Sevrnty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Faculty Review: Kautsky and Marx e Opinios Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. uth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEIFFER T omorrow s Election: Candidate Endorsements STUDENT IMPACT on community af- fairs will get its first substantial test tomorrow in the City Council election. Hopefully, students will cast enough votes to exert their long-frustrated influence on the city's welfare. Students have definite needs which may be satisfied by city action, but their problems are well-integrated in the gen- eral needs of the community. Therefore, city councilmen should be individuals who can come up with com- prehensive plans that deal with needs of all groups simultaneously. In order for an individual to serve effectively at a time when the community needs comprehen- sive and thorough solutions to its prob- lems, councilmen must come into office well-informed, thoughtful, energetic and prepared to provide thorough programs to a city with a greatly expanding popu- lation and long-time injustices to certain groups. IT IS WITH a student's eye into an evolv- ing circle of civic affairs that the fol- lowing evaluations and endorsements are offered. In the first ward: MRS. EUNICE BURNS, a Democratic incumbent, should be retained. She is one of the most knowledgeable figures in the community on city planning and hous- ing, and her hard work in Council and citizen committees is laudable. Mrs. Burns was a central figure in getting a compre- hensive and intelligent high-rise code for Ann Arbor this fall. Furthermore, she defends the interests of some "silent" constituents in her ward and the general community: the poor, minority group members, and students. She offers much to Council in her exper- ience, and remarkable understanding of trends and statistics in community prob- lems. Mallory Thomas, her opponent, is new to Council politics, and lacks general understanding of several important issues. While Council would be hurt if he were elected at Mrs. Burns' expense, Mr. Thom- as should not be lost to Ann Arbor. He is Intelligent, thoughtful on problems in the community, and not restrained by commitment to any past Council party policy. He is one of the most promising candi- dates in the current campaign, and per- haps, with additional experience in the city's commission structure could gain the necessary understanding for a future Council seat. In the second ward: DEAN DOUTHAT, a new Democratic candidate, should be elected. He is the only new figure in the Council race who thinks in terms of effective concrete pro- posals for a wide range of current prob- lems. He clearly understands all major issues, has a sound factual background, and is intelligent and energetic enough to move Council to action. Douthat is not prejudiced toward any political procedure, and has sound and promising theories on how the University and city could unite to bring action to many neglected areas. James Riecker, his opponent, lacks sensitivity to needs. He seems to know where community problems lie, but has not formulated any answers of his own. In a highly student-populated ward, he has allowed his campaign to be directed in a nature which marks his as anti- student. While he is an intelligent and energetic man, Mr. Riecker seems to lack the abil- ity to get into complicated problems de- manding immediate attention. In the third ward: ROBERT WEEKS, a Democrat, should be retained. Of 'the incumbents running for re-election, Mr. Weeks seems to have the most influence on fellow councilmen. He is knowledgeable and energetic, and takes decisive action towards investigat- ing and solving problems. His work in high rise legislation, hu- man relations, and public housing is ad- mirable. As a forceful influence on Coun- cil for progressive legislation, Mr. Weeks is definitely worth retaining. Donald Kenney, his opponent, is an intelligent and energetic man, but also fails to provide answers to existing prob- lems on Council is facing. It is difficult to ascertain where Mr. Kenney stands on several issues, and it appears that he w;-,- I - vi - ^v- nt.-m-n+, ttllf ''~ forced into action by private developers or the University itself. Representing a non-student ward, Dr. Pierce defends the interests of good government, minority groups, and the general community. He is a creative and independent thinker who understands Council's business: both what it is and what it can best be. Robert Jagitsch, his opponent, has based much of his campaign on a war rec- ord and a conservative philosophy. At a time when it may take original action to remedy grave problems, it would appear that Mr. Jagitsch is prejudiced against several tenable solutions. It is difficult to determine how Mr. Jagitsch stands on student concerns in civic affairs since he failed to participate in the only student candidate interview sessions this cam- paign. In the fifth ward: LeROY CAPPAERT, a Democrat, should be re-elected. He has been most concern- ed with securing just action benefitting often-neglected groups in the commu- nity. He has urged all city business be con- ducted in public whenever possible, and has spent much time helping individual constituents represent themselves in busi- ness with the community and large pri- vate concerns. Mr. Cappaert is well-in- formed and intelligent, and displays, an unusual regard for just action in Coun- cil. Dale Boyd, his opponent, manifests a conservative philosophy, as does his fourth ward counterpart. He also did not attend the SHA candidates' night. We fear that Mr. Boyd, like Mr. Jag- itsch, would rule out certain methods of governmental action which could provide much-needed