate certain!responsible for providing reason-
architectural features . ..Pre- able parking area in 'on site" and
site" facilities. Several sp-
>arking districts were created
he downtown area northwest
he University's central cam-
In this area already, council
authorized malls and traffic-
us, council has made its first
attempt at regulating urban
pment. It is further con-
=d with developing circular
e routes and cognated park-
'acilities to limit traffic into
central campus and business
cts. The design and facilities
Aerating a modern Ann Arbor
eing constructed for the first
in the city's history.
defines. It sets varying standards Of major significance is the C-'
for usable floor area in percent- 2A classification given the South
age of lot area, the distance var- University - East University area,
ious wall types must be set back the Campus Village. Provisions for
from the street, maximum height high-rise control in this area
and maximum gross lot size. Fur- would conserve air space with wall
- What's New at_764-1817J ohnson
"Students have until midnight tonight to mail their course
evaluation questionnaires," a representative of the Course Evalu-
tions Committee, said yesterday. The committee spokesman termed
the response "not up to expectations" and noted "it has not even
equalled last year's total as yet."
The survey, sponsored by the major student organizations,
is designed to evaluate professors and courses at the University.
The results are to be published in a booklet before preregistration.
The Bookery, the SGC-sponsored book exchange, broke even
on sale of books although it lost money on other expenses,
according to Rick Schenhals, member of the Bookery committee.
The books not bought by students were sold to a local bookstore.
The committee will present final figures in a report to SGC in
about two weeks, at which time SOC will consider whether to
operate the Bookery next semester.
The Student Book Service, a commercial bookstore which sells
texts at a 10 per cent discount, is doing "much better than ex-
pected," according to Prof. Fred Shure, proprietor. He mentioned
having to send special delivery for extra books, in response to
the huge student demand.
Managers of local bookstores could not make definite state-
ments as to whether the Bookery and Book Service had cut into
their businesses. Although several felt the new store "must have"
had some effect, all felt that other factors clouded the issue.
** * *
J. Duncan Sells, director of University residence halls, is
scheduled to be released from St. Joseph's Hospital this morning,
nine weeks after his automobile crash where he suffered internal
injuries, fracture of the pelvis in three places, two fused verte-
v brae and fractured ribs. He had continued working from his hos-
pital room and will resume regular office hours gradually.
Formation of the faculty advisory committee for the new
University of Michigan Highway Safety Research Institute was
completed at a general faculty meeting yesterday. Prof. Robert L.
Hess of the school of engineering and associate director of the
Institute of Science and Technology will organize the new in-
stitute's program.
The faculty advisory committee will consist of Professors Jay
A. Bolt and Samuel K. Clark of the engineering school, Prof.
Alfred F. Conrad of the law school, Prof. Donald F. Huelke of
the anatomy department of the medical school, Prof. John B.
Lansing of the economics department, Prof. Arthur W. Melton
of the psychology department, Prof. Irwin M. Rosenstock of the
school of public health, Prof. Melvin L. Selzer of the psychiatry
department, Prof. W. Allen Spivey of the department of statistics
of the school of business administration, and Prof. Chris J. D.
Zarafoneti$ of the department of internal medicine of the medical
The number of men registered for rush rose to approximately
850 yesterday, Interfraternity Council President Richard A.
Hoppe, '66, said last night. Hoppe predicted a total of 1100 rushees
will have signed up before rush begins Sunday.
Wieta p
At tonight's meeting, Student Government Council will con-
sider a motion to contribute $100 in aid to the Student Legal
Defense Committee in its attempt to defend the 12 Michigan
students who sat in at the Ann Arbor Selective Service board
office in protest against the war in Viet Nam. The SLDC is
attempting to collect $5000 for defense costs. According to the
motion's sponsors, Mickey Eisenberg, '67, and Paula Cameron,
'67, about $2000 has been donated by the faculty members and
remaining $3000 is being sought from students and student
Also on the agenda is a motion to establish an interim strue
ture for the Student Housing Association. If passed, the motion
will set up committees dealing with leases, low cost housing, co-
operative housing and improvement of building codes.