solutions for current prob- lems, such as the use of federal funds to subsidize low-rent housing. Approach- ing Council with such a conservative out- look, Mr. Boyd may be pre-disposed to denying Ann Arbor certain progressive forms of governmental action. PERHAPS IT APPEARS unusual that we have endorsed five Democrats. However, we have found that each has offered a detailed and intelligent pro- gram of leadership augmenting the strong foundation set down in their party plat- form. Their individual and party goals are in the best interests of Ann Arbor. The last Council has been one of the most dynamic in city history. It has made great gains in civil rights, housing, and city planning. Much of this has been due to the efforts of the Democrats in pro- viding the climate and outlook necessary for progressive legislation. They share credit with Mayor Wendell Hulcher, a Re- publican, and several Republican coun- cilmen who have sought realistic reme- dies for city problems. The one new Democrat, Dean Douthat, rivals all candidates-including the in- cumbents-in potential. He is certainly the most dominating figure in the cam- paign. rWO BONDING PROPOSALS will be of- fered to homeowners tomorrow. If they are passed, the city would be empowered to secure funds through bonds for road construction and expansion and improve- ment of recreational facilities. The road construction proposal would apply funds to improving several nuisance intersections such as the one at Forest and Washtenaw and widen and improve existing roads. The other proposal would empower the community to act to censerve several areas for recreational purposes and build swimming pools and skating rinks. Most candidates have endorsed these proposals even though their passage would mean a tax increase of approximately $1.37 per thousand dollars. For any student property owners, pass- age of these bonding bills would be a definite move toward the community's best interests. THE NEW COUNCIL will be unable to escape the pressing issues studied and debated by their predecessors. The vot- ers' choice of councilmen will determine how those issues are to be faced, and students who have recently gained vot- ing power will now be instrumental in that decision. We urge all students who are registered THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT by Karl Kaut- sky, The University of Mich- igan Press, 1964, 149 pages, $1.75. By CARL COHEN Associate Professor of Philosophy KARL MARX. in his criticism of the Gotha party programme, wrote this memorable passage in May, 1875: "Between capitalist and com- munist society lies the period of the revolutionary transforma- tion of the one into the other. This requires a political transi- tion stage, which can be nothing else than the revolutionary dic- tatorship of the proletariat." Few expressions in human his- tory have had greater influence upon the lives of more people than his cryptic phrase "dictator- ship of the proletariat." Marx himself made little of it; neither did his followers place much em- phasis upon it-until just prior to the successful communist revolu- tion in 1917, when Lenin pounced upon this passage as the key to successful advance toward the communist objectives. When, after the revolution Lenin was placed in the position of' having to manage the affairs of a mammoth state, and at the same time consolidate the forces of the successful Bolshevik wing of the revolutionary movement, he developed a consuming need for personal power. THAT PASSING reference to the dictatorship of the proletariat, he then insisted, was the ,"essence" of Marx's revolutionary teachings, and the justification for his own heavy-handed rule. So, in one very early pronouncement of the new revolutionary government, the proletarian dictatorship is declar- ed, to be and to remain in a per- manent state of war against the bourgeoisie. "Those who cry out about the violence of the Communists completely forget what dictator- ship really is. The Revolution itself is an act of naked force. The word dictatorship signifies in all languages nothing less than government by force. The class meaning of force is here important, for it furnishes the historical justification of revolu- tionary force, It is also quite obvious that the more difficult the situation of the revolution becomes, the sharper the dicta- torship must be." This development in the inter- pretation of Marx culminates in Lenin's forthright statement of his own personal, dictatorial power, in April, 1918. "No essen- tial contradiction can exist be- tween the Soviet, that is, the So- cialist democracy, and the exercise of dictatorial power by a single person.,, HOW CRUEL a blow all this was to the hopes and dreams of many Marxists the world over is difficult for us to realize now, when communism and dictator- ship have been so long and so closely associated. But it was not always so. The original Marxists were mostly democrats; they took for granted that Marxism stood squarely for democracy-that is, for universal suffrage, for gen- uine representative government, and for the effective control of governmental policy by the masses. Karl Kautsky was foremost among these. Probably the most influential German Marxist of this century, he was the founder, and for thirty-five years the editor of Die Neue Zeit, the theoretical organ of the most powerful and well-organized Marxist party in Western Europe, the German Social-Democratic Party-not ac- cidentally so named. For him and his followers, the conduct of the Bolsheviks in the year following their accession to power was a corruption and an abomination. The Leninist dicta- torship was defeating the true ends of Marxism, he argued, and showed itself to