The American Conservatory Theatre will launch a series of
"Late, Late Shows" next weekend. "Beyond the Fringe" will be
presented in a new 1966 version for two late night performances
at 11 p.m. after the "Tiny Alice" performance, Friday and Sat-
urday, Jan. 21 and 22 at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Endgame" by Samuel Beckett will be presented Friday night,
Jan. 28, after the performance of "Tartuffe."
.1 .
A CL U Demands
By ROGER RAPOPORT ' join the Selective Service from
The American Civil Liberties proceeding with these hearings
Union took its battle against h without the opportunity for reg-a
Selective Service system to fed-
eral court yesterday. The ACLU
filed for an injunction that would'
require draft boards to allow reg-
istrants to have legal counsel and
a court record at their appeal
The injunction request was fil-
ed in Eastern Michigan Federal
Court in Detroit on behalf of
Ronald Miller, '68, one of the 12
University students reclassified in
SAIGON, South Viet Nanm ' P
-The Vietnamese government
will order athree-day cease-
fire during the comning lunar
New Year festival. the govern-
ment news agenev, Viet Nam
Epress, reported this morning.
The Communists already had
offered a. four-day cease-fire.
the Ann Arbor draft board sit-in
j Oct. 15, an ACLU spokesman in-
istrants to be represented by coun-
sel and to make a record."
Meanwhile, Michigan Selective
Service Director Col. Arthur
Holmes said yesterday that he will
make no recommendations for
changes in the draft reclassifica-
tions of University of Michigan
students who lost deferments aft-,
er their anti-Viet Nam war sit-in.
Holmes said that Washington
Selective Service officials advised
him yesterday that Vinson's let-
ter on the subject contained noth-
ing to warrant a change.
"Unless I am ordered to do so!
by my superiors, I do not plan to
recommend any change in the1
draft status of the students,"
Holmes said.
In related developments the
ACLU's National Counsel Melvin
Wulf expiessed doubts over the
significance of the opinion on the
reclassification given by Assistant
Attorney General Fred M. Vinson,
Jr. on Tuesday.
"In general we find the state-
Reveals No
Chances To
End Fighting
Asks $112.8 Billion
With No Tax Increase
Many National Laws
By The Associated Prrpc
WASHINGTON - President
Lyndon B. Johnson told Congress
that the "brutal and bitter" con-
flict in Viet Nam need not tor-
pedo the "Great Society," in his
State of the Union speech last
But he proposed holding out a
bigger share of paychecks to help
simplify taxes along with minor
upward boosts-but not general
tax rise-to help finance the Viet-
namese conflict as part of a rec-
ord-breaking $112.8 billion federal
budget for the new fiscal year
starting next July 1.
Many congressmen were against
any proposed tax hikes, no mat-
ter how minor: "I am 100 per
cent opposed," said Sen Vance
Hartke (D-Ind).
In his address to a joint ses-
sion of Congress, Johnson propos-
ed, among other things:
--A four-year term for House
members instead of the present
two-year term;
-Creation of a new Cabinet
department of transportation;
--A speeding up of the anti-
poverty program in spite of ex-
penses of the Vietnamese war.
He promised to pursue peace but
said that in Viet Nam "we will
stay until aggression has stopped."
He said his peace campaign so
far has produced "no response to
prove either success or failure."
Johnson sounded no threats or
But he said too, that, "We do
not in nd to abandon Asia to
At the end of his lengthy ad-
dress, Johnson had a somewhat
encouraging note on the war: "I
am hopeful, and I will try, to end
this battle and return our sons
to their desires." he said.
Johnson could give no slight-
est clue, however, as to when it
might be possible to persuade the
North Vietnamese to talk peace.
Nor, did he say how long the
United States might continue its
pause in the bombing of North
Viet Nam, now in its 20th day.
In the new budget, however, the
increased spending will go large-
See JOHNSON, Page 3
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
dicated. ment quite god, however, I think it'
The spokesman said his organi- seems a little ambiguous," said
zation plans to file for a similar Wulf.
injunction next week in Washing- Yesterday the New York Times
ton, D.C., on behalf of Robert said that Vinson's opinion express-
Sklar, '68, another of the students ed in a letter to Sen. Philip Hart.
reclassified for sitting in. "implied that the Justice Depart-
In appeal hearings held pre- ment would not support the Selec-
viously, reclassified University tive Service System if draftees
students have been denied permis- challenged the reclassification in
sion to have either legal counsel court."
or a court record. However, Wulf said he was not
The ACLU spokesman said his certain that Vinson's statement
organization was "seeking to en- ; had that intent.
THE NEW OFFICERS of Graduate Student Council pose on the steps of the Rackham Bldg. after
their election. From top to bottom, they are: John De Lamater, president; Robert Goyer, vice-presi-
dent; Robert Fisher, treasurer; and Mary Mansnerus, recording secretary.
GSC Se ie011S
GSCElects Officers And
Discusses Fuure Policies
'U' Flint
The dispute over expansion of
the University's Flint College
branch was suddenly brought back
into the public eye yesterday,.
when Gov. George Romney and
State Board of Education Presi-
dent Thomas Brennan presented a
detailed account of their appar-
ently unsuccessful attempts to
amicably settle the issue with
Flint citizens and University of-
Romney and Brennan cited
By LYNNE ROTHSCHILD of the graduate school's rapid tee plans to investigate the pres-
OGa 1S e Jo i. growth, its problems are also in- ent language requirements in the
-Graduate Student Council held creasing. Some of these, especially school and to look into the train-t
its annual elections last night, those involving criteria for fac- ing, rate of pay and facilities forE
naming John De Lamater (social ulty members and the large size teaching fellows. GSC also hopes
Ba n chn psychology) as president, Robert of classes, are very familiar to dif- to investigate the possibility of a'
Goyer (education and psychology) I ficulties encountered on the un- tax exemption for them.-
vice-president, Robert Fisher (po- dergraduate level. Goyer said that GSC will con-
several occasions during the past litical science treasurer, and Mary Also GSC will be trying to make tinue its campaign for additional
nine months on which they felt Mansnerus (linguistics) recording minor changes in the Rackham and more reasonably priced facili-t
wihtefetsecretary. Building in order to provide addi-
s lation ad ethreeadinglrep- At the meeting plans for the tional study space for graduate ghousing.
coming year were discussed by the students. For example, the pres- De Lamater felt, however, that
resentatives of the Flint commun- new officers and past president ent study facilities in the build- major attention should be direct-1
ity or University administrators James McEvoy. ing could be used to better ad- ed towards the general problems,
again reluctant to agree with the For one thing, GSC will at- cantage by installing coffee ma- of graduate education with less
board on a settlement. tempt to remedy "existing prob- chines and by improving the light- concentration upon peripheral
Meetings with Flint officials last lems in the graduate school." De ing, many felt.,I problems such as parking and
summer, a conference with Uni- Lamater commented that because The Graduate Affairs Commit- housing.
SGC Views Plans for '66
By HARRIET DEUTCH necessary textbooks nor could it building of a student union on the
- _, se1l many kinds nf snftwonds i North Camnus. SGC Executive
versity President Harlan Hatcher
and Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith in November.
and a December meeting at the
home of Flint philanthropist C. S.
Mott were singled out by the Students
governor and Brennan. The report
called the December meeting with
University officials amicable, but By SHIRLEY ROSICK
noted that the University has
since requested funds for Flint Reports that Vice-Preside
expansion in its 1966-'67 budget Student Affairs Richard
request. ulans not to recommendt
Dismayed With Bookstore Report
nt for
to the
would inform us of any decisions
he had reached on the bookstore,
yet Wednesday's report was the
first that we had heard,"
but asked, "What's the good of it the specific, content of Cutler's
without substantive action?" report, objecting that it has not
.pf af ,r ci 'been actually established that it
nesci14.uig of Lile . A r *is j""-"
"a symbol to
please students
will disapprove of a discount book-
IT.Tcou'eiye','in acnveration last
t .,. .v, .,.,., .,.. .,.,., .,.. .., u.. .._
Brennan and Romnev ,ae their Reaents tne estaolsnment of a
Eisenberg said -that the book- without giving them what they