be not the pro- letarian revolution under whose name it operated, but instead a be- trayal of the ideals of that revolu- tion. The Dictatorship of the Pro- letariat, written in August, 1918, was a bitter, but rational cry of protest. Marxism and dictatorship are, he insisted, essentially anti- thetical. "For us, therefore, Socialism without democracy is unthink- able. We understand by Mod- ern Socialism not merely social organization of production, but demaocratic organization of so- siety as well. Accordingly, So- cialism is for us inseparably connected with democracy. No socialism without democracy." (p.6) THAT IS THE THEME around which this powerful book is writ- ten. It has recently been reprinted by the University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor Paperbacks, No. AA96) as one of a valuable series in the Study of Communism and Marxism, and deserves careful at- tention by those who wish a clear perspective of the character of Marxist thought in the early dec- ades of this century. Kautsky knew Marx and Engels personally; after their deaths he became their chief literary execu- tor, making extensive efforts to complete the project Marx had begun in Des Kapital. Until his death in 1938, he was the leading European adversary of Bolshevism in its Leninist and Stalinist forms. He writes clearly and with author- ity; he should be read. Kautsky's defense of democracy during and after the proletarian revolution can be reduced, for the sake of economy, to arguments in three categories. These categories are: first, that the proletarian revolution cannot succeed in prin- ciple without genuine democracy; second, that Marx himself intend- ed the, revolution to be democratic, and for the transitional period to remain so; and third, that Lenin's dictatorial policy proves itself to be not the proletarian revolution that it claims to be. I shall sketch the arguments in each category briefly. 1) DEMOCRACY is essential to the success of the proletarian revolution for two basic reasons. -That revolution can only suc- ceed when the objective conditions for proletarian rule have been properly developed. Those con- ditions are many (including the full development of industrial capitalism) and they include the intellectual and psychological ma- turity of the proletariat. This "ripening process" can only be achieved through democracy. "The proletarian, class struggle, as a struggle of the masses, presupposes democracy. If not absolue and pure de- mocracy, yet so much of democracy as is necessary to or- ganize masses, and give them uniform enlightenment. This cannot be adequately done by secret methods. A few fly sheets cannot be a substitute for an extensive daily Press. Masses cannot be organized secretly, and, above all, a secret organiza- tion cannot be a democratic one. It always leads to the dic- tatorship of a single man, or a small knot of leaders. The or- dinary members can only be- come instruments for carrying out orders." (p.19) These human conditions, Kaut- sky argues, are now the decisive ones; it is democracy alone that can develop the needed political maturity, and it is only democracy that will exhibit the presence of that maturity once it has been achieved. -The proletarian revolution could not conceivably attain its objectives without democracy. For what are the alternatives? Either proletrians will command a popu- lar majority or they will not. If they do not, the attempt to con- duct a "proletarian" government will- result in forcible suppression and exploitation of the masses. And if they do command a majority, they can effect the de- sired organic changes in aipeace- ful, orderly, an ddemocratic f ash- ion. Kautsky quotes himself, vrit- ing at the turn of century: "The proletarian-democratic method of conducting the struggle may seem to be a slower affair than the revolutionary Carl Cohen is a graduate of the University of Miami (Fla.), Uni- versity of Illinois, and Univer- sity of California. He is the author of "Communism, Fasc- ism and Democracy." His essay "Law, Speech and Disobedience appears in this week's Nation. period of the middle class; it is certainly less dramatic and strinking, but it also exacts a smaller measure of sacrifice ... "This so-called peaceful method of the class struggle, which is confined to nonmilitant meth- ods, parliamentarianism, strikes, demonstrations, the press, and similar means of pressure, will retain its importance in every country according to the effee- tivesness of the democratic institutions which prevail there, the degree of political and eco- nomic enlightenment, and the self-mastery of the people. "On these grounds, I antici- pate that the social revolution of the proletariat will assume quite other forms than that of the middle class, and that it will be possibly to carry it ant by peaceful economic, legal and moral means, instead of by physical force, in all places where democracy has been es- tablished." (p37) Kautsky reaffirms this con- clusion in The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and sums it up: "The social revolution must not, for the time being, be car- ried out farther than the ma- jority of the people are inclined to go, because beyond this the Social Revolution, desirable as it may seem to far-seeing in- dividuals, would not find the necessary conditions for estab- lishing itself permanently." (p.56) 2) Arguments in the second category aim to show that Marx himself did not intend the transi- tional period to be a dictatorship of the kind Lenin was then in the process of creating. This fact was to be shown in two ways: We must note (Kautsky argues) that Marx placed much emphasis on the possibility-and even the probability-that in key countries the proletariat might peacefully attain political power. Kautsky quotes Marx, speaking to the final meeting of the Congress of the Communist International, at the Hague, in 1872: "The worker must one day capture political power in order to found the new organization of labor . . . But we do not assert that the way to reach this goal is the same everywhere. "We know that the institu- tions, the manners and customs of the various countries must be considered, and we do not deny that there are countries like England and America, and, if I understood your arrangements better, I might even add Hol- land, where the worker may obtain his object by peaceful means." OF COURSE this may not be the case in all countries; but the peaceful attainment of power, Kautsky contends, entails demo- cratic process. So Marx's own hopes and expectations committed him to democracy. -It remains to explain away Marx's passing reference to the revolutionary "dictatorship of the proletariat." This phrase, Kautsky insists, was an unfortunate ex- pression, never fully explicated, which the Bolsheviks have deliber- ately misinterpreted and distorted. Marx's own work, particularly his extensive discussion of the Paris Commune of 1870-71, clearly shows his deep commitment to democracy, even during periods of crisis. 'His reference to the "dictator- ship of the proletariat," then, must be understood as an expression of the need for the rule of the pro- letarian class, not the expression of a pattern of organization within that class. It was, in other words, "intended to describe a political condition, and not a form of gov- ernment." (p.146). Kautsky admits that this argument by itself does not prove that democracy is es- sential to the proletarian revolu- tion; it does prove that the B01- shevik dictatorship does not have the legitimate support of Marx's august authority. 3) ARGUMENTS in the third category are aimed directly at Soviet circumstances and Soviet practice. The conduct of the Bol- shevik leaders provides an object lesson in the way the proletarian revolution should not, and cannot be carried through. A careful analysis of the Rus- sian Revolution of late 1917, and the events of the following year, show first that the developed in- dustrial base for a true proletarian revolution was entirely absent in Russian; and that the maturity of the Russian proletariat was also totally lacking, leading inevitably to the assumption of autocratic power by ruthless men. This event, Kautsky contends, was not and could not have been the true rise- of the proletariat. The scandalous abandonment of Marxist ideals is only further proof that the Bolsheviks have done what every Marxist knows must never be done they have tried to skip essential stages in an inexorable historical evolution. A society, Marx said in the Pre- face to Das Kapital, "can neither clear by bold leaps nor remove by legal enactments the obstacles offered by the successive phases of its normal development." What are we to conclude, then, about this unhappy state of affairs? We conclude, says Kautsky. that instead of being aproletar- ian revolution it is the revolution of the Russian bourgeoisie, in pro- letarian guise. "What is being enacted there now is, in fact, the last of middle class, and not the first of Socialist revolutions." 'p.97) ON THE WHOLE the argu- ment -of The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is not profound, nor does it do full justice to the sub- tlety of Kautsky's opponents. It is the outline of a position which needs both analytical and empir- ical support and refinement. Kaut- sky must have realized that; he was not a superficial thinker. He is, however, caught in the trap of Marxist ideology. That the great Marx himself could have been mistaken, or that the Marxist framework of histor- ical materialism could have been inadequate, or that the Marxist dialectic of revolutions could have been too confining to do justice to human history - such notions seem hardly to have entered Kautsky's head. He was an hon- est man, and a thoughtful man, but a narrow man, too. This work - The Dictatorship of the Proletariat - was the shot heard round the Marxist world. It began the great debate between the so-called "orthodox" commu- nist interpreters of Marxism, and opposing social-democratic in- terpreters. LENIN REPLIED to it with his nasty but influential, The Prole- tarian Revolution and the Rene- gade Kautsky. Kautsky responded to him with From Democracy to State Slavery. The upshot was that the man who had been the personal disci- ple of Marx and Engels, and for years the respected friend of Len- in, became a "renegade" whose views were to be abjured and ex- tirpated. irautsky himself did not expect seriously to influence the imme- diate course of events in Russia. He did hope to use his prestige and authority among all Marxists outside Russia to prevent the pat- terns of Leninist dictatorship from becoming the model for future revolutions of the proletariat, when conditions for them were truly ripe. R u s s i a n developments, he thought, evinced a .series of fatal errors; for twenty years after the publication of this work he reiter- ated and reinforced this dismal but perceptive conclusion. He hoped, at least, that Marxists would learn from these terrible mistakes. AOW, ALMOST half a century after the first publication of The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the possible paths of Marxist (as well as non-Marxist) revolution- aries are again many and distinct. The advocates of violence and proletarian dictatorship at one ex- treme, and of non-violence and democracy at theother (with in- numerable varieties between,) now renew their arguments, often seeking to prove the orthodoxy of their Marxism. If being an orthodox Marxist is so important to so many, it would be well if the arguments of Karl Kautsky, the Socialist-Democrat, were widely understood. His posi- tion, if narrow and rigid is at least humane. Turn" faults. This is not to 'say that the Uni- versity as a whole has turned its face toward the future, unafraid of change. As in any institution, the majority of administrators are interested in preserving their al- ready tenuous positions and spe- cial itnerests. Nevertheless, there is more than enough reason to hope for suc- cess in the University's efforts to grapple with its problems. The system and the University will change even though, as President Hatcher said, "It is a big and bulky ship; it plows forward at high speedsand it will drift many miles before its response is visi- ble." 9 0 0 The New University: "Turn, Turn 1 PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher, in his recent lecture series at the University of Missouri entitled "ThePersistent Quest for Values- What Are We Seeking?" spoke briefly of the visions of Utopia evoked by authors such as Paul Goodman, which have seized the imagination of the present gen- eration of young people. More important that President Hatchers' recognition of these ideals, however, was the implica- tion that Utopia was well worth considering right now, that we can somehow link this ideal to "the inescapably slow rhythm at the heart of all change. We now un- derstand better than preceding generations the evolution of val- ues, and how they shift in re- sponse to the changing human sit- uation." At the core of this idea of the "evolution of values" is the exist- ence of a situation similar to the one in which this country finds itself today. "We are shocked to find about us an America we nev- er intended to create," said Hatch- er. AT THE SAME TIME, in our relations with the rest of the world, there aretequally disturb- ing developments: "If the values which we so willingly embrace are so self- evident and of such critical im- portance to the world, it re- mains a mystery why the rest of the world, which is not un- intelligent, does not and has not 9n ..,,4nmzalalnau l a i begun its re-evaluation. As Hatcher pointed out, the most searching re-examination of values is being done by college-age youth. It is they who have been exposed most disturbingly to the American paradox. The educational revolution of the space age, the explosion of civil rights activity, the rejec- tion of the inevitability of social injustice, and the massive psy- chological impact of incredible technology all hit them at the time when they were just begin- ning to as ethical and moral ques- tions. At the same time this genera- tion is aware of the political and technological power that it holds, power that can be used to solve the problems that have confronted them so shockingly. THE YOUNGER generation al- so perceives a second paradox re- sulting from the present painful re-evaluation. While we become aware of our abuses and the cor- rective measures they require, we either waste resources on further abuse (like the constant prepara- tion for war which we euphemis- tically term "defense") ornwe hes- itate and stall in the name of caution or the preservation of tra- dition. President Hatcher recognized this paradox in his speech, and, although he could not excuse youth's lack of patience or un- derstanding for the older genera- tion, said that their rebelliousness - . 1"An+ a"Ahl in hnfar o The Associates by carney and wolter achieving the Utopia we have pos- tulated-in other words, the spe- cific actions that must be taken now. And, significantly, this Univer- sity may be one of the places where sweeping change will begin. We have already, now, a phenomenon that is only a dream at other schools-student participation in many aspects of administration, and the initiation of changes in policy. Admittedly we have just begun, and the process is imperfect; ad- ministrators still tend to re-grip the reins when they feel students may be making a mistake. But, as evidence of great progress, we have a student committee participating in the selection of President Hatcher's own successor. OTHER CHANGES such as the proposed revision in the grading system, a new concept of counsel- ing, greater University participa- tion in student housing problems and the establishment of the Res- idential College are evidence of this awareness of changing values and our ability to remedy our own LETTERS: Schaadt Replies on Dorms To the Editor: CONCERNING THE letter en- titled "Dorm Service" in yes- terday's Daily, one correction is In order. My statement concerning stu- dents being required to furnish their own bed linen and desk lamps was not that this is what students are required to do at presentbutthat this was Mich- igan State's policy at the time my children attended Michigan State University some few years ago. If you wish to make a compari- rooms in each category such as singles, for example. -L. A. Schaadt Business Manager of Residence Halls Endorsements To the Editor: SGC IS TO BE highly commend- ed for its recent endorsement of Mr. Dean Douthat for Ann Ar- bor's City Council election this THE NECESSITY for each and every vote is apparent when one learns that the Second Ward has a mere 3,997 registered voters who will determine the winning candi- date and that scarcely 51 per cent of those registered will actually bother to vote. In other words, the winning City Council candidate will receive fewer votes than some of the victors in last month's Student Government Council race! The message: EVERY vote counts! Candidate Dean Douthat and incumbent council members, Prof. £